visualized for actionable insights, enabling drivers
and maintenance systems to respond proactively. For
instance, abnormal spikes in engine RPM or sudden
fluctuations in vehicle suspension height could indi-
cate drivetrain or suspension issues, prompting tar-
geted inspections. This proactive approach reduces
unscheduled downtime and prevents critical failures.
Beyond standalone deployment, a fusion predic-
tion framework can be implemented to enhance the
robustness of anomaly detection. The submodels
trained on specific parameter groups can be aggre-
gated into a unified fusion model. Ensemble tech-
niques, such as weighted averaging or majority vot-
ing, can be used to combine predictions from indi-
vidual submodels. This framework leverages correla-
tions between interdependent metrics, such as steer-
ing angle and headlight alignment, to detect complex
fault patterns that may be missed by standalone mod-
els. Furthermore, the fusion approach reduces false
positives by validating anomalies across multiple pa-
rameter sets, improving system reliability.
Finally, integrating the model with a driver feed-
back system enhances usability. Detected anomalies
can trigger dashboard alerts with actionable recom-
mendations, such as Inspect Engine or Check Suspen-
sion, providing real-time insights for drivers. This
feedback loop improves safety and allows for timely
maintenance interventions, minimizing potential risks
and ensuring vehicle reliability.
In this paper, we developed a deep learning-based
framework for predictive maintenance in vehicle sys-
tems, leveraging anomaly detection on CAN bus data.
The experimental results revealed the model’s capa-
bility to capture temporal dependencies and identify
anomalies with high precision, ensuring enhanced re-
liability and safety in vehicle operations. Our contri-
butions include the development of a robust prepro-
cessing pipeline tailored to CAN bus data, the de-
sign of an LSTM-based anomaly detection model,
and practical recommendations for its real-world de-
ployment. The proposed system offers a proactive ap-
proach to maintenance, enabling timely fault detec-
tion and reducing vehicle downtime. By correlating
critical parameters such as speed, engine RPM, steer-
ing wheel angle, and headlight direction, the frame-
work supports a holistic view of vehicle health and
operational performance.
Looking ahead, our future work focuses on ex-
tending the experimental setup to test the real-time
capabilities of the trained model under more dynamic
conditions. Specifically, we are conducting experi-
ments to inject faulty CAN frames into the bus traf-
fic to evaluate the model’s ability to detect anomalies
in real-time. The breakout box, an essential compo-
nent, is used to access specific communication lines
and electrical signals within the vehicle prototype, al-
lowing the orchestration of faults within the system.
This study will provide deeper insights into the ro-
bustness and responsiveness of the model in identify-
ing security vulnerabilities and operational faults in
live vehicle environments. Moreover, future efforts
will explore the integration of federated learning, to
ensure the system’s adaptability across different vehi-
cle types and operational conditions.
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Toward Optimized Predictive Maintenance for Vehicle Systems: Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection Using CAN Traffic