A Survey of Advanced Classification and Feature Extraction
Techniques Across Various Autism Data Sources
Sonia Slimen
, Anis Mezghani
, Monji Kherallah
and Faiza Charfi
National School of Engineers of Gabes, University of Gabes, Tunisia
Higher Institute of Industrial Management, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Advanced Technologies for Environment and Smart Cities (ATES Unit), Faculty of Sciences, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Keywords: Machine Learning ML, EEG, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), fMRI (Functional MRI), Deep Learning,
sMRI (Structural MRI).
Abstract: Autism, often known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is characterized by a range of neurodevelopmental
difficulties that impact behavior, social relationships, and communication. Early diagnosis is crucial to
provide timely interventions and promote the best possible developmental outcomes. Although well-
established, traditional methods such as behavioral tests, neuropsychological assessments, and clinical facial
feature analysis are often limited by societal stigma, expense, and accessibility. In recent years, artificial
intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative tool. AI utilizes advanced algorithms to analyze a variety
of data modalities, including speech patterns, kinematic data, facial photographs, and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI), in order to diagnose ASD. Each modality offers unique insights: kinematic investigations
show anomalies in movement patterns, face image analysis reveals minor phenotypic indicators, speech
analysis shows aberrant prosody, and MRI records neurostructural and functional problems. By accurately
extracting information from these modalities, deep learning approaches enhance diagnostic efficiency and
precision. However, challenges remain, such as the need for diverse datasets to build robust models, potential
algorithmic biases, and ethical concerns regarding the use of private biometric data. This paper provides a
comprehensive review of feature extraction methods across various data modalities, emphasising how they
might be included into AI frameworks for the detection of ASD. It emphasizes the potential of multimodal
AI systems to revolutionize autism diagnosis and their responsible implementation in clinical practice by
analyzing the advantages, limitations, and future directions of these approaches.
People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a
complicated neurological condition, face challenges
across various domains, including communication,
social interaction, and environmental awareness.
Common symptoms exhibited by individuals with
autism include repetitive behaviors, restricted
interests, and heightened sensitivity to sensory inputs.
These traits may manifest as difficulty interpreting
facial emotions, body language, and social norms.
While autism is typically diagnosed in childhood, its
impact extends into adulthood. With the correct
support and early interventions, people with autism
can lead more fulfilling lives and achieve better
integration into society.
Traditionally, behavioral observation and
diagnostic instruments like the DSM (Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) or the Autism
Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) have been
used to identify autism through behavioral
observation. While effective, these methods are time-
consuming and require specialized expertise. New
approaches to early and accurate autism identification
have been made possible by recent developments in
artificial intelligence (AI). Techniques such as
machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) have
been employed to analyze speech patterns, kinematic
behaviors, and facial expressions. Support vector
machines (SVMs) and convolutional neural networks
(CNNs) are stand out for their ability to precisely
classify and identify characteristics linked to ASD.
One of the most promising methods for detecting
ASD is facial image analysis. According to research,
Slimen, S., Mezghani, A., Kherallah, M. and Charfi, F.
A Survey of Advanced Classification and Feature Extraction Techniques Across Various Autism Data Sources.
DOI: 10.5220/0013379600003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 2, pages 849-860
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
CNNs are able to recognise subtle differences in
autistic people's emotional reactions and facial
expressions. Simultaneously, magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) has proven invaluable a useful
technique for investigating brain abnormalities and
connection patterns linked to ASD. Diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) and functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) have enable detailed analysis of brain
networks and their abnormalities in autistic people in
great detail. By identifying abnormal patterns of gaze
and visual attention often observed in individuals
with ASD, eye-tracking technology have
significantly enhanced diagnostic capabilities.
Beyond imaging, multimodal approaches offer a
comprehensive view of autism by integrating
information from multiple sources, such as kinematic
analysis, MRI scans, and facial expressions.
Kinematic investigations, for example, have shown
motor biomarkers that are suggestive of ASD, such as
repeated motions. Distinct prosodic and intonational
features that differentiate individuals with ASD from
neurotypical populations have been identified
through speech analysis, especially with CNNs.
Enables a more robust and accurate diagnostic
framework by integrating these many data sources.
With an emphasis on developments in ML and
DL methodologies and their application to image and
video data, this paper methodically examines ASD
detection techniques. The study looks at important
indications like:
The accuracy of biological and behavioral
biomarkers for early identification of ASD.
The effect on diagnostic accuracy of
multimodal data integration that combines eye
tracking, MRI, and facial imaging.
How sophisticated AI models, such as CNNs
and transformers, enhance the categorisation and
identification of symptoms of ASD in actual clinical
The articles were selected based on strict
eligibility criteria. They were (i) written in English,
(ii) focused on image or video data, (iii) related to
autism in human populations, and (iv) utilized deep
learning- based techniques for feature extraction or
classification. Using keywords like autism spectrum
disorder, ASD detection, deep learning, and federated
learning, the search method includes queries across
major databases like PubMed, Scopus, Springer Link,
IEEE Xplore, and Google Scholar. This rigorous
approach ensures that the review highlights the latest
and most relevant advancements.
There are six sections in our paper. An
introduction comes first, and then a thorough
literature review. We then discuss related research,
introduce the databases we used, then a discussion,
and wrap up with a summary of findings and future
research directions.
2.1 History and Definition
The term "autism" was initially introduced by a Swiss
psychiatrist to describe symptoms associated with
schizophrenia, characterizing it as a form of childlike
thought aimed at escaping reality through fantasies
and hallucinations (Bleuler, E., 2012). Later, the term
gained prominence through the work of
Harris, J.
, who introduced it into psychiatric
classification, describing it as a condition marked by
social disengagement and communication
difficulties, which he termed "Autistic Affective
Contact Disorder".
Kanner's work on autism led to significant debate
regarding its classification. Initially, autism was
considered an early form of schizophrenia and was
classified as a psychosis in children in subsequent
diagnostic manuals. Over time, similarities between
autism and schizophrenia were noted, especially in
2210 cases where individuals with autism exhibited
symptoms of schizophrenia (Canitano, R., 2017).
As understanding of autism improved, research
began to differentiate it from schizophrenia based on
symptomatic variations, family histories, and
treatment responses. This evolution led to the
inclusion of autism in diagnostic classifications
(Kolvin, I., 1971).
The classification of autism continued to evolve,
with the term "Pervasive Developmental Disorders"
(PDD) being used to refer to autism-like disorders.
Specific diagnostic criteria for these disorders were
later established (Sprock, J., 2014). The DSM-IV
categorized PDD-NOS into several disorders,
including Autism, Rett syndrome, Childhood
Disintegrative Disorder, Asperger disorder, and
Unspecified PDD (PDD-NOS) (Lewis, G., 1996).
The most recent revisions consolidated various
autistic disorders under the term "Autism Spectrum
Disorder" (ASD), recognizing the continuity of
symptoms and severity observed in individuals with
The primary behavioral and sensory markers
commonly seen in kids with autism spectrum
disorders are depicted in Figure 1.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Typical Behavioral and Sensory Indicators of
Autism in Children.
Individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders,
such as autism and related conditions, may
experience notable deficits in their cognitive, social,
emotional, and behavioral development. Among
these conditions, Rett syndrome, formerly thought to
be a subtype of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is
now recognized as a distinct condition due to its
genetic origin, although it still shares some clinical
similarities with autism. Williams syndrome, a rare
genetic disorder, is distinguished by characteristic
facial features and mild to moderate intellectual
disability. The most common hereditary cause of
intellectual disability, fragile X syndrome, often
manifests as autism and is widely examined in
relation to ASD. Due to the wide range of ASD
symptoms, most autism research does not typically
focus on a single subtype.
Nonetheless, certain forms of autism, such as
high-functioning autism (formerly referred to as
Asperger's syndrome), are the topic of more focused
investigations, with an emphasis on those with
normal or above-average intelligence but notable
social challenges. The characteristics of the autism
spectrum are also shared by other conditions, such as
Prader-Willi syndrome, which is marked by eating
disorders and moderate to severe intellectual
handicap, and Angelman syndrome, which is
recognized for its happy demeanor and motor issues.
Additionally, some research emphasizes the
variability of autism by accounting for the range of
clinical symptoms within the spectrum. Finally,
Smith-Magenis syndrome, which is marked by
obsessive-compulsive behaviors and sleep
disturbances is frequently studied in relation to
recognition technologies, especially
studies on the machine learning-based identification
of autistic features.
Individuals with autism spectrum disorders
(ASD) often stand out due to significant differences
in their social interactions, particularly through facial
expressions and non-verbal behaviors. These
differences, although subtle, play a key role in
communication and the interpretation of emotions.
Indeed, individuals with autism tend to display more
neutral facial expressions, with a limited use of visual
cues to express or interpret emotions, which
complicates their identification. Thus, the observation
of facial expressions and eye movements becomes a
critical tool for understanding and diagnosing the
early signs of ASD. The face features of two child
groups are contrasted in Figure 2. Typical eye
movements, normal face symmetry, and
unambiguous facial expressions are characteristics
of children without autism spectrum disease (ASD).
Children with ASD, on the other hand, exhibit clear
distinctions, including less coordinated facial
expression patterns, aberrant gaze fixation, and
diminished emotional intensity.
Figure 2: The differences in facial features between
children without autism in the first row and children with
autism in the second row.
2.2 Related Work General Context of
Numerous methods including neurological,
behavioral, and physiological indicators are used in
autism screening procedures. Analysing the structure
and traits of the face is made possible by facial
features and landmarks, which are frequently used in
conjunction with the examination of facial
expressions to find subtle clues of emotional
variations. An objective and engaging way to
measure behavioral reactions is through robot-
evaluated systems. While methods like gaze analysis
and eye tracking aid in the understanding of social
interaction patterns, neurophysiological signals like
electroencephalograms (EEGs) offer information on
brain activity.
Simultaneously, standardized questionnaires and
thorough behavioral monitoring continue to be
essential components of clinical diagnostics. Action
analysis systems that interpret movements and social
interactions, as well as smartphone applications that
enable quick and easy detection, are examples of
technological developments. Last but not least,
A Survey of Advanced Classification and Feature Extraction Techniques Across Various Autism Data Sources
neurological tests like brain MRIs provide a
biological perspective by detecting anatomical or
functional changes in the brain linked to autism
spectrum disorders. These methods, which are
frequently combined, improve diagnosis speed and
accuracy while opening the door to customised
Autism detection in children has traditionally
relied on careful observation of their behavior and
comparison with established developmental reference
tools. These tools include the Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (SMD), the Autism Diagnostic
Observation Schedule (ADOS) (Lord et al., 2000),
the Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI) (Lord et al.,
1994), the Autism Observation Scale Infant (AOSI)
(Bryson et al., 2008), the Autism Spectrum Screening
Questionnaire (ASSQ) (Ehlers et al., 1999), the
Children's Asperger Syndrome Test (CAST)
(Williams et al., 2005), and the .DSM-5 (Edition et
al., 2013). This process of comparison and
measurement requires considerable time and effort.
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has
become increasingly important in various
applications, particularly in the early detection and
diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). AI
refers to the simulation of human cognition and
problem-solving through intelligent systems. At the
core of AI is ML which extracts information from
input databases using image preprocessing
techniques. The data is then classified or ranked using
either supervised or unsupervised learning methods.
Supervised learning employs classifiers such as
support vector machines (SVMs), random forests,
and traditional neural networks to categorize data
based on labeled input-output pairs.
In the medical field, deep learning (DL), a subset
of machine learning, is gaining popularity.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are the most
commonly used deep learning networks. There are
fully connected and include multiple convolutional
layers to perform tasks such as feature extraction and
classification. Conversely, unsupervised learning
does not rely on labeled input-output pairs, instead, it
classifies data based on patterns within the input data
2.3 Related Work
Recent advances in deep learning and machine
learning have transformed different fields such as
natural language processing (NLP) (Gasmi et al.,
2023, 2024), (Mezghani et al., 2024) and medical
diagnostic practice (Mezghani et al., 2024), offering
tools that are both accurate, fast and capable mainly
in autism detection. Several different techniques used
to identify autism, and each one significantly
advances the diagnosis. Techniques like Diffusion
Tensor Imaging (DTI) and structural MRI (sMRI),
which examine brain connectivity and structure, as
well as functional MRI (fMRI), which uses BOLD
methodologies to emphasize activity and functional
connectivity, have significantly advanced the use of
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). The brain in
different cognitive states can be examined thanks to
these technologies. Finding brain biomarkers from
MRI and EEG data has been significantly enhanced
by ML and DL techniques. For instance, Pan et al.
(2021) used graph convolutional networks (GCN)
with an accuracy of 87.62%, whereas Yang et al.
(2019) used ASSDL on MRI data and obtained an
accuracy of 98.2%. The efficiency of these strategies
is demonstrated by multimodal approaches, such as
those explored by Tang et al. (2020) and cutting-edge
techniques like the Deep Belief Network (DBN)
optimised by the Adam War Strategy (AWSO) which
obtained 92.4% accuracy on the ABIDE dataset.
Furthermore, Park et al. (2023) created a model
integrating residual CNN and Bi-LSTM with self-
attention, which achieved 97.6% on ABIDE-I,
whereas Wen et al. (2022) employed multi-view
GCNs to reach an accuracy of 69.3%.
Simultaneously, the examination of emotions and
facial expressions provides a non-invasive way to
identify abnormal patterns linked to ASD. The
integration of neural networks and machine learning
techniques has been made easier by the challenges
that people with ASD have when it comes to
expressing and recognising their emotions. Wu et al.
(2021) investigated head movements and facial points
via OpenFace, while Hassouneh et al. (2020)
classified emotions with an accuracy of 87.25% using
LSTM-convolutional models. In order to enhance
emotional recognition, Cai et al., (2022) more
recently included attention techniques. Accuracy
ranges from 84% to 96% thanks to these efforts,
which combine face dynamics, gazes, and emotional
shifts with models like VGG19, MobileNet, and
Vision Transformers (ViT). Notably, the ViTASD-L
model was presented by Cao et al. (2023) and
achieved 94.5% accuracy on the Piosenka dataset.
Last but not least, privacy-preserving strategies that
use federated learning, as those by Shamseddine et al.
(2022), integrate behavioral and facial characteristics
while guaranteeing the security of personal
Emerging techniques include eye tracking, which
examines gaze patterns to identify ASD early. The
accuracy of techniques developed by Atyabi et al.
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(2023) and Wei et al. (2021) that combine temporal
and spatial information has surpassed that of earlier
approaches. Similarly, to enhance categorisation,
Liaqat et al. (2021) and Wloka et al. (2017) employed
synthetic saccade models. Another potential
technique is kinematic analysis, which uses motor
impairments as biomarkers.
While Prakash et al. (2023) utilised R-CNN
models to study joint attention tasks and achieved
93.4% accuracy, Zhao et al. (2019) employed KNN
to analyse hand movements with an accuracy of
86.7%. YOLO-V5 and DeepSORT were coupled by
Ali et al. (2022) to track and categorise motions.
Lastly, speech and language-based detection looks at
linguistic and prosodic abnormalities that are
commonly seen in kids with ASD. With models like
CNNs (Ashwini et al., 2023) and SVMs (Nakai et al.,
2017), these studies take advantage of voice
spectrograms and linguistic data, exhibiting great
accuracy in this area because of machine learning.
3.1 Feature Extraction for Facial
Two primary types of facial features those linked to
emotion recognition and those related to eye
movement analysis are crucial in diagnosing autism.
Finding distinguishing characteristics in facial
expressions is essential in the field of emotion
recognition in order to identify emotional states like
happiness, sadness, or anger. For instance, Banire et
al. (2021) used the iMotions software to extract 34
face landmarks and utilized those cues to create
geometric features based on Euclidean distance
estimates. Conditional Local Neural Field (CLNF)
models have been utilised in several studies,
including those by Leo et al. (2018) and Del Coco et
al. (2017), to automatically analyse the facial
expressions of children with autism spectrum
disorders (ASD).In order to support the prediction of
behaviours associated with autism, sophisticated
techniques like OpenFace (Wu et al., 2021) make it
easier to extract key points, action units (AU), head
positions, and gaze orientations. Furthermore, by
extracting pertinent features, pre-trained
convolutional neural networks like AlexNet,
MobileNet, and Vision Transformers (ViT) (Slimani
et al., 2024) have demonstrated efficacy in
automatically segmenting and classifying facial
images. Furthermore, techniques like gesture analysis
and thermal imaging have been used to distinguish
children with ASD from those with typical
development (TD).
Gaze-related traits, which frequently show
abnormalities in children with ASD, offer important
hints for early identification. By combining the
temporal and spatial aspects of eye movements,
Atyabi et al. (2023) improved this method and
enhanced classification performance. The accuracy of
this study was further enhanced by Wei et al. (2021)
by integrating spatiotemporal data from gaze
Other cutting-edge studies, such as those by
Liaqat et al. (2021) and De Belen et al. (2021), have
either analyzed fixation sequences to find anomalies
or converted eye-tracking data into visual
representations. Additionally, recent research has
concentrated on emotional states like boredom or
dissatisfaction or on dynamic social interactions,
including head movements and eye contact (Chong et
al., 2017).
A schematic of models for autism detection that
concentrate on feature extraction from facial images
is shown in Figure 3.
3.2 Feature Extraction for Kinematic
Certain motor biomarkers can help diagnose autism
spectrum disorders (ASD) more precisely.
Attention problems are often linked to complex motor,
Figure 3: Diagram of models for autism detection.
A Survey of Advanced Classification and Feature Extraction Techniques Across Various Autism Data Sources
patterns including head motions, arm flapping, finger
trembling, and body shaking. Children with autism
may exhibit repetitive behaviors, such as shaking
their heads. Currently, motor deficits are considered
associated characteristics that lend credence to the
ASD diagnosis. According to recent studies, a better
comprehension of the motor deficits associated with
ASD could lead to for novel approaches to diagnosis
and treatment.
Patients with ASD can be differentiated from
those with typical development (TD) using kinematic
data. 20 kinematic features were derived from hand
gestures using kinematic analysis in a study with 16
participants with ASD and 14 with TD (Li et al.,
2017). Eight noteworthy characteristics were found
when these parameters were tested using the Naive
Bayes approach. Four methods were tested: Support
Vector Machine (SVM, both RBF and linear),
Random Forest, Decision Tree, and Naive Bayes.
SVM and Naive Bayes fared better than the other
algorithms, according to the results, with the linear
SVM showing the best results with 86.7% accuracy,
87.5% specificity, and 85.7% sensitivity.
Using machine learning techniques such as SVM,
LDA, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and K-Nearest
Neighbors (KNN), Zhao et al. (2019) enhanced the
diagnosis of ASD. Twenty-five children with high-
functioning autism and twenty-three typically
developing children participated in the study and
completed a variety of motor tasks. As markers of
limited kinematic properties, the researchers
computed the entropy and range of 95% of the
motion's amplitude, speed, and acceleration. With
88.37% precision, 91.3% specificity, 85% sensitivity,
and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.8815, the
KNN approach (k = 1) outperformed the other five
classifiers in terms of classification accuracy.
An important development in the assessment of
autism was the creation of the Autism Diagnostic
Observation Schedule (ADOS) by Lord et al. (2006).
This method looks for behavioral indicators of autism
by utilising unstructured observation tasks to look at
how kids react to various situations.
3.3 Feature Extraction for MRI
A key tool in the research of autism spectrum disorder
(ASD) is MRI, which provides unmatched insights
into the structure and function of the brain and enables
the identification of neurological biomarkers linked
to the disorder.
Both structural and functional neuroimaging data
have been widely used in recent studies on the
diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and
feature extraction is essential to processing and
interpreting these datasets for machine learning
applications. Structural imaging techniques, such as
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) (Travers, 2012) and
sMRI (Dekhil, O., 2020) are two structural methods
that reveal anomalies linked to ASD by shedding light
on brain connectivity and morphology. By using
blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD)
approaches to analyse brain activity and functional
connectivity, functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI) enhances these investigations. Researchers
may examine how the brain functions in different
cognitive states using both task-based and resting-
state fMRI (rsfMRI).
The diagnosis of ASD has greatly improved with
the use of ML algorithms in conjunction with
neuroimaging data. For example, BOLD signals can
yield valuable information when functional MRI is
used in conjunction with methods like the General
Linear Model (GLM) and Independent Component
Analysis (ICA). Furthermore, the application of ML
and DL techniques to EEG and MRI signals makes it
easier to identify biomarkers linked to ASD,
including regional cortical thickness, grey matter
volume, and white matter (WM) volume. Studies like
Yang et al. (2019), which used ASSDL methods to
obtain a 98.2% accuracy on MRI data, and Pan et al.
(2021), which claimed an 87.62% accuracy with
graph convolutional networks (GCNs), serve as
examples of these developments.
Researchers improve the accuracy and
dependability of diagnosing ASD by customising
feature extraction methods to the unique properties of
MRI data, illustrating the interaction between cutting-
edge imaging technology and complex computational
3.4 Feature Extraction for Speech and
Many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
struggle greatly with speech and language
comprehension, which frequently leads to ongoing
communication problems or no communication at all
after the age of two. These children may repeat words
or phrases without completely understanding their
meaning, and their voices may have an odd pitch or
rhythm when they do talk. A toddler may count from
one to five several times during a conversation that
has nothing to do with numbers, demonstrating how
speech can occasionally seem divorced from
conversational context. Many autistic children also
display echolalia, which is the immediate or delayed
repetition of previously heard words or phrases,
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
frequently accompanied by irrelevant enquiries.
Some autistic kids start conversations with cliches,
even with people they know, while others sing, talk
too much, or have a robotic voice. Another prevalent
trait is repetitive speech patterns.
These abnormal speech and language
characteristics linked to ASD have motivated
researchers to investigate machine learning (ML)
methods for assessment and classification, with
encouraging outcomes. Using 24 fundamental
frequency (F0)-based variables to measure pitch,
Nakai et al. (2017) used a Support Vector Machine
(SVM) to analyse single-syllable utterances in both
neurotypical (NT) and autistic participants,
outperforming traditional speech-language
pathologists in terms of accuracy.
In a similar vein, Hauser et al. (2019) classified
ASD in people between the ages of 18 and 50 using a
linear regression model with 123 audio features, with
a weighted accuracy of 0.83. SVMs were used by Lau
et al. (2022) to examine intonation and rhythmic
patterns in English and Cantonese speech, finding
that rhythmic features were only important in English.
Advanced approaches like Random Forests and
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have
significantly enhanced classification performance
beyond conventional machine learning techniques. A
CNN trained on spectrograms improved accuracy to
0.79. Plank et al. (2023) achieved a balanced accuracy
of 0.76 by using L2-regularized SVMs on phonetic
data that was extracted using the Praat tool. By
training SVM models on transcripts that contained a
variety of language variables from both NT and
autistic children, Ashwini et al. (2023) were able to
reach an impressive accuracy of 0.94.
Liu et al. (2022) extended this study by looking
into transformer-based models to find linguistic
patterns unique to ASD. The study used written
transcripts of adult conversations captured during
collaborative tasks and discovered that transformer
models performed noticeably worse for participants
with ASD than for those without ASD, indicating a
difficulty in representing the aberrant language of
autistic people. This disparity was ascribed to biases
in the training data, which were mostly drawn from
online and news sources and did not accurately
represent the distinct social-linguistic techniques used
by people with ASD.
These results highlight how machine learning and
deep learning techniques can be used to identify and
decipher the complex speech and language traits of
ASD, opening the door to more precise and non-
invasive diagnostic instruments.
3.5 A Multimodal Approach for
Enhanced Feature Extraction
People with ASD have abnormal gaze patterns, such
as avoiding eye contact and having different joint
attention in social situations, in addition to
neurological abnormalities. The direct measurement
of gaze behaviors and directed visual activities is
made possible by eye-tracking technology (ET),
which has been extensively employed in research on
attention allocation in individuals with ASD.
According to Nakano et al., (2010), for instance,
children with ASD spend less time observing faces
and social interactions than children who are
normally developing. Using an ET dataset, Liu et al.,
(2016) created a machine learning framework that
could classify children with ASD and TD with up to
88.51% accuracy.
In research on ASD, electroencephalogram (EEG)
and ET have been used separately to find useful
biomarkers and create diagnostic models with
cutting-edge machine learning techniques. However,
it is challenging to make a reliable diagnosis using
only unimodal data, like EEG or ET, because ASD is
complex and heterogeneous, showing up at both the
behavioral and cellular levels. Despite having
different viewpoints while ET captures behavioral
information and EEG reflects neurophysiological
activity these two modalities provide rich and
complementing data on ASD. However, it can be
difficult to directly identify the underlying
correlations and complementarities due to the
diversity of the data.
To address this challenge, multimodal fusion
emerges as a promising solution. This approach,
which has garnered increasing interest in the medical
field, has been applied not only to the diagnosis of
ASD but also to other diseases such as Parkinson's,
Alzheimer's, and depression. For example, Alexandru
et al., (2018) integrated EEG, fMRI, and DTI data to
characterize the autistic brain, while Mash et al.,
(2020) explored the relationships between fMRI and
EEG in spontaneous brain activity related to ASD.
Recent work, such as that of Vasquez-Correa et al.,
(2019), has shown that the fusion of multimodal data
can fully exploit the strengths of each modality while
compensating for their weaknesses, resulting in
improved diagnostic performance. Han et al., (2022)
combine electroencephalogram (EEG) and eye-
tracking data (ET) to present a novel multimodal
diagnostic approach for detecting autism spectrum
disorders (ASD) in children. Stacking denoising
autoencoders (SDAE) are used in this method to learn
and fuse features from both modalities.
A Survey of Advanced Classification and Feature Extraction Techniques Across Various Autism Data Sources
This approach, which was tested on a dataset that
included 40 children with ASD and 50 normally
developing (TD) children, shows how
neurophysiological (EEG) and behavioral (ET)
perspectives complement each other. It achieved an
overall accuracy of 95.56%, with a sensitivity of
92.5% and a specificity of 98%. When compared to
unimodal and basic techniques, the experimental
findings demonstrate a substantial improvement, with
multimodal fusion enabling better separation of
ASD/TD groups.
A diagram showing the various deep learning
(DL) techniques examined in this review is shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4: Diagram of diferents DL/ML-based approaches
considered in this review.
In this part, we examine in depth the different
databases public and private that are crucial to autism
research, emphasising their content, unique features,
and contributions to the development of autism
spectrum detection and analysis methods.
4.1 MRI Datasets
Significant disparities between people with ASD and
neurotypical participants can be identified thanks to
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a non-invasive
technique that creates three-dimensional anatomical
pictures. The Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange
(ABIDE) (Di Martino et al., 2014, 2017) has collected
structural and functional brain imaging data from labs
worldwide in order to better understand the
neurological underpinnings of autism. Two
significant collections that are the outcome of this
effort are ABIDE I and ABIDE II. The initial version
of ABIDE I, which was released in 2014, combined
information from 17 different countries, comprising
1,112 resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI)
recordings with 539 participants with ASD and 573
neurotypical people between the ages of 7 and 64. A
more varied sample, consisting of 1,044 records,
including 487 participants with ASD and 593
neurotypical people, was added to the collection by
ABIDE II in 2017. Researchers can use these
databases as a useful resource to investigate the
neurological underpinnings of autism.
4.2 Visual Datasets
1Face and eye tracking datasets are essential for
identifying autism. Eye movement data from 28
children (with ASD and TD) was gathered using the
Tobii T120 eye tracker from 300 different visual
stimuli and is included in the Saliency4ASD (Duan et
al., 2019b). Chong et al. (2017) annotated 2 million
video images of 100 youngsters interacting with
adults to identify gaze, while Carette et al. (2018)
created a set of 547 photos translating dynamic eye
movements. In terms of facial data, Shukla et al.
(2017) gathered 1,126 facial images labelled by age
and gender, and Leo et al. (2018b) gathered videos of
17 kids displaying a range of emotions. Lastly, with
2,540 training images and a standardised reference
protocol, the Autism Facial Image Dataset (AFID)
(Piosenka, 2021) continues to be the only publicly
available database devoted to autism research using
facial images. These varied datasets provide a
valuable foundation for developing more precise and
reliable diagnostic tools. Once more, Rani, (2019)
gathered 25 pictures of people with ASD with four
different emotions (angry, neutral, sad, and cheerful)
from various online sources for their study.
4.3 Skeleton Datasets
The 2D/3D coordinates of the human joints make up
skeleton data. 136 participants with evenly dispersed
ASD and TD were included in a video collection of
social interaction created by Kojovic et al. (2021).
Later, they use OpenPose to extract the essential
elements from videos (Cao et al., 2017).
4.4 Multi Modal Datasets
Simple but frequently constrained by noisy data and
poor accuracy are unimodal systems, which employ a
single feature or modality to identify or assess autism
spectrum disorders (ASD) (Uddin et al., 2017). Multi-
modal data, which combines multiple sensor and
feature kinds, has been introduced to address these
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
issues. For instance, 128 children between the ages of
5 and 12 participated in 152 hours of multi-modal
interactions (audio, depth, and video) through robot
or adult-assisted activities in the De-Enigma dataset
(Shen et al., 2018). Similar to this, the DREAM
dataset (Billing et al., 2020) records 300 hours of
robot-assisted therapy for 61 children with autism. 3D
skeletons and metadata (such as age, gender, and
diagnosis) are extracted using RGB and RGBD
cameras. Additional datasets include those of Zunino
et al. (2018), which consists of 1,837 recordings of 40
children (autistic and neurotypical) doing gestures in
particular tasks, and Cai et al. (2022), which
examines videos of 57 children with ASD and 25
neurotypical children based on facial and movement
traits. Finally, to categorise repetitive behaviors like
spinning or flapping of the arms, the SSBD
(Rajagopalan et al., 2013) gathers 75 videos from
public platforms. The diagnosis of ASD and
behavioural analysis are made more accurate and
diverse by using multi-modal datasets.
The various feature extraction techniques used to
diagnose autism spectrum disorder (ASD)—
including facial recognition, kinematic analysis, MRI,
speech a n d language, multimodal data, and others—
emphasize how difficult it is to capture the complex
character of ASD. With machine learning techniques
like SVM and KNN attaining noteworthy
classification accuracies of up to 88.37% (Zhao et al.,
2019), kinematic analysis reveals motor biomarkers.
However, small sample sizes highlight the necessity
for more datasets to improve generalisation. With
sophisticated approaches like graph convolutional
networks reaching accuracies over 98%, MRI
techniques that make use of diffusion tensor imaging
(DTI) and functional MRI (fMRI) offer vital insights
into structural and functional abnormalities (Pan et
al., 2021). Similar to this, despite difficulties with
cultural heterogeneity and data biases, machine
learning methods such as CNNs can achieve up to
94% accuracy in speech and language feature
extraction, revealing linguistic patterns unique to ASD
(Ashwini et al., 2023). Although integration
complexity is still a problem, multimodal approaches
such as merging EEG and eye-tracking data have
shown greater diagnostic performance, with fusion
techniques obtaining accuracies of 95.56% (Junxia et
al., 2022). In the meantime, facial recognition
leverages sophisticated deep learning models like
Vision Transformers and tools like iMotions to
improve diagnostic accuracy by analysing eye
movements and emotions. Even though these
approaches have a lot of potential, issues with
scalability and accessibility, as well as ethical
concerns about data protection, need to be addressed.
In order to increase the precision and dependability of
ASD diagnosis, these findings collectively highlight
the necessity of interdisciplinary cooperation and the
creation of strong, affordable, and morally sound
multimodal diagnostic frameworks.
Our review of the literature focusses on various
feature extraction techniques and highlights
important advancements in the field of autism
identification. Among the approaches studied are
deep learning models, machine learning algorithms,
and conventional image processing techniques. The
ability of deep learning models to extract important
and complex aspects from a range of data, such as eye
movements, facial expressions, and brain signals, has
made them particularly promising.
However, problems persist in spite of these
advancements, particularly in the areas of accuracy,
model generalisation, and participant privacy
protection. Despite their significance, the size and
diversity limitations of the current datasets make it
difficult to build robust and inclusive models.
Using techniques like federated learning could be
a good solution for further study. This approach
would improve the security of sensitive data by
allowing models to be trained on decentralised data by
utilising information from several sources.
Furthermore, the use of multimodal data for example,
integrating facial, ocular, and brain signals could
significantly improve model performance by
capturing complementary information.
By paving the way for more inclusive, secure, and
reliable detection systems, these perspectives
contribute to our growing understanding and support
of autism.
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