neous client’s data, and maintains comparable perfor-
mance to server-based centralized calibration as α in-
creases (i.e., α > 0.4), while offering advantages in
terms of privacy, as no calibration data must be shared
with the server. At the same time, our federated cali-
bration outperforms a local calibration strategy, where
each client calibrates separately the base model (e.g.
trained by means of FL): separate calibration steps at
different nodes might leverage partially representative
data and, hence, result in non-trustworthy models.
In addition, the classification performance in
terms of accuracy and F1-score of our proposed ap-
proach is not affected with respect to the base model,
and it is comparable to that of a model obtained by
performing centralized calibration.
These features make our approach particularly
well-suited for the deployment of reliable ML-based
Intrusion Detection Systems, where data are typically
unbalanced and where privacy and efficient resource
usage are essential. However, it still faces challenges
to work well with under-represented classes, high-
lighting an area for potential improvements. In ad-
dition, for future works, we plan to investigate other
approaches to calibration in a federated learning set-
ting, like isotonic regression and/or methods based on
the conformal prediction framework.
The research leading to these results has been par-
tially funded by the Italian Ministry of University and
Research (MUR) under the PRIN 2022 PNRR frame-
work (EU Contribution – NextGenerationEU – M.
4,C. 2, I. 1.1), SHIELDED project, ID P2022ZWS82.
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A Federated Approach to Enhance Calibration of Distributed ML-Based Intrusion Detection Systems