corporating user participation and meta-modeling.
Regarding DSL for ML and System Monitoring,
Freire et al., 2013 proposed a DSL for devising and
monitoring experiments in software Freire et al., 2013
proposed a DSL for ML performance monitoring with
seamless platform integration. Our approach expands
on these by combining formal meta-modeling, moni-
toring, and iterative experimentation.
Morales et al., 2024 formed a DSL for ML sys-
tems, handling task standardization. Zhao et al., 2024
introduced a DSL for ML workflows in MS research,
blending AutoML and manual methods. We extend
DSLs to embed them within the experimentation life-
cycle and feedback-driven ML development.
In the ExtremeXP project, we have proposed a novel
approach that reframes ML workflow development as
an experiment-driven process, where experiments are
systematically defined, executed, and evolved over
time. Our approach emphasizes traceability, empow-
ered decision-making, explicit involvement of users-
in-the-loop, and adaptive system evolution by inte-
grating formal modeling and models at runtime. This
structured experimentation paradigm not only en-
hances transparency and reproducibility but also facil-
itates continuous improvement through feedback inte-
In this paper, we described a platform supporting
the model-driven development and evolution of ML
workflows. Our current work focuses on validating
the framework in real-world ML workflow deploy-
ments and further refining the developed platform.
This work has been partially supported by the EU
project ExtremeXP grant agreement 101093164, and
by Charles University institutional funding SVV
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MODELSWARD 2025 - 13th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering