Characterising and Categorising Anonymization Techniques:
A Literature-Based Approach
Andrea Fieschi
1,2 a
, Pascal Hirmer
1 b
, Christoph Stach
2 c
and Bernhard Mitschang
2 d
Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart, Germany
Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
{andrea.fieschi, pascal.hirmer},
{ch .de
Privacy Protection, PRISMA Systematic Literature Research, Privacy-Enhancing Techniques, Anonymization
Anonymization plays a crucial role in protecting personal data and ensuring information security. However,
selecting the appropriate anonymization technique is a challenging task for developers, data scientists, and
security practitioners due to the vast array of techniques available in both research and practice. This paper
aims to assist users by offering a method for structuring a framework that helps them make informed decisions
about the most appropriate anonymization techniques for their specific use cases. To achieve this, we first
conduct a systematic literature review following the PRISMA guidelines to capture the current state of the art
in anonymization techniques. Based on the findings from this review, we propose a conceptual organisation
of anonymization techniques, designed to help users navigate the complex landscape of anonymization and
choose techniques that align with their security requirements.
Data collection is a necessity in various domains, but
it poses significant risks to information security. As
the volume of data collected from sources like pa-
tients, smartphones, or vehicles increases, so does the
potential for exposing sensitive information that indi-
viduals did not agree to disclose. In this context, pro-
tecting personal privacy and securing data are critical
challenges in information security (Stach, 2023).
In order to protect personal privacy, numerous Pri-
vacy Enhancing Technologys (PETs) can be used. A
possible way of achieving effective privacy protection
is anonymization (Majeed and Lee, 2021). The Eu-
ropean General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
defines anonymization as an ”irreversible transforma-
tion of personal data in such a way that the data sub-
ject can no longer be identified” (European Parlia-
ment and Council of the European Union, 2016).
Following the concept of Anonymization by De-
sign (Fieschi et al., 2024), choosing the most suit-
able anonymization technique early in the develop-
ment stages of a data-collecting use case is essen-
tial for ensuring effective privacy protection. Privacy
can guarantee stronger protection if it is considered
during the development process (Morton and Sasse,
2012). However, selecting the right anonymization
technique for a particular data use case presents a sig-
nificant challenge for developers, data scientists, and
security practitioners. Privacy needs to cater to the
needs of both the service provider and the service
users (Fieschi et al., 2023). The heterogeneous land-
scape of anonymization techniques, each with its own
strengths and limitations, makes it difficult to choose
the most suitable approach, especially when aiming
to ensure robust information security. The lack of a
comprehensive, organised framework further compli-
cates the decision-making process, increasing the risk
of inappropriate or ineffective techniques being used,
potentially leading to security breaches.
This paper addresses this gap by proposing how
to structure a collection of anonymization techniques
that offers a comprehensive overview, designed to
support users (developers, data scientists, and security
practitioners) in selecting the appropriate technique
to meet their use case security requirements. Our
goal is to organise a conceptual framework that as-
Fieschi, A., Hirmer, P., Stach, C. and Mitschang, B.
Characterising and Categorising Anonymization Techniques: A Literature-Based Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0013379100003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 1, pages 107-118
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
sists security-conscious users in navigating the com-
plex landscape of anonymization techniques and mak-
ing informed decisions that ensure both privacy and
security. To this end, it is important that the frame-
work supporting users provides an easy-to-navigate
and thorough overview of the available anonymiza-
tion techniques; that it’s not monolithic and allows
each technique to be used as a single piece; and that it
is flexible enough to allow users to incorporate new
techniques published in the literature, developed in
practice, or self-developed.
In this paper, we provide two main contributions.
First, we present the insights gained about the land-
scape of anonymization techniques through a system-
atic literature review, conducted using the PRISMA
method (Moher et al., 2015). It was important for
us to understand the types of techniques available,
the kinds of data they process, and the domains in
which they are applied. Second, we propose a con-
ceptual structure for organising anonymization tech-
niques, based on our literature research findings.
In Section 2, we present the current state of the
art of collections of anonymization techniques and
we highlight the reasons why the present solutions
do not fully satisfy our needs. Section 3 details our
PRISMA-based literature review and characterises
the anonymization techniques landscape. Building on
these insights, Section 4 explains how our findings in-
form the structured organisation of a new collection
of anonymization techniques. We then compare our
proposed framework with existing solutions in Sec-
tion 5, highlighting its advantages and addressing cur-
rent shortcomings. Finally, Section 7 concludes the
paper by summarising the key takeaways and suggest-
ing directions for future research and development.
In the field of data anonymization, ensuring robust
privacy protection requires careful consideration of
available techniques. To identify the most suitable
anonymization technique, security-conscious users
would benefit from having access to a well-organised
collection of available techniques that will: 1) Provide
a Comprehensive Overview: Enable users to make
well-informed decisions by offering a complete range
of anonymization techniques for various use cases.
2) Offer Modular Deployment: Design each technique
as an individual module so that users can deploy only
the specific technique they need, rather than integrat-
ing an entire framework. This approach simplifies
deployment and minimises overhead. 3) Offer Up-
datability: Allow users to add new techniques as they
emerge from research, or are self-developed in order
to maintain the collection relevant and current.
Several software solutions have been created to of-
fer a range of anonymization techniques and support
their implementation. However, these solutions come
with notable limitations that can compromise their
effectiveness in supporting the selection of the most
suitable anonymization technique in a real-world sce-
nario. The solutions found in the practice bring to-
gether only anonymization techniques of a similar na-
ture and act on a focused part of a data stream.
There are software solutions that provide privacy
protection through anonymization by acting at the
very beginning of the data stream. Before the data are
used in any way, these methodologies generate a new
dataset with the same characteristics as the one ac-
quired from real-world scenarios. The Synthetic Data
Vault (Patki et al., 2016) and the Synthetic Data Gen-
eration framework (Walonoski et al., 2017) are ex-
amples of frameworks that provide methodologies for
generating synthetic datasets which can be used for
testing and development without risking real data ex-
posure. These tools are valuable for creating safe en-
vironments for data analysis, but they are not directly
focused on the anonymization of existing datasets.
Other software solutions bring together
anonymization techniques that are apt at modi-
fying the acquired dataset before analysing it or
passing it on to the next data handler. ARX (Prasser
and Kohlmayer, 2015) is a good example as it
is a notable software that provides a rich set of
anonymization techniques, including k-anonymity,
l-diversity, and t-closeness. It is a well-regarded tool
in the field, appreciated for its user-friendly interface
and robust algorithmic implementations. However,
despite its strengths, ARX is not without limitations.
Specifically, it falls short in its integration capabil-
ities; once an anonymization technique is selected,
deploying it within a data processing pipeline is
not straightforward. Its monolithic nature does not
allow for a single algorithm to be used. ARX is
designed more as a standalone application rather than
a modular component that can be seamlessly incor-
porated into existing workflows. OpenDP (Gaboardi
et al., 2020) is another good example, some of its
anonymization techniques consist in adding noise
according to the Differential Privacy (DP) postulate,
hence modifying the dataset before it is sent to the
next stage of the data stream. It too comes with the
same limitations mentioned for ARX.
There are also software solutions that offer privacy
protection by employing anonymization techniques
that alter the way data is handled for its intended use.
OpenDP (Gaboardi et al., 2020) and TensorFlow Pri-
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
vacy (Abadi et al., 2015) are good examples of it since
they offer an ensemble of techniques apt for ensuring
differential privacy. The first provides mechanisms
that allow differentially private queries, while the lat-
ter ensures the successful employment of differen-
tial privacy within machine learning models. While
these libraries are powerful in their respective niches,
they do not provide an overview of all the available
anonymization techniques. Moreover, they too are
not designed as modular, making them ill-suited for
on-the-fly deployment.
All of the above solutions offer a range of meth-
ods, though often not as comprehensive as one might
desire for a flexible and modular approach. These
software solutions present the following problems:
1) Fragmented Coverage: The focus of each one of
them on a specific type of anonymization approach
does not allow us to use any of these software so-
lutions as a comprehensive overview of all the dif-
ferent techniques available. This fragmentation can
obstruct users from making well-informed decisions
based on a full range of options. 2) Integration Issues:
The standalone nature of many solutions complicates
their integration into existing data processing work-
flows. This lack of modularity limits the practical ap-
plicability of these tools in dynamic and evolving data
environments. 3) Limited Flexibility: Existing solu-
tions often fail to incorporate new techniques emerg-
ing from recent research, address user-specific needs,
or allow users to incorporate custom techniques, re-
sulting in a lack of adaptability and relevance.
We need to lay the groundwork that allows us
to organise a collection of anonymization techniques
with the characteristics listed at the beginning of this
section. The first step to this end is conducting a sys-
tematic literature review, which will serve as the foun-
dation for developing our proposed collection.
To build an organised collection of anonymization
techniques, it is important to get a clear picture of
the methods that exist in the literature. To this end,
we conducted a systematic literature review using the
PRISMA method (Moher et al., 2015). By reviewing
the anonymization techniques available in the litera-
ture, we were able to determine how to structure our
collection of these methods.
Notable surveys on the topic like (Chen et al.,
2009), provide a comprehensive explanation of the
Keyword: “anonymization”
Results: 5255
Keyword: “anonymization AND (approach OR
technique OR algorithm)”
Results: 3472
Keyword: “anonymization AND
(approach OR technique OR
algorithm) AND novel”
Results: 480
Figure 1: Keywords Identification for the Papers Research.
subject and its various approaches. Our PRISMA
research provides us with insights into the literature
landscape of anonymization.
3.1 PRISMA Research
The PRISMA method (Moher et al., 2015), short
for Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Re-
views and Meta-Analyses, is a protocol that guides
researchers through the process of conducting a sys-
tematic literature review. The approach helps ensure
comprehensive coverage and an unbiased selection of
relevant studies. It begins with defining strict cri-
teria for which studies to include and exclude. Re-
searchers then search relevant databases and sources
using a detailed strategy, followed by a careful screen-
ing of studies based on titles, abstracts, and full texts
to ensure relevance. Data is extracted from the chosen
studies using a standardised approach, and the quality
of each study is assessed to identify any potential bias.
The results from these studies are then synthesised,
either quantitatively or qualitatively, to form conclu-
sions. Finally, the process and findings are reported
in a structured and transparent way, often accompa-
nied by a flow diagram to map out the study selection
process. This methodical approach is designed to en-
sure clarity, thoroughness, and reproducibility in the
review of research literature.
Our research was conducted in 2023 consulting
the Scopus database
and web of science
. Both on-
line platforms index and store peer-reviewed litera-
ture from various sources such as IEEE, Elsevier, and
Springer. The user-friendly interfaces of both plat-
forms enable efficient refinement of search results ac-
cording to various criteria. Since both Scopus and
Web of Science collect scientific works from more
or less the same sources, the results yielded were ap-
proximately the same for this research. Therefore, we
Characterising and Categorising Anonymization Techniques: A Literature-Based Approach
chose to use only one of the two platforms and our
choice fell on Scopus.
In order to understand the number of papers
present in literature, we started by entering only the
word ”anonymization” as a search term. We in-
cluded both the British and American spellings of the
word. For practicality, we will only use the American
spelling in the keyword list. This yielded 5255 re-
sults. Given the size of the vast amount of papers, we
proceeded with further refining the search by adding
more search terms. In Figure 1, we see how the num-
ber of results changes when we refine the keyword
search. To focus more, we refined the search term
with ”anonymization AND (approach OR technique
OR algorithm)”, this reduces the number of results to
3472. The addition of ”novel” to the research terms
helped us weed out papers that marginally talk about
anonymization or that are not proposing a new ap-
proach to an anonymization technique.
In Figure 2, we see the PRISMA scheme flow that
led us to identify the papers to be analysed and in-
cluded in our search. Through stages of search refine-
ment and early screening, we managed to eliminate
the papers that would not have contributed to our lit-
erature search by following the PRISMA paradigm.
With 139 papers we have a reasonable reflection of
the works present in the literature and the statistical
information we extrapolate from this ensemble helps
us gain a clear overview of the kind of anonymization
techniques present in the literature, their application
domains, and the type of data types processed. In Sec-
tion 3.2, we see the main information we extrapolated
from these results.
3.2 Anonymization Categories
In the literature, we found several different anonym-
ization techniques. The multitude of approaches can
appear rather overwhelming. However, a pattern can
be traced among all of them. To put some order in
the landscape of anonymization techniques we de-
fined 5 overarching categories, as it can be seen in
Section 3.3, under which most techniques can be
grouped. In the following, we explain the categories
we identified, give them a name, and reference the
main techniques belonging to each category. It has to
be noted that the basic step common to all anonym-
ization techniques is eliminating the direct identifiers,
i.e., attributes that directly link the data to a specific
data source, such as full names, ID numbers, matric-
ulation numbers, etc. This is not enough to guaran-
tee anonymity since the collection of further attributes
that describe the data source, i.e., quasi-identifier, can
still lead to the risk of identifying the data source.
Records identified
from Scopus and
other sources:
Registers (n = 3486)
Records removed before
Records marked as ineligible
by adding novel as a
keyword (n =2992),
Record removed after limiting
the fields to computer
science, engineering, and
mathematics (n = 54)
Records removed for other
reasons (n = 14)
Records screened
(n = 426)
Records excluded after
screening the title, publisher,
(n = 183)
Reports sought for
(n = 243)
Reports not retrieved
(n = 12)
Reports assessed for
(n = 231)
Reports excluded:
Application specific (n = 29)
Actual topic different than
anonymization (n = 63)
Studies included in
(n = 139)
Identification of studies via databases and registers
Figure 2: PRISMA Flowchart.
Therefore, for all the categories we describe in the
following sections, this step is included.
3.2.1 Grouping Based
With the term grouping based”, we refer to anonym-
ization techniques that try to guarantee anonymity
Figure 3: Visualisation of the distribution of papers in the
literature according to our categorisation.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Anonymization techniques in the literature.
Anonymization Model Explanation Examples of Sources
Grouping Based k-anonymity, l-diversity, t-closeness, etc. (Sweeney, 2002), (Li et al., 2007), (Machanava-
jjhala et al., 2007), (Khan et al., 2022)
Differential Privacy Reaching the guarantee of the DP postulate (Dwork, 2008), (Dwork and Roth, 2013), (Yu et al.,
Perturbation Based Obfuscation through data perturbation, e.g.,
noise injection
(Hamm, 2017), (Aljably, 2021), (Shynu et al.,
Data Synthesize Generate fake data with the same properties
of real data
(Piacentino and Angulo, 2020a), (Piacentino and
Angulo, 2020b)
Encryption Used to enhance anonymity protection, e.g.,
(Javed et al., 2021), (Alnemari et al., 2018),
(Yamac¸ et al., 2019)
Other Specific techniques for specific data types,
like voice or video
(Fan and Wang, 2023), (Zhao et al., 2016)
by creating groups of data sources that are indistin-
guishable from one another. This is done by modi-
fying the quasi-identifier to allow data coming from
different sources to be grouped and to become in-
distinguishable from one another. The sensitive at-
tributes are not modified, and can still provide a
good level of data usability, but the value of a sen-
sitive attribute under protection will not be re-linked
to its source since it is grouped with data coming
from multiple sources. In most cases, we found pa-
pers that implement or extend k-anonymity (Sweeney,
2002), l-diversity (Machanavajjhala et al., 2007), or t-
closeness (Li et al., 2007).
3.2.2 Differential Privacy
This cluster contains all the papers that present
anonymization techniques that aim at guaranteeing
the postulate of DP (Dwork, 2008), that is:
) S] e
) S]
In the literature (Zhu et al., 2017), the parameter ε is
also referred to with the term privacy budget. In or-
der to achieve higher privacy guarantees, we need a
lower value of ε. DP can be achieved through differ-
entially private queries (Dwork and Roth, 2013). It
could also be reached through randomised response
or a mechanism of differentially private data collec-
tion (Wang et al., 2016). Most papers aim at im-
proving data usability in different environments or to
specific data types as we discovered in (Jin et al.,
2022), (Hamm, 2017), (Aljably, 2021), or (Gao and
Li, 2019c). While other anonymization approaches
can have similar mechanisms, e.g., noise injection,
only the approaches that aim at guaranteeing the DP
postulate mentioned above are found in this category.
3.2.3 Perturbation Based
Here, we cluster all the anonymization techniques that
aim to ensure anonymity by adding noise to the data
or perturbing their values in other ways. These tech-
niques do not aim to satisfy specific postulates like
DP or k-anonymity, which is why they are grouped
into a separate category. Here, we have anonymiza-
tion techniques that use value perturbation but do not
fall under the category of DP or grouping-based meth-
ods. This can be applied at different stages of the data
pipeline (Chen et al., 2009). For example, sampling
noise from a normal distribution and adding it to an
attribute (Domingo-Ferrer et al., 2020).
It has to be pointed out that many anonymiza-
tion techniques clustered under the Differential Pri-
vacy bubble also introduce noise in order to reach the
DP postulate. Therefore, they are stricter and have
a mathematically defined goal. Some examples are:
(Sun et al., 2016), (Ullah and Shah, 2016), (Eyupoglu
et al., 2018a), and (Attaullah et al., 2021).
3.2.4 Data Synthesis
Under the category Data Synthesis, we have the tech-
niques that protect the users’ privacy by synthesising
completely new data based on the original data (Fung
et al., 2010). With this type of approach, the di-
rect identifiers are often removed before synthesis or
pseudonymized in order not to store unprotected data.
After the generation, the new dataset is made of data
points with no connections to specific users, and the
original dataset is deleted. Hence, the guarantee of
anonymity. Generative Adversarial Networks can be
used to generate new datasets with the same charac-
teristics as the original dataset but are not connected
to any real data source (Park et al., 2018). Further
examples can be found here: (Aleroud et al., 2022),
(Abay et al., 2019), (Piacentino and Angulo, 2020b).
3.2.5 Encryption
The cluster of encryption is an interesting one under
the anonymization lens. Encryption is, strictly speak-
ing, not an anonymization technique, however, some
techniques use encryption as a base to reach a guar-
Characterising and Categorising Anonymization Techniques: A Literature-Based Approach
antee of anonymity. This can be done in combination
with other methods, to obfuscate sensitive data, or
to use blockchain methods. The following resources
provide valid examples of which kind of technique
can converge to this cluster: (Javed et al., 2021), (Al-
nemari et al., 2018), and (Yamac¸ et al., 2019).
3.3 Research Landscape: Methods,
Application Domains, and Data
The systematic literature search helped us understand
which anonymization techniques are present in the lit-
erature, in which domains they are applied, and which
data types they can process. In the following, we il-
lustrate the statistics of which percentage of the pa-
pers analysed in our literature can be grouped under a
certain category, in which field they are applied, and
which data types can be processed by the anonymiza-
tion techniques they present.
3.3.1 Categories of Anonymization Techniques
In Section 3.2, we outlined the categories of tech-
niques we defined to group the techniques we found in
the literature, explaining the nomenclature and what
belongs to each category. Here, we illustrate how the
works analysed in our literature search are distributed
over all the different clusters. Table 1 shows the dis-
tribution of all the techniques found. Grouping-based
techniques are most prevalent, used in about 66% of
the papers, often involving k-anonymity and its exten-
sions, i.e., l-diversity and t-closeness.
The next significant group, around 10%, employs
DP. Different approaches are proposed in the vari-
ous papers to try to improve data usability for differ-
ent application fields. Perturbation-based techniques
make up 8% of the works we analysed, outlining var-
ious ways of injecting noise, or generally perturbing
the data, in order to achieve anonymization guaran-
tees. Techniques that can be ordered under the clus-
ter of data synthesis are found in 4% of the analysed
papers. Encryption-related anonymization techniques
make up 4% of this literature search. As already men-
tioned in Section 3.2.5, this is peculiar given that en-
cryption is not, strictly speaking, an anonymization
method. However, the paper mentioned here uses en-
cryption to strengthen the guarantee of anonymiza-
tion. The last category, in Table 1 named, contains
all the techniques that do not belong to any of the cat-
egories described before. Most of the papers grouped
in Others deal with specific cases and address privacy
problems specific to certain data collections. Some
examples are image anonymization, speech anonym-
ization, and video anonymization.
3.3.2 Areas of Application
The application areas, combined with the techniques,
of the analysed works are detailed in Figure 4. By ap-
plication areas, we refer to those mentioned in each
paper, not to potential areas where the techniques
could be applied. It has to be noted that around 40%
of the papers are not tied to a specific area of appli-
cation and mainly address theoretical aspects, such
as introducing new algorithms or improving upon al-
ready well-established methods.
Social networks and healthcare are the predom-
inant application areas, with the former including
about 20% of the works and the latter including about
15% of the analysed works. The healthcare sector has
a history of anonymization research due to clinical
study evaluations, with ongoing work to refine these
methods (Abbasi and Mohammadi, 2022), (Aminifar
et al., 2021)). Social networks are also a key area be-
cause of the amount of personal information held that
industries want to analyse while guaranteeing privacy
protection. Here we find a high proportion of differen-
tial privacy (Gao and Li, 2019a), (Gao and Li, 2019c))
and perturbation-based techniques (Al-Kharji et al.,
2018), (Rong et al., 2018).
The areas of Big Data and Cloud & Web favour
the perturbation-based methods (Eyupoglu et al.,
2018b), (Kalia et al., 2021). In all other fields,
grouping-based techniques are the most used and dis-
cussed in the literature.
3.3.3 Data Types Processed
The analysed papers were closely reviewed for the
types of data requiring anonymization, as depicted in
Figure 5. This figure illustrates the data types and
their associated anonymization methods as found in
the analysed papers.
Half of the studies focus on tabular data, which
is not surprising given its prevalence and ease of
anonymization. About 15% of the studies address
anonymizing Graph Data (Thouvenot et al., 2020),
(Gao and Li, 2019b), graph data often linked to so-
cial networks. Another 15% is dedicated to Positional
Data. These data types prompted the development of
specialised techniques due to their peculiar structure.
Positional data is split into points of interest (An
et al., 2018), (Li et al., 2021), (Sei and Ohsuga,
2017) and trajectory (Ward et al., 2017), (Mahdavi-
far et al., 2022), (Li et al., 2022), with the former re-
quiring complex anonymization techniques due to the
sensitivity of location data. Streaming and transac-
tional data are less commonly studied, with existing
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 4: Techniques found in the literature grouped by application domain.
techniques adapted to their specific needs (Mohamed
et al., 2020), (Tsai et al., 2020), (Puri et al., 2022).
Image, video, and speech data anonymization are not
extensively covered in this review, as they require use-
case-specific approaches.
3.4 Literature Gaps
As we have illustrated in Figure 5, most of the
anonymization methods found in the literature deal
with tabular data. Images, videos, and speech data,
just to name a few, are handled with methods that are
focused on that kind of data type used for a specific
use case. Also log data, already closer to tabular data,
is a data type not extensively considered in the litera-
ture, only few specific cases deal with this data type.
An approach that tackles log data would help an-
onymization being used as a privacy-protecting mech-
anism for diagnostics or product improvement.
Another aspect lacking in the literature is the guar-
antee of anonymity also after incremental data up-
dates. Except for a few cases like (Pei et al., 2007),
(Dwork and Roth, 2013), most of the anonymiza-
tion approaches are not run in real-time and in or-
der to maintain the same guarantee they need to be
re-run when new data come in. This is particularly
true for tabular data and for grouping-based methods.
Anonymization thought for incremental data updates
would make its use easier for stream data and its ap-
plication more widespread.
Leveraging the information extrapolated in section 3,
the knowledge from the literature research and the
classification we made of the anonymization tech-
niques, we illustrate here our vision on how to organ-
ise a collection of anonymization techniques.
The extensive amount of anonymization algo-
rithms necessitates a clear organisational method to
exploit their different characteristics, areas of appli-
cation, and best usages. To achieve this, we em-
ploy a hierarchical structure to categorise these tech-
niques systematically. We propose a three-tier hi-
erarchical model to organise anonymization tech-
niques. We devise the following three structuring cri-
teria: 1) Anonymization Category: This is the broad-
est classification level, grouping techniques based
on their fundamental approach (e.g., grouping-based,
data synthesis, etc.). 2) Anonymization Technique:
Within each category, specific techniques are detailed
(e.g., k-anonymity, differentially private queries).
3) Anonymization Implementation: The most granu-
lar level, where particular implementations of tech-
niques are described. This includes detailed informa-
tion about how each technique is applied.
Each level in the hierarchy is modelled with es-
sential attributes: 1) ID and Name: Unique identi-
fiers and descriptive names. 2) Conceptual Expla-
nation: An overview building on the parent node’s
explanation. 3) Data Types: Types of data the tech-
nique can handle. 4) Application Platform: Whether
it is for backend or on-board processing. 5) Incre-
mental Updates: Whether the technique supports up-
dating datasets incrementally. 6) Implementation De-
Characterising and Categorising Anonymization Techniques: A Literature-Based Approach
Figure 5: Techniques found in the literature grouped by data type they are applied on.
tails: Specifics on how the technique is implemented.
This hierarchical model, as illustrated in Figure 6
and Figure 7, ensures that each technique and its
implementation are well-documented and systemati-
cally categorised, hence giving a better overview of
the available anonymization techniques. It facilitates
modularity by allowing each technique implementa-
tion to be treated as separate modules. This modular-
ity is crucial for practical deployment, as it enables
users to select and integrate only the specific tech-
nique required for their use case, rather than being
constrained by a monolithic system.
All the characteristics of a new node are inherited
from the parent node, and every attribute can be fur-
ther specified. For example, the data types that the
anonymization technique can process can be limited
compared to the parent anonymization category. The
same can happen between anonymization technique
to the anonymization implementation node.
Every entry of the collection of anonymization
techniques is a separate module. Every module fol-
lows the model illustrated in Figure 7 of which we
can find a description of each attribute in Table 2.
The modules from a lower level of the collection
of anonymization techniques inherit the characteris-
tics from the level above and add information. On
the third level of our hierarchy, we find the tech-
niques’ algorithms. The anonymization techniques
are here implemented and deployable. The mod-
ules of the third level, the anonymization implemen-
tation leaf nodes, contain in the description the de-
tails of how the anonymity guarantee is reached,
through data processing, data pipeline architecture,
providing privacy-protecting querying mechanisms,
etc. When an anonymization technique can be writ-
ten as a self-contained and deployable piece of code,
e.g., k-anonymity, then the implementation is found
in the anonymization implementation along with its
DP Queries
Figure 6: Example of hierarchy and modelling of the col-
lection of anonymization techniques.
documentation, i.e., input and output format, etc.
The deployable algorithm could be implemented as
a software library, Docker container, binary file, We-
bAssembly, etc.
Once an anonymization technique is selected for
a data-handling process the rest of the collection will
not be used in the implementation of the required data
pipeline reducing an unrequired overhead otherwise
needed by a monolithic structure.
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
In this section, we compare our proposed way of
organising a collection of anonymization techniques
with the state of the art discussed in Section 2. Our
goal is to illustrate how our approach distinguishes
itself by fulfilling the requirements of providing: a
thorough overview, modularity, and flexibility.
A significant advantage of our collection is its
modular architecture. The anonymization frame-
works mentioned in Section 2 operate as monolithic
systems, requiring users to adopt the entire frame-
work even if only a single technique is needed. This
can lead to inefficiencies and added complexity. In
contrast, our collection is organised and structured
with modularity in mind, treating each anonymiza-
tion technique as an independent module. This al-
lows users to select and deploy only the techniques
required for their specific use cases.
Our approach also provides a comprehensive
overview of all available anonymization techniques
from both literature and practice. Unlike existing
frameworks, which may offer a limited or predefined
set of techniques, our collection comprises a wide
range of methods, ensuring that users have access to
the full spectrum of available options. This extensive
coverage allows for a more informed selection pro-
cess, where users can choose the most suitable tech-
nique based on their specific needs and use cases. By
presenting a complete and organised view of the avail-
able techniques, our collection enables users to make
well-informed decisions and apply the most effective
anonymization methods for their scenarios.
Moreover, current anonymization frameworks of-
ten struggle with expandability. Many of these sys-
tems do not easily accommodate new techniques or
updates from ongoing research, leaving users with
outdated or incomplete options. Our approach is de-
signed to be expandable, with a structure that allows
for the integration of new techniques as they become
available. This ensures that our collection remains
relevant and up-to-date, which is essential for keeping
up with advancements in data privacy and anonymiza-
tion. It also allows the user to include custom-made
techniques that come from their experience.
To finalise our approach we need to add a rec-
ommender system that further assists users in select-
ing the best-fitting anonymization approach. Such
a system would help users select the optimal tech-
nique based on specific criteria, such as achieving the
highest level of privacy protection or finding the best
trade-off between data quality and privacy. Imple-
Node Model
Figure 7: Core attributes of the model for the anonymization
categories, techniques, and implementations.
menting this functionality would further enhance the
practicality of our collection of anonymization tech-
niques, making it easier for users to navigate the com-
plex landscape of anonymization techniques.
Table 2: Model Attributes for Each Node.
Attributes Description
ID Unique identifier.
Name Descriptive name of the
An overview building on the
parent node’s explanation.
Data Types Types of data the technique
can handle (e.g., text,
numerical, images).
Specifies whether the
technique is for backend or
on-board processing.
Indicates whether the
technique supports updating
datasets incrementally.
Specific details about how
the technique is
implemented (e.g., algorithm
used, coding languages).
In addition to the theoretical foundations discussed
throughout this work, we have taken a significant step
toward realizing a practical solution. We have devel-
oped an initial prototype of the anonymization tool-
box and documented our efforts in a demo paper (Fi-
eschi et al., 2025). This prototype serves as a proof of
concept, showcasing the feasibility and potential of
our approach.
Looking ahead, an essential component of the
toolbox will be an integrated recommender sys-
Characterising and Categorising Anonymization Techniques: A Literature-Based Approach
tem. This system aims to support software devel-
opers by guiding them in selecting the most suitable
anonymization techniques for their specific use cases.
Furthermore, it will document the decision-making
process, ensuring transparency and reproducibility in
the selection of privacy-preserving methods. Our cur-
rent research is now focused on finding possible solu-
tions for such a recommender system to maximize its
usability and effectiveness.
To evaluate the practicality and acceptance of the
framework, we see the need for extensive testing with
developers and real-world use cases. This evaluation
will help us assess how well the toolbox aligns with
the needs of its intended users and identify areas for
further improvement. Our initial testing efforts will
be conducted within the automotive domain, leverag-
ing its complex and privacy-sensitive use cases as a
foundation for iterative refinement of the collection
of anonymization techniques.
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of
anonymization techniques resulting from a system-
atic literature review and careful categorization of the
available methods. By structuring these techniques
into an organized framework, we offer users a valu-
able resource for making informed decisions about
which anonymization approach best suits the data-
collecting use case under development.
Our conceptual framework for anonymization
techniques categorizes them into distinct clusters,
making it easier to navigate through the various op-
tions and select the most appropriate method for spe-
cific use cases. This structured approach addresses
the need for a clear and accessible overview of avail-
able anonymization techniques, supporting more ef-
fective decision-making in privacy protection. This
lays a foundation for future research and implemen-
tations, enhancing the potential for anonymization by
design, its application, and spread.
The presence of a recommender system would
significantly improve our framework to guide users in
selecting the optimal technique based on their specific
requirements. Developing such a system represents a
key area for future research, which could further en-
hance the practicality and effectiveness of our collec-
tion of anonymization techniques.
This work is based on the research project SofDCar
(19S21002), funded by the German Federal Ministry
for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.
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