cally LIME and SHAP. Our experiments reveal that
models with similar and high accuracy can rely on
different features — potentially spurious and irrel-
evant ones — in the decision-making process, em-
phasizing that high accuracy alone does not guaran-
tee model reliability. Among the components tested,
varying the feature extractor introduced the highest
variability in feature reliance, identifying it as the pri-
mary factor in underspecification. However, optimiz-
ers and initial weights can also contribute to under-
specification. While this study primarily focuses on
these three components, our proposed framework can
be extended to investigate additional elements within
ML pipelines.
While this study effectively highlights the preva-
lence of underspecification in various ML pipeline
components and identifies where it potentially occurs,
it is important to note that it does not directly address
how to reduce it. Additionally, we observe slight in-
consistencies in LIME explanations due to its inher-
ent randomness, which suggests that relying solely
on LIME may limit the robustness of underspecifica-
tion analysis. Additionally, our cosine distance-based
ClassLevelScore metric, despite its effectiveness, dis-
plays sensitivity on simpler datasets like MNIST, po-
tentially amplifying variability and underspecification
in these cases. Furthermore, while dataset quality
and representation are known to significantly impact
underspecification, these aspects are not directly ex-
plored in this work, as they are extensively studied
in the literature. Lastly, although post-hoc explana-
tion tools such as LIME and SHAP provide valuable
insights, their computational intensiveness may limit
their applicability to datasets with large numbers of
classes or instances, posing a challenge for scalability
in more complex settings.
Future work will focus on addressing these limi-
tations by exploring strategies to mitigate underspec-
ification. This may involve identifying which feature
extractors or optimizers contribute most consistently
to stable feature reliance, testing alternative initializa-
tion methods, and developing a framework to guide
pipeline configurations toward reduced variability.
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