Enabling Trusted Data Sharing in Data Spaces: PROTON—A
Privacy-by-Design Approach to Data Products
Laura Schuiki
1 a
, Christoph Stach
1 b
, Corinna Giebler
2 c
, Eva Hoos
2 d
and Bernhard Mitschang
1 e
Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany
Distributed Data Management, Data Product, Privacy.
In the current era of data-driven innovation, the value of data can be significantly enhanced by facilitating its
dissemination. In this context, the data mesh concept has gained popularity in recent years. Data Mesh includes
domain experts who design so-called data products. It is imperative that all parties involved have trust in these
data products. This applies in particular to data subjects who share their data, data owners who create the data
products, and data consumers who use them. To establish such trust, privacy approaches are key. Due to the
decentralized and distributed nature of data mesh, however, traditional privacy strategies cannot be applied.
To address this issue, we present PROTON, a concept that facilitates the handling of PRivacy-cOmpliant
daTa prOducts by desigN. PROTON is based on three pillars: a comprehensive description model for privacy
requirements, an extended creation process that adheres to these requirements when compiling data products,
and a refined access process for verifying compliance prior to data sharing. The practical applicability of
PROTON is illustrated by means of a real-world application scenario that has been devised in collaboration
with domain experts from our industry partner.
In the age of digitalization, data has become a highly
valuable asset, frequently compared to the new oil that
fuels innovation and decision-making processes (Stach,
2023). The true potential of data, however, lies not in
its collection but in its strategic dissemination across
organizational boundaries, thereby creating new av-
enues for value creation (Reiberg et al., 2022). In this
context, the data mesh concept has gained popularity
in recent years. The data mesh is a new organizational
approach to exchanging analytical data in the form
of so-called data products (Dehghani, 2019). A data
product is not a mere aggregation of raw data; rather,
it is data that has been curated, refined, and enriched
with properties such as discoverability, interoperabil-
ity, and value (Dehghani, 2022). As such, it reflects a
product-oriented mindset.
As data sharing becomes increasingly integral to
collaborative ecosystems, it is crucial to preserve the
integrity and value of data while ensuring trust in its ex-
change. In this context, trust is distributed across mul-
tiple stakeholders associated with data products: Data
subjects whose data is included in a data product must
be reassured that their privacy is protected. Data own-
ers are responsible for ensuring that the data products
they create comply with privacy regulations, including
legal frameworks such as the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR), as well as privacy requirements
specific to a particular domain or data subject. Finally,
data consumers must trust that the data products they
access meet all relevant privacy standards.
To meet these requirements, a holistic privacy-by-
design approach to the creation, management, and
usage of data products is key. To this end, we have
collaborated with our industry partner to make three
contributions: 1. We introduce a description model
for data products that captures privacy requirements of
data subjects, domain-specific privacy requirements,
and legal privacy regulations. 2. We extend the data
product creation process, enabling data owners to en-
force privacy requirements as required. 3. We refine
the data product access process, incorporating a verifi-
Schuiki, L., Stach, C., Giebler, C., Hoos, E. and Mitschang, B.
Enabling Trusted Data Sharing in Data Spaces: PROTON - A Privacy-by-Design Approach to Data Products.
DOI: 10.5220/0013372900003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 95-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Data Product
DP - B
DP - A
DP - D
DP - C
Figure 1: Structure of a Data Product and Its Role within the Ecosystem of a Data Mesh.
cation mechanism to ensure compliance with privacy
standards before access is granted to data consumers.
These components are the foundation for
PROTON, our PRivacy-cOmpliant daTa prOducts
by desigN concept. We assess PROTON by means of
a real-world application scenario in the manufacturing
domain, leveraging insights from our industry partner.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 provides a definition of data products and
an overview of the current state of research. Section 3
introduces an application scenario for data products
from our industry partner, emphasizing key privacy
considerations. Related work is discussed in Section 4.
Section 5 presents PROTON. Together with our in-
dustry partner we assess PROTON in Section 6 before
Section 7 concludes this paper.
Given the current lack of well-defined standards for
data products (Hasan and Legner, 2023), we initially
present the key characteristics of data products as iden-
tified in literature (see Section 2.1). Subsequently, we
examine the current state of research on data products,
focusing in particular on the issue of data privacy (see
Section 2.2).
2.1 A Harmonized View on Data
In the traditional approach to data management, data
is stored and only processed when it is required for a
specific purpose. However, nowadays data is regarded
as a raw material that can be refined to create added
value (Blohm et al., 2024). This view on data means
that data is treated like a product and consumers are
regarded as customers (Dehghani, 2022). This shift in
thinking necessitates the transformation of raw data
into self-contained and ready-to-use products.
To achieve this, further components are required in
addition to raw data. Figure 1 depicts how Dehghani
(2022) envisions the design of such a data product and
its embedding in a data mesh. This design exceeds the
paradigm of data as a product (Huang et al., 2015).
Data. The first component is the raw data itself, which
is gathered about data subjects. This data may undergo
changes over time, e.g., as more data is provided by
a data subject. Data products are designed to dynami-
cally reflect these changes by retrieving data directly
from its sources (González-Velázquez et al., 2024).
Code. The second component is responsible for en-
suring that the raw data is usable. This encompasses
all stages from data retrieval to data transformation
and data access. To this end, the data owner has to
provides the necessary code and/or software (Jeffar
and Plebani, 2024).
Metadata. The third component is the metadata,
e.g., a description of the raw data and quality guar-
antees. That is, it encompasses all the information that
data consumers need for identifying an appropriate
data product and handling it properly (Driessen et al.,
The data owner is responsible for assembling these
components, maintaining their quality, and providing
access to them (Falconi and Plebani, 2023).
As depicted in Figure 1, data products are not lim-
ited to the usage of raw data; they can also leverage
other data products. To illustrate, data product DP-B
merges data product DP-A with raw data from external
data sources as well as internal domain-specific data.
DP-B can then be utilized as input for further data
products (DP-C and DP-D), establishing a chain of in-
terconnected data products that collectively constitute
a data mesh as a result.
It is important to mention that any alteration to
the source data inevitably results in a ripple effect,
affecting all data products that are either directly or
indirectly derived from it.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
2.2 Privacy in the Realm of Data
Having established a harmonized understanding of
data products, it is important to determine how to han-
dle them in a trustworthy manner. In doing so, the
three main stakeholders must be considered: the data
subjects whose data is included in data products, the
data owners who process that data to create data prod-
ucts, and the data consumers who use the data products.
It is evident that privacy is key for trustworthy data
products (Houser and Bagby, 2023). Privacy in this
context goes far beyond mere data protection laws, as it
involves individual privacy requirements that must be
met (Quach et al., 2022). To build trust in data meshes,
a data processing strategy must be implemented that
automatically enforces compliance with these require-
ments (Podlesny et al., 2022). This can only be guar-
anteed by a holistic privacy-by-design approach cover-
ing all data processing steps involved (Borovits et al.,
To gain insight into the current state of research on
privacy in the context of data products, we conducted
a literature review, differentiating between case studies
and theoretical research.
Case Studies. Studies such as Chee and Sawade
(2021), Joshi et al. (2021), and Lei et al. (2022), pro-
vide insight into the practical implementation of data
products in a data mesh environment. Yet, none of
these studies mention privacy considerations. A re-
view of grey literature (Goedegebuure et al., 2024) as
well as interviews with industry experts (Bode et al.,
2024) attest to the importance of privacy in this con-
text. However, neither source provides any specific
approaches for its practical implementation.
Theoretical Research. In a 2022 publication, De-
hghani (2022) introduced the concept of the data mesh
and provided an overview of the design principles for
data products, emphasizing the significance of data pri-
vacy while offering limited insights into the practical
aspects of its implementation. Machado et al. (2021)
propose a data mesh architecture that includes a secu-
rity component. However, they only briefly mention
the integration of privacy, without specifying at what
level or in what manner this should be done. Driessen
et al. (2023b) present a metamodel for data products
where data contracts ensure certain technical and legal
standards are met. Meanwhile, Podlesny et al. (2022)
survey the privacy challenges within a data mesh, ar-
guing against the use of centralized components for
privacy management, concluding that existing privacy
research therefore is not easily transferable to data
mesh environments.
In conclusion, while existing research underscores
the significance of privacy in data products, it lacks
practical implementation solutions. However, a pri-
vacy solution for data products is a prerequisite for the
establishment of trusted data sharing in data meshes.
In the following section, we therefore introduce a real-
world application scenario from our industry partner
to identify the requirements towards such a privacy
This section presents an application scenario inspired
by a globally active manufacturer of hybrid car com-
ponents. This scenario serves to illustrate both the
practical utility of data products and the imperative for
addressing critical privacy considerations.
In our scenario, drivers interact with an application
called CarApp during their trips. CarApp captures
a variety of data including location, velocity, battery
charge, fuel levels, and driving patterns. Users can also
provide feedback by commenting on their routes, rat-
ing aspects such as parking convenience or perceived
driving enjoyment, and receiving recommendations for
future routes. Additionally, CarApp assesses the sus-
tainability of the user’s driving behavior. All collected
data is managed by the car domain.
This data encompasses a range of sensitive infor-
mation directly associated with a specific driver, in-
cluding, but not limited to, location, velocity, driving
patterns, and personal commentary. The potential for
this data to be used to infer behaviors such as speeding
or unsafe driving raises significant privacy concerns.
In this scenario, three key roles are involved:
Data Subject. The individual or entity whose data
is being collected. In this scenario, this refers to the
CarApp users, i.e., the drivers.
Data Owner. The individual or entity responsible for
processing the collected data to create a data product.
This entails managing the actual data and resources,
and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations. In
this scenario, there is a distinct data owner for each
defined data product.
Data Consumer. The individual or entity that lever-
ages the data product for analytical purposes or as an
input for another data product. In this scenario, the
data product DP-Car is utilized by two distinct data
Our application scenario encompasses three use
cases, each of which is illustrated in Figure 2:
Enabling Trusted Data Sharing in Data Spaces: PROTON - A Privacy-by-Design Approach to Data Products
Data Subject
D1 … Dn
Car Data
D1 … Dn
Car Domain
Use Case 1
Case 2
Marketing Domain
Case 3
Figure 2: The Application Scenario Is Comprised of Three Use Cases, Each Associated with a Different Domain.
Use Case 1. This intra-domain use case pertains
to the operation of CarApp within the context of the
hybrid car domain. In light of the fact that the data
remains within the same domain, it is imperative that
both legal privacy regulations, such as the purpose lim-
itation set forth in GDPR Article 5(b), and data subject
privacy requirements are adhered to. For instance, a
data subject might opt out of data collection entirely
or consent to data collection on the condition that it
is only used for CarApp operations or is anonymized
before being used outside the car domain.
Use Case 2. In this cross-domain use case, the mar-
keting domain leverages CarApp data indirectly via
the data product DP-Car. The marketing team com-
putes statistics on the distance traveled with recuper-
ated energy, utilizing these findings for advertising
purposes. Given that this data transcends domain
boundaries, supplementary domain-specific privacy
regulations come into effect. To illustrate, the car do-
main may necessitate the anonymisation of data prior
to its proliferation to other domains.
Use Case 3. In this enhanced data product use case,
the development domain enriches the CarApp data
with supplementary information regarding automotive
components, e.g., to gain insights that may facilitate
improvements in battery performance. As with the
cross-domain case, legal and domain-specific privacy
regulations as well as privacy requirements of data
subjects have to be observed. If the development do-
main decides to create a new data product (DP-Dev)
using this enhanced data, it is their responsibility to
ensure that the privacy regulations initially imposed
on DP-Car are still met. Prior to the deployment of
DP-Dev, the data owner of DP-Car therefore has to
verify these regulations.
In these use cases, the car data is made available
as a data product (DP-Car) for utilization by other
domains. The process of creating a data product is
comprised of three steps:
The conceptualization step requires the responsi-
ble data owner to determine the appropriate data,
transformation code, and metadata for the data prod-
uct. From a privacy perspective, it is important to
identify the regulations that apply to the data and
to ascertain how these regulations can be complied
with during the processing of the data.
In the construction step, the data, code, and meta-
data are assembled based on the design, and the
requisite resources are allocated. From a privacy
perspective, it is therefore necessary in this step to
adjust and supplement the transformation code so
that data processing complies with privacy require-
In the deployment step, the data product is de-
ployed on the provided infrastructure and registered
in the data product catalog. From this point onward,
the data owner is responsible for maintaining the
data product. From a privacy perspective, mecha-
nisms must be implemented to verify that access
does not violate any privacy requirements. Fur-
thermore, data products must be revised if privacy
requirements change.
Table 1 presents a synthesis of our key insights
regarding the roles and responsibilities associated with
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
the trustworthy, i.e., privacy-aware handling of data
products. It is evident that support is required in three
areas: the collection and description of privacy require-
ments, their implementation and application, and the
verification of their fulfillment.
As our literature review in Section 2.2 indicates, there
is currently no dedicated approach to privacy for data
products. We thus assess the feasibility of applying
traditional approaches to data products in the three
areas where assistance is required (see Table 1).
Elicitation. The establishment of privacy policies is
of paramount importance whenever personal data is
involved. They enact regulations that stipulate the
manner in which data may be utilized. Miyazaki et al.
(2009) introduce a computer-aided technique for elic-
iting privacy policies, emphasizing the significance of
user involvement, particularly that of data subjects, in
the process. Effective privacy protection is contingent
upon data subjects who are adequately informed as
to when and how their data is being utilized, as well
as their right to formulate individual privacy require-
ments. Murmann et al. (2019) investigated the efficacy
of notifications as a method of informing data subjects
about privacy policy settings. Elicitation occurs prior
to the conceptualization step during the process of
data collection. Consequently, the distributed nature
of a data mesh has no impact on this process. These
approaches can thus also be applied to data products.
Description. In order for data owners to ensure that
privacy policies are upheld when data is shared, it is es-
sential that these policies are linked to the data in ques-
tion (Stach et al., 2020). Pearson and Casassa-Mont
Table 1: Need for Assistance for the Three Roles in Handling
Data Products to Improve Privacy.
Role Required Type of Assistance
It must be facilitated to communicate indi-
vidual privacy requirements in the elicita-
tion process.
Applicable privacy requirements must be
available in a machine-processable de-
scription to enable guidance on privacy-
compliant data processing.
A verification of privacy-compliance is
required before access to exclude the risk
of unauthorized data usage by design.
(2011) propose that this can be achieved through the
use of extended metadata. Eichler et al. (2021) address
the challenges associated with the storage and utiliza-
tion of such metadata, while Alshugran and Dichter
(2014) investigate the development of descriptive meta-
data with input from domain experts. He and Antón
(2003) focus on defining roles and permissions to reg-
ulate data access, which must be included in such a
metadata model. These models are, however, designed
for centralized data environments. As data products
are deployed in distributed environments, such as data
meshes, it is necessary to apply distinct policies de-
pending on the data origin. In our application scenario
(see Section 3), e.g., there are legal regulations that
apply to all data, domain policies that apply to data
products administered by a particular domain, and
data subject privacy requirements that only apply to
data products that contain data about this data subject.
Therefore, dedicated metadata models are required
for data products that are capable of reflecting such
complex privacy requirements.
Verification. The establishment of trust is of the ut-
most importance when data consumers access data
products, as they require assurance that the data in
question adheres to the relevant privacy policies. Ver-
ification and enforcement of these policies are indis-
pensable for the maintenance of trust. Ahmadian et al.
(2018) introduce a model-based privacy analysis ap-
proach for data spaces. This approach is geared to-
wards identifying potential privacy violations proac-
tively, so that they can be prevented. This can be
achieved by means of privacy enforcing technolo-
gies (Ahmadian et al., 2019). As the focus is on
generic data sets, this approach requires adaptations
when applied to data products. McSherry (2009)
presents an approach for the automatic enforcement of
general privacy policies. This approach, however, is
not designed to cope with individual and dynamically
Table 2: Applicability of Traditional Privacy Approaches.
Area Applicability to Data Products
Existing approaches can be applied to
data products.
Description models must be adapted
to the more complex privacy require-
ments of data products.
Adapted processes are needed for the
creation of and access to data prod-
ucts to ensure compliance with pri-
vacy requirements.
Enabling Trusted Data Sharing in Data Spaces: PROTON - A Privacy-by-Design Approach to Data Products
Domain /
Subject ID
OriginTimestampID Parameters
Privacy Filter
Legal, Domain or Subject
Figure 3: Blueprint for a PROTON Privacy Policy.
changing privacy requirements, which are common in
the context of data products. Stach et al. (2022) present
a framework that facilitates the definition and appli-
cation of data processing steps that could be used for
the enforcement of privacy policies. Nevertheless, it is
not feasible to ascertain whether these steps are indeed
sufficient to fulfill the specified privacy requirements.
To be applicable to data products, existing solutions
require significant adaptation to address the distributed
nature and high complexity of privacy requirements
that are ubiquitous in data mesh.
Table 2 summarizes our findings by identifying
research gaps, particularly with regard to the descrip-
tion and verification of privacy policies. PROTON is
designed to address these gaps.
To achieve a privacy-by-design approach to data prod-
ucts, we introduce PROTON, which enables the cre-
ation of privacy-compliant data products from the out-
set. PROTON integrates privacy considerations into
the entire data product lifecycle. In the following, the
fundamental elements of PROTON are delineated, in-
cluding a description model for privacy policies (see
Section 5.1) as well as revised processes for data prod-
uct creation (see Section 5.2) and access requests (see
Section 5.3).
5.1 Description Model for Privacy
It is of the utmost importance to have comprehensive
privacy policies in place to guarantee that data products
not only comply with applicable privacy regulations
but also meet the privacy requirements of the data sub-
jects. PROTON introduces a description model that ex-
tends the metadata of data products to include detailed
privacy policies. This model enables data subjects to
delineate their privacy requirements while facilitating
the identification and verification of relevant policies
for data owners.
Privacy policies are classified into three categories
in PROTON: Legal, domain, and data subject poli-
cies. Legal policies are applicable across the entire
organization, whereas domain policies are specific to
a particular domain. Data subject policies, meanwhile,
are tied to the individual whose data is being processed.
These policies can apply to an entire data product or
specific parts of it. To illustrate, if a data product in-
cludes location and velocity data from multiple users,
and one user has specified that their data should not be
shared with other domains, only the processing of that
user’s data is restricted, while all other data remain
The description model incorporates these policies
as metadata linked to the relevant data. The model
offers a structured approach to identifying, enforcing,
and verifying applicable privacy policies, thereby sup-
porting data owners and data consumers.
Figure 3 depicts a UML representation of the
blueprint for our privacy policy. The following color
coding is applied to describe the manner in which
the respective components are determined: Elements
shown in yellow are set automatically when a privacy
policy is generated. Elements shown in orange are ob-
tained directly from the respective issuer. For instance,
privacy requirements of a data subject are collected by
means of a questionnaire or an interview. Elements
shown in pink are elicited by a privacy expert.
Each policy is assigned a unique ‘ID’, a ‘Times-
tamp’, and its ‘Origin’, i.e., whether it is a legal, do-
main, or data subject policy. In order to identify the
creator of the privacy policy, the ID of the data subject
or domain that created the privacy policy is specified
in the ‘Domain / Subject ID’ element. In the case of
legal privacy policies, this element is not required, as
such policies are managed by a central governance
team. Optional ‘Tags’ can be added to provide further
detail regarding the privacy policy.
The model incorporates both a ‘Textual Descrip-
tion’ of the privacy requirements (e.g., the applicable
legal text or declarations by a data subject) and a for-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
k-Anonymity with
k =7
if UC_type == analytical then
anonymize dataset
“If the use case is analytical, my data
needs to be anonymized.”
Figure 4: Sample Instance of the Model for a Data Subject Privacy Policy.
malized version, facilitating automated processing of
the policy at subsequent stages. This ‘Formal Descrip-
tion’ is the result of a multi-stage formalization process
adapted from Stach and Steimle (2019). This process
facilitates the conversion of an informal description
of the privacy requirements of a data subject into a
machine-processable format, in our case, JSON.
Furthermore, suitable privacy measures can be rec-
ommended as part of the model as a means of ensuring
that the relevant requirements are met. This ‘Privacy
Filter Proposal’ must be applied to all associated data
products at the point of creation and prior to access.
Additionally, relevant ‘Parameters’ can be specified
for the filter in question, which have to be used when
applying the filter.
Each privacy requirement is defined as a distinct in-
stance of the model. The sum of all instances thus rep-
resents the set of rules to be observed when handling
data products. To ensure that these privacy policies are
available to all data owners and data consumers so that
they are able to take them into account when creating
and accessing data products, it is essential that these
policies are managed centrally, e.g., by the federated
governance of a data mesh. The identifiers (‘ID’ and
‘Domain / Subject ID’) can be used to trace the data to
which the policies apply. This even allows to identify
the applicable policies for data products made from
other data products by tracing the underlying source
data via the data lineage. Additionally, the scope of a
policy can be identified via the ‘Origin’ specifications,
which can be global (for ‘Legal’), domain-specific (for
‘Domain’), or data-specific (for ‘Subject’).
Figure 4 shows a privacy requirement that was cre-
ated on July 20, 2023, at 09:34:55, pertaining to the
data subject with the ID ‘S-84764’. This policy has the
internal ID ‘5678’. The policy stipulates that the data
may be utilized for analytical purposes, provided that
it has been anonymized beforehand. The two tags, An-
alytical’ and ‘Anonymization’, were derived from the
textual description. The textual description was then
converted into a formal description: ‘if UC_type ==
analytical then anonymize dataset’. A privacy expert
has recommended that the privacy filter ‘Generaliza-
tion’ with the parameterization ‘k-Anonymity with
k=7’ be applied as a suitable measure for fulfilling this
privacy requirement.
5.2 Adaptations to the Creation Process
of a Data Product
In order for the PROTON privacy policies to be ap-
plied in a systematic manner, it is necessary to extend
the process of creating data products. Traditionally,
privacy is often regarded as an afterthought. In con-
trast, the PROTON approach is based on a privacy-by-
design philosophy, meaning that privacy measures are
seamlessly integrated into the process of creating data
Figure 5 illustrates the process of creating data
products. The process steps that originate from the
traditional creation process are depicted in blue, while
the PROTON-specific process steps are depicted in
The creation of a new data product (DP
) neces-
sitates the definition of its three essential components:
data, code, and metadata (1). Internal source data as
well as DP
are used as sources for the data compo-
nent. DP
is an already existing data product from
another domain. It is not necessary to make any adap-
tations to this process step, as the privacy requirements
are already captured in the metadata at the point of
data collection. The description model in PROTON
ensures that no privacy requirements are lost.
Once the required components have been identi-
fied and acquired, DP
is built (2). Subsequently,
novel PROTON-specific checks are mandatory. Ini-
tially, it is imperative to ascertain whether any privacy
policies are applicable to the newly created data prod-
uct (3). If this is not the case, DP
is deployed, and
responsibility is transferred to its data owner (6).
In the event that privacy requirements must be met,
it is necessary to verify whether the data compilation
in DP
violates an applicable privacy policy (4). If
not, DP
can also be deployed. Whereas, should
any privacy requirement not be met, the appropriate
privacy filters must be applied (5). This may entail
the removal of specific data features (Majeed and Lee,
Enabling Trusted Data Sharing in Data Spaces: PROTON - A Privacy-by-Design Approach to Data Products
Privacy policies
from sources?
processing with
privacy filters
Deploy DPnew and
transfer ownership
Figure 5: Extended Process of Creating Data Products in Compliance with PROTON Privacy Policies.
2021), or the addition of noise to the data (Deshkar
et al., 2023). If there are multiple conflicting privacy
policies, the most restrictive one has to be applied.
5.3 Adaptations to the Access Process to
a Data Product
The extended process of creating data products in
PROTON ensures that all created data products are
privacy-compliant at the time of creation. However, it
can happen that other, more restrictive requirements
may apply to certain data consumers or that privacy
requirements may subsequently become more restric-
tive. In order to be able to reflect these dynamics, it
is necessary to expand the process of accessing data
products in PROTON as well.
Figure 6 illustrates the process of accessing data
products. The process steps that originate from the
traditional access process are depicted in green, while
the PROTON-specific process steps are once again
depicted in purple.
When a data consumer requests access to a data
product (a), an initial check is made as to whether
the requesting party is permitted to access such a data
product (b). If this is not the case, data access is denied
immediately (c).
If access is generally permitted, the PROTON-
specific checks are initiated. To this end, in analogy to
the creation process, it is first checked whether privacy
requirements apply to the data product (d) and then
whether these are fulfilled for the data consumer in
question (e). If there are no privacy requirements to be
observed or if these requirements are already satisfied,
access is granted (g). In all other cases, the privacy
filters specified in the privacy policy are applied prior
to granting access (f).
In this way, PROTON ensures that data consumers
only receive data products that comply with all rele-
vant privacy requirements, regardless of whether these
regulations have been modified since the data product
in question was initially created.
Synopsis. The PROTON approach effectively inte-
grates privacy into the creation and management of
data products, adhering to the principles of privacy by
design. Our description model captures legal, domain,
and data subject privacy requirements, thereby assist-
ing data owners in identifying and enforcing applica-
ble privacy policies throughout the entire lifecycle of
a data product. This approach ensures that, on the one
hand, data subjects have trust that their sensitive data is
processed in accordance with their requirements. On
the other hand, data consumers can have trust in the
privacy compliance of any data product they access.
In this section, we assess the practical applicability
of PROTON based on the application scenario pre-
sented in Section 3. To this end, we have implemented
and simulated the creation and management of data
products with synthetic sample data using a proof-of-
concept prototype of PROTON. The results of this
feasibility and effectiveness assessment were reviewed
Privacy policies?
Privacy policies
processing with
privacy filters
Figure 6: Extended Process of Accessing Data Products in Compliance with PROTON Privacy Policies.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Privacy policies
from sources?
Privacy policies
processing with
privacy filters
Deploy DPnew and
transfer ownership
Data from
CarApp useful
Hybrid car
already owns it
Legal: purpose limitation (PL), Domain: anonymize data (AD),
Data subject: CarApp only (CO), Data subject: conceal location (CL)
Data product
owner from the
hybrid car domain
Delete all data
if (CO) and conceal
location if (CL)
Relevant and not
fulfilled: (CO)
and (CL)
Figure 7: DP-Car Creation Process.
with domain experts from our industry partner. Ini-
tially, Section 6.1 presents a detailed, step-by-step
walkthrough of the processes of creating and access-
ing data products with PROTON. Subsequently, in
Section 6.2, the assessment concludes with a summary
of the lessons learned.
Review of the Practical Applicability
To assess the practical applicability of PROTON, we
simulated Use Case 3 from Section 3 with the help
of our industry partner. Domain experts assumed the
roles of data owner and data consumer for the two data
products involved, namely DP-Car and DP-Dev. Our
assessment consists of three phases: creation of DP-
Car, access request to DP-Car, and creation of DP-Dev.
Prior to these phases, we generated synthetic data and
defined privacy requirements. Based on the domain
experts’ feedback, we examined whether PROTON
enables a privacy-compliant handling of data products.
Creation of DP-Car. Initially, a domain expert de-
signed (A) and built (B) the new data product DP-Car.
The use of PROTON did not entail any requisite alter-
ations in this respect. The PROTON description model,
which is available to all domains for all data in the data
mesh, was used to ascertain the privacy requirements
relevant to DP-Car (C). This revealed that four distinct
privacy policies must be applied to DP-Car. First, the
purpose limitation stipulated in the GDPR is applica-
ble (PL). Second, some data subjects have consented
solely to the use of their data for the operation of
CarApp (CO). Third, the additional domain-specific
directive applies that all data must be anonymized if
it leaves the domain (AD). Forth, one data subject has
additionally indicated that their location data must be
concealed (CL). Once all relevant policies have been
identified, it is then necessary to verify whether DP-
Car is in compliance with said policies (D). As all data
subjects have consented to the collection of data by
the CarApp, the legal policy (PL) has been satisfied.
In light of the assumption by the domain expert that
DP-Car is utilized exclusively within the car domain,
the domain-specific directive (AD) is also satisfied.
Since DP-Car exceeds the operation of CarApp, all
data of the data subjects who have not consented to
this use must be removed (CO) and the location data
of the respective data subjects must be concealed (CL).
The formal description and proposal for privacy filters
facilitate the identification of the necessary measures
for domain experts in this phase (E). Following this,
DP-Car is deployed (F). The sequence of operations is
illustrated in Figure 7 by means of bold arrows.
Access Request to DP-Car. A domain expert from
the development domain recognizes the benefits of DP-
Car and intends to create a novel data product based
on it. To this end, the domain expert submits an access
. In general, such an access request would
be approved
. However, PROTON requires the
data owner to ascertain whether any existing privacy
policies are in conflict with the intended use of the
. As the requirements CO and CL have
already been addressed during the development of DP-
Car, only the purpose limitation (PL) and the domain
policy requiring data to be anonymized before leaving
the domain (AD) require verification. The domain
expert’s review
indicates that the permitted pur-
poses also cover the use by the development domain.
Yet, the domain-specific directive that data has to be
anonymized must be applied, as the data is now shared
with another domain. The proposed privacy filters are
therefore applied
, and access is then granted
PROTON supports the domain expert in two ways:
first, by including reverification steps of privacy re-
quirements in the extended access process, and second,
Enabling Trusted Data Sharing in Data Spaces: PROTON - A Privacy-by-Design Approach to Data Products
domain requests
Legal: purpose limitation (PL)
Domain: anonymize data (AD)
Anonymize all data
Relevant & not
fulfilled: (AD)
Privacy policies?
Privacy policies
processing with
privacy filters
Access granted
Access denied
Development domain
gains access
Figure 8: Process of Access Request to DP-Car.
by facilitating the identification of necessary measures
due to the information in the PROTON description
model. The sequence of operations is illustrated in
Figure 8 by means of bold arrows.
Creation of DP-Dev. Once the domain expert has
gained access to DP-Car, the creation of DP-Dev can
begin. To this end, DP-Car is enhanced with inter-
nal data from the development domain. The required
internal data is determined (A) and the new data prod-
uct DP-Dev is built (B). Subsequently, the PROTON-
specific adaptations of the creation process take effect.
As there are no policies for the internal data, it is only
necessary to check which privacy policies are carried
over from DP-Car
. As the domain policy AD was
verified during the access request, it is only necessary
to check whether the purpose limitation (PL) is vio-
lated by DP-Dev. As this is not the case, no further
measures need to be taken
and DP-Dev can be
deployed (E). The sequence of operations is illustrated
in Figure 9 by means of bold arrows.
Privacy policies
from sources?
Privacy policies
processing with
privacy filters
Deploy DPnew and
transfer ownership
Product data
Enhanced car
data useful
Accessed car data
& domain internal
Data product
owner from the
development domain
(PL) fulfilled
Legal: purpose limitation (PL), Internal data no privacy policies
Figure 9: DP-Dev Creation Process.
Table 3: Summary of the Key Findings regarding the Benefits for Each Role Gained from PROTON.
Role Benefits of PROTON
Data Subject
The description model provides a means of eliciting privacy policies. Data subjects are
thus able to specify their privacy policies in a descriptive manner.
Data Owner
The description model assists data owners in identifying relevant privacy policies, while
the adapted data product creation process ensures the enforcement of these policies.
Data Consumer
The revised access process for data products entails the verification of privacy policies.
Consequently, data consumers are able to ascertain that the data product they access is in
compliance with all relevant privacy policies.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
6.2 Lessons Learned
The assessment conducted in collaboration with do-
main experts from our industry partner highlighted
three aspects of PROTON:
Data Subject Empowerment. PROTON enables
data subjects to delineate their privacy requirements
at the time of data collection, which are then ad-
hered to throughout the data product lifecycle. The
description model allows data subjects to provide
privacy policies in natural language, which are sub-
sequently transformed for automated processing.
Data Owner Responsibility. It is the responsibility
of data owners to ensure that their data products
comply with all relevant privacy policies. To this
end, the description model provided by PROTON
offers a comprehensive overview of legal, domain,
and data subject privacy policies, as well as pro-
posed measures to satisfy them. This facilitates
the identification and enforcement of these policies
Data Consumer Trust. It is also important to note
that data consumers accessing data products require
assurance that these products adhere to all appli-
cable privacy policies. PROTON guarantees this
by extending the access request process to include
privacy policy verification and enforcement.
In summary, the results of our assessment, based on
our industrial use cases presented in Section 3, demon-
strate that PROTON effectively integrates privacy by
design into existing data product processes. Our ap-
proach addresses the privacy requirements of data sub-
jects, data owners, and data consumers. The key bene-
fits for these three roles are summarized in Table 3.
It is important to note that the data mesh concept
does not explicitly address the issue of privacy. It is
regarded as one of several security goals, rather than
a primary concern. Consequently, there is currently
no established process for enforcing the rights and re-
quirements of data subjects when dealing with data
products. It is, therefore, the responsibility of each and
every data owner to develop and implement strategies
for establishing privacy. PROTON addresses this issue
by introducing systematic processes and techniques
that emphasize privacy. However, in the absence of
a de facto standard for the privacy-aware handling of
data products, it is not possible to evaluate our ap-
proach against a baseline.
As backed by our findings, the methodology pre-
sented in this paper is capable of adequately address-
ing the needs of data subjects, data owners, and data
consumers. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
adoption of PROTON as a reference point for the han-
dling of data products is preferable to the status quo,
which lacks comprehensive support and guidance on
compliance with privacy regulations.
Currently, there are no agreed upon standards for
the technical implementation of data mesh or data
products, which would have been needed as a basis for
an implementation of PROTON. Therefore, PROTON
is an extension of the existing concepts and a guide-
line on how to handle privacy when implementing a
data mesh or data products. We aim to address the
definition of the missing standards together with our
industry partner. Once such standards are established,
PROTON can be implemented in this context, which
in turn will allow for a more comprehensive technical
In the context of the rapidly evolving landscape of
data mesh, the importance of a trustworthy exchange
of data cannot be overstated. Data products frequently
constitute the backbone of this data sharing. Common
procedures for handling data products inadequately
address privacy considerations, thereby failing to es-
tablish trust.
To address this issue, we introduce PROTON, a
novel privacy-by-design approach to data product man-
agement. In PROTON, privacy policies are linked to
data products in the form of metadata. Thereby, pri-
vacy requirements of data subjects are always evident
when data products are handled, thus enabling data
owners to identify and apply all relevant policies in
an effective manner. We enhanced existing data prod-
uct creation and access processes to integrate privacy
policy enforcement and verification, thereby ensuring
trusted data sharing. Our assessment, based on an in-
dustrial application scenario, confirms the practicality
For researchers and practitioners engaged within
the field of trust in data mesh, PROTON provides a
scalable and adaptable solution that bridges the gap
between privacy concerns and the necessity for seam-
less data sharing, thereby reinforcing the integrity and
reliability of data-driven ecosystems.
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