very competitive performance for multi-layer per-
ceptrons, graph neural networks, encoder-only, and
encoder-decoder architectures when compared to 16
and 32-bit. Specifically, we find that b1.58-bit train-
ing works well beyond language models, demonstrat-
ing competitive performance in bag-of-words MLPs
for text classification and graph neural networks for
node classification. Median quantization seems on
par or better than mean in most real-world scenar-
ios. We further analyze the “BitNet Scaling Law” for
encoder-only models, showing that 1.58-bit models
match the training performance of standard precision
models when the hidden size is twice as large, align-
ing with similar observations for decoder-only mod-
els. For encoder-decoder models, we find that no such
scaling law is applicable, as b1.58 consistently per-
forms worse than 16-bit. We encourage future work to
investigate the challenges of b1.58 quantization with
encoder-decoder architecture in more depth. Finally,
there seems to be a regularization effects of 1.58-bit
quantization-aware training that helps generalization.
Yet, more research is needed to further investigate this
regularization effect.
We are grateful to the Danish Foundational Models
(DFM) project for access to data for low-resource
language modelling, to SDU UCloud and EuroHPC
Leonard Booster for providing computational re-
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