This imbalance in the dataset highlights an impor-
tant limitation: the data used in this study is not ba-
lanced with the non-Pinus spp. class being dispro-
portionately represented. As a result, the models tend
to achieve higher precision and accuracy by correctly
identifying the dominant class, even if their perfor-
mance on the minority class (Pinus spp.) remains less
That limitation is particularly reflected in the Jac-
card metrics, which provide a more nuanced evalua-
tion of model performance by considering both false
positives and false negatives. Among the models,
only U-Net achieved a superior result in this me-
tric, underscoring its effectiveness in identifying areas
dominated by Pinus spp. despite the dataset’s imba-
The dataset used in this project is publicly avai-
lable for use, making it a valuable resource for re-
searchers interested in advancing methodologies for
the classification and monitoring of exotic tree species
in similar contexts. For now, the preliminary results
are promising, and in the future, new approaches will
be explored to improve the results.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support provided
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