Table 8: Comparison of Models on Singling Out Risk, Linkability Risk, and Inference Risk with Respective Confidence
Intervals for the Insurance Dataset.
S-Out Link Inf
CopulaGAN 0.1249, CI=(0.0962, 0.1536) 0.0128, CI=(0.0, 0.073) 0.0414, CI=(0.0, 0.1957)
CTGAN 0.1090, CI=(0.0820, 0.1361) 0.0, CI=(0.0, 0.011) 0.02042, CI=(0.0, 0.2415)
GC 0.1566, CI=(0.1250, 0.1883) 0.0, CI=(0.0, 0.0080) 0.0588, CI=(0.0, 0.1252)
GMM 0.1011, CI=(0.0749, 0.1272) 0.01501, CI=(0.0, 0.1113) 0.1025, CI=(0.0069, 0.1980)
TVAE 0.1229, CI=(0.0944, 0.1514) 0.0045, CI=(0.0, 0.0784) 0.2732, CI=(0.0, 0.5786)
Random 0.9962, CI=(0.9924, 1.0) 0.9890, CI=(0.9780, 1.0) 0.9907, CI=(0.9813, 1.0)
Table 9: Comparison of Models Across Different Utility Metrics for the Insurance Dataset.
WS KS P&S Corr MI JS (Mean, Median, Var)
CopulaGAN 0.4444 0.9174 [0.9714, 0.9711] 0.9874 0.9126 (0.0449, 0.0338, 0.0181)
CTGAN 0.4141 0.9207 [0.9676, 0.969] 0.988 0.9236 (0.0415, 0.1931, 0.0136)
GaussianCopula 0.2939 0.9727 [0.9742, 0.9783] 0.9877 0.9666 (0.0158, 0.0047, 0.006)
GMM 0.2450 0.9682 [0.9906, 0.9888] 0.985 0.9353 (0.0104, 0.0035, 0.0034)
TVAE 0.4691 0.9340 [0.9554, 0.9575] 0.9831 0.9341 (0.0349, 0.0295, 0.0136)
Random 0.0000 1.0000 [1.0000;1.0000] 1.0000 1.0000 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
This work was partially supported by (a) the Univer-
sity of Z
urich UZH, Switzerland, and (b) the Horizon
Europe Framework Program’s project AISym4MED,
Grant Agreement No.101095387, funded by the
Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research, and
Innovation SERI, under Contract No.22.00622.
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ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy