Current Research, Challenges, and Future Directions in Stalkerware
Detection Techniques for Mobile Ecosystems
Mounika Bonam
, Pranathi Rayavaram
, Maryam Abbasalizadeh
, Claire Seungeun Lee
April Pattavina
and Sashank Narain
University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, U.S.A.
{mounika bonam, nagapranathi rayavaram, maryam abbasalizadeh, claire lee, april pattavina, sashank narain}
Stalkerware, Android Surveillance Apps, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), SoK.
Stalkerware, a form of surveillance software misused for intimate partner violence (IPV), poses a growing
threat to mobile ecosystems. Despite advancements in detection techniques, the development and usage of
Stalkerware mobile apps continue to evolve, evading current tools and antivirus solutions. This Systemati-
zation of Knowledge (SoK) paper synthesizes existing research, focusing on static, dynamic, and ML-based
detection methods for mobile platforms. Key insights highlight gaps in detection techniques, challenges in
distinguishing dual-purpose apps, and the limited efficacy of antivirus tools. This paper provides an in-depth
review of current efforts, limitations, and actionable insights to effectively address Stalkerware’s persistent
threat. Furthermore, it proposes recommendations for future research and collaboration among security com-
panies, developers, and victim support services.
Stalkerware, a type of surveillance software often ex-
ploited in intimate partner abuse and violence (IPV),
has emerged as a growing security and privacy con-
cern in mobile ecosystems. These applications allow
abusers to clandestinely monitor victims’ locations,
communications, and activities—frequently without
the victims’ awareness. By 2025, an estimated 8.5
million people may experience technology-facilitated
stalking, highlighting the urgent need for effective de-
tection mechanisms (VPNRanks, 2021). Despite ad-
vancements in static, dynamic, and machine learning
(ML)-based detection techniques, Stalkerware devel-
opers continue to outmaneuver detection tools and an-
tivirus solutions. This challenge is particularly acute
on Android devices, which are more vulnerable due to
their open-source architecture and widespread adop-
tion (Reisinger, 2022).
The psychological toll of Stalkerware on victims
is profound, especially in IPV contexts, where it en-
ables abusers to exert escalated levels of control. Vic-
tims often face significant barriers when seeking help,
compounded by inadequate law enforcement training
and support (Chatterjee et al., 2018). In 2019, 67% of
technology-facilitated stalking victims reported fear-
ing physical harm or death (Morgan et al., 2022), and
50% of cyberstalking incidents involved mobile appli-
cations (Kaspersky, 2021). While awareness of Stalk-
erware is growing, efforts to detect and prevent its
use remain fragmented, complicated by dual-purpose
apps and developers’ evasion tactics.
This Systematization of Knowledge (SoK) paper
addresses the escalating threat of Stalkerware by crit-
ically analyzing 104 studies. It identifies key gaps
in detection techniques, explores developers’ sophis-
ticated evasion strategies, and assesses countermea-
sures. The paper examines the covert nature of Stalk-
erware and its challenges, offering actionable rec-
ommendations to improve detection technologies and
response frameworks. Our findings underscore sig-
nificant research gaps, particularly on Android, at-
tributed to its open architecture and extensive user
base. These gaps include issues with dual-purpose
apps, limited detection capabilities, and inadequate
victim support. The paper advocates for increased
collaboration among researchers, developers, law en-
forcement, and advocates to protect victims better and
combat this pervasive threat.
Bonam, M., Rayavaram, P., Abbasalizadeh, M., Lee, C. S., Pattavina, A. and Narain, S.
Current Research, Challenges, and Future Directions in Stalkerware Detection Techniques for Mobile Ecosystems.
DOI: 10.5220/0013371700003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 405-415
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
This work makes two primary contributions: (1) a
systematic review of 104 studies to evaluate Stalk-
erware detection methods, classify approaches in
academia and industry, and identify critical gaps, and
(2) an in-depth analysis of existing tools, emphasizing
their limitations in handling dual-purpose apps and
their susceptibility to evasion techniques such as code
modification and obfuscation.
This section reviews current research endeavors
aimed at detecting and preventing Stalkerware in mo-
bile ecosystems.
2.1 Study Selection and Focus Areas
We conducted a keyword-based search using terms
such as ‘stalkerware, Android stalkerware, ‘iOS
stalkerware, ‘Intimate partner violence stalkerware,
‘Intimate partner violence Android,’ ‘Intimate partner
violence iOS, and ‘Mobile spyware’ across ACM,
IEEE, and Google Scholar databases, yielding 369
papers. Our review revealed that Stalkerware in the
mobile ecosystem is a relatively new research area,
with most studies published after 2017. The majority
focused on Android, likely due to its widespread us-
age and open-source nature. While two papers briefly
addressed iOS (Gallardo et al., 2021; Gallardo et al.,
2022), no research exclusively focusing on Stalker-
ware in the iOS ecosystem was identified.
Given the rapid evolution of the Android plat-
form and that approximately 95% of Android devices
worldwide run versions released in the past eight
, we focused on research published after 2017
on Stalkerware in the Android ecosystem. This fil-
ter narrowed the list to 279 papers. Of these, 175
papers were excluded for being unrelated to Stalker-
ware, such as general Android security, IoT security,
or Android malware detection techniques that may
not apply to Stalkerware. To stay within scope, we
concentrated on research explicitly addressing Stalk-
erware and conducted a detailed review of the remain-
ing 104 papers.
Through the above-detailed review, we explored
topics such as spyware, online abuse, cyberstalking,
and Stalkerware, identifying key security challenges
in the Android ecosystem. A subset of 67 papers
explicitly focused on cyberstalking and Stalkerware
apps were selected for deeper analysis. This subset
provided critical insights into the prevalence of Stalk-
erware and revealed that much Android security re-
search targets generalized spyware. By identifying
patterns in the literature, we developed a systematic
taxonomy detailed in Section 4.2. We also examined
Stalkerware’s role in IPV, its growth on Android, and
the strengths and limitations of current research, and
areas for improvement. Of the 67 papers, only 14
specifically focused on Stalkerware detection or pre-
vention in the mobile ecosystem. These 14 papers,
listed in Table 1, form the foundation of our insights,
supplemented by the broader set of 104 papers.
2.2 Detection Methods for Stalkerware
This section explores research in three critical ar-
eas: (1) distinguishing Stalkerware from other apps,
(2) detection techniques, and (3) evaluating tools for
Stalkerware detection.
2.2.1 Identifying Stalkerware vs. Other Apps
This section reviews papers distinguishing Stalker-
ware apps from legitimate applications (‘goodware’)
and other malicious software (‘malware’).
Pierazzi and co-authors utilized the ‘koodous’ tool
to differentiate spyware from malware and good-
ware by extracting features through static and dy-
namic analysis (Pierazzi et al., 2020). They compared
the performance of deep learning classifiers, such as
Multi-Layer Perceptrons, Bernoulli Restricted Boltz-
mann Machines, and Convolutional Neural Networks,
with traditional classifiers, including Random Forests,
Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines, K-Nearest
Neighbors, Na
ıve Bayes, and Logistic Regression.
They proposed an Ensemble Late Fusion (ELF) ar-
chitecture to improve accuracy, which combines pre-
dictions from multiple classifiers into a final decision.
The study revealed that 50% of spyware samples re-
quested the ‘SEND SMS’ permission, compared to
only 5% of goodware samples. Data for their anal-
ysis was sourced from VirusTotal
Roundy’s group explored the CreepWare ecosys-
tem, identifying apps used for interpersonal at-
tacks, harassment, and spoofing, including Stalker-
ware (Roundy et al., 2020). Their method lever-
aged the guilt-by-association principle, using a semi-
supervised algorithm called CreepRank. Using a
seed set of 18 overt apps identified by Almansoori’s
work (Almansoori et al., 2022), they performed bi-
partite graph analysis to find apps appearing on de-
vices infected by these seed apps, leveraging Norton
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Efforts focused on Static and Dynamic Analysis, Machine Learning, and Manual Methods for Mobile Stalkerware.
Ref. Title Year Static Analysis Dynamic
Manual Anal-
(Chatterjee et al., 2018) The spyware used in intimate partner violence 2018
(Shan et al., 2018) Self-Hiding Behavior in Android Apps: Detec-
tion and Characterization
(Harkin et al., 2019) The commodification of mobile phone surveil-
lance: An analysis of the consumer spyware in-
(Mendelberg and Nissani, 2020) Understanding Technological Abuse: An Ex-
ploration Of Creepware
(Pierazzi et al., 2020) A Data-driven Characterization of Modern An-
droid Spyware
(Roundy et al., 2020) The Many Kinds of Creepware Used for Inter-
personal Attacks
(Han et al., 2021) Towards Stalkerware Detection with Precise
(Gibson et al., 2022) Analyzing the Monetization Ecosystem of
(Almansoori et al., 2022) A Global Survey of Android Dual-Use Appli-
cations used in Intimate Partner Surveillance
(Qabalin et al., 2022) Android Spyware Detection Using Machine
Learning: A Novel Dataset
(Fassl et al., 2022) Comparing User Perceptions of Anti-
Stalkerware Apps with the Technical Reality
(Liu et al., 2023) No Privacy Among Spies: Assessing the Func-
tionality and Insecurity of Consumer Android
Spyware Apps
(Mangeard et al., 2023) No Place to Hide: Privacy Exposure in Anti-
stalkerware Apps and Support Websites
(Mangeard et al., 2024) WARNE: A stalkerware evidence collection
antivirus data. They manually coded the top 1000 re-
sulting apps into creepware categories, such as loca-
tion tracking, keylogging, screen recording, message
interception, and device control.
Shamsujjoha and colleagues introduced REACT
(Reverse Engineering-based Approach to Classify
mobile apps using The data that exists in the app), a
method for classifying mobile apps without relying on
descriptions (Shamsujjoha et al., 2021). REACT uses
reverse engineering to extract features from method
names, text, and XML data, applying topic modeling
techniques to classify apps as malicious. However,
the study acknowledges limited effectiveness, as the
method was only tested on a small, specific dataset.
2.2.2 Research on Detection Techniques
This section explores research on stalkerware detec-
tion in the Google Play Store and related ecosystems,
focusing on methodologies and findings.
Chatterjee’s group conducted the first comprehen-
sive study on the Intimate Partner Surveillance (IPS)
spyware ecosystem (Chatterjee et al., 2018). Using a
snowballing query approach with keywords like ‘how
to catch my cheating spouse, they crawled Google,
the Apple App Store, and the Google Play Store to
identify spyware apps. A supervised machine learn-
ing model combining Logistic Regression (LR) with
inverse regularization was developed to identify mali-
cious apps by analyzing app metadata, descriptions,
and permissions. Manual validation was then em-
ployed to eliminate false positives. The study re-
vealed that antivirus solutions detected only 47% of
IPS apps, underscoring their limited effectiveness and
the challenges of identifying surveillance apps.
Building on this work, Almansoori’s research sur-
veyed the presence of dual-purpose apps across 27
countries and 15 languages (Almansoori et al., 2022).
These apps offer legitimate functions, such as parental
control or device tracking, but can be misused for
stalking or monitoring without consent. The study
revealed that 18% of such apps lacked English de-
scriptions, and 28% were undetectable using English
search queries. It also highlighted a critical gap in the
Google Play Store’s review process, which does not
account for language differences, allowing abusers to
exploit this loophole.
Liu’s group analyzed 14 Android spyware apps,
uncovering advanced covert monitoring techniques
and critical privacy vulnerabilities (Liu et al., 2023).
Similarly, Mangeard’s team examined 25 Stalkerware
apps, finding that 14 shared user information with
third-party services via trackers, cookies, or session
replay mechanisms (Mangeard et al., 2023). The
same group later analyzed 50 apps to identify is-
sues such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
leaks and developed a tool called WARNE to identify
these leaks (Mangeard et al., 2024). The apps they
found exploit Android APIs to exfiltrate data, har-
vest credentials, bypass permissions, and evade de-
Current Research, Challenges, and Future Directions in Stalkerware Detection Techniques for Mobile Ecosystems
tection while accessing cameras or microphones and
concealing their presence. Key privacy flaws include
unencrypted data transmission, backend vulnerabili-
ties, and poor data retention policies exposing vic-
tims’ data even after account deletion.
From a different perspective, Gibson’s team in-
vestigated the monetization strategies of Stalkerware
developers by performing static analysis on apps la-
beled by the ‘Coalition Against Stalkerware’
son et al., 2022). Their findings revealed that these
apps rely heavily on ad libraries, primarily Google
AdMob, and financial services like PayPal. De-
spite Google’s anti-Stalkerware policies, the signifi-
cant prevalence underscores the need for stricter en-
forcement and monitoring.
Finally, Qabalin’s work focused on network traf-
fic analysis to detect spyware behavior. They ana-
lyzed five prominent spyware apps—UMobix, mSPY,
TheWiSPY, MobileSPY, and FlexiSPY—by generat-
ing three network traffic datasets: (1) devices with-
out spyware, (2) devices with spyware installed, and
(3) devices actively running spyware (Qabalin et al.,
2022). Using these datasets, Random Forest classi-
fiers were used to differentiate pre-infected behavior
from post-infected behavior. The multi-class classi-
fier achieved accuracy rates between 69.2% and 90%,
while the binary-class classifier performed slightly
better. However, the small dataset size limits its scal-
ability and applicability in broader contexts.
2.2.3 Tools for Stalkerware Detection
This section examines tools designed to detect Stalk-
erware behaviors and evaluates the effectiveness of
antivirus (AV) solutions in addressing this threat.
Han’s group developed Dosmelt, a mobile app
providing precise warnings about specific sensitive
information accessed by apps (e.g., GPS, camera,
microphone, call logs) (Han et al., 2021). Using
app identifiers from customer devices via a secu-
rity vendor, they collected app data from APKPure
and Google Play. They developed a taxonomy of
Stalkerware capabilities through inductive coding and
manual analysis. Their semi-supervised active learn-
ing approach, combining Random Forest and extreme
random trees classifiers, achieved 96% AUC, identi-
fying hundreds of new Stalkerware apps later added
to the ‘Coalition Against Stalkerware’ Threat List.
Shan’s research team investigated Self-Hiding Be-
haviors (SHBs), a core characteristic of Stalkerware
apps, and proposed detection methods (Shan et al.,
2018). SHBs were classified into three types: hid-
ing app presence (e.g., concealing icons), removing
remote communication traces (e.g., blocking calls or
deleting messages), and subverting system reminders
(e.g., muting notifications or hiding alerts). Analyz-
ing 9,452 Android apps through static analysis of byte
code, XML, and API calls, they found that malware
apps averaged 1.5 SHBs per app, compared to 0.2
SHBs for benign apps.
Building on this work, Baird’s research enhanced
SHB detection by employing dynamic analysis on 77
Android apps (benign and malicious) (Baird et al.,
2019). They implemented tools such as AutoSHB-
Home, AutoSHBInstalled, and AutoSHBRunning to
monitor the home screen, installed apps, and pro-
cesses on an Android emulator via the Appium frame-
work. While their approach enhanced SHB detection,
it required manual validation to address false positives
and negatives, limiting scalability.
Many stalking victims lack technical expertise and
support and often rely on antivirus (AV) or anti-
Stalkerware apps from the Play Store or the App Store
as their first line of defense. Fassl’s research ana-
lyzed how users select AV solutions by analyzing App
Store reviews for two prominent anti-Stalkerware
apps: ‘Mobile Security and Antivirus’ and ‘Cleaner
by Lookout’ (Fassl et al., 2022). They identified key
selection factors, including incident response, secu-
rity notifications, app history, third-party recommen-
dations, and comparisons with other apps. How-
ever, a cognitive UI walkthrough revealed significant
gaps between user expectations and app performance,
which could mislead victims. Static and dynamic
analyses showed these apps mainly use block lists to
identify malicious apps, a method vulnerable to Stalk-
erware’s use of unconventional or dynamically gener-
ated package names for each installation.
2.3 Challenges and Research Gaps
Research on Stalkerware detection has yielded mul-
tiple valuable insights, but significant challenges re-
main, particularly when solutions are not integrated
into the Android ecosystem. For example, meth-
ods proposed by Shan (Shan et al., 2018), Sham-
sujjoha (Shamsujjoha et al., 2021), Gibson (Gibson
et al., 2022), and Pierazzi (Pierazzi et al., 2020) rely
on analyzing APK files to detect malicious behaviors.
While effective in controlled settings, this approach
faces practical challenges due to the dynamic nature
of the Google Play Store. With thousands of new or
updated apps added daily
, continuously download-
ing and analyzing every APK is infeasible, making
it difficult to identify emerging Stalkerware or other
malicious apps in real-time.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
The work by Pierazzi’s group (Pierazzi et al.,
2020) offers useful insights into the similarities be-
tween spyware and Stalkerware, but it depends on
datasets classified by VirusTotal, which may not al-
ways be current and accurate. Similarly, Han’s Dos-
melt system (Han et al., 2021) is hindered by a
key assumption: that Stalkerware apps openly ad-
vertise their surveillance capabilities in their descrip-
tions. As noted by Almansoori (Almansoori et al.,
2022), this assumption holds only in certain cases. In
many instances, app descriptions are either intention-
ally vague or completely absent (Shamsujjoha et al.,
2021). Additionally, some apps serve dual purposes,
such as “Find My Phone” functionality, which can
be misused for stalking. As a result, detection ap-
proaches that rely solely on app descriptions are in-
sufficient to identify Stalkerware apps accurately.
Another common challenge across the reviewed
research is the need for manual analysis to ver-
ify whether detected apps are genuinely mali-
cious (Roundy et al., 2020; Baird et al., 2019; Qabalin
et al., 2022; Mangeard et al., 2023; Mangeard et al.,
2024). For example, Roundy’s research (Roundy
et al., 2020) manually analyzed 1,000 apps to cat-
egorize them into different creepware groups. This
process required selecting a representative seed set
of apps, which is challenging in itself, as the seed
set must cover the diverse range of Stalkerware be-
haviors (see Section 4.2). Such manual processes are
labor-intensive and do not scale well in dynamic app
ecosystems, such as the Android platform.
Despite the challenges, some efforts have demon-
strated promising advancements. For instance, the
SHB (Self-Hiding Behavior) detection mechanism
developed by Shan (Shan et al., 2018) was later ex-
tended by Baird’s group (Baird et al., 2019), who in-
corporated dynamic analysis to improve detection ef-
ficacy. By addressing a key characteristic of Stalk-
erware, SHB detection has become a valuable com-
ponent in the broader effort to combat Stalkerware.
However, its reliance on specialized tools and manual
validation limits widespread adoption.
Employing ML methods for app analysis, as
demonstrated by Han’s work, also encounters signifi-
cant limitations (Han et al., 2021). Challenges include
ambiguities in keyword-based approaches, contex-
tual variations, and the inherent difficulty of handling
dual-use apps. Users can also circumvent keyword
filters by employing synonyms or variations, further
complicating detection. Moreover, relying solely on
app titles and descriptions leads to incomplete cover-
age of potential indicators and increases the risk of
false positives or negatives.
This section evaluates Google’s initiatives, focusing
on Android’s evolving permission model, Google
Play Protect (GPP) architecture, and their effective-
ness in mitigating Stalkerware threats.
3.1 Android’s Permission Model
Our analysis of Google’s initiatives begins with the
security and privacy features introduced in Android
versions starting from Android 6, which is used by
over 95% of Android devices worldwide
. Table 2
summarizes these updates, emphasizing their rele-
vance to addressing Stalkerware threats
Android 6 introduced runtime permissions, allow-
ing users to manage permissions individually and en-
hancing privacy control. Android 7–9 added geoloca-
tion restrictions, file-based permissions, and Android
9’s CALL LOG group to limit call record access. An-
droid 9 also restricted background camera and micro-
phone access to counter Stalkerware.
Starting with Android 10, privacy features in-
creasingly restricted background data access and im-
proved user awareness. Android 10 introduced the
for explicit background location requests and stricter
CAMERA permissions to protect metadata. Android
11 added one-time permissions for temporary access
to sensitive resources and automatic permission resets
for unused apps, along with separate permissions for
foreground and background data access.
Android 12 introduced a privacy dashboard for
tracking app access to sensitive data and status bar
indicators for microphone or camera use. Android
13 enhanced user control with granular media permis-
sions and simplified permission revocation. Android
14 restricted background activities to limit unautho-
rized data collection and tightened oversight of acces-
sibility service requests. Android 15 advanced these
efforts with AI-driven detection to better identify and
block malicious apps.
3.2 Google Play Protect (GPP)
Google introduced Bouncer in 2012, later rebranded
as Google Play Protect (GPP) in 2017, as the primary
defense against Potentially Harmful Apps (PHAs)
Current Research, Challenges, and Future Directions in Stalkerware Detection Techniques for Mobile Ecosystems
Table 2: Overview of Android’s security releases relevant to Stalkerware.
Android Version Year Security Release
Android 6 2015
• Run-time permissions model - Users can directly manage app permissions at run-time and
grant or revoke permissions individually for installed apps.
Android 7 2016
• Geolocation data sharing is disallowed over an insecure network.
• File-sharing between apps is disallowed by enforcing file-based permissions.
Android 8 2017
• A user should explicitly grant each permission to an app even if they belong to the same
group of permissions.
Android 9 2018
• Restricted access to sensors like camera and microphone by apps running in the background.
• Introduction of CALL LOG permission group to restrict access to call logs.
Android 10 2019
• Users can allow an app to access location only while the app is running in the foreground.
• Introduction of an ACCESS BACKGROUND LOCATION permission for apps requiring
access to location data from the background.
• Enforcement of CAMERA permission for accessing camera details and metadata.
Android 11 2020
• One-time permissions model enabling users to grant one-time permission to apps for
accessing location, camera, or microphone.
• Auto-reset app permissions that have not been used for a few months.
• Apps requesting location from foreground and background should make separate requests
for permissions.
Android 12 2021
• Microphone and camera access indicators appear in the status bar on apps access.
• Introduction of privacy dashboard displaying app access of location, camera, or microphone.
Android 13 2022
• Developer downgrade permissions to revoke access to runtime permissions that were
previously granted, either by the system or the user.
• Granular media permissions by separating permissions to request access to different types
of media.
Android 14 2023
• Limitations on background activities, reducing the potential for unauthorized data collection.
• Enhanced oversight of apps requesting accessibility services limiting Stalkerware exploitation.
Android 15 2024
• Integrated advanced AI to detect and prevent the installation of known malicious applications.
Android devices. GPP offers on-device and cloud-
based protection, scanning over a billion apps daily. It
tests all Play Store apps for security and scans third-
party downloads to detect PHAs.
Our analysis of GPP involved reviewing all pub-
licly available documentation on GPP
. Based on
these insights, we created a detailed workflow (see
Figure 1) to illustrate GPP’s operational processes,
highlighting its strengths and limitations. When a de-
veloper uploads a new app to the Play Store, GPP per-
forms an initial analysis using automated static, dy-
namic, and ML-based methods: (1) Safe Apps: Apps
deemed safe are immediately published; (2) PHA
Apps: Apps identified as PHAs are blocked from pub-
lication; and (3) Unclear Apps: Manual analysis is
performed for apps with ambiguous results. An app
is only approved if the developer has no history of
malicious behavior and the app is not classified as a
PHA. Data from this review process and inputs from
sources like Play Integrity
and third-party reports are
used to train machine learning models, continuously
improving GPP’s detection capabilities. However, as
of this writing, no publicly available documentation
details the specific implementation of Google’s static
and dynamic analysis methods or the architecture of
its ML models.
For device-level protection, GPP uses the same
ML models during daily or user-initiated scans to de-
tect PHAs and notify users. If a PHA is detected
from the Play Store, GPP automatically removes it,
but users can override warnings for apps from third-
party stores. These user actions are recorded as feed-
back to further refine GPP’s ML models.
3.3 Analysis of Google’s Efforts
Google has implemented several measures to regu-
late apps, emphasizing permissions and access con-
trol to limit sensitive information, such as location,
camera, and microphone, particularly for background
services. These efforts represent progress, including
the removal of apps violating policies
However, the growth of Stalkerware apps within
the Android ecosystem persists. A key factor is the
nature of IPS apps, often surreptitiously installed by
perpetrators with physical access to the victim’s de-
vice (Chatterjee et al., 2018). This access allows them
to bypass Android’s permission safeguards by grant-
ing permissions directly. Additionally, the Google
Play Store permits certain tracking apps with legiti-
mate purposes, creating dual-purpose apps that evade
detection. Section 4.1 provides examples of such
dual-purpose behavior in the current landscape of
Stalkerware apps.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 1: A high-level overview of Google Play Protect showing how Google uses Static Analysis, Dynamic Analysis, and
ML techniques together to analyze apps for malicious behavior.
Figure 2: Detection of Stalkerware apps by Antivirus So-
lutions and Google Play Protect. The results highlight dis-
crepancies in detection capabilities, with only three solu-
tions detecting all Stalkerware samples.
GPP’s ability to scan and remove malicious apps
positions it as a key tool against Stalkerware, reflect-
ing Google’s history of policy enforcement (Chatter-
jee et al., 2018). However, its effectiveness is lim-
ited, with research showing gaps in reliability. A 2021
AV-Test lab study found that GPP detected only 31%
of 29 Stalkerware samples (Figure 2)
, while solu-
tions like Antiy AVL, Bitdefender, and Trend Micro
achieved complete detection.
Another study by Hutchinson’s research group
tested GPP with a spyware app designed to capture
pictures, upload them to a database, and delete them
from the phone (Hutchinson et al., 2019). Despite
three scans over two months, GPP failed to detect
the app. Other AV solutions fared slightly better; for
instance, Avast detected the spyware only during a
second scan after a month. The app, minimally de-
scribed, remained available on the Google Play Store
for four weeks before GPP removed it.
The rapid rise of Stalkerware poses challenges to
Google’s ML-based detection, necessitating collab-
orative efforts among security firms, academia, ad-
vocacy groups, and law enforcement to address this
threat in mobile ecosystems.
This section presents our analysis of the current state
of Stalkerware within the Android ecosystem. It ex-
amines trends in mobile Stalkerware alongside re-
cent efforts and challenges (Section 4.1), explores the
characteristics of the modern Stalkerware ecosystem
(Section 4.2), and evaluates the effectiveness of AV
tools in detecting and mitigating Stalkerware apps
(Section 4.3).
4.1 Prevalence of Dual-Purpose Apps
Surveillance app developers have responded to An-
droid’s improved defenses by creating dual-purpose
apps that seem harmless but can be misused for
stalking, while stalkers increasingly exploit legiti-
mate apps for tracking. Nearly 6–7.5 million in-
dividuals are stalked annually, with 2.7 million ex-
periencing technology-based stalking (Morgan et al.,
2022). Between 2016 and 2019, domestic violence
cases decreased from 39% to 30%, while technology-
facilitated stalking rose from 16% to 23% (Mor-
gan et al., 2022). During the COVID-19 pandemic
Current Research, Challenges, and Future Directions in Stalkerware Detection Techniques for Mobile Ecosystems
(2020–2021), Stalkerware installations declined
yet global domestic violence rates increased from
25% to 33% (UN Women Data Hub, 2021; Boserup
et al., 2020; Hsu and Henke, 2020; Su et al., 2022),
with a 16% rise in first-time abuse cases reported
in 2021 (Kourti et al., 2021). This suggests pan-
demic restrictions confined victims and perpetrators
together, shifting abuse toward traditional methods
over technology. However, this trend is likely to re-
verse as post-pandemic conditions enable greater ac-
cess to technology for stalking.
Efforts by Chatterjee’s group (Chatterjee et al.,
2018) and Almansoori’s group (Almansoori et al.,
2022) prompted Google to remove apps that vio-
lated its Play Store policies. Similarly, Roundy’s
group (Roundy et al., 2020) and Han’s group (Han
et al., 2021) contributed significantly, with Roundy’s
responsible disclosure leading to the removal of 813
out of 1,095 reported apps. Our manual verifica-
tion confirmed that Google has removed search re-
sults for explicit phrases like “track my wife’s loca-
tion” and “spy on my partner, yielding no related
apps. However, alternative terms such as “get my
wife’s location” or “find my children” continue to by-
pass these filters, allowing similar results to appear.
Surprisingly, searches for removed apps (e.g., Hover-
) often yield similar apps, such as ‘Eyezy
GPS Location Tracker’
or ‘Find My Kids: Location
. This suggests that Google’s system may
inadvertently cache information about removed apps,
enabling stalkers to locate and install similarly capa-
ble dual-purpose apps on victim’s devices.
Analyzing apps derived from the above search
terms, we observed that their descriptions often
appear benign, but user reviews for some seem-
ingly harmless apps, such as ‘Mobile Number
Tracker: Find My,
occasionally suggest po-
tential misuse for stalking. Figure 3 highlights
examples of reviews advertising Gmail addresses
like ‘’ and ‘SPY-’ for cell phone
tracking services. Using a guilt-by-association
method to track similar apps, we identified at least
eight apps with suspicious reviews, including ‘Eyezy
GPS Location Tracker, ‘Mobile Number Tracker,
=apps (Dec 2024)
14 (Dec 2024)
15 (Dec 2024)
aromicapps.calleridtracker (Dec 2024)
Figure 3: Examples of reviews on the Android app ‘Mobile
Number Tracker: Find My’ indicating that the app can be
used for stalking.
and ‘Phone Tracker By Number’
. However, further
investigation is necessary to confirm whether these
apps enable stalking or if the reviews are fabricated.
With dual-purpose apps posing increasing risks, de-
veloping new detection methods is crucial, especially
as existing techniques improve against openly adver-
tised Stalkerware.
We recommend that future research prioritize the
analysis of network traffic (e.g., domain communica-
tion) and app metadata (e.g., user reviews) to combat
Stalkerware apps. For instance, Qabalin’s group pub-
licly released network traffic data from the top five
spyware apps, revealing communication with web-
site logins used by attackers to collect user informa-
tion (Qabalin et al., 2022). This finding highlights the
potential of network traffic monitoring to detect Stalk-
erware, even if app code is modified (e.g., via package
name changes). Since domain usage often remains
consistent, network traffic analysis could be instru-
mental in identifying dual-purpose apps, emphasizing
its importance for future research. Similarly, meta-
data analysis, including app descriptions, permis-
sions, and user reviews, has proven effective in iden-
tifying misuse. Chatterjee and co-authors uncovered
intrusive app use through app descriptions, prompt-
ing Google to remove several offending apps (Chat-
terjee et al., 2018). Our Play Store searches for terms
like “see location of my wife” also revealed tracking
apps with reviews advertising services via Gmail ad-
dresses, as discussed earlier. These findings reinforce
the value of contextual analysis in enhancing Stalker-
ware detection.
4.2 Taxonomy of Stalkerware Apps
This section develops a taxonomy of Stalkerware
based on our systematic review of 104 papers and
c.tracker (Dec 2024)
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 4: A summary of the characteristics of Stalkerware apps, the types of abusers and victims, the types of Stalkerware,
and current techniques used by Android and research efforts to detect Stalkerware apps.
analysis of Google’s protections (Sections 2 and 3).
Depicted in Figure 4, the taxonomy highlights chal-
lenges faced by security companies, researchers, vic-
tim advocates, and law enforcement in combating
Stalkerware apps
. While a comprehensive discus-
sion of Figure 4 is beyond the scope of this work,
we focus on the mobile ecosystem. Baraniuk noted
that many Stalkerware apps are disguised as anti-
theft tools, parental control apps, or family trackers,
making their covert misuse difficult to detect (Bara-
niuk, 2019). Their self-hiding features further com-
plicate detection, underscoring the need to address
these factors for improved detection and mitigation
strategies (Shan et al., 2018).
Our analysis of Stalkerware installation processes
also provides actionable insights for improving detec-
tion strategies at different stages. Inspired by Chatter-
jee’s research (Chatterjee et al., 2018), we conducted
web scraping using Google search with keywords like
“track call records,” “Android Stalkerware apps,” and
“track husband apps Android. This yielded 506
URLs, filtered using a Python script to remove non-
responsive links. After manual refinement, we identi-
fied 105 unique URLs, excluding antivirus tools, le-
gitimate tracking apps, and informational websites.
Of these, 51 required payment for trial versions, 30
had duplicate content, and 24 were tested in an emu-
TFA (Technology-Facilitated Abuse), TF-IPV
(Technology-Facilitated Intimate Partner Violence), TFDA
(Technology-Facilitated Domestic Abuse), IPS (Intimate
Partner Surveillance)
lated Android environment for further analysis.
Our findings reveal that many Stalkerware apps
prompt users to disable Google Play Protect immedi-
ately after installation. Apps from external sources,
such as AndroidMonitor
, Copy9
, Snoopza
and SpyLive360
, frequently present variations with
unique APK file names, app names, package names,
and functionalities. These apps commonly disguise
themselves under names like “system service” or “de-
vice admin” and request extensive permissions (e.g.,
location, media, call logs, contacts, network) upon in-
stallation, enabling perpetrators to grant all necessary
permissions at once. Features like evidence deletion,
icon changes, and app hiding are also prevalent. For
instance, an app named ‘Shadow-Spy’ disguised it-
self as a calculator on our emulated device, accessible
only by entering ‘#123. These findings highlight the
need for advanced static and dynamic analysis tech-
niques to monitor permission requests and identify
hiding strategies.
Once installed, Stalkerware apps gain admin ac-
cess, conceal their presence, monitor victim activities,
and transmit data to attackers. Although most apps do
not require root access, they achieve similar control
by requesting extensive permissions during installa-
tion. Many apps allow attackers to control the camera
and microphone or take screenshots remotely. Fig-
19 (Dec 2024)
20 (Dec 2024)
21 (Dec 2024)
22 (Dec 2024)
Current Research, Challenges, and Future Directions in Stalkerware Detection Techniques for Mobile Ecosystems
Figure 5: An analysis of the sensitive information Stalker-
ware apps seek to access (Han et al., 2021).
ure 5 lists these capabilities, aligning with observa-
tions by Han’s research (Han et al., 2021).
After installation, users are typically directed to
create an account on a website and link the device us-
ing a provided key. To test data collection frequency,
we evaluated five apps by creating accounts and sim-
ulating a fake call to “555-555-5555” from an em-
ulator. Within minutes, call details, location data,
audio recordings, and screenshots appeared on the
linked website, confirming the apps’ tracking capa-
bilities. Han’s research similarly observed prevalent
GPS tracking, social media monitoring, and SMS/call
tracking across 1,462 apps (Han et al., 2021).
Our experiments also revealed that four popular
Stalkerware apps
from different providers shared
identical installation interfaces, likely due to a stan-
dard SDK library (‘com.systemservice’). Despite
variations in hiding and tracking features, these apps
showed a shared lineage, suggesting possible ties to a
parent company. To our knowledge, this finding has
not been reported previously, highlighting the need
for further research into SDK usage and its broader
4.3 Limited Detection by AV Solutions
Our study reveals significant discrepancies in the de-
tection accuracy of AV solutions for Stalkerware on
Android devices. A 2021 AV-Test evaluation of 29
known Stalkerware apps using popular AV solutions
highlighted substantial variations in detection rates
(Figure 2). In May 2024, we conducted a similar
experiment using 11 prominent Stalkerware samples,
including NetSpy, FoneTracker, iSpyoo, and Spapp
. Using VirusTotal to aggregate results,
we found that Avast-Mobile
detected all 11 sam-
23 (Dec 2024), (Dec 2024),
(Dec 2024), (Dec 2024)
24 (Dec 2024)
(Dec 2024)
ples, while solutions like BitDefender
and Quick-
detected only some. Others, such as TrendMi-
and Malwarebytes
, failed to detect any sam-
ples. These results illustrate the inconsistent detection
capabilities of AV solutions and the potential risks for
users relying solely on these tools for protection.
We further investigated the impact of minor modi-
fications to APK file parameters, including changes to
code, permissions, libraries, and package names, by
creating a modified Stalkerware app using NetSpy as
a baseline. Small adjustments, such as removing sin-
gle permission from the manifest file or altering the
package name, significantly declined detection rates.
While an average of 20 AV solutions flagged the orig-
inal APK files, only half detected the modified ver-
sions. These results reveal vulnerabilities in current
AV solutions, where minor changes can evade detec-
tion, creating a false sense of security for users. This
underscores the limitations of relying solely on AV
tools to combat Stalkerware and emphasizes the crit-
ical need for collaboration and information sharing
among AV providers to enhance detection consistency
and protection against Stalkerware.
This SoK paper reviewed 104 research efforts and
Google’s initiatives to detect and prevent Stalker-
ware in mobile ecosystems. Our analysis found that
Stalkerware remains a significant issue despite exist-
ing countermeasures. Additionally, victim services
and law enforcement often lack the adequate tools to
identify and gather evidence of Stalkerware, enabling
abusers to exploit these technologies with minimal
risk of detection or consequences.
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