workflows and compliance with industry standards
position it as a versatile tool for medical imaging
Despite these achievements, several opportunities
for future development remain. First, expanding the
tool’s support to additional imaging modalities, such
as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), could broaden its utility. Second,
incorporating advanced AI algorithms directly into
the tool could enable automated cropping and tag-
ging based on learned patterns, further reducing the
need for manual input. Third, large-scale validation
of the tool in clinical settings is necessary to evaluate
its robustness and user satisfaction across diverse en-
vironments and datasets. Lastly, integrating real-time
feedback mechanisms and interoperability with eCRF
(electronic case report form) platforms could stream-
line data sharing, automate the collection process and
ensure compliance with clinical trial regulations.
In conclusion, US-DICOMizer represents a sig-
nificant step toward automating and standardising
ultrasound data preparation for AI-driven health-
care solutions. With planned enhancements and
broader adoption, it has the potential to accelerate ad-
vancements in diagnostic imaging and personalised
medicine, supporting a wide range of clinical and re-
search applications.
This work is co-funded by the European Union, un-
der the Horizon Europe Innovation Action Throm-
bUS+ (Grant Agreement No. 101137227). Views
and opinions expressed are however those of the au-
thors only and do not necessarily reflect those of
the European Union or HADEA as the granting au-
thority. Neither the European Union nor the grant-
ing authority HADEA can be held responsible for
them. Also, this work was carried out in the context
of the Inter-Institutional Master’s Program “Biomed-
ical Informatics” with the support of the School of
Medicine, Democritus University of Thrace and the
Athena Research Center in Greece.
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HEALTHINF 2025 - 18th International Conference on Health Informatics