Towards AI-Enabled Model-Driven Architecture:
Systematic Literature Review
Zina Zammel, Mouna Rekik, Lotfi Souifi and Ismael Bouassida Rodriguez
ReDCAD Laboratory, ENIS, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Systematic Literature Review, Model Driven Architecture, CIM, PIM, PSM,
Code Generation.
Abstract: The convergence of two separate areas of computer science, like Model Driven Architecture and Artificial
Intelligence, can lead to collaboration in two main ways, such as AI-driven MDA and MDA for AI. In this
paper, we present a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on the application of AI within MDA. Additionally,
we examine how AI facilitates transformations between the Computation Independent Model (CIM), Platform
Independent Model (PIM), and Platform Specific Model (PSM), highlighting methods that bridge conceptual
models with technical specifications. This review contributes to a deeper understanding of AI’s role in enhanc-
ing the effectiveness of MDA frameworks by analyzing existing studies that are selected using SLR. Based
on a systematic search of IEEE, Science Direct, Springer, ACM, and google scholarrelevant articles published
between 2018 and 2024 were identified. The adoption of AI introduces numerous benefits to software engi-
neering, including enhanced support for designers and automation in model transformations.
Implementing a software solution to meet business
needs is a complex process that involves several steps.
The first step is to translate the stakeholders’ needs
into the requirements of the future system, usually
in a specification written in natural language. The
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach plays
an important role in addressing software complexity,
ensuring consistency between different levels of sys-
tem design, and facilitating application maintenance
and evolution of applications (Zouani and Lachgar,
2024). Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
and UML are universally accepted standards for de-
signing models in software development process us-
ing MDA.
MDA advocated by the Object Management
Group (OMG) to highlight the importance of
abstract mod- eling (Zouani and Lachgar, 2024).
MDA defines three primary types of models : CIM
represents the system’s requirements and business
context without describing the structure or
processing ; PIM spec- ifies the structure and
functionality of the system namely, models abstracts
the details of PSM that provides technical
information on the implementa- tion of the system
using a particular technology or platform. In MDA,
the requirements specified in a CIM must be
traceable to the constructs in the PIM and the PSMs
that implement them. Further- more, MDA facilitates
a model-driven software de- velopment process
through Model-to-Model (M2M) transformations,
CIM requirements are transformed into PIM, which
focuses on software functionality rather than
implementation details. A Model-to-Text (M2T)
transformation converts PIM models into PSM or
source code. Acceleo, Xtend, EGL, TextGen, and
AdoScript are common M2T languages, while ATL,
EGL, and QVT-Operational are commonly used for
M2M transformations. Utilizing MDA signifi- cantly
lowers software development costs compared to
conventional Software Development Life Cycle ap-
proaches, while maintaining high quality since code
is generated from the established models. Moreover,
Domain-Specific Models (DSM) enhance MDA) by
enabling the creation of abstract, domain-focused rep-
resentations that capture system requirements and de-
signs across various domains. DSM utilizes two
modeling notations: graphical, as in Domain-Specific
Modeling Languages (DSML), and textual, as in
Domain-Specific Languages (DSL). Despite its ben-
efits, DSM faces challenges such as domain-specific
customization, maintaining consistency across ab-
Zammel, Z., Rekik, M., Souifi, L. and Rodriguez, I. B.
Towards AI-Enabled Model-Driven Architecture: Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0013374000003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 1380-1387
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
straction levels, and managing transformations into
platform-specific implementations. Semi-formal
languages like UML, BPMN, and DSLs are
commonly used to define PIMs, offering structured
notations but lacking the precision of formal
languages. This can result in ambiguities, unclear
semantics, and overlap- ping interpretations,
particularly in complex scenar- ios. On the other
hand, extracting PIM involves con- verting system
requirements, which are often written in natural
language, into formal or semi-formal rep-
resentations. This task has traditionally been the re-
sponsibility of humans due to the inherent complexity
and ambiguity of natural language, making it chal-
lenging for machines to process. However, recent
advancement in AI algorithms have shown promise
in addressing these challenges by automating aspects
of requirement analysis, Natural Language Process-
ing (NLP), and model generation. Several system-
atic literature reviews on Model Driven Architecture
have been conducted, such as the work by (Uzun and
Tekinerdogan, 2018), which examined various Model
Driven Architecture Based Testing approaches. Their
SLR revealed that although MDABT is a generic pro-
cess, the available approaches differed in their spe-
cific goals, modeling abstractions, and results. To the
best of our knowledge, there is currently no existing
SLR that focuses on the application of artificial intel-
ligence within the context of MDA.
In this review, we explore how AI techniques have
been applied to enhance the MDA process, specif-
ically in overcoming challenges such as ambiguity
of the requirements, consistency of the model, and
automated transformation. In addition, we identify
and discuss the limitations and opportunities these
approaches present. This synthesis aims to provide
researchers with insight to select appropriate AI al-
gorithms, address persistent challenges, and explore
future directions to advance the field of MDA. The
remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2, we describe the adopted methodology for
conducting our SLR. We describe the search strategy,
the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the data ex-
traction process. Section 3 presents the results of our
SLR and provides an analysis of the identified stud-
ies. In Section 4, we discuss the limitations of some
proposed studies. In section 5, we present threats to
validity of our SLR. In Section 6 we present a sum-
mary of our paper and our future direction.
The research methodology for this study follows the
SLR approach, comprising five steps: (i) Defining
research objectives and questions, (ii) Conducting a
literature search with targeted queries, (iii) Selecting
studies using inclusion and exclusion criteria, (iv) Ex-
tracting data from selected studies, and (v) Analyzing
results to address the research questions.
2.1 Research Questions
Identifying specific and valid research questions is the
first step in SLR. To achieve the goal of this work,
we aim to answer the following research questions
RQ1 While using MDA what kind of AI algo-
rithm can enhance designer work?
RQ2 How are AI algorithms used for CIM gener-
RQ3 How AI algorithms are used for PIM gener-
RQ4 How AI algorithms are used for PSM gener-
RQ5 How AI algorithms are used for Code gen-
2.2 Search String
A database search strategy was employed to col- lect
relevant published literature, using systematic
searches with well-defined search strings. The re-
search string comprised keywords organized into
three groups.
Group1: “model driven Architecture”.
Group 2: “CIM”, “PIM”, PSM”, “code genera- tion”
Group 3: “Artificial intelligence”.
Both sets of keywords were combined with a Boolean
search (AND, OR) in the article search process. The
search string is reported below :
(“Model Driven Architecture”) AND (“PSM”
”PIM ”)
AND (“Artificial intelligence”)
2.3 Selection Criteria
Exclusion Criteria: For our SLR we excluded the
Review papers (survey, SLR . . .), book chap- ters,
master’s, and Ph.D. are excluded. In addi- tion,
publications that were published before or on
31.12.2017, and articles that were written in any
language other than English are excluded.
Inclusion Criteria: Only peer-reviewed studies
published in journals or conference proceedings were
Towards AI-Enabled Model-Driven Architecture: Systematic Literature Review
included. Also, we include the papers that
contributed to solving MDA/ MDE challenges with
AI in the abstract.
2.4 Data Extraction
The search string was used to collect the studies that
are present in multiple sources. Specifically, the
sources considered were IEEE, ACM, Science Direct,
Springer and google scholar. The execution of the de-
fined research query has selected 1261 articles to ob-
tain 52 relevant studies following the application of
the selection criteria. So, the outcomes of the selec-
tion process. 52 articles that matched the inclusion
criteria were included in the SLR. we also included an
additional 4 studies recommended by the expert. The
distribution of selected studies according to the scien-
tific databases and the publication type is presented in
Table 1.
This section presents the comprehensive results
obtained from the conducted SLR. The results are
organized and presented according to predefined in-
clusion and exclusion criteria, ensuring the relevance
and quality of the selected studies.
3.1 RQ1: While Using MDA What Kind
of AI Algorithm Can Enhance
Designer Work?
(López et al., 2022) introduced ModelSet, a la- beled
dataset of 5,466 Ecore meta-models and 5,120 UML
models designed to advance machine learning in
MDE. After removing non-English and uncatego-
rized models, the dataset included 5,290 Ecore (14%
”dummy”) and 4,479 UML models (13% ”dummy”).
Features with near-zero variance were eliminated,
leaving 9 features for Ecore and 39 for UML. To ad-
dress class imbalance, upsampling was applied, and
10-fold cross-validation with three repetitions opti-
mized hyperparameters for classifiers, including k-
NN, Random Forest, Neural Networks, and C5.0.
Model performance was evaluated using paired t-
tests for statistical significance. This work estab-
lishes ModelSet as a critical resource for AI-enhanced
MDA, enabling tasks like model classification, tag-
ging, and quality filtering while providing insights
into feature relevance and classifier performance.
(Iyenghar et al., 2022) proposed integrating con-
versational AI frameworks, such as RASA, with
MDE tools to facilitate guided tutorials, natural lan-
guage query resolution, and dialog-based modeling
support. They emphasized using AI techniques like
machine learning for model transformation, semantic
reasoning for DSM, and NLP to simplify modeling
tasks, ultimately reducing complexity and the learn-
ing curve for MDA tools.
(Muttillo et al., 2024) proposed A novel MDE
frame- work integrates event logs, intelligent
modeling as- sistants (IMAs), and LLM generated
modeling oper- ations to automate tasks and provide
recommenda- tions. LLMs generate synthetic data to
train IMAs, though human-based operations are more
accurate. Deep learning techniques like LSTM
networks pre- dict future modeling actions, fostering
proactive de- sign. The authors evaluated the
proposed framework in terms of correctness,
diversity, and hallucination, showing that LLMs,
particularly GPT-4, can effec- tively emulate human
modeling operations. Based on the analysis, GPT-4
outperformed other LLMs across multiple metrics. It
achieved a confidence interval (CI) entirely below 1,
with lower bounds at 0.874 and upper bounds at 0.95,
and an interquartile range (IQR) of 0, indicating
minimal hallucination effects up to the 95th
percentile. Additionally, GPT-4 exhib- ited the lowest
standard error (0.0192), standard de- viation (0.352),
and variance (0.124) among the com- pared models.
A One-Sample Test with a null hy- pothesis that
GPT-4’s mean is greater than 1 yielded a p-value <
0.001, confirming GPT-4’s superior per- formance in
minimizing hallucinations relative to the other
(Bruneliere et al., 2022) proposed innovative com-
bination of MDE, NLP , and DevOps practices. This
integration is intended to facilitate a smoother transi-
tion from design to runtime, thereby improving the
overall efficiency of engineering processes in CPS.
The role NLP is enhances requirement management
by automating writing, ensuring consistency, aiding
in elicitation, improving communication, and manag-
ing the lifecycle of requirements.
(Moin et al., 2022) presented a model-driven soft-
ware engineering methodology that integrates DSM
to enhance the development of AI-enabled IoT sys-
tems. It addresses challenges in traditional MDA,
such as round-tripping and genericity, by focus-
ing on deploying compact ML models on resource-
constrained devices TinyML. This approach allows
for local data processing, improving performance,
availability and privacy. AI algorithms optimized
for low-power environments, like decision trees and
lightweight neural networks, can automate decision-
making and enhance predictive capabilities.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Summary of selected research studies and publication type.
Scientific database Type Studies Total
Journal Not found
(Kulkarni et al., 2023), (Rigou et al., 2020) ,(Bhadra
et al., 2024),(Lano and Xue, 2023),(Siala, 2024),(Zen- naro et al.,
2018), (Thota et al., 2024), (Binder et al., 2021), (Benaben et al.,
2019),(Tinnes et al., 2021), (Dorodnykh et al., 2018), (Houghtaling et
al., 2024), (Moin et al., 2022), (Babaalla et al., 2024a), (Park et al.,
Journal Not found
(Yang and Sahraoui, 2022), (Safdar et al., 2022), (Kouissi
et al., 2019), (Chang et al., 2020), (Babaalla et al., 2024b), (Uyanık
and Sayar, 2023), (Sajji et al., 2023)
(Binder et al., 2022),(Mythily et al., 2019), (Panahandeh
et al., 2021) , (Ouali et al., 2020), (Biswas et al., 2022), (Li et al., 2018),
(Pe´rez-Castillo et al., 2022)
Conference Not found
Science Direct Journal
(Batchkova and Ivanova, 2019), (Maass and Storey,
2021), (Alulema et al., 2023), (Servadei et al., 2019)
Google Scholar
(Zouani and Lachgar, 2024),(Brandon et al., 2024) ,
(Bruneliere et al., 2022), (Eramo et al., 2024), (Khalfi et al.,
2024),(Lo´pez et al., 2022), (Moin et al., 2021) , (Ouchra et al., 2024),
(Tabbiche et al., 2023)
, (Naveed et al., 2024), (Koseler et al., 2019) , (Sarazin
et al., 2021), (Naimi et al., 2024), (Meyma et al., 2022), (Lopes et al.,
2024), (Iyenghar et al., 2022), (Liu et al., 2020), (Muttillo et al., 2024)
(Bran- don et al., 2024) implemented CINCO de
Bio, a low-code platform that simplifies biomedical
imaging workflows by integrating model-driven
architecture and AI. It enables non-technical users
to design and execute computational workflows,
offering modular- ity, scalability, and semantic
validation. (Park et al., 2023) used MDA to
facilitates the automation and ab- straction of the
design process for neuromorphic ar- chitectures,
enabling efficient exploration of hetero- geneous
configurations and multi-objective optimiza- tion.
AI plays a crucial role in guiding the design space
search, allowing for the identification of op- timal
architectural candidates based on performance
metrics and user-defined constraints. (Eramo et al.,
2024) proposed a novel architecture MDE, AI/ML,
and DevOps automates processes like requirements,
modeling, coding, testing, and monitoring. It lever-
ages NLP for requirements analysis and GNNs for
modeling insights, while AI/ML supports code gener-
ation and reuse recommendations, enhancing system
engineering and continuous delivery.
(Kulkarni et al., 2023) proposed a use case
demon-strated how Generative AI, specifically
ChatGPT, en- hances the MDE process by enabling
domain experts to create models using natural
language. Using in- puts such as a root goal, a meta-
model description, and context, ChatGPT generates
actionable strategies, like improving academic
reputation and research out-put, as model instances.
This approach bridges human intentions with technical
models, streamlining MDE through natural language
interactions while ensuring traceability and accuracy.
RQ3: How AI algorithms are used for PIM
(Siala, 2024) Developed a model-driven reverse
engi- neering approach tool using LLMs to generate
UML and OCL specifications from source code
because legacy systems become increasingly
complex and more difficult to maintain, there is a
growing need for new and better ways to understand
and maintain them. Also, Class diagrams, which
visually repre- sent classes, attributes, methods, and
their interrela- tionships, play a pivotal role in
capturing the core ar- chitecture of a software system.
To address this need, (Sajji et al., 2023) proposed an
approach that employs Graph Neural Networks, to
automatically generate class diagrams from source
code in the context of MDA and reverse engineering.
According to the pa- per, software development
company faces challenges with a complex,
undocumented codebase, leading to longer
development cycles and increased energy con-
sumption. To address this, a Graph Neural Network
(GNN) is used to generate class diagrams from the
source code, improving system understanding. Fo-
Towards AI-Enabled Model-Driven Architecture: Systematic Literature Review
cusing on a school management system in Java, the
source code is analyzed to identify classes, attributes,
methods, and relationships like inheritance and de-
pendencies. A graph representation is constructed,
with nodes for classes and edges for relationships,
while relevant features are extracted. Trained on la-
beled datasets of code graphs and class diagrams, the
GNN accurately captures class relationships and gen-
erates diagrams that enhance code clarity, streamline
workflows, and reduce energy consumption.
Manually creating UML and use case diagrams
can be tedious and error-prone, especially when the
specifications are long and/or complex. As a result,
(Babaalla et al., 2024a) suggested a novel method
for examining textual specifications and extracting the
relevant elements needed to create UML class and
use case diagrams, utilizing NLP tools and linguis-
tic techniques. Knowledge extraction module used
for generating the concepts of the two UML diagrams
of classes and use cases, from the output of the NLP
module process used to analyze the text requirements.
The elements of the two resulting diagrams are cre-
ated using drawing algorithms and/or saved in XML
format. The results demonstrated a high F1 score for
the extraction of classes, attributes, and methods was
reported to be in the interval of [80%; 100%]. In
the same way (Yang and Sahraoui, 2022) presented a
novel automated approach for generating UML class
diagrams from natural language specifications.To de-
velop this approach, they created a dataset of UML
class diagrams and their English specifications. The
pipeline of this work included several steps: segment-
ing the input text into sentences, classifying these
sentences, generating UML class diagram fragments,
and composing these fragments into a complete UML
class diagram using natural language patterns and ma-
chine learning. They used Bernoulli Naive Bayes
classifier binary classification of English sentences.
The evaluation metrics results for classes are 17%
precision and 25% recall for exact matching, the
strictest metric. The results for relationships are a
connectivity similarity of 63% and a size difference
of 67%. (Tinnes et al., 2021) proposed OCKHAM,
an unsupervised approach that learns domain-specific
edit operations from model histories in repositories
using frequent subgraph mining to identify meaning-
ful patterns in model differences. The approach was
evaluated on synthetic EMF models and a large-scale
railway case study, demonstrating its ability to extract
and recommend relevant edit operations in real-world
settings. Furthrmore, (Rigou et al., 2020) Analyzed
machine learning approaches for draft a PIM model
that describes the functional requirements of a system
from a textual specification.
(Tabbiche et al., 2023) proposed an intelligent
meta- model that integrates the Eclipse Modeling
Frame- work (EMF) with supervised machine
learning to en- hance the adaptability and efficiency
of the modeling process, particularly for ubiquitous
applications. The approach employs multi-layer
Perceptron (MLP) neu- ral networks to classify and
predict outcomes based on contextual data, such as
COVID-19 symptoms. A systematic process for PIM
generation involves defin- ing a context meta-model
and creating PIMs that are platform-independent.
Using Acceleo for M2T trans- formation automates
code generation for specific plat- forms, ensuring the
relevance and adaptability of the generated models.
The use case focuses on improv- ing COVID-19
patient classification using symptoms as input to an
MLP-based neural network with one or two hidden
layers. A dataset from the COVID- 19-TRACERSET
repository by Public Health France serves as the
training and test data. Initial KNN weights are
randomly set and adjusted during learn- ing, where
outputs above a threshold (> 0.5) are la- beled as
“infected” (1) or “healthy” (0). Experimen- tal
results demonstrate the reliability of ANN models in
automatic decision-making, showcasing their accu-
racy in categorizing COVID-19 cases based on symp-
toms, ultimately improving the decision-making pro-
3.2 RQ5 How AI Algorithms Are Used
for Code Generation?
(Lano and Xue, 2023) applied novel symbolic ma-
chine learning techniques for learning tree-to-tree
mappings of software syntax trees, to automate the
development of code generators from source–target
example pairs. This approach is referred to as Code
Generation by Example. The method was evaluated
across various tasks, including translating UML/OCL
to programming languages such as Java, Kotlin, and
C, as well as translating DSLs to SwiftUI. The re-
sults demonstrate both high accuracy and efficiency.
(Bhadra et al., 2024) introduced a novel model-based
code generator based on MDA to tackle the com-
plexities of embedded programming, highlighting the
need for diverse coding styles due to varying pro-
gramming languages and hardware architectures. The
authors demonstrate that their approach reduces the
effort for generating low-level driver code for core
tensor math operators in neural networks by an av-
erage of 62 times in Source Lines of Code compared
to manual coding. This efficiency enhances the re-
liability and scalability of embedded software solu-
tions, showcasing the value of model-driven method-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ologies in automating code generation. While ac-
knowledging the potential of LLMs for code gener-
ation, the authors emphasize the deterministic out-
comes of their approach, which ensures reliability and
optimized code for embedded systems. Overall, the
findings contribute significantly to software engineer-
ing and embedded systems development.
AI has shown significant potential to enhance soft-
ware engineering processes, but its application in
MDA is still emerging and faces several limitations.
A major challenge is the lack of large, high-quality
datasets tailored to specific modeling languages, of-
ten due to privacy concerns. While LLMs can gener-
ate synthetic traces to mitigate this issue, the quality
of such data remains critical. Generated traces may
suffer from inaccuracies or ’hallucinations’ outputs
where AI systems generate plausible but incorrect or
nonsensical information (Muttillo et al., 2024) devi-
ating from correct modeling practices and compro-
mising the reliability of AI-driven tools. Addition-
ally, many AI-based approaches lack generalizabil-
ity across different modeling tools and environments.
Validation is often limited, with some studies rely-
ing on a single case study such as a hydraulic test rig
(Moin et al., 2022) which may not represent broader
domains like IoT. This highlights the need for more
comprehensive evaluations across diverse scenarios
and use cases. Finally, the use of LLMs in genera-
tive AI raises ethical and privacy concerns, particu-
larly when handling sensitive or proprietary modeling
To minimize possible threats to validity, particularly
threats to internal and construct validity, we followed
well-established guidelines for studies during this re-
search. In SLR, one of the main threats to external
validity is that primary studies may not be represen-
tative of the state of the art and practice. To miti-
gate this threat, we targeted four well-known scien-
tific databases. These operation also helped us mit-
igate threats to construct validity. However, we re-
moved studies that were not written in English, but
we don’t believe there’s a significant risk of exclud-
ing relevant studies not written in English since
English is the de-facto standard language for
scientific research in computer science and software
engineer- ing. It is possible that SLR cannot answer all
research questions.
In our systematic literature review, we have exam-
ined a total of 56 primary studies to explore the use
of various AI algorithms in MDA. The aim of our re-
view was to address specific research questions and
provide an overview of current MDA that is enabled
by AI. From this SLR, we conclude that, in recent
years, major players have increasingly used model-
based technologies to develop industrial software. AI
has also seen significant advances recently, especially
in Large Language Models.
This paper offers valuable insights for both
practition- ers and researchers examining the current
state of the field. Furthermore, our SLR can
positively influence the research community and
facilitate its transition to Generative AI.
In future works, we plan to propose an intelli- gent
MDA framework that automates and enhances the
generation of requirement, models and the code
generation. Also, We aim to utilize a large datasets to
prevent underfitting during the training of the AI
This work was partially supported by the LABEX-TA
project MeFoGL: ”Me´thodes formelles pour le Ge´nie
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