CyberWise: Virtual Security Learning Platform
Payton Howard, Mark Ferraro and Sajal Bhatia
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT, U.S.A.
Cybersecurity, Awareness, Training, Learning Platform.
Security awareness training is a crucial aspect of ensuring and upholding the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of systems. This project addresses the need for improved security awareness training among
staff and faculty members at the university. Our learning platform, CyberWise, leverages a virtual machine
in conjunction with a Blackboard course to provide hands-on training modules for email security, secure
browsing techniques, viruses, and password best practices. Participants in the CyberWise learning platform
engage in realistic scenarios designed to improve learning comprehension about security best practices. The
results of CyberWise demonstrated significant improvements in participants’ confidence and skills in key areas
of cybersecurity. Participants also indicated a high likelihood of applying the training to their daily work, with
90% feeling very or extremely likely to do so. CyberWise contributes to the field of cybersecurity by providing
an effective, hands-on solution for security awareness training that allows staff and faculty members of the
university to learn about security-related topics in an environment that looks and feels familiar to them. The
interactive and simulation-based approach used in CyberWise not only serves to enhance user engagement,
but also ensures a better application of security best practices compared to traditional training methods. This
project underscores the value of immersive and practical training environments in the development of a robust
security culture within higher educational institutions.
In today’s digital landscape, cybersecurity awareness
is more important than ever. As cyber threats continue
to evolve and become increasingly sophisticated, the
need for robust security practices within organiza-
tions has never been greater. Employees are often
the first line of defense against cyber-attacks, mak-
ing it crucial that they are equipped with the knowl-
edge and skills to recognize and respond to potential
threats. Despite this, many organizations face a sig-
nificant gap in security awareness, leaving them vul-
nerable to phishing attacks, malware, and other secu-
rity breaches.
This project addresses the critical need for en-
hanced security awareness training among staff and
faculty members at the university. Traditional security
training methods, often consisting of passive learning
through boring videos or lectures, fail to engage users
effectively and do not provide the hands-on experi-
ence needed to develop practical skills. As a result,
there is a pressing need for a more interactive and im-
mersive training platform that can bridge this gap.
The primary objective of this project is to de-
velop CyberWise, an innovative learning platform
that leverages virtual machine technology to deliver
comprehensive, hands-on security awareness training
to the staff and faculty members of the university. Cy-
berWise is specifically created for a university project
and aims to improve participants’ understanding and
application of security best practices through realis-
tic scenarios and interactive modules. By focusing
on key areas such as email security, secure brows-
ing techniques, virus recognition and response, and
password best practices, the platform seeks to equip
users with the necessary skills to protect themselves
and their organization from cyber threats.
Through the development and implementation of
CyberWise, this project aims to demonstrate the ef-
fectiveness of immersive, simulation-based training
in enhancing cybersecurity awareness and prepared-
ness among university staff and faculty members.
The rest of the article is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 gives background of this research along with a
summary of recent pertinent previous work. Section 3
provides the methodology and implementation details
of the proposed training platform. Section 4 gives a
summary of the metrics used to evaluate the effective-
ness of CyberWise. Section 5 provides the challenges
encountered in implementing and evaluating Cyber-
Wise. Section 6 summarizes and discusses the ob-
Howard, P., Ferraro, M. and Bhatia, S.
CyberWise: Virtual Security Learning Platform.
DOI: 10.5220/0013378400003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 416-425
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tained results. Finally, Section 7 concludes the article
by providing a summary of the work and directions
for future work in this area.
As previously mentioned, security awareness train-
ing can be found in a variety of flavors across differ-
ent institutional and enterprise environments. Most
of the common security awareness training methods
used today tend to be similar to one another, and are
often implemented just to meet compliance require-
ments (Mikova et al., 2021). This approach can be
dangerous, as training programs that simply “check
the box” (Haney and Lutters, 2020) are not designed
to ensure that training and skills stick with individ-
uals who complete the training. Employees need to
have a reason to care about security; training should
communicate the business value of security best prac-
tices to the organization. Typical training methods of-
ten focus on videos followed by multiple-choice tests,
which can cause individuals to pay less attention if the
training itself is not engaging. This, in turn, can result
in participants gaining minimal skills and knowledge,
and even less in terms of long-term retention.
Although there were limited direct comparisons
between our research and others, we identified spe-
cific and relevant elements in each case study that we
reviewed and decided to apply said elements to Cy-
berWise. One relevant research paper emphasized the
importance of using a virtual environment, “Towards
an Automated Security Awareness System in a Virtu-
alized Environment” (Labuschagne and Eloff, 2012).
In this study, an automated and virtualized environ-
ment was created to allow users to safely access the
internet through a virtual machine. This virtual en-
vironment would restart to its original save state to
ensure that each new user had a fresh, malware-free
environment. Additionally, the study included a sur-
vey to collect data on users’ security awareness, and
the system analyzed user behavior and malware to as-
sess security threats.
When comparing the aforementioned study to Cy-
berWise, it is clear that there are some related as-
pects. The use of a virtual environment is a core
part of each research project. However, CyberWise
focuses more on using the virtual environment as a
general overarching training tool, rather than as a tool
used solely to improve internet safety. Additionally,
the use of surveys is similar, as CyberWise also in-
cludes a survey in the first learning module to estab-
lish a baseline of a user’s security awareness and a
post-training survey to measure improvement. Dur-
ing the initial research phase of CyberWise, a priority
was building a virtual security learning platform that
would effectively improve the cybersecurity skills of
staff and faculty at an institution. (Vykopal et al.,
2022) proposed Smart Learning Environment (SLE)
focused on strengthening cybersecurity skills of its
users by implementation of adaptive training meth-
ods. This was accomplished using a digital training
environment that allowed for proficiency of cyberse-
curity skills to be tested and for additional complexity
to be implemented to enhance learning. The SLE was
setup by instructors and allowed them to “supervise
training activities in the virtual learning environment
for students who perform these activities”. Lee et.
al (Lee et al., 2022) proposed a novel cybersecurity
training platform called ICSTASY (Integrated Cyber-
security Training System) that focused on “scenario-
based, interactive, and immersive cybersecurity train-
ing”. ICSTASY would focus on editable scenarios,
autonomous agents for realistic interactions, and ro-
bust evaluation processes. Each of these systems was
limited in overall scope, complexity, and scale.
Another relevant research paper that was useful
is (Alkhazi et al., 2022) “Assessment of the Impact of
Information Security Awareness Training Methods on
Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior”. This study ex-
amined four groups using a variety of different train-
ing methods, with a common denominator being that
all groups received a lecture as part of their training.
One group only received a lecture to serve as a base-
line, while the remaining three groups had additional
training methods: a video, a reading, or a game. Each
group was assessed on three categories of improve-
ment: knowledge, attitude, and behavior. All groups
showed noticeable improvement in these three areas.
The categories of improvement for each group were
calculated to collect the overall median improvement
and range of improvement for each group. The base-
line group had a median improvement of 17.52% with
a range of 12.01. The group that included a game in
their training showed the greatest improvement and
the lowest overall range, with a median improvement
of 32.31% and a range of 4.52.
A variety of platforms and software were used to
build and complete the CyberWise virtual security
learning platform. These technologies include Black-
board, Azure, RDP, Windows 10, Outlook, Python,
and Chrome. Blackboard was chosen as the learning
CyberWise: Virtual Security Learning Platform
Figure 1: CyberWise Environment Setup.
platform because it is widely used by the university
and many educational institutions for coursework and
information accessibility. It provided an accessible
platform for training participants to access learning
modules, as all university staff and faculty have ac-
cess to the software.
Azure was utilized to create and host the Cyber-
Wise Virtual Security Learning Platform. This al-
lowed for streamlined management of the virtual en-
vironment, ensuring performance adjacent to that of a
native system. RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) was
employed to enable participants to connect to the vir-
tual training environment. Participants could run a
provided RDP file and enter a password to access the
virtual environment, which was based on a Windows
10 virtual machine. Windows 10 was selected due
to its widespread use, ensuring that most participants
would have some basic familiarity with the operating
Within the Windows environment, the Outlook
desktop app was used for phishing training, allow-
ing participants to access a realistic and live mail-
box. Some training modules required customized
scripts to properly explain and demonstrate concepts.
For these purposes, CyberWise included customized
Python scripts for simulating viruses and managing
passwords. Finally, the Chrome browser was used for
an internet-based module. Chrome was chosen be-
cause it is the most popular browser on Windows de-
vices, providing a familiar interface for participants.
3.1 Environment Setup
When designing the CyberWise virtual lab environ-
ment, multiple key factors were considered, includ-
ing ease of access, low cost, 24/7 availability, and a
near-native experience. The options considered were
a locally hosted device, Amazon AWS, and Microsoft
Azure. The locally hosted option met all key factors
except for providing a near-native experience, as the
available hardware, being almost eight years old, did
not offer sufficient performance. Therefore, while a
locally hosted solution was useful for initial platform
testing, it was not suited for long-term use by partici-
pants in the virtual training environment.
Midway through the CyberWise project, the deci-
sion was made to move to a cloud-based environment,
and Microsoft Azure was chosen as it met all the key
factors required. Azure offered ease of access, low
cost, 24/7 availability, and a near-native experience.
The native Azure virtual machine resource was
used to host the virtual environment. To keep costs
relatively low while still providing a near-native vir-
tual environment, the virtual machine was allocated 2
CPUs and 8GB of memory. The Windows 10 operat-
ing system was selected because it was less expensive
than Windows 11 and most users were likely more fa-
miliar with Windows 10, given the ongoing transition
between the two operating systems. The virtual en-
vironment was hosted in a data center located in Vir-
ginia to ensure that the environment was geographi-
cally close to CyberWise users, enhancing usability
and responsiveness.
Once the virtual machine was created and run-
ning, firewall rules were configured. By default,
Azure denies all inbound and outbound traffic. To se-
cure the CyberWise environment, connections were
restricted to the IP address space owned and oper-
ated by university. Specifically, connections from the address space were allowed, and only
port 3389 was open, with all other traffic denied by
default. Port 3389 was chosen because it is the de-
fault port for Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), which
was used to connect to the virtual environment. RDP
was selected as the ideal protocol/connection method
because it provided CyberWise users with a graphi-
cal user interface (GUI) environment. Additionally,
using RDP allowed users to access the virtual envi-
ronment by simply opening an RDP file and entering
the provided password.
3.2 Training Modules
For CyberWise training modules, we focused on four
main areas: E-Mail Security, Password Best Prac-
tices, Secure Browsing Techniques, and Virus / Mal-
ware Awareness. Each learning module is broken
down into two folders, a Concepts & Theory folder,
and a Practical Application folder. In the Concepts &
Theory folder, participants will find a variety of re-
sources that will aid their overall comprehension of
the respective learning module. In the Practical Ap-
plication folder, participants will find a brief lab to
complete within the learning environment, and a brief
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
“exit” quiz to ensure adequate comprehension of the
labs prior to moving onto the next module.
3.2.1 E-Mail Security
The e-mail security module equips participants with
the knowledge and skills to identify and handle phish-
ing attempts through a combination of theoretical re-
sources and practical exercises (mic, b). Participants
will explore fundamental concepts of e-mail security,
learn best practices, and engage in hands-on activi-
ties within a virtual environment to apply their knowl-
In the Concepts & Theory folder for the e-mail
security module, participants will find valuable re-
sources to understand the fundamentals of e-mail se-
curity. The first resource is a link to a comprehen-
sive post on the Microsoft Security forum that covers
the basics of email security, including its importance,
benefits, best practices, and various types of email
threats (mic, c). Following this, another link directs
participants to a Microsoft page that offers guidance
on protecting against phishing attacks. This page fea-
tures a brief video overview of phishing and various
dropdown menus covering topics such as identifying
phishing messages and steps to take if they fall victim
to a phishing attack. The final resource in this sec-
tion is a document that explains how to report phish-
ing emails using the Phish Alert feature in Outlook,
tailored specifically for the university.
In the Practical Application folder, participants
will find a detailed guide for a hands-on lab exercise
and the practical assessment assignment. These ac-
tivities are designed to enhance interaction with the
training environment. Participants will follow step-
by-step instructions to complete a lab within the vir-
tual environment. They will use Outlook to exam-
ine a mailbox populated with emails created using an
email spoofing tool. Among the 12 emails in the in-
box, some are legitimate while others are designed as
phishing examples (Emkei, ). Participants will iden-
tify which emails they believe to be phishing attempts,
applying the concepts learned in the theory section.
By engaging with both the theoretical resources
and practical exercises, participants will gain a thor-
ough understanding of e-mail security and be better
equipped to recognize and respond to potential email
3.2.2 Password Best Practices
The Password Best Practices module teaches partici-
pants how to create, manage, and protect strong pass-
words through theoretical resources and practical ex-
ercises. Participants will learn company policies and
best practices, use a custom password manager to
generate and store passwords securely, and under-
stand encryption through hands-on activities.
In the Concepts & Theory folder for the Password
Best Practices module, participants will find essen-
tial resources to understand the importance of secure
password best practices. The first resource is a com-
pany document outlining the organization’s password
policy, which includes guidelines on creating robust
passwords, the recommended frequency of password
changes, and the importance of password uniqueness.
Additionally, participants will have access to a CISA
article titled ”Use Strong Passwords” (cis, ) that dis-
cusses various password best practices and common
pitfalls to avoid. This article covers topics such as
the importance of creating complex passwords, the
use of password managers, and avoiding password
reuse. Another important resource is an Okta article
that explains the significance of multi-factor authenti-
cation (MFA) and its role in enhancing security (okt,
). This article provides a comprehensive overview of
why MFA is crucial and how it works.
In the Practical Application folder, participants
will engage with hands-on exercises designed to rein-
force their understanding of password security. They
will use a custom-programmed password manager
within the virtual environment to create and store se-
cure passwords. This manager generates strong pass-
words and saves them in an encrypted file (pass-
words.json), emphasizing the importance of encryp-
tion in password storage. Participants will then use
a custom-programmed password decrypter to decrypt
the stored passwords using a key file, providing a
practical demonstration of encryption and decryption
processes. Additionally, participants will complete a
practical assessment where they evaluate the strength
of various passwords and improve weak ones based
on the best practices learned. By combining theoret-
ical knowledge with practical application, the Pass-
word Best Practices module ensures participants are
well-equipped to create, manage, and protect their
passwords effectively.
3.2.3 Secure Browsing Techniques
The Secure Browsing Techniques module educates
participants on safe web browsing practices through
a combination of theoretical resources and practical
exercises. Participants learn about key security con-
cepts, the importance of HTTPS, and the benefits of
AdBlockers, and engage in hands-on activities to rec-
ognize and respond to online threats effectively.
In the Concepts & Theory folder for the Se-
cure Browsing Techniques module, participants will
find four essential resources. The first resource is
CyberWise: Virtual Security Learning Platform
an article from HowToGeek titled ”9 Tips to Safely
Browse the Web, (Abdul, ) providing practical ad-
vice on maintaining security and privacy while brows-
ing. The second resource is a Cloudflare page ex-
plaining the importance of HTTPS for secure commu-
nication (Cloudflare, ). The third link leads to Phish-
Tank (phi, ), where participants can see real-time re-
ports of phishing attempts. Lastly, a section on Ad-
Blockers like uBlock Origin details how they enhance
user safety by blocking malicious ads, reducing track-
ing, improving browser performance, and preventing
In the Practical Application folder, participants
will engage in hands-on exercises to reinforce secure
browsing techniques. They will perform a Google
search and analyze the sponsored results to identify
potential threats. Next, they will visit
to understand the risks of allowing website notifica-
tions. Participants will also learn to update their web
browsers to ensure they have the latest security up-
dates. Finally, they will visit a non-secure webpage
hosted on an AWS EC2 instance, demonstrating the
importance of HTTPS and recognizing browser secu-
rity warnings.
3.2.4 Virus Simulation
The Virus Simulation module educates participants
on recognizing and responding to virus and malware
threats through a combination of theoretical resources
and practical exercises. Participants learn best prac-
tices for preventing and removing malware and en-
gage in simulations to identify and respond to fake
virus warnings and real threats effectively.
In the Concepts & Theory folder for the Virus
Simulation module, participants will find two essen-
tial resources. The first link directs participants to a
Microsoft support page (mic, a) that provides com-
prehensive guidelines on how to prevent and remove
viruses and other malware. This resource covers best
practices for maintaining a secure system, includ-
ing tips for avoiding malware and steps for virus re-
moval. The second link leads to an AVG (avg, ) article
that helps participants identify fake virus warnings;
a common tactic used by cybercriminals to deceive
users into installing malware.
In the Practical Application folder, participants
will engage in hands-on exercises to reinforce their
understanding of virus and malware threats. They
will interact with a series of simulated virus alerts
within the virtual environment, designed to look and
feel like real security threats. Participants will learn
understand the behavior of various types of malware,
and practice performing virus scans using Windows
Defender. These exercises aim to enhance awareness
and recognition of potential security incidents, help-
ing employees to identify and respond appropriately
to different types of virus alerts.
3.3 User Interaction
How users interact with the platform and complete
training tasks. The two main components of this
project that participants will interact with throughout
the training are the Blackboard course and the Vir-
tual Training Environment. Users will begin their
training by navigating to the course page on Black-
board. On this platform, they will find detailed in-
structions on how to connect to and interact with
the virtual environment. The Blackboard course
provides a structured pathway, guiding participants
through each module with clear, step-by-step instruc-
tions. Once connected to the Virtual Training En-
vironment, users will engage with various simulated
scenarios and practical exercises designed to reinforce
the theoretical concepts presented in the course. This
dual-platform approach ensures that participants can
seamlessly transition between learning materials and
hands-on practice, enhancing their overall training ex-
3.4 Data Collection
Methods used to collect feedback and measure user
performance. To collect feedback and measure user
performance, two primary methods are employed:
Qualtrics surveys and Blackboard assignments. The
Blackboard assignments are designed to gauge par-
ticipants’ understanding of the practical application
sections of each learning module. These assign-
ments provide a direct measure of how well users
can apply what they have learned in real-world sce-
narios. In parallel, Qualtrics surveys are used to as-
sess overall comprehension and knowledge retention.
These surveys include pre- and post-training assess-
ments to evaluate changes in participants’ understand-
ing and identify areas where further clarification may
be needed. By combining these two data collection
methods, we obtain a comprehensive view of user
performance and the effectiveness of the training pro-
gram. This approach not only helps in fine-tuning the
current training but also provides valuable insights for
future improvements.
During the initial testing phase for the CyberWise
virtual environment, we encountered several issues.
Initially, we planned to use a Docker container to de-
velop and easily deploy the virtual environment. After
extensive trial and error and hours of documentation,
we were close to setting up a basic Docker container.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 2: Number of participants with their confidence levels in subject matters pre-training.
However, multiple attempts led to a critical error on
our testing device, rendering it unusable. After over a
week of troubleshooting, we decided to find an alter-
native to Docker.
In the CyberWise virtual training environment, we
used an EICAR test file to allow participants to de-
tect a ”virus” after running a scan with Windows De-
fender. However, after each scan, the file would be
removed from the environment. This required manu-
ally re-adding the file for future participants. To re-
solve this, we modified the training to focus on run-
ning a Quick Scan with Windows Defender, avoiding
the need to manually add the test file. This change
was necessary to prevent skewing the results gathered
from our surveys, as participants had already started
testing the environment.
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is respon-
sible for ensuring the privacy and safety of partic-
ipants and their personally identifiable information.
Submitting an IRB request for approval took about
two and a half weeks, with an additional week for ap-
proval. The main challenge was that more informa-
tion was required than initially expected, delaying the
IRB submission until the requested information could
be provided. As the project progressed, the IRB ap-
proval became less relevant because Blackboard was
used to manage the virtual lab environment, identify-
ing CyberWise participants in the Blackboard roster.
In the virtual lab environment, each Python script
had a shortcut with a specific icon to make it easier
for participants to run the correct file. However, we
encountered an issue where the icons would become
blank every few days. Due to more pressing time con-
straints, we could not fully resolve this technical is-
sue. Our workaround was to reselect the shortcut im-
ages whenever this occurred.
Lastly, one of our most significant challenges was
finding participants interested in completing the mod-
ules and surveys. Initially, we contacted approxi-
mately 50 staff and faculty members to gauge inter-
est. Out of these, 15 individuals expressed interest
and filled out the CyberWise Qualtrics survey. We
sent three reminders to encourage participation before
releasing CyberWise to participants, allowing them
seven days to complete the modules. Although we
anticipated this would be sufficient time, only 10 par-
ticipants completed all the modules and surveys af-
ter a four-day extension. While the data collected
is still relevant and valuable, having more partici-
pants would have provided more statistically signif-
icant data points.
4.1 Feedback Analysis
The pre-training survey revealed that security aware-
ness training was generally not engaging for many
participants based on their past experiences. Most
participants expected navigating the virtual training
environment to be neither easy nor difficult. Secure
Browsing Techniques and Email Security were antic-
ipated to be the most useful modules, with four par-
ticipants expecting Secure Browsing Techniques to be
the most useful and three participants expecting Email
Security to be the most useful. On average, previous
security training was some-what likely to be applied
to daily work by most participants.
CyberWise: Virtual Security Learning Platform
Figure 3: Number of participants with their confidence levels in subject matters post-training.
The post-training survey showed improvements in
participants’ confidence. Confidence in identifying
phishing emails increased, with 80% of participants
reporting feeling very or extremely confident, with
some users having moved over from feeling moder-
ately confident to very confident. Confidence in creat-
ing and identifying strong passwords increased, with
90% feeling very or extremely confident, with some
participants moving from moderately confident to
very confident, and one participant feeling extremely
confident. Confidence in secure browsing practices
improved, with 80% feeling very or extremely con-
fident. Notably, 30% of participants went from feel-
ing not confident at all or slightly confident to feeling
moderately, very, or extremely confident in this area.
The ability to deal with virus-related popups saw sig-
nificant improvement, with 100% feeling very or ex-
tremely confident, a stark contrast to the initial survey
where 60% of participants felt moderately confident,
slightly confident, or not confident at all. The train-
ing was found to be very or extremely engaging by
70% of participants. Most participants found navi-
gating the virtual training environment practical, with
90% finding it somewhat easy or extremely easy. Se-
cure Browsing Techniques and Virus Simulation were
considered the most useful modules. The likelihood
of applying the completed security training to daily
work increased, with 90% feeling very or extremely
likely to apply the training.
5.1 Performance Metrics
The phishing email detection rate showed improve-
ment, with the percentage of participants who felt
very confident or extremely confident increasing from
60% pre-training to 80% post-training. In secure
browsing practices, the percentage of participants
who felt very confident or extremely confident in-
creased from 40% pre-training to 80% post-training.
For password management, the percentage of partic-
ipants who felt very confident or extremely confi-
dent in creating and identifying strong passwords in-
creased from 60% pre-training to 90% post-training.
The ability to respond to virus-related popups im-
proved significantly, with the percentage of partic-
ipants who felt very confident or extremely confi-
dent increasing from 40% pre-training to 100% post-
5.2 Comments Analysis
Participants provided valuable feedback at the end of
the post-training survey, which offers insights into the
effectiveness and areas for improvement in the se-
curity awareness training program. One participant
highlighted the realism and relevance of the browser
hijacker simulation, suggesting that additional exam-
ples like fake email popups linked to phishing sites
could enhance the training. This comment under-
scores the importance of practical, real-world sce-
narios in engaging participants and improving their
skills. Another participant expressed appreciation for
the training, noting that it was beneficial and brought
back memories of previous virus incidents. This pos-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 4: Number of participants with their confidence levels in subject matters pre- and post- training.
itive feedback reflects the training’s impact on rein-
forcing cybersecurity awareness and preparedness.
One detailed comment mentioned the overall high
quality of the training, appreciating the hands-on ap-
proach and the variety of simulated attacks. The par-
ticipant suggested that while the training was highly
informative, there could be more integration with ac-
tual production environments to enhance realism fur-
ther. They also mentioned the value of continuous
learning and suggested that the training be part of an
ongoing security education program rather than a one-
time event. A participant mentioned a specific issue
where the virus alerts did not appear as expected on
the desktop, indicating a potential technical glitch that
should be addressed in future iterations of the train-
ing. This feedback highlights the need for thorough
testing of the training environment to ensure all sim-
ulations run smoothly.
Lastly, a participant emphasized the importance of
ongoing security training and expressed a desire for
continuous and consistent security education. This
comment aligns with best practices in cybersecurity
training, which advocate for regular updates and re-
fresher courses to keep skills sharp and up-to-date.
Overall, the feedback comments were overwhelm-
ingly positive, with participants appreciating the in-
teractive and practical nature of the training. Sugges-
tions for improvement included adding more varied
and realistic scenarios, ensuring technical issues are
resolved, and incorporating continuous training pro-
The pre-training results reveal varying levels of con-
fidence across the four modules, with noticeable gaps
in higher confidence levels, as demonstrated by Fig-
ure 2. For example, in the Email Security module,
5 participants reported being Very Confident, while
no one selected Not Confident at All. However,
lower confidence categories like Slightly Confident
and Moderately Confident still accounted for 2 par-
ticipants each, and only 1 participant reported feel-
ing Extremely Confident. In other modules like Pass-
word Best Practices and Virus Awareness, confidence
levels were more evenly distributed. For instance, in
Password Best Practices, 4 participants reported being
Very Confident, while 3 were Moderately Confident
and 2 felt Extremely Confident. Similarly, in Virus
Awareness, confidence was modest, with the majority
(3 participants) reporting Moderately Confident and
only 2 participants each selecting Very Confident or
Extremely Confident. These results highlight that,
while participants had some familiarity with cyberse-
curity concepts, deeper understanding and confidence
were needed prior to the training.
The post-training results demonstrate significant
improvements in confidence across all modules, val-
idating the effectiveness of the CyberWise platform
(Figure 3). In the Email Security module, confi-
dence consolidated into higher categories, with 7 par-
ticipants reporting being Very Confident and 1 par-
ticipant feeling Extremely Confident. No one se-
lected lower confidence levels, such as Not Confi-
dent at All or Slightly Confident. Similar improve-
ments occurred in Password Best Practices, where
6 participants reported being Very Confident and 3
participants moved up to Extremely Confident. The
most dramatic shift appeared in the Virus Aware-
ness module, where confidence surged: 6 partici-
pants reported being Very Confident and 4 partici-
pants reached Extremely Confident, with no partici-
pants reporting lower confidence. Overall, the post-
training results reflect a clear upward shift in partic-
ipant confidence, demonstrating that the CyberWise
training successfully addressed knowledge gaps and
reinforced critical cybersecurity principles.
CyberWise: Virtual Security Learning Platform
Figure 5: Percentage of participants who responded feeling very confident or extremely confident in these subject matters
pre-training vs. post training.
There was a marked increase in participants’ con-
fidence in identifying phishing emails, creating strong
passwords, secure browsing, and dealing with virus-
related popups after the training. Participants found
the training to be significantly more engaging com-
pared to their previous experiences. Most participants
found the virtual training environment practical and
easy to navigate.
The training program successfully increased par-
ticipants’ confidence and skills in key areas of cy-
bersecurity. The practical, hands-on approach likely
contributed to the improved engagement and effec-
tiveness. The focus on realistic simulations and inter-
active exercises helped solidify the concepts taught.
Traditional security awareness training is often per-
ceived as unengaging. The interactive and simulation-
based approach used in this training was found to be
significantly more engaging. Participants felt more
confident in applying what they learned to their daily
work, which is a critical measure of the training’s ef-
CyberWise project aimed to enhance security aware-
ness among staff and faculty members at the univer-
sity through a comprehensive, hands-on training plat-
form. The pre- and post-training surveys revealed
improvements in participants’ confidence and skills
in key areas of cybersecurity. Specifically, the per-
centage of participants who felt very confident or
extremely confident in identifying phishing emails
increased from 60% to 80%, confidence in secure
browsing practices rose from 40% to 80%, confi-
dence in creating and identifying strong passwords
increased from 60% to 90%, and confidence in deal-
ing with virus-related popups improved from 40%
to 100%. Additionally, 70% of participants found
the training very or extremely engaging, and 90%
found navigating the virtual training environment to
be somewhat easy or extremely easy. These results
underscore the effectiveness of the CyberWise plat-
form in improving cybersecurity awareness and pre-
While CyberWise platform has proven effective,
there are several areas for future improvement and
further research. First, expanding the sample size to
include a broader range of participants beyond the
IT department would provide more generalizable re-
sults. Second, incorporating long-term follow-up sur-
veys would help assess the retention and ongoing ap-
plication of the skills learned. Third, addressing any
technical issues, such as ensuring all simulations run
smoothly, will enhance the overall training experi-
ence. Finally, integrating additional realistic scenar-
ios, such as fake email popups linked to phishing
sites, could further enhance the training’s realism and
The CyberWise project has made a contribution to
the field of cybersecurity by demonstrating the value
of immersive, hands-on training in enhancing security
awareness. The interactive and simulation-based ap-
proach not only engaged participants more effectively
than traditional methods but also ensured better reten-
tion and application of security best practices. By pro-
viding a practical and familiar training environment,
CyberWise has equipped staff and faculty members
with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect
themselves and their organization from cyber threats.
Overall, this project highlights the importance of in-
novative training solutions in fostering a robust secu-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
rity culture within educational institutions.
The relatively small sample size may limit the
generalizability of the results. The data is based on
self-reported confidence levels, which may not al-
ways accurately reflect actual skill levels. The surveys
were conducted immediately after the training, so
long-term retention and application of the skills were
not measured. CyberWise can be further enhanced
to ensure long-term effectiveness and expand its im-
pact. One key area for potential improvement is incor-
porating real-time threat simulations that reflect the
evolving cybersecurity landscape. By pulling in live
feeds of new phishing techniques, malware strains,
and social engineering tactics actively being used to
compromise organizations, the platform could deliver
even more realistic training scenarios. Highlight-
ing how individuals and businesses are falling victim
to emerging attacks, such as deepfake phishing, AI-
driven malware, and sophisticated ransomware cam-
paigns, would give participants a deeper understand-
ing of modern threat methods and help them proac-
tively recognize and respond to these risks.
Another opportunity for enhancement is introduc-
ing AI-driven phishing simulations and personalized
learning paths based on pre-training assessments. Tai-
loring modules to individual knowledge gaps would
ensure a more targeted and effective training expe-
rience. Additionally, implementing gamification el-
ements, like leaderboards, badges, and timed chal-
lenges, could boost engagement and motivation, cre-
ating a more interactive learning environment. Fi-
nally, expanding survey metrics to include long-term
follow-up assessments would provide valuable in-
sight into how well participants retain and apply their
knowledge over time. These improvements would po-
sition CyberWise as a dynamic and adaptive platform,
keeping pace with emerging cybersecurity challenges
while maximizing user learning and engagement.
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CyberWise: Virtual Security Learning Platform