Limitations of Tokenizers for Building a Neuro-Symbolic Lexicon
Hilton Alers-Valent
1 a
, Jos
e D. Maldonado-Torres
2 b
and J. Fernando Vega-Riveros
2 c
Linguistics and Cognitive Science, University of Puerto Rico-Mayag
uez, Puerto Rico
Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Puerto Rico-Mayag
uez, Puerto Rico
{hilton.alers, jose.maldonado39, jfernando.vega}
Tokenization, Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Symbolic Computation, Minimalist
Syntax, Lexicon, Parser.
Tokenization is a critical preprocessing step in natural language processing (NLP), as it determines the units of
text that will be analyzed. Conventional tokenization strategies, such as whitespace-based or frequency-based
methods, often fail to preserve linguistically meaningful units, including multi-word expressions, phrasal
verbs, and morphologically complex tokens. Such failures result in downstream processing errors and hin-
der parsing performance. This paper examines contemporary tokenization approaches and their limitations in
light of foundational concepts in morphology that are relevant for natural language parsing. We then proceed
to describe the required features for the cognitive modeling of a human language lexicon and introduce a lin-
guistically aware encoding pipeline. Finally, a preliminary assessment of this system will be presented and
major points of the proposed system will be summarized in the conclusions.
Before language processing is performed, “meaning-
ful units” (or tokens) must be derived from the stream
of characters that comprise an utterance (Arppe et al.,
2005). This process, known as tokenization, is critical
for parsing, as any issues presented in this stage may
affect downstream processing tasks (Lu, 2014).
In an ideal scenario, a string of text would be per-
fectly punctuated, allowing tokenization to consist of
splitting the text into tokens solely based on whites-
pace and punctuation marks (Arppe et al., 2005).
On a surface level, this seems like a reasonable as-
sumption for English utterances. However, this ap-
proach presents challenges for units that do not con-
form to conventional delimitations, such as idiomatic
expressions, numerical expressions, phrasal verbs,
acronyms, and proper nouns, among others. The im-
proper management of these limitations poses con-
cerns for parsing, as the tokens produced may lose
their intended meaning when split. It would be unrea-
sonable to analyze an utterance containing the adverb
“upside down” as separate tokens. For example, for
the phrase “they turned it upside down”:
(1) Conventional tokenizers: [they, turned, it, up-
side, down].
(2) Tokens: [they, turned, it, upside down].
For natural language parsing, lexical items are the
real meaningful units. In this paper, we will address
concerns posed by conventional tokenization schemes
by first presenting foundational concepts in morphol-
ogy that are relevant for natural language parsing
(Section 2). Then, we will describe contemporary to-
kenization approaches (Section 3). Then we will pro-
ceed to describe the required features for the cogni-
tive modeling of a human language lexicon (Section
4). Next, an encoder will be proposed that is designed
to meet the previously described challenges (Section
5) and a preliminary assessment of this system will
be presented (Section 6). Finally, major points of this
proposal will be summarized in the conclusions (Sec-
tion 7).
A common mistake in tokenization is to equate tokens
to words as ”meaningful units” of natural language.
Tokens are strings of textually contiguous characters
that may or may not be separated by blank spaces or
Alers-Valentín, H., Maldonado-Torres, J. D. and Vega-Riveros, J. F.
Limitations of Tokenizers for Building a Neuro-Symbolic Lexicon.
DOI: 10.5220/0013386100003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 1458-1464
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
some other form of punctuation. However, not all
meaningful units are tokens,e.g., the item cats con-
tains two distinct, smaller meaningful units: the root
cat and the suffix s. The minimal linguistic sign, i.e.,
the atomic unit of language that carries meaning or
conveys some grammatical feature is the morpheme.
Generally speaking, morphemes are not free-standing
syntactic objects as they have very strict and limited
combinatorial capacities. Words, on the other hand,
are the minimal free linguistic objects—abstract men-
tal representations that are legible and not subject to
orthographic conventions (any speaker has an intu-
ition of what are words in their language, although
throughout history, most speakers have been illiter-
Although ”word” seems to be a run-of-the-mill
term, it is a very intuitive notion that is not so easy
to formally define. In fact, ”word” refers to two dif-
ferent concepts: a more concrete, inflected, external-
ized form and a more abstract mental representation
of an atomic unit of language. For example, forget,
forgets, forgot, forgetting, forgotten are, in one sense,
five words, but in another sense, they seem to be forms
of the same ”word”.
A word is the smallest free linguistic unit, which
may consist of a single morpheme (simple word) or
two or more morphemes (complex word). The ab-
stract (basic) form of a word is called a lexeme. The
set of concrete phonetic forms of a lexeme constitutes
the paradigm of the lexeme.
The combinatorial component of an I-Language
is called a grammar, with computational procedures
to form new objects, while the lexicon (LEX) is the
set of lexical items (LI), the primitives or atoms of
computation for I-Language. LIs are formatives “in
the traditional sense as minimum “meaning-bearing”
and functional elements” (Chomsky, 2021). Speak-
ers possess a lexicon or mental dictionary that con-
tains information about the morphosyntactic prop-
erties, meaning, and phonological representation of
lexical items. It is conjectured that the variety of
languages might be completely localized in periph-
eral aspects of LEX and in externalization (Chomsky,
The Penn Treebank (PTB) (Marcus et al., 1993) is a
widely used annotated English corpus and the de facto
tokenization standard (Dridan and Oepen, 2012). The
tokenization strategy used by the PTB is rule-based
and is summarized by (Fares et al., 2013) as follows:
whitespaces are explicit token boundaries, most punc-
tuation marks are split from adjacent tokens, con-
tracted negations are split into separate tokens (e.g.,
won’t wo n’t), and hyphenated words and ones
containing slashes are not split.
Contemporary artificial intelligence approaches,
such as bidirectional encoder representations from
transformers (BERT) (Devlin et al., 2019) and the
generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) (Radford
et al., 2018), rely on subword tokenization strategies.
These strategies are used to mitigate the effects of
rare or out of vocabulary (OOV) words on the model
(Wu et al., 2016). To this end, BERT uses WordPiece
for tokenization, while GPT uses byte pair encoding
In WordPiece and BPE subword splits are deter-
mined by frequency-based heuristics: subwords that
occur more frequently are maintained as single units,
while less frequently occurring subword units are split
(Wu et al., 2016). This process is repeated over a
dataset until a threshold is reached (Wu et al., 2016).
The subword splits created are not linguistically mo-
tivated, and thus may not align with the syntactic or
morphological structures, specially in the case of less-
represented languages or dialects.
The lexicon is the language module that contains the
grammatical information about all lexical items in the
utterances to be analyzed by the parser. For a cogni-
tive model of human language following SMT, it is
“the heart of the implemented system” (Fong, 2005).
Following the Chomsky-Borer hypothesis, Minimal-
ist Grammars (MGs) locate all language-specific vari-
ation in the lexicon. Hence, every MG is just a finite
set of lexical items. Each lexical item takes the form
A :: α, where A is the item’s phonetic exponent and
α its string of features (Graf, 2021).
4.1 Features
Since the parser has to determine whether a certain
combination of words is licensed or grammatical in
the language, the lexicon must contain linguistically
relevant properties of each lexical unit or features. A
(morphosyntactic) feature, the basic unit or formative
of syntax, is a property of a lexical item to which syn-
tax is sensitive (such as agreement, which establishes
a relationship between features). Features can deter-
mine the specific form of a word (through morpho-
logical operations such as affixation, metaphony, or
Limitations of Tokenizers for Building a Neuro-Symbolic Lexicon
suppletion). They are the fundamental elements of
natural languages, linking form and meaning. Fea-
tures can be interpretable if they affect the semantic
interpretation of a word or uninterpretable if they do
not. Generally, features affect the morphology (form),
semantics (interpretation), and syntax (relationships)
of a word (Adger, 2003). Interface rules transduce a
syntactic structure consisting of features to a morpho-
logical (and eventually phonological) structure on one
hand, and to a semantic interpretation on the other,
with morphosyntactic features acting as links between
sound and meaning. Therefore, to propose the exis-
tence of a feature, at least one of the following must
be observed:
(3)(i) there are relationships among morphological
forms of words,
(ii) there is an effect on semantic interpretation, or
(iii) a syntactic relationship must be established
without which incorrect grammatical predic-
tions would occur
Finally, in modeling a human language lexicon,
one must consider that the set of features may:
(4)(i) be universally available,
(ii) be constructed by each speaker of a language,
(iii) be a combination of both.
For being the most restrictive approach, it is as-
sumed that there exists a set of universal features,
from which children select the relevant features for
the language they are acquiring.
4.2 Feature Systems
Adger (2003) recognizes three possible feature sys-
(5)(i) Privative: Languages have a default feature
that appears when this type of feature is un-
specified. In this system, features are priva-
tive, meaning they have no values and can ei-
ther be present or absent. This system requires
a default rule to supply a feature when it is un-
specified. A rule of this type would be: [ ]
(ii) Binary: Features have binary values [+/–].
This system requires two constraints, i.e., that
features always appear in bundles ([+sing,
–pl]), and that features always appear with
some value.
(iii) Non-Binary: Features may take values other
than [+/–]. For example, if [number:] were a
feature, its values could be [singular] or [plu-
ral]. This system is simple, but does not allow
one to express the idea that a value (such as
[dual]) is composed of other values ([singular]
and [plural]).
For empirical considerations, the privative sys-
tem would be preferable, as it is the simplest (Adger,
Features can also be interpretable or uninter-
pretable, depending on whether they are or not legi-
ble at the semantic interface. This distinction is cru-
cial for syntax, as uninterpretable features need to
be ”checked” or eliminated throughout the construc-
tion of syntactic objects so that their derivation ”con-
verges” ((Adger, 2003).
4.3 Feature Typology
For each lexical item, according to its syntactic cate-
gory, features may include agreement or phi-features
(grammatical person, number, and gender), grammat-
ical case, argument structure (category-selection fea-
tures, thematic roles of predicates), and other rele-
vant properties and denotational classes (such as com-
mon, proper, animate, personified), quantification,
and deixis.
4.3.1 Categorial Features
The syntactic category is the grammatical feature that
indicates the equivalence class of a lexical item or
syntactic constituent and determines the grammati-
cal properties (morphosyntactic features) and distri-
butional properties (syntactic relationships) of that
lexical item. There are two main types of syntac-
tic categories. Lexical categories are lexical items
that have referential or extralinguistic meaning, that
is, their meaning refers to entities, properties, rela-
tionships, or events in some possible world (real or
imaginary). Functional categories, on the other hand,
do not have extralinguistic reference but have strictly
grammatical/functional denotation.
(6)(i) Lexical categories: nouns [N], verbs [V], ad-
jectives [A], prepositions [P], adverbs [Adv]
(ii) Functional categories: little v, Inflection
[INFL], complementizers [C], coordinating
connectors [Con]
4.3.2 Phi-Features
Typically nominal features, the bundle of grammat-
ical person, number, and gender features are known
as Phi-features. Other syntactic categories, like ad-
jectives or determiners, may check these features via
(7)(i) Person: 1, 2, 3
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(ii) Number: singular [sg], plural [pl]
(iii) Gender: masculine [m], feminine [f], neuter
4.3.3 Case Features
Case is a licensing feature for nominals. It is purely
syntactic in function, with no semantic information,
hence uninterpretable. Traditionally, Case is associ-
ated with grammatical functions (subject, direct ob-
ject, indirect object, object of preposition). In many
languages, case features are morphologically exter-
nalized, which may modify both phonological and or-
thographical representations. Two major case systems
exist cross-linguistically, e.g. nominative-accusative
(English, Spanish) and ergative-absolutive (Basque,
Mayan) In Spanish pronouns, four cases can be ob-
(8)(i) Nominative [nom]: yo, t
u, usted,
nosotros/as, vosotros/as, ustedes, ellos/as
(ii) Accusative [acc]: me, te, lo/la, nos, os, los/las
(iii) Dative [dat]: me, te, le/se, nos, os, les
(iv) Oblique [obl]: m
ı, ti, usted,
nosotros/as, vosotros/as, ustedes, ellos/as
4.3.4 TAM Features
Tense, Aspect, and Mood (TAM) are verbal features,
typical of lexical verbs, auxiliaries, and modals.
(9)(i) Tense: past [past], future [fut]
(ii) Aspect: progressive [prog], perfective [perf],
passive [pas], infinitive [ ]
4.3.5 c-Selectional Features
Subcategorization or c(ategory)-selectional features
are uninterpretable features of a lexical item that de-
termine the syntactic category of the constituents that
can merge with said lexical item to build a new syn-
tactic object SO. For lexical categories, c-selectional
features are linked to their argument structure. For
example, adpositions (prepositions and postpositions)
normaly require a nominal [N] complement in order
to form a constituent. Using a simple constituency
test, one can observe that in a non-metalinguistic di-
alog (where participants are not talking about lan-
guage), the preposition with cannot stand as a conver-
sation line, but the phrase with my friends can (as an
answer to who were you with yesterday?. On the other
hand, the adverb yesterday can be by itself an appro-
priate contribution in a dialog (as an answer to when
did you visit your friends?, but the string yesterday
my friends cannot. This happens because yesterday
has no c-selectional features, hence it cannot be prop-
erly merged with any other syntactic object to form
a constituent. This property of lexical items is repre-
sented as uninterpretable c-selectional features which
must be checked by merging the lexical item with a
complement of the same syntactic category of the lex-
ical item’s c-selectional feature. When a lexical item
is merged with a constituent not c-selected by it, the
derivation crashes and does not produce a legitimate
syntactic object.
(10)(i) with [P, uN] (preposition, selects a nominal
(ii) yesterday [Adv] (adverb, does not select any
4.3.6 Thematic (Theta) Roles
Some mental concepts that are fosilized into linguis-
tic meaning are said to have been lexicalized and, in
a particular language, are called predicates (Adger,
2003). Some predicates need to be combined with
other syntactic objects in order to express logical
propositions. For example, although ”eat” and ”de-
vour” have relatively similar meanings, the string
”John ate this afternoon” is acceptable while ”John
devoured this afternoon” is not. This property is
deeply linked to a predicate’s c-selectional features
and the semantic interpretation that the predicate as-
signs to each one of its arguments. These different se-
mantic interpretations are known in the syntactic lit-
erature as thematic, theta- or Θ-roles. Some of the
theta-roles that commonly appear in the literature are
as follows, where the verb (in bold) is the predicate
that assigns the theta role to the constituent in italics:
(11)(i) Agent: The boy kicked the ball.
(ii) Patient: The boy kicked the ball.
(iii) Goal: The boy gave the ball to his friend.
(iv) Location: The boy put the ball in the box.
(v) Theme: The ball moved.
4.4 The Lexicon
The lexicon contains every lexical item appearing in a
synthetic corpus of 2000 manually-tagged utterances
that were constructed for validation purposes, con-
taining acceptable and non-acceptable utterances, as
well as structurally ambiguous and non ambiguous
sentences. Lexical items are entered as a string of
literals, and features are indicated by means of dif-
ferent data types. All lexical items are labeled with a
syntactic category and their specific subset of features
and lexical properties.
Limitations of Tokenizers for Building a Neuro-Symbolic Lexicon
Since it is necessary to determine whether a cer-
tain combination of words is licensed or grammatical
in the language, the lexicon should include every pos-
sible entry for each ambiguous lexical item. (Alers-
ın et al., 2019). The property of selection and
uninterpretable feature matching will drive the pars-
ing process. In the course of computation, unin-
tepretable features belonging to analyzed constituents
will be eliminated through probe-goal agreement. A
(valid) parse is a phrase structure that obeys the selec-
tional properties of the individual lexical items, cov-
ers the entire input, and has all uninterpretable fea-
tures properly valued. (Fong, 2005).
To address the limitations of current tokenization
strategies and arrive closer to a model of the human
lexicon, we propose an encoding scheme designed
to preserve linguistic integrity and enhance parsing
performance. This encoding scheme consists of a
pipeline with the following steps:
(1) Pre-processing
(2) Named-entity recognition (NER)
(3) Tokenization
(4) Part-of-speech (POS) tagging
(5) Morphological analysis
(6) Lemmatization
Each of these components will be discussed in this
5.1 Pre-Processing
The pre-processing stage receives an input utterance
and converts it into a standardized format for down-
stream processing. This involves tasks such as lower-
casing, removing extraneous whitespace, and normal-
izing text to account for punctuation, contractions, or
informal abbreviations. Such normalization ensures
compatibility with the subsequent modules while re-
taining linguistic content.
5.2 Named-Entity Recognition (NER)
The NER component handles the detection and classi-
fication of proper nouns, which are a frequent source
of tokenization errors. By identifying entities such as
names, locations, dates, and numerical expressions,
the system avoids splitting them inappropriately dur-
ing tokenization. For example, “San Francisco” is
preserved as a single entity rather than being tok-
enized into two separate units.
5.3 Tokenization
The tokenization process splits input text into indi-
vidual linguistics units. To this end, the tokenizer
would include a rule-based approach, aided by a dic-
tionary that includes certain problematic units such
as phrasal verbs, numerical expressions, etc. The tok-
enizer could be expanded to include statistical models
for automatic identification of meaningful units. This
facilitates downstream processing by maintaining lin-
guistic coherence.
5.4 Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging
In the POS tagging phase, each token is assigned a
syntactic category, such as noun, verb, adverb, etc.
This categorization should use a POS tagging model
that incorporates contextual information to disam-
biguate the most likely categories for each unit. For
example, the word “lead” may be tagged as a noun
in “lead pipe” but as a verb in “lead the team.” Accu-
rate POS tagging is essential for syntactic parsing and
further morphological analysis (Alers-Valent
ın et al.,
2019; Alers-Valent
ın et al., 2023).
Modern embedding approaches, particularly those
based on transformers (e.g. BERT, GPT), achieve
context sensitivity through word embeddings. Word
embeddings are used to create a dense continuous-
valued vectors in a high-dimensional space for each
token. In the case of GPT and BERT, the word em-
bedding created for each token integrates positional
and contextual information, allowing a single token to
have a different representation based on its surround-
ing context. This is critical for ensuring that tokenized
units retain their intended meaning across the catego-
rization, particularly in utterances that contain tokens
with polysemy.
5.5 Morphological Analysis
In the morphological analysis step, each token is ex-
amined to determine its internal structure, including
affixes, roots, and inflections. This step is critical as
serves as a method for getting features from a lexicon.
5.6 Lemmatization
The lemmatization phase reduces words to their dic-
tionary forms or lemmas, facilitating generalization in
lexicon lookup and parsing tasks. This step ensures
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: A selection of functional heads adapted from (Alers-Valent
ın and Fong, 2024).
Functional head uFeatures Other Spell-Out (English)
Little v
v* (transitive) phi:Person,Number ef(theta); value acc Case
(unergative) ef(theta)
(unaccusative) ef check theta be
(be) ef check theta be
prt (participle) phi:Number; Case ef -ed
prog (progressive) ef -ing
perf (perfective) -en
Inflection (INFL)
f in:nonpast
(finite:non-past) phi:Person,Number ef; value nom Case [1,sg]:-m, [2,sg]:-re, [3,sg]:-s, [ ,pl]:-re
f in:past
(finite:past) phi:Person,Number ef; value nom Case [1,sg]:-ed, [1,pl]:-ed, [2, ]:-ed,
[3,sg]:-ed, [3,pl]:-ed
in f
(non-finite) phi:Person,Number ef; value null Case to
C (declarative) Local Extent (LE) head
(decl embedded) T ef; LE head
(interrogative) Wh; T ef; LE head do
(int embedded) Wh; T ef; LE head do
(relative) Wh; T ef(wh); LE head
that semantically equivalent forms are treated consis-
tently, improving the alignment of linguistic data with
the model’s representations.
A synthetic corpus comprising 1,920 manually an-
notated and tokenized English utterances was devel-
oped, which served as the ground truth for this ex-
periment. The tokens produced by the proposed to-
kenizer were compared to those generated by the
default Punkt tokenizer from the Natural Language
Toolkit (NLTK).
Out of the 1,920 utterances, 84 utterances (ap-
proximately 4%) exhibited differences between the
tokens labeled as ground truth and those produced by
Punkt. Mismatches occurred with multi-word tokens,
particularly in cases involving phrasal verbs (e.g., “up
to, “fell in love, etc.) and other multi-word expres-
sions. These results highlight the need for a tokenizer
that can preserve the integrity of such expressions.
6.1 Assessment
We propose a set of assessments to evaluate the ef-
fectiveness of the tokenizer and encoder system out-
lined in Section 5. The assessments focus on mea-
suring linguistic integrity, tokenization accuracy, and
downstream natural language processing (NLP) task
performance. The proposed evaluations include both
qualitative and quantitative methods.
6.1.1 Qualitative Assessments
A qualitative evaluation can involve manual analysis
of the tokenizer’s outputs to assess its ability to handle
linguistically complex cases. Specific focus should be
placed on the following:
(1) Preservation of Multi-word Expressions: Test
the tokenizer on idiomatic expressions, phrasal
verbs, and proper nouns to ensure that these are
tokenized as single units.
(2) Morphological Coherence: Evaluate whether
the system correctly identifies and retains the
morphological structure of words, such as roots,
affixes, and inflectional forms.
(3) Context Sensitivity: Assess the performance of
the part-of-speech (POS) tagging modules to en-
sure contextually appropriate tagging (e.g., dis-
tinguishing between “lead” as a noun or verb).
6.1.2 Quantitative Assessments
Quantitative evaluations should focus on benchmark-
ing the tokenizer against existing systems using anno-
tated corpora. Suggested metrics include:
(1) Tokenization Accuracy: Compare the system’s
token boundaries with a ground truth dataset.
This dataset may be manually created and anno-
(2) Parsing Accuracy: Integrate the tokenizer with
dependency and constituency parsers to evaluate
parsing accuracy.
Limitations of Tokenizers for Building a Neuro-Symbolic Lexicon
(3) Named-Entity Recognition (NER) Accuracy:
Measure the system’s ability to preserve named
entities as single tokens by testing against a
dataset annotated for NER.
In this paper, we have addressed critical limitations in
conventional tokenization approaches that fail to pre-
serve the integrity of linguistically meaningful units,
such as multi-word expressions, phrasal verbs, and
morphologically complex tokens. By analyzing foun-
dational morphological concepts, contemporary tok-
enization strategies, and the requirements for model-
ing a human language lexicon, we proposed an en-
coding pipeline designed to bridge the gap between
surface-level text processing and linguistically aware
tokenization. The proposed pipeline incorporates
pre-processing, named-entity recognition (NER), tok-
enization, part-of-speech (POS) tagging, morpholog-
ical analysis, lemmatization, and word embeddings.
Preliminary testing demonstrated the need for this ap-
proach, as a comparison between a manually anno-
tated corpus and the output of NLTK’s Punkt tok-
enizer revealed that multi-word expressions, such as
phrasal verbs, are a primary source of tokenization
errors in existing systems. By preserving such ex-
pressions, the tokenizer shows promise in improv-
ing parsing performance and downstream natural lan-
guage processing (NLP) tasks.
This material is based upon work supported by the
National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant No.
2219712 and 2219713. Any opinions, findings, and
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the authors and do not neces-
sarily reflect the views of the NSF.
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