Table 2 – continued from previous page.
Type Data flow Identified threats Threat description
Conv Data Engi-
neering (P),
Monitoring (P),
Central Health-
care System
Data confidentiality
Data confidentiality threats in healthcare involve
unauthorized access or disclosure of sensitive med-
ical data. Attackers could use backdoors, malware
or software vulnerabilities to compromise the pro-
cess. This could lead to potential privacy breaches
and misuse of personal information (Gary Mc-
Graw, 2020)
Adv Model Training
(P), Model Tun-
ing (P)
Model reprogram-
Model reprogramming involves altering health-
care AI/ML models to produce incorrect or bi-
ased outputs. Attackers could achieve access to the
model from weak access control policies and mali-
ciously fine-tune the model. This could pose risks
to patient safety and treatment effectiveness (An-
drew Marshall, 2022)
itoring devices, sends it to central servers, and facili-
tates its analysis with ML models. Our particular em-
phasis is on ML-based system assets. We created a
system model covering the entire ML model develop-
ment life cycle and systematically elicited threats. In
the future, we aim to extend this study by prioritiz-
ing threats and identifying relevant countermeasures.
Privacy threat modeling of such systems is another re-
search direction.
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HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics