generated from ArUco. Figure 4b shows the views
resulting from the exploitation of the data observed
through Figures 3 and 4a with the lungs shown with a
transparency parameter.
The lung and its features can be visualized with
varied representation levels in the sense that we can
observe the lung without infections, only infections,
or a mix of both the lungs and infections. The ob-
ject rendering has been computed from an RTX 3080
graphics card. The interaction with loaded lung mod-
els operates in real time (approximately 25 frames per
In this paper, we propose a concrete and effective tool
to visualize a 3D lung model and control its opacity
to inspect internal infections in the lung by automat-
ically processing 2D attention maps extracted from a
CNN pre-trained on frontal chest X-ray images. All
features of this analysis tool work in real time, which
shows its usefulness in facilitating chest X-ray studies
and interpretations to physicians, practitioners, and
future radiologists. Moreover, our approach can be
generalized to visualize other organs.
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infection in terms of depth by combining lateral with
frontal images of the lung. This pair of images should
give us more information about the shape, depth,
and location of the infection in order to accurately
diagnose the patient and improve patient care.
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BIOIMAGING 2025 - 12th International Conference on Bioimaging