Temporal Pattern Analysis of Baggage Impact on Flight Operations
Necip Gozuacik
, Adem Tekinbas
, Engin Sag
, Onur Adiguzel
and Sibel Malkos
Technology and Innovation Department, Siemens Kartal R&D Center, Istanbul, Turkey
Keywords: Baggage Analytics, Big Data, Exploratory Data Analysis, Pattern Analysis, Time-Based Baggage Records.
Abstract: Transportation hubs like airports are increasingly complex due to globalization, resulting in diverse operations
and stakeholders with often conflicting objectives. Operational inefficiencies, exacerbated by unpredictable
demand and external factors such as weather, can cause economic losses and reduce sustainability. This paper
aims to apply holistic approach via exploratory data analysis, integration of datasets, advanced pre-processing
techniques and reveal pattern analysis. This will be a prerequisite work for solving the inefficiencies by
centralizing monitoring and tracking of all operations Additionally, given the large volume of structured and
unstructured data, this study underscores the importance of big data processing. Utilizing NoSQL database
technology, specifically Cassandra, enables scalable, high-performance handling of millions of rows of data.
The conclusions offer insights about the importance of temporal pattern analysis regarding future AI
Transportation hubs, such as airports, are facing
heightened complexity due to globalization, with an
increasing variety of operations and stakeholders
involved in the process chain. These stakeholders
may have competing business objectives or internal
conflicts (SOCFAI, 2024).
Operational inefficiencies are further intensified
by unpredictable demand and external factors like
weather, resulting in economic losses and reduced
sustainability (Anupkumar, 2023). Measuring
operational delays is essential to identify the
inefficiencies, but integrating systems across
operations and hubs is an overly complex process that
often necessitates custom solutions. Enhancing
efficiency requires centralized monitoring and
tracking of all operations.
In this work, pattern analysis addressing a holistic
approach is applied to flight and baggage datasets
collected from several airports. This approach utilizes
advanced analytical techniques to identify patterns,
relationships, and anomalies within the datasets,
ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the
operational dynamics. By integrating domain
knowledge with data-driven insights, the analysis
aims to discover latent connections between baggage
handling and flight operations, providing actionable
intelligence for optimizing processes. Additionally,
the holistic perspective ensures that the interplay of
numerous factors, such as airline schedules and
passenger behaviors, is thoroughly considered. The
findings from this analysis can support decision-
making processes, improve operational efficiency,
and contribute to the development of predictive
models for future scenarios.
Original research contribution and novelty here
are to perform temporal pattern analysis of baggage
records and reveal correlation between baggage
analytics and flight operations with considering
holistic approach. To achieve that analysis, various
steps are applied such as data cleaning, irrelevant data
removal, joint dataset generation linking flight and
baggage datasets, feature extraction etc.
This paper consists of five sections. Section 2
gives information about activities and insights in
literature. In Section 3, exploratory data analysis is
Gozuacik, N., Tekinbas, A., Sag, E., Adiguzel, O. and Malkos, S.
Temporal Pattern Analysis of Baggage Impact on Flight Operations.
DOI: 10.5220/0013372800003905
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2025), pages 831-838
ISBN: 978-989-758-730-6; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
studied and outlined. Pattern analysis and interpreted
results are included in Section 4. Finally, Section 5
concludes the paper.
In literature, there are several studies regarding
applying pattern analysis and AI technology for
airport and aircraft operations. From the overall
perspective, majority of the publications focus on
flight and passenger aspects. In contrast to this, there
are less studies interest in baggage operations and
their effects on airport operations and as well as flight
In a study, existing research on AI applications in
airports are synthesized and future research directions
are identified (Amiri and Kusakci, 2024). The
findings indicate a significant focus on airport
administration and management, with AI enhancing
security, traffic management, and passenger
Developing predictive models for passenger
arrival patterns at airport counters are studied
specifically at İzmir Adnan Menderes Airport's
international terminal, to enhance operational
efficiency (Sayın et al., 2023). The research compares
various predictive models, including linear regression
and LSTM. This study contributes to the literature by
providing insights into effective predictive modelling
for airport operations, which can lead to improved
resource allocation and passenger satisfaction
Another paper aims to improve the prediction of
checked baggage volumes for flights, which is crucial
for efficient aircraft load planning (Chen et al., 2024).
The study utilizes a dataset from a major US airline,
applying three machine learning algorithms.
Another study aims to provide a comprehensive
review of demand analysis and forecasting algorithms
for checked baggage flow at airports, addressing the
inefficiencies in baggage handling (Jiang et al.,
2024). The research employs a mixed-method
approach, integrating quantitative data analysis with
theoretical modelling.
A thesis study investigates to enhance the
accuracy of baggage loading and un-loading duration
predictions during KLM's turnaround process using
data-driven and machine learning methods (Ochoa
Barnuevo, 2023). The study contributes to both
theoretical advancements in machine learning
applications in aviation and practical implications for
KLM's operational efficiency and customer
Real-time data sharing and collaborative decision-
making process, particularly for transfer passengers
are important to enhance operational efficiency (Guo
et al., 2020). The mentioning study contributes
theoretically by advancing the understanding of
predictive analytics in airport operations and by
providing a model that can be adopted by other
airports to optimize their operations.
A standard set of measures is proposed to assess
the expected performance of a baggage handling
system through discrete event simulation (Le et al.,
2012). A stochastic, periodic input modelling
methodology from real and simulated data sources is
Dimensionality reduction methodology is also
important especially for large volumes of data to
enhance performance of pattern analysis and
recognition (Petersen et al., 2024).
The state-of-the-art in the current approaches are
often limited to a single perspective, focusing
exclusively on specific domains such as flight-
centric, passenger-centric, or baggage-centric views.
In our study, the original contribution here is to
evaluate baggage dataset from several aspects and
outline various pattern analysis with combining flight
dataset as a holistic view.
The advantage and novelty of this paper are to
perform deep-dive analysis about time-based
baggage records and reveal their impact on flight
operations from the point of pattern analysis view.
The highlighted points are going to be used as new
feature candidates for predicting baggage operation
volume and impacted flight operations in real world
This will be a baseline study from the point
of data pre-processing and feature extraction for
further AI model developments on this subject.
In this section, provided dataset regarding the study is
explored prior to pattern analysis. Content of the
dataset is investigated from the point of several
aspects such as descriptive analysis, pre-processing
operation, storage strategy and visualization.
3.1 Dataset Description
Two datasets regarding flight and baggage
information are analyzed in the study. The datasets
are collected from several airports in Turkiye as part
of the SOCFAI project and have been shared in this
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
publication in anonymized form. The authors do not
have permission to share data. Initially, the data is
collected for one month period. Details about the
dataset are described in the following paragraphs with
emphasizing major properties.:
Flight Dataset: This dataset contains a
substantial amount of data, with around 30K
rows, related to flight operations over a month.
This dataset includes detailed information
about flight properties, aircraft features, arrival
and departure times, airport codes, flight status,
and various timestamps. The large volume of
data enables extensive analysis of flight
performance, on-time operations, and
airport/airline efficiency. It can support
decision-making processes, identify trends, and
detect anomalies in the complex world of flight
Baggage Dataset: This comprehensive dataset
contains detailed information about baggage
handling and tracking within an airport or
airline system. With approximately 1M rows, it
provides a complete record of baggage events,
statuses, arrival details, security-related
information, passenger profiles, and
timestamps for various handling stages
throughout the entire month. The scale of this
dataset allows for in-depth analysis of baggage
management processes, identification of trends
and patterns, and optimization of operational
efficiency across the entire baggage handling
Major features regarding flight and baggage
dataset are summarized in Table 1 with feature name
and feature description pair details. These features are
interpreted in the upcoming sections.
Table 1: Major features of dataset.
Feature Name Feature Description
ACTUAL_TIME Actual time of flight.
BAG_NUMBER Number of baggage in
a single baggage
BAGGAGE_EVENT Information about
baggage operation
ALL Status of ba
First timestamp when
baggage is entered to
the system.
BIM_ID ID of a baggage
CATEGORY Identifies flight type
ESTIMATED_TIME Estimated time of
FLIGHT_CODE Combination of
Airline Code and
ht Number.
STATUS Status of fli
ID Flight ID (also
connection with Flight
SCHEDULED_TIME Scheduled time of
SYSTEM_AIRPORT Identify airport from
the point of flight
direction view.
3.2 Pre-Processing
Raw data is transformed into clean data via several
pre-processing steps. These steps are divided into
three major parts as data pre-processing, outlier
analysis and repetition check. Data pre-processing
operations are done through data simplification and
data compression phases.
For each baggage data, feature column occupancy
rate is calculated. Columns with occupancy rate
below 100% are identified. . Columns with empty cell
are joined to achieve 100% occupancy rate.
ATD (Actual Time of Departure) and ATA
(Actual Time of Arrival) are combined into
ACTUAL_TIME; STD (Scheduled Time of
Departure) and STA (Scheduled Time of
Arrival) are combined into
of Departure) and ETA (Estimated Time of
Arrival) are combined into
ESTIMATED_TIME regarding arrival or
departure flight.
combined into PASSENGER_ID. i.e., 04B-33-
BAG_NUMBER with empty cell is filled with
the expected average bag number.
The rest of the columns with empty cell are
After completing pre-processing steps, the
following data analysis is conducted to help with the
rest of the pre-processing steps. For each flight code
with departure status, hourly baggage arrival pattern
before flight time is extracted in Table 2. For
example, flight code 1 is repeated 13 times for one
month period and 100 baggage has arrived when there
is more than 1 hour and less than 2 hours before flight
Temporal Pattern Analysis of Baggage Impact on Flight Operations
Table 2: Hourly Baggage Arrival Pattern per Flight Code.
Hourly Flight
Pattern (1 Hour, 2
Hours, 3 Hours, ...
1 308 13 [0,100,0, …]
22 [0,2,867, …]
3 5325 23 [0,27,33, …]
For each flight code, average baggage arrival
versus time before flight is plotted as in Figure 1. Each
color represents a distinct flight code. Excessive
baggage count is observed as 1750. Also, it is found
that there can be baggage arrivals even 12 hours before
the flight. In this initial representation before cleaning
and pre-processing steps, there are many
outliers/anomalies regarding arrival pattern of baggage
records in Figure 1. Many baggage records seem
processed before too early hours than flight time.
Figure 1: Hourly Baggage Arrival Pattern per Flight Code
Outlier baggage records are excluded based on
rules such as empty PASSENGER_ID,
earlier timestamps do not exist in pre-determined date
range. Repetition records are eliminated based on
evaluating cases of BIM_CREATE_DATE, BIM_ID,
PASSENGER_ID feature relations. After pre-
processing, hourly baggage arrival patterns for each
flight code are again visualized in Figure 2.
Furthermore, arrival pattern of baggage records is
distributed in a reasonable way. Figure 2 indicates
most activity concentrated in the few hours leading
up to the flight time. Finally, because of data cleaning
process, feature selection and feature merge,
dimensionality reduction is also obtained like from
(858K, 82) to (685K, 23).
Figure 2: Hourly Baggage Arrival Pattern per Flight Code
3.3 Storage Strategy
Data can be classified as structured or unstructured.
Structured data fits neatly into tables, while
unstructured data cannot be easily mapped. Traditional
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
excel at handling structured data, but struggle with
large volumes of structured or unstructured data. To
address this, NoSQL databases have emerged as a
more scalable, flexible, and distributed solution
capable of efficiently managing both structured and
unstructured big data. These advantages make NoSQL
systems preferable for big data projects compared to
traditional RDBMS technologies.
This study area deals with big data regarding
millions of flights and baggage data with also future
projection. Additionally, it requires to be expanded
with real-time updates. Thousands of new rows will
be added daily from the airport system with each
flight, and new columns may be added as well. This
will result in a high volume of data and transactions.
Given these requirements, a NoSQL data
management system is the most suitable solution for
this big data study.
There are many NoSQL database technologies
used in the software field. After careful research and
requirement analysis process, it is decided that
Cassandra will be the best option for this study (Khan
et al., 2023). It is a wide-column store database,
which is a type of NoSQL database that can be used
for relational types of big data. Cassandra is an open-
source database that can be distributed across
multiple machines. It also provides a scalable,
maintainable system with high performance and fault
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
3.4 Visualization
To be able to interpret the dataset in a better way, data
visualization is one of the most powerful methods
used in practice. Regarding this, some major
components of baggage dataset are visualized.
Distribution of flight categories can be seen in
Figure 3. There are 2 categories here:
percentage are quite close. Count of
INTERNATONAL flights is a bit more than
DOMESTIC flights in that snapshot.
Figure 3: Distribution of Flight Categories.
Distribution of flight status can be seen in Figure 4.
There are 5 categories here: ARRIVED, DEPARTED,
OPEN, CANCELED, CLOSED. Majority of the
flights belong to DEPARTED category. There are also
Figure 4: Distribution of Flight Status.
numerous ARRIVED and OPEN flights. However,
CANCELED and CLOSED flights are in negligible
range. Focus on the study is on DEPARTED flights
from the point of baggage operations.
The distribution of system airports can be seen in
Figure 5. There are 13 different system airport
categories. The top 5 system airports look like ALA,
ESB, ADB, ECN and TBS. ADB system airport is
going to be focused primarily regarding request of
data provider.
Figure 5: Distribution of Flight System Airports.
Regarding pattern analysis of baggage records, two
major approaches are detailed here. Firstly, average
hourly baggage arrival pattern for each flight code is
calculated for several flights in distinct days. Pattern
Dissimilarity (PD) for a single flight here is defined
as shown in formula 1. Numerator b
is the absolute
difference for flight i at hour j and equals to
Hourly Baggage for Flight i at Hour j−Mean Hourly
Baggage for Flight Code at Hour j. Denominator a
is the mean hourly baggage for the flight code at hour
j. Please note that hour j here refers to delta before
flight time.
Temporal Pattern Analysis of Baggage Impact on Flight Operations
Let us there are 3 distinct flights for a flight code.
Baggage count for 1 hour and 2 hours before flight
time are examined. Flight 1: 10 baggage at hour 1, 30
baggage at hour 2; Flight 2: 5 baggage at hour 1, 20
baggage at hour 2; Flight 3: 15 baggage at hour 1, 10
baggage at hour 2. Mean baggage count: (10 + 5 + 15)
/ 3 at hour 1 equals to 10; (30 + 20 + 10) at hour 2
equals to 20. PD for Flight 1 is calculated as (|10 10|
+ |30 -20|) / (10 + 20) and equals to 0.33 (33%).
Here, the measure of PD is needed to demonstrate
correlation with flight delay possibility. If there is an
increase in PD of a flight, it directly impacts flight
delay. For each calculated PD information, relation
between flights is analyzed based on a threshold
approach. A flight is marked delayed if the time
difference between ACTUAL_TIME and
SCHEDULTED_TIME is greater than 15 minutes.
Overall number of delayed flights are counted and the
delay ratio for each threshold is calculated. So that the
correlation between PD ratio and flight delay is
shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Correlation Between Pattern Dissimilarity Ratio
and Flight Delay.
30 57.30% 2199 3838
40 60.36% 1457 2414
50 61.75% 980 1587
60 66.98% 720 1075
70 68.61% 518 755
80 69.96% 396 566
90 71.87% 327 455
100 73.68% 266 361
Flight delay ratio over PD ratio threshold in given
sample data in Table 3 is displayed in Figure 6.
Results indicate that percentage of unexpected
baggage records affect flight operations negatively
such as delay in our case.
Figure 6: Pattern Dissimilarity Ratio Flight Delay
As a second pattern analysis of baggage records,
a new feature is generated with name of
MULTI_BIM_CREATE. It is calculated for each
baggage record as the number of repetition baggage
records with same ID, BIM_CREATE_DATE,
changed or deleted. Repetition records may appear in
baggage dataset due to several reasons such as
baggage rehandling, integration from multiple
sources. For each flight, the percentage of baggage
records that has repetition (MULTI_BIM_CREATE
is greater than 1) over total baggage records is
computed as shown in Table 4. For example, Flight
ID 4 has total 154 baggage records. 42 records have
repetition. So, MULTI_BIM_CREATE_RATIO is
calculated as 27.27%.
Table 4: Multi BIM Create Ratio per Flight ID.
1 0.5 (1/199)
2 3.33 (2/60)
3 13.7 (10/73)
4 27.27 (42/154)
Correlation between MULTI_BIM
CREATE_RATIO and flight delays is displayed in
Table 5. A flight is marked as delayed if the time
difference between ACTUAL_TIME and
SCHEDULTED_TIME is greater than 15 minutes.
For example, there are 464 flight records that have
66.16% of flights have delay in the first row.
Table 5: Correlation Between Multi BIM Create Ratio and
Flight Delay.
15 66.16% 307 464
16 66.83% 268 401
17 69.01% 236 342
18 70.3% 213 303
59 90.0% 9 10
60 100.0% 7 7
Flight delay percentage over MULTI_BIM
CREATE_RATIO threshold is displayed in Figure 7.
It indicates that percentage of repetitive baggage
records affect flight operations negatively such as
ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 7: MULTI_BIM CREATE_RATIO Flight Delay
Maintaining baggage requests of passengers in an
airport may have direct or indirect effect on other
operations such as ground services, flight. In the
study, temporal pattern analysis of baggage
operations is investigated to determine if there is a
correlation for flight delays in a holistic perspective.
Several pre-processing and cleaning strategies are
applied on the given dataset with also considering
cross relation between baggage features and flight
features. Gathered results reveal two major founding.
Firstly, creating multiple baggage records per
passenger has a negative impact on the related
departed flight operation. Secondly, increase in
pattern dissimilarity ratio for baggage arrival
correlates with flight delay possibility.
In future, extended version of dataset is going to
be analyzed with the current systematic approaches
and founding. Only statistical analysis may not be
sufficient or flexible enough to manage the growing
volume of data and the increasing number of features.
To address this, the focus will shift towards
incorporating AI-powered solutions to enhance the
understanding of the effects of baggage records and
operations on flight delays.
Developing AI-driven models can accurately
predict baggage counts with daily, hourly, and even
minute-level precision, considering both airport-
specific and flight-specific factors. For this purpose,
machine learning (Random Forest, Gradient-
Boosting etc.), deep learning (Neural Network, CNN,
LSTM etc.) and time-series (ARIMA, SARIMA etc.)
approaches are planned to be utilized. This will
enable airport operators to proactively manage
baggage handling resources and optimize their
operations, reducing the impact of baggage-related
issues on flight delays.
This study was supported by Eureka-ITEA Project
"SOCFAI" (Project Number: ITEA-21020). We
extend our gratitude to TUBITAK for funding this
project. Our special thanks go to our project partners,
TAV Technologies, Siemens A.S for their invaluable
contributions and collaboration. Additionally, thanks
to SOCFAI Project Team for their technical
contributions during the initial phase of the project.
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ICPRAM 2025 - 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods