SOA is a well-established architectural pattern used
by organization to develop robust software solutions
to support their business models, including business
process models, value models and goal models. SOA
paradigm allows, through its principles, the encap-
sulation, composition, re-usability, and integration of
services in order to build effective and efficient soft-
ware solutions. However, designing such software is
a challenging task that requires expertise in both soft-
ware and business (process) engineering.
On the other hand, RE plays a key role to build
SOA-based solutions. Indeed, RE ensures that the
identified and designed services are aligned with busi-
ness requirements, functional requirements, and NFR.
This paper proposed a model-driven transforma-
tional approach to i) design SOA-based software that
support organization business (process) models and
ii) build a goal model that links obtained SOA ser-
vices to the functional requirements they implement
and business requirements and NFR they satisfy. The
obtained GRL-based goal model allows organizations
to compute satisfaction scores that measure the effec-
tiveness of the identified services in automating the
business collaboration through inter-organizational
business processes and/or values exchanges.
This research represents a new step to reach our
goal to provide architecture and business analysis
practitioners, such as solutions architects and busi-
ness architects as well as business analysts with an
easy-to-use method and tools to design SOA-based
software from the specification of business models.
Future work will include empirical experimentation
to validate the approach.
This research was supported by the Natural Sci-
ences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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