Design Thinking Process for a Gamified Mobile App to Improve
Migrants’ Well-Being and Inclusion
Francesca Pia Travisani
, Veronica Rossano
and Enrichetta Gentile
Department of Computer Science, University of Bari, Via Orabona, 4, Bari, Italy
Keywords: Mobile Health App, Multiculturality, Gamification and Game-Based Learning, Mobile-Assisted Learning.
Abstract: An app with digital storytelling and gamification represents a key element in promoting the learning of the
typical terminology of the socio-health context that aims to ensure the psychophysical well-being and
inclusion of migrants by removing language and cultural barriers, improving access to essential Italian health
and social services by using sports as a vehicle for learning and socialization. The application could be
integrated as an educational tool in integration centres or schools to encourage understanding of health
concepts in an interactive and engaging way. The research study conducted the iterative user-centred “Design
Thinking Process”, which includes the phases of empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing. In
the living labs, we have gathered feedback from ten adolescent migrants who were co-designers of the iterative
development, which enabled us to collect data to evaluate the app's usability, effectiveness, and social impact
on migrant quality of life. Analysis of the feedback revealed that the app's usability and intuitiveness have the
potential to be effective and well-accepted, as they enable language skills about social and health terms simply
and pleasantly and consequently facilitate access to social and health services by improving migrants' mental-
physical health and social integration.
The ability to understand and speak the language of
the host country is a fundamental key to the social
inclusion and psychophysical well-being of migrants.
However, this ability may turn into an
insurmountable obstacle when a migrant tries to
access health services.
As stated by (Harsch and Bittlingmayer, 2018)
Health literacy (HL) is important for migrants' health
as they often have difficulties interacting with the
host health system and HL is not only about learning
words and procedures but also about developing skills
and confidence. This study states that different
approaches help migrants to acquire the necessary
language skills, but traditional language courses are
only partially useful for learning health literacy.
Tangible evidence is provided by (Peguero,
2024) in which language acquisition was considered
a key pillar for the successful integration of refugees
and immigrants into host societies.
Furthermore, an important issue is the lack of
inclusivity dimensions in traditional language
teaching methods. The context of migrants requires
the alignment of the language teaching process with
the cultural background of both the target migrants
and the host country. In addition, the intersection of
migrants' different personalities and caregivers
including ethnicity, religion and economic status
influences the experience and treatment in society of
these people, which further illustrates the need to
design training programs tailored to the target
learners. In this perspective, this study (Peguero,
2024) highlights how innovative language learning
approaches that consider social integration and
multiculturalism have a positive effect on migrants'
Moreover, it is essential to realize that cultural
differences between doctors and migrants may
influence their perception and understanding of
healthcare concepts. Therefore, it must be ensured
that their cultural knowledge is enhanced and
Travisani, F. P., Rossano, V. and Gentile, E.
Design Thinking Process for a Gamified Mobile App to Improve Migrants’ Well-Being and Inclusion.
DOI: 10.5220/0013378900003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 944-950
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
gradually integrated with the new healthcare practices
of the host country. A strategic point is precisely the
health domain where migrants' needs are met, paying
attention to cultural differences starting with
greetings, then physical contact, and, finally in the
description of symptomatology. The last is very much
influenced by the migrant's concept of illness as this
very often comes from the theories of his/her religion
and superstitions that are different from Western
medical culture as pointed out by data collected by
Italian Government (Italian Government, 2024). This
cultural influence may compromise the
understanding of pathology and its therapeutic plan.
Therefore, it is crucial to compare migrants'
conceptions of health with those of Western medical
culture to successfully deal with relational and
communication problems with physicians to achieve
an inclusive and respectful health service.
For the protection of migrants' health and
integration in Italy and in Europe, regulations and
guidelines have been defined with the aim of
promoting equal access to the various services offered
to migrants.
Indeed, the Italian Constitution (art. 32) declares
as fundamental the right to health of all human beings
regardless of socio-economic status. In fact, this is
how the Action Plan for Integration Inclusion 2021-
2027 (European Commission, 2021) presented by the
European Commission opens: “The European way of
life is inclusive. Integration and inclusion are the key
for people coming to Europe, for local communities,
for the long-term well-being of our societies and for
the stability of our economies” and this underlines
that “Integration and inclusion are the key for people
coming to Europe, for local communities, for the
long-term well-being of our societies and for the
stability of our economies because integration is a
right and a duty for all.
Consistent with the objectives of sustainable
development, these directives contribute to the
physical, mental and social wellbeing of migrants but
also to the economic development of host
communities. In fact, there are international
organizations such as (Rocca, 2017) the International
Organization for Migration (IOM) that collaborate
with the Italian government to improve the living and
health conditions of migrants, promoting inclusive
health policies and programs to ensure a growing
awareness of the state of health and a greater cultural
sensitivity in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment
paths of the Italian and European health system.
Within this political and humanitarian scenario,
day by day there are more and more migrants in Italy
(Italian Government, 2024) and this phenomenon
contributes to the increase in the diversity of society
which raises new challenges not only for the inclusion
of newcomers but for the removal of barriers to access
to Italian social and health services. One significant
obstacle is communication in a new language, which
in social and health care environments could be a risk
to migrants' psychological and physical well-being as
they often find it difficult to understand clinical terms
essential to understanding how they can use Italian
health services useful for managing their physical and
mental health status.
In this context the research within the project
PG4I, Persuasive games for Integration, have
designed and developed a mobile app to support
learning of Italian language. The app is addressed to
unaccompanied foreign minors who needs to learn
Italian to communicate with doctors who take care of
In a world where communication is central, the
inability to communicate represents a significant
obstacle to the integration of newcomers into local
society. An increasing number of studies, as reported
also in this literature (Ahmad et al., 2013), have
addressed this problem in order to overcome social
exclusion, or at least support individuals in their
learning path through innovation and non-formal
learning approach. According to (Peguero, 2024),
which describes a case study on a ‘Mobile Language
Learning App’ for young refugees, the positive
impact of mobile apps, which offer interactive and
always-accessible resources to improve their
language skills, is highlighted.
Therefore, to enable migrants to adapt to new
contexts with greater confidence, facilitating
language proficiency, social connections and a sense
of belonging, the European Council piloted the
(Rocca, 2017) in Italy from February to April 2017, a
tool consisting of 80 resources, including guidelines,
tips, evaluation tools, teaching materials and
activities to support language learning as a tool for
health. It was shown that around 80 per cent of the
participants found these mobile devices and activities
to be easy to use and understand.
In fact, several mobile learning apps have already
been developed to teach Italian language such as
Atatya, Presente and Fare parole 1⁄2, and particularly
Migreat, Rebuild, Workeen and Drops, which are
among the most used by migrants (Torsani and
Ravicchio, 2021) (Buono et al., 2019).
Design Thinking Process for a Gamified Mobile App to Improve Migrants’ Well-Being and Inclusion
In addition, the site of the Ministry of Work and
Social Policy has set up the Portal Integration
Migrants, which offers a collection of freely
accessible courses, apps and online games to learn
Italian (Torsani and Ravicchio, 2021).
However, these solutions do not focus
specifically on sociosanitary terms by using a playful
approach to facilitate the social inclusion and mental
and physical well-being of migrants. Given that the
digital revolution plays an essential role in improving
the quality of life of migrants and the potential of
mobile apps is important and enables the integration
of migrants within the social network of our cities,
our project wants to distinguish itself from existing
state of the art solutions, as it innovatively involves
migrants actively in the application design process by
combining the use of storytelling and gamification
setting the game in the football scenario an
environment familiar to them.
This development methodology will allow us to
identify and meet the needs of migrants, aligning the
process of teaching the new language with the
cultural diversity of the target users of our project.
Design Thinking (Denning, 2013) (Figure 1) is an
iterative, nonlinear process designed to understand
users, their needs, and the context in which they will
use the application. This method is based on five main
phases: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and
Test. Through this approach we were able to
introduce an innovation in this research: putting
migrants at the center of the design and development
process of the gamified app. This involvement
allowed us to develop an innovative, intuitive, and
easily usable solution for the target users in a way that
truly meets the health needs of migrants as also
highlighted by Eriksson (2005).
Figure 1: Design thinking process.
The first phase is useful to empathize with
targeted people to understand their needs,
expectations, motivations, and interest in the IT
solution. In this project studying the target users was
essential since their cultural background and
experiences were starkly different from those of the
The second phase aims at defining the core
problem to be tackled, the third phase is focused on
the ideation of the solution, which will be prototyped
and tested in the other two phases.
3.1 Empathize
The design of the application required some meetings
with the target group to create a collaborative and
constructive atmosphere in order to gather some
information about their interests and to create an
empathetic connection with young adolescents in
fact, as pointed out by (Zipfel et al., 2022), co-design
is valuable for developing effective health solutions.
The first meeting was focused on outlining the
goals of the PG4I project and gathering desired
outcomes from the ten young migrants: three English-
speaking, four French-speaking, and three Arabic-
speaking, with a cultural mediator facilitating
It is important to emphasize that, due to the
vulnerability of the unaccompanied minors involved
and the legal regulations in force (Art.8 GDPR,
2016), it was not possible to collect further detailed
personal data.
Moreover, as they were diffident children, they
were not inclined to share their personal data, also in
view of the legal procedures for the protection of
In fact, during the presentation, they expressed
concerns about participating in the project, as their
previous involvement had been superficial, and they
had never seen a project come to completion.
To solve this problem, additional meetings were
scheduled to motivate and engage them.
The first additional meeting included Michele
Salomone, a radio commentator who follows the Bari
football team, who told interesting stories about
football and famous players from their home
countries. In addition, another meeting included the
participation of Walid Cheddira, a player of
Moroccan origin who played for the Bari football
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
3.2 Define
Based on opinions gathered from both migrants and
center workers, the content of the mobile app was
focused on the main interest of the young migrants:
the football and the healthcare issue that was the focus
of the research project, as the title suggests “Pervasive
games for a healthy integration”. In addition, the
screen prototype of the mobile app was presented, and
some feedback were collected about the content and
the app interface.
3.3 Ideate
To support the acquisition of a basic Italian
vocabulary, the content has been organized into mini
games to train listening, reading, and writing skills.
The approach of using mini games is well-
documented in literature to foster micro-content and
specific skills (Smith and Snchez, 2010)
(Anonymised). The mini games might include tasks
such as correctly composing an Italian sentence to
enhance writing skills, recording a voice response to
a question about a football scene or a conversation
with doctors to improve speaking abilities, as well as
strengthening listening and reading skills (Figure 2).
Additionally, simulations of themed dialogues in
the football and healthcare domains could be very
beneficial. For example, a user might take on the role
of a player who must score a goal or explain typical
football-related injuries to a doctor.
Multilingual exercises with pronunciations of
various phrases and words, also available in French
and English, would facilitate understanding the
activity requirements, particularly since most of the
minors are illiterate.
These exercises should be of short duration to
avoid boring or tiring the user, aiming to keep the
minor's attention high. The app leverages the self-
explanatory nature of images and feedback to support
Figure 2: An example of mini games to train listening,
reading, writing skills.
3.4 Prototype
This idea has led to the development of the first
prototype of Play4Health (Figure 3), an app that
transforms a simple dictionary for learning medical
terminology of the Italian language into a gamified
application set in the football scenario, with the
purpose of addressing an innovative perspective
using the design thinking process, combining digital
storytelling and gamification.
Specifically, the user interacts through his or her
cell phone, solving mini puzzles during the narrative
and receiving rewards that encourage him or her to
continue playing, in line with the objectives of
gamification as mentioned by (Kiryakova et al.,
2014). This playful approach makes learning
complicated concepts in healthcare more enjoyable,
simple, and engaging.
To enable users to use vocabulary in more
complete linguistic contexts, a storytelling section was
developed to propose possible dialogue scenarios.
Again, the content relates to the two topics identified
during the empathy phase: football and healthcare.
To maintain the minigame approach, the structure
of each story is structured with multiple paths, each
consisting of three episodes made up of four or five
steps that require the user to interact to advance the
story. From the home screen, the user chooses the
story to immerse themselves in each story features an
avatar that engages them in a dialogue. To progress in
the story, the user must provide responses and is
guided by positive and negative audio and visual
feedback, using colors and animations to ensure the
message is clear.
An example of storytelling is depicted in Figure
3. It involves a coach welcoming the user and inviting
him or her to play. The first thing is to introduce the
basic rules of football, such as the number of players in
a typical match, the players’ roles, and the correct
positioning of players on the field. The user interacts
with his device, responding to the avatar by choosing
the correct answers. After, the avatar invites the user to
step onto the field and apply the rules just reviewed in
the next episode's match.
Figure 3: An example of storytelling.
Design Thinking Process for a Gamified Mobile App to Improve Migrants’ Well-Being and Inclusion
Solving the mini-games by interacting through his
or her device, the young migrant understands the
story that evolves as he or she completes the paths but
it is important to make use of game elements
(Figure 4), such as levels, scores, and rewards that
once unlocked will always be viewable in specific
sections of the app, to motivate and engage the user
in learning non-minor concepts such as “social-
sanitary” topics in a playful context, such as the game
of football.
The use of storytelling makes the learning process
more fun and challenging, but the idea of awarding
stars as rewards at the end of each path consolidates
the achievement of the goal of the serious game
encouraging users to continue playing and following
the various paths designed to improve language skills
in a personalized way and with various levels of
Figure 4: An example of gamification.
3.5 Test
The testing phase of the iterative "design thinking
process" was carried out by performing the following
sequence of tests:
- Debug Test: system test to detect and fix bugs
in the application. Since the development of
the Play4Health app software is written in Java
17, built with the Gradle 7.2 tools and Android
SDK 31, all accessible with the Android IDE
Studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1, for the app’s
debugging tasks, both the virtual device Pixel
3 XL, known as Android Virtual Device
(AVD), available in the development
environment among emulators, and a physical
Android device, the phone LG K30 were used.
- Alpha Test: an informal usability test with the
support of the IT department’s help desk users,
teachers and students involved in the PG4I
project who interacted with the application to
identify malfunctions that needed to be
corrected and some terms and non-intuitive
interactions that needed further simplification.
- Beta Test: usability testing with target users
has proven to be very useful to identify further
misalignments between the requirements
defined in the early stages of the iterative
process such as empathizing, ideation and
prototyping than implementation. The aim is
to assess the usability and effectiveness of the
research result, and to collect feedback from
the target users of the project with a view to
identifying areas for improvement. In this
regard we have set up a further and final
meeting with the target group of the design
thinking process to which the final app was
made available and they were immediately
ready and eager to try the app born from their
needs and for which they themselves have
been co-designers.
From the analysis of the tests carried out, it was
immediately evident that the familiar and social
influence of mobile devices have in our lives, as they
are accessible, effective and interactive. It made easy
for users to understand how to use the various
functionalities of the application without any
particular problems in interacting with the device.
Users found the app’s interface easy to navigate
and therefore the main features were accessible and
understandable for everyone.
In addition, game elements such as challenges,
levels and awards made learning fun and engaging,
allowing teenagers to maintain a high degree of
interest and participation. During the test it was
immediately evident how the interactive and playful
methodology facilitated the memorization of non-
minor concepts such as those of the "socio-medical"
context in fact users have shown a significant
improvement in understanding and use of these new
terms during the completion of mini-games.
Digital storytelling was particularly appreciated
by the migrants as the stories and scenarios with the
medical avatars and footballers during football
matches were perceived to be realistic and relevant.
The users have pointed out the clarity and simplicity
of the terms used during short and natural
conversations with avatars in the narrative.
Many of the target users have unexpectedly
appreciated how the playful value has made learning
these daily but complex concepts less stressful and
more enjoyable, thus considering as strengths the
simplicity and clarity of the functionalities that the
application offers them.
HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics
This research study has illustrated how the innovative
use of the "design thinking process" approach
centered to the young migrant led to the creation of
an effective and engaging educational application for
adolescents who need to learn complex social and
health concepts.
The app combines digital storytelling and
gamification to make learning about health concepts
less stressful and more enjoyable. In fact, the
application not only allows to improve skills and
Italian language understanding, with particular
attention to the essential medical terminology to
know, but it allows to remove the barriers to access to
Italian health services, thus facilitating social
inclusion and promoting the psycho-physical well-
being of migrants through an interactive application
that uses football as a vehicle for playful and
engaging learning.
In view of further developments, based on the
target users’ feedback, co-designers of the app, to
reach a wider set of users, a common idea was to
adapt interface to different types of screens and
device resolutions, perhaps the most used by
migrants. In this regard, the app's activities could also
be designed for young migrant women as it is
primarily health-centered in a more male-dominated
Instead, to ensure a better user experience, we
could also make the storytelling narrative
multilingual (possibly in French and English) so that
it can be used in different medical and educational
contexts. Many target users have also suggested that
additional in-depth functionality could be added on
some social health services or the possibility of
introducing more personalized medical avatar
conversation activities. To achieve this, a future
proposal could involve having probands independent
testers evaluate the application during the beta testing
phase, in addition to the migrants co-designers.
Furthermore, it would be advantageous to monitor
the app's usage in real-time to obtain more interesting
data about the app's influence for future research
In conclusion, this study demonstrates that
technological innovation combined with an iterative
approach that puts users at the center by considering
them as co-designers overcame one of the initial
limitations of Living Lab's inclusive design thinking:
the participants showed great enthusiasm for the
active involvement and the final result obtained.
This approach not only increases the involvement
and satisfaction of the end-users, as it allows their
opinions to be valued, but also enables the creation of
a solution that effectively meets essential
psychophysical needs by creating a real and
meaningful solution for access to health services and
This work was partially supported by the project
"PG4I - Pervasive Game for Integration ...per una
sana integrazione," funded by Horizon Europe Seeds
at the University of Bari. The authors wish to express
their heartfelt gratitude to the young people hosted at
the "Centro Interculturale Abusuan," as well as to the
center's coordinator, Mr. Koblan Amissah, and its
dedicated staff for their invaluable contributions.
Special thanks also go to Mr. Michele Salomone, the
radio commentator, for his support throughout the
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HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics