Cross-Modal Transferable Image-to-Video Attack on Video Quality
Georgii Gotin
1 a
, Ekaterina Shumitskaya
2,3,1 b
, Anastasia Antsiferova
3,2,4 c
Dmitriy Vatolin
1,2,3 d
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
ISP RAS Research Center for Trusted Artificial Intelligence, Moscow, Russia
MSU Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Moscow, Russia
Laboratory of Innovative Technologies for Processing Video Content, Innopolis University, Innopolis, Russia
Video Quality Assessment, Video Quality Metric, Adversarial Attack, Cross-Modal, CLIP.
Recent studies have revealed that modern image and video quality assessment (IQA/VQA) metrics are vulner-
able to adversarial attacks. An attacker can manipulate a video through preprocessing to artificially increase
its quality score according to a certain metric, despite no actual improvement in visual quality. Most of the
attacks studied in the literature are white-box attacks, while black-box attacks in the context of VQA have
received less attention. Moreover, some research indicates a lack of transferability of adversarial examples
generated for one model to another when applied to VQA. In this paper, we propose a cross-modal attack
method, IC2VQA, aimed at exploring the vulnerabilities of modern VQA models. This approach is moti-
vated by the observation that the low-level feature spaces of images and videos are similar. We investigate
the transferability of adversarial perturbations across different modalities; specifically, we analyze how ad-
versarial perturbations generated on a white-box IQA model with an additional CLIP module can effectively
target a VQA model. The addition of the CLIP module serves as a valuable aid in increasing transferability, as
the CLIP model is known for its effective capture of low-level semantics. Extensive experiments demonstrate
that IC2VQAachieves a high success rate in attacking three black-box VQA models. We compare our method
with existing black-box attack strategies, highlighting its superiority in terms of attack success within the same
number of iterations and levels of attack strength. We believe that the proposed method will contribute to the
deeper analysis of robust VQA metrics.
Modern No-Reference Video Quality Assessment
(NR-VQA) metrics are vulnerable to adversarial at-
tacks (Yang et al., 2024a), (Yang et al., 2024b),
(Zhang et al., 2024), (Siniukov et al., 2023), (Shu-
mitskaya et al., 2024a). This raises concerns about
the safety of relying on these metrics to automat-
ically assess video quality in real-world scenarios,
such as public benchmarks and in more critical sit-
uations, such as autonomous driving. Adversarial at-
tacks on VQA metrics can be classified into two cat-
egories: white-box and black-box attacks. White-
box attacks operate with complete access to the VQA
metric, including its architecture and gradients. In
contrast, black-box attacks works without any knowl-
edge of the metric’s architecture and can only send
queries to receive the metric’s response. There is
also a subclass of black-box attacks that utilizes a
proxy white-box model to generate adversarial per-
turbations. These generated perturbations can effec-
tively deceive unseen models in black-box settings.
However, in (Zhang et al., 2022) the authors demon-
strated that VQA metrics exhibit poor transferabil-
ity across different models. This limitation may ap-
pear from the fact that VQA models place signifi-
cant emphasis on various texture and noise details,
which can vary greatly among different models. In
contrast, classification tasks typically focus primarily
on the semantic content of images, leading to greater
consistency in performance across diverse classifi-
Gotin, G., Shumitskaya, E., Antsiferova, A. and Vatolin, D.
Cross-Modal Transferable Image-to-Video Attack on Video Quality Metrics.
DOI: 10.5220/0013387000003912
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2025) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-728-3; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Scheme of the proposed IC2VQA method. Given an original video, each clip runs through image quality metric
with saving of output on the k-th layer and through CLIP image model with saving full output. After that attacked video runs
same models with saving same outputs. Then cosine similarities of saved outputs are respectively aggregated in cross layer
cation models. In other words, creating a transfer-
able attack for VQA metrics is more challenging than
for classification tasks. To address this issue, we
propose transferable cross-model attack to perform
white-box attack on Image quality metric and CLIP
and transfer it to Video Quality Assessment model
(IC2VQA). Figure 1 provides an overview of the pro-
posed IC2VQAmethod. IC2VQA takes individual
frames of the original video and generates adversar-
ial noise for each frame.
Our main contributions are as follows.
We propose a novel method for transferable cross-
modal attacks on NR VQA metrics that utilizes
IQA metrics and CLIP model
We conduct comprehensive experiments using 12
high-resolution videos and 3 target VQA models
and show the superiority of the proposed method
among existing methods
We analyze the correlations between features in
the deep layers of IQA and VQA metrics
We made our code available on GitHub:
2.1 Image- and Video-Quality Metrics
Image and video quality assessment (IQA/VQA)
metrics can be divided into full-reference and no-
reference (also known as blind IQA/VQA). Full-
reference quality metrics compare two images/videos,
while no-reference metrics assess the visual quality
of a single image/video. These tasks are fundamen-
tally different: full-reference IQA focuses on mea-
suring distances between images in various feature
spaces, while no-reference IQA evaluates the qual-
ity of an image based solely on the distorted im-
age. No-reference image- and video-quality assess-
ment (NR-VQA) metrics fall into distortion-specific
and general-purpose. Distortion-specific approaches
predict the quality score for a particular type of dis-
tortion, such as compression (Wang et al., 2015) or
blurring (Chen and Bovik, 2011). However, these
methods have limited real-world applications because
it is not always possible to specify the type of dis-
tortion. They may not capture the complex mixtures
of distortions that often occur in real-world images
and videos. However, general-purpose NR-VQA ap-
proaches assess the image quality of any distortion.
In this work, we focus on the problem of attacking
NR-VQA metrics (Li et al., 2019), (Li et al., 2021),
(Zhang and Wang, 2022) to find metrics that are ro-
Cross-Modal Transferable Image-to-Video Attack on Video Quality Metrics
bust to transferable cross-modal attacks.
2.2 Adversarial Attacks on Image- and
Video-Quality Metrics
The problem of vulnerability analysis of novel NR
IQA models to adversarial attacks was widely dis-
cussed in previous works: (Yang et al., 2024a), (Leo-
nenkova et al., 2024), (Kashkarov et al., 2024), (Deng
et al., 2024), (Konstantinov et al., 2024), (Yang et al.,
2024b), (Zhang et al., 2024), (Ran et al., 2025), (Mef-
tah et al., 2023), (Siniukov et al., 2023), (Shumitskaya
et al., 2024b), (Shumitskaya et al., 2024a). Some
works have been conducted as part of the MediaE-
val task: “Pixel Privacy: Quality Camouflage for So-
cial Images” (MediaEval, 2020), where participants
aimed to improve image quality while reducing the
predicted quality score. This task is similar to the
vanilla adversarial attack on quality metrics, but to
decrease the score rather than increase it. In (Bonnet
et al., 2020), the authors generated adversarial exam-
ples for NR models using PGD attack (Madry et al.,
2018). Zhao et al. (Zhao et al., 2023) proposed to
attack NR metrics by applying image transformations
based on optimizing a human-perceptible color filter.
They also demonstrated that this attack is even resis-
tant to JPEG compression. However, these studies are
limited to small-scale experiments and lack in-depth
analysis. Several comprehensive works have recently
been published that systematically investigate adver-
sarial attacks against NR models.
In (Zhang et al., 2022), a two-step perceptual at-
tack was introduced for the NR metrics. The authors
established the attack’s goal as a Lagrangian function
that utilizes some FR metric, which acts as a “per-
ceptual constraint”, alongside the NR metric repre-
senting the target model. By adjusting the Lagrange
multiplier, they produced a range of perturbed im-
ages that exhibited varying degrees of visibility re-
garding their distortions. Their extensive experiments
demonstrated that the proposed attack effectively de-
ceived four different NR metrics; however, the ad-
versarial examples did not transfer well across var-
ious models, indicating specific design vulnerabili-
ties within the NR metrics assessed. In (Shumitskaya
et al., 2022), the authors trained the UAP on low-
resolution data and then applied it to high-resolution
data. This method significantly reduces the time re-
quired to attack videos, as it requires only adding per-
turbations to individual frames. In the study by (Ko-
rhonen and You, 2022), the authors create adversar-
ial perturbations for NR metrics by injecting the per-
turbations into textured areas using the Sobel filter.
They also demonstrated that adversarial images gen-
erated for a simple NR metric in white-box settings
are transferable and can deceive several NR metrics
with more complex architecture in black-box settings.
In (Antsiferova et al., 2024), the authors presented a
methodology for evaluating the robustness of NR and
FR IQA metrics through a wide range of adversarial
attacks and released an open benchmark.
To the best of our knowledge, no methods have
been designed for transferable cross-modal attacks
from NR IQA to NR VQA metrics, which is a sub-
ject of this work.
2.3 Transferable Attacks on Image
Adversarial attacks have received significant attention
in the domain of machine learning, particularly in im-
age classification tasks. The phenomenon of trans-
ferability, where adversarial examples generated on
one model can deceive another (potentially different)
model, has been investigated in many works. Paper-
not et al. (Papernot et al., 2016) explored this as-
pect and demonstrated that transferability is a useful
property that could be exploited in black-box settings,
where the attacker has limited knowledge of the tar-
get model. They also experimentally showed that ad-
versarial examples could be trained on weaker mod-
els and successfully deceive more robust classifiers.
Various methods have been proposed to enhance the
effectiveness of transferable attacks. Some of them
(Xie et al., 2019), (Lin et al., 2019), (Dong et al.,
2019) apply data-augmentation techniques to enhance
the generalization of adversarial examples and reduce
the risk of overfitting the white-box model. For exam-
ple, the translation-invariant attack (Dong et al., 2019)
executes slight horizontal and vertical shifts of the in-
put. The second direction to improve transferability is
to modify the gradients used to update adversarial per-
turbations (Dong et al., 2019), (Lin et al., 2019), (Wu
et al., 2020a). For example, the momentum iterative
attack (Dong et al., 2019) stabilizes the update direc-
tions using the addition of momentum in the iterative
process. The third approach concentrates on disrupt-
ing the shared classification properties among differ-
ent models (Wu et al., 2020b), (Huang et al., 2019),
(Lu et al., 2020). One example is the Attention-
guided attack (Wu et al., 2020b), which prioritizes
the corruption of critical features that are commonly
utilized by various architectures. Recently, inno-
vative cross-modal approaches have been proposed
that leverage the correlations between spatial features
encoded by different modalities (Wei et al., 2022),
(Chen et al., 2023), (Yang et al., 2025). Image2Video
attack, proposed in (Wei et al., 2022), is an attack to
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
successfully transfer from image to video recognition
3.1 Problem Formulation
Let’s consider we have a video x X
, where N number of frames
in video, C number of channels in video, H, W
height and width of video respectively, X is the
set of all possible videos. We define video quality
metric as f : X [0; 1], image quality metric as
g : [0, 1]
[0; 1]. Image quality metric can be
expressed in layered form as g = h
... h
) = h
)...)), (1)
where each function h
: P
corresponds to
a processing layer with P
= [0,1]
being the
input feature space and P
= [0, 1] being the output
range of the metric. g
defines the composition of the
first k layers:
= h
... h
: [0,1]
Each g
serves the k-th layer of the quality metric,
where P
represents the feature spaces corresponding
to that layer.
3.2 Method
The primary goal of the attack is to make the predicted
quality score of video f (x + δ) on the attacked video
deviate from the original score f (x), where δ is the
perturbation on the video x. Also, the rank of cor-
relation of predicted score with MOS is important,
so our goal is to shrink it as possible. This method
was based on method proposed by Zhipeng Wei as
I2V(Wei et al., 2022).
The proposed attack is designed to mislead the
video quality metric. It creates adversarial frame
[0, 1]
for each i-th frame on the input
video. To maintain the imperceptible of this adver-
sarial perturbation, we import a constraint on its mag-
nitude δ
ε, where ·
denotes L
norm. In our
research, we adopt the L
norm due to its computa-
tional efficiency compared to other L
Based on observation of correlations between lay-
ers of video and image quality metrics, we proposed
the cross-layer loss, this loss is designed to influence
the features of the layers within the image quality
metric and enhance it’s the effectiveness in black box
settings. The cross-layer loss of the k-th layer defined
as follows
+ δ
) · g
+ δ
, (3)
where x the original video with N frames, x
i-th frame of the video. We propose multi-modal
cross-layer loss for better implementation and gen-
eralization across different feature domains. This
loss utilizes adversarial perturbation δ to simultane-
ously optimize an ensemble of image quality metrics
with layers k
for f -th metric. Conse-
quently, the overall cross-layer loss can be defined as
f =1
( f )
( f )
( f )
( f )
f =1
1 α
where α
constant positive value, initialized with
Figure 2: Overview of the temporal loss computing. For
each pair of frames from original and attacked videos dif-
ference is computed. The temporal loss is computed as
square root of sum of all differences.
To enhance temporal stability of the attacked
video x+δ and further ensure that the adversarial per-
turbation δ is imperceptible, we added a temporal loss
component (Figure 2)
N 1
. (5)
3.3 Algorithm
We construct our attack as presented in Algorithm 1,
which is applied to image quality metrics. At each
step of the attack, the cross-layer loss for the f -th
image quality metric is computed and the adversarial
noise is optimized using the Adam optimizer. Sub-
sequently, the noise is clipped to ensure it remains
within the bounds of ε according to the L
Experiments shown that alternative version of algo-
rithms, where all losses are summed with weights as
described in (4), yields lower scores compared to the
final algorithm. By applying this algorithm to attacks
Cross-Modal Transferable Image-to-Video Attack on Video Quality Metrics
Algorithm 1: Algorithm of the consistent attack with mul-
tiple image quality metrics.
Data: original video x [0, 1]
, F
image quality metrics
: [0,1]
— number of the layer,
perturbation budget ε, number of
iterations I
Result: δ [0,1]
,s.t.δ ε
δ = (1/255)
for i from 1 to I do
for f from 1 to F do
Calculate L
as in 3 for g
( f )
Calculate L
as in 5;
δ ADAM(α,loss
+ loss
δ clip
targeting a single image quality metric, IC2VQA has
effectively transformed into a single-metric attack.
4.1 Dataset
We evaluate our attack using a subset of
(Derfs) dataset (, 2001). The subset con-
tains ten videos downscaled from 1080p to 540p and
trimmed to 75 frames. The videos have different pat-
terns of image and motions in it such as shooting from
a tripod, moving crowd, running water, etc.
4.2 Quality Metrics
4.2.1 Image Quality Metrics
For ensembles of image quality metrics we used
NIMA (Talebi and Milanfar, 2018), PaQ-2-PiQ (Ying
et al., 2020), SPAQ (Fang et al., 2020) metrics. To
further boost the transferability we added additional
modalities such as CLIP model (Radford et al., 2021).
To get feature vectors, in NIMA model attack utilizes
layers after classifier and after global pool, in PaQ-
2-PiQ model attack utilizes layers after roi-pool layer
and body, in SPAQ model attack utilizes first, second,
third and fourth layers. In CLIP model, an output of
the CLIP image module was utilized.
4.2.2 Video Quality Metrics
As black-boxed video-metric we used the VSFA (Li
et al., 2019), MDTVSFA (Li et al., 2021) and TiVQA
(Zhang and Wang, 2022) trained on the KoNViD-1k
(Hosu et al., 2020). These metrics evaluate quality
scores by taking into account both the spatial and tem-
poral characteristics of the videos.
4.3 Comparison with Other Methods
Due to the lack of existing black-box image-to-video
quality model attacks, we compared our method
against one transferable attack, the PGD attack
(Madry et al., 2018), adapted for image-to-video sce-
narios, as well as two black-box attacks: Square At-
tack (Andriushchenko et al., 2020) and AttackVQA
(Zhang et al., 2024). The latter was specifically de-
signed to target VQA metrics. For comparison, we
tested all methods using a grid of parameters for ε
and I to generate attacked videos with varying lev-
els of distortion. Recall that ε represents the L
restriction on generated perturbation and I is the num-
ber of iterations used for attack. Next, we measured
the VQA metric scores of the attacked videos and cal-
culated the correlations between these scores and a
corresponding linearly decreasing vector. As the ε/I
parameters increase while keeping I/ε fixed, the qual-
ity of the attacked videos tends to degrade in an ap-
proximately linear manner. Therefore, an effective
VQA metric should exhibit a strong correlation with
this vector for the attacked videos. Consequently, if
the metric is vulnerable, it will be indicated by a low
correlation. Additionally, the most effective attacks
will result in lower correlations, so we assess attack
success by evaluating their ability to reduce these cor-
relations. In our experiments, we used absolute values
Pearson’s (PLCC) and Spearman’s (SRCC) correla-
4.4 Parameters
We evaluated the proposed and comparison
methods using a range of ε and I parameters to
assess their effectiveness under various condi-
tions. We used the following grids of parameters:
ε = [1/255,2/255,5/255,10/255,15/255,20/255,50/255]
and I = [1,2,5,10,20].
Results of comparison with other methods shown in
the Table 1. The proposed IC2VQA attack method
demonstrated promising results across all three VQA
models, achieving the reduction in PLCC and SRCC
scores up to 0.425 and 0.380 on average, respectively.
Additionally, it outperformed competing methods in
VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Comparison of the proposed transferable cross-modal IC2VQAattack with two black-box attacks (Square Attack
(Andriushchenko et al., 2020) and AttackVQA (Zhang et al., 2024)) and one transferable PGD attack (Madry et al., 2018)
targeting three VQA metrics. The table presents the mean absolute values of PLCC and SROCC correlations across different
epsilons between linearly decreasing vectors and attacked VQA scores. For each score Transferable attacks were performed
using three different white-box IQA metrics.
Attack Image quality metric
Video metric
Square Attack 0.635 / 0.579 0.617 / 0.564 0.570 / 0.521
AttackVQA 0.335 / 0.289 0.429 / 0.384 0.479 / 0.392
NIMA 0.578 / 0.518 0.546 / 0.470 0.531 / 0.514
PGD PaQ-2-PiQ 0.619 / 0.571 0.586 / 0.341 0.598 / 0.516
SPAQ 0.544 / 0.564 0.608 / 0.486 0.480 / 0.492
NIMA 0.475 / 0.453 0.369 / 0.348 0.426 / 0.419
IC2VQA (ours) PaQ-2-PiQ 0.450 / 0.404 0.414 / 0.396 0.459 / 0.428
SPAQ 0.404 / 0.311 0.390 / 0.299 0.439 / 0.366
Image quality metric used in the proposed method. For the PGD metric which is attacked. For the IC2VQA
component of cross-layer loss. In the IC2VQA attack, the image quality metric specified in the table was utilized in
conjunction with CLIP and temporal losses.
Table 2: Comparison of variations of the IC2VQA attack
with different configuration. The table presents the mean
absolute values of PLCC and SROCC correlations across
different epsilons between linearly decreasing vectors and
attacked VQA scores. VSFA was used as VQA.
0.849 0.800
+ L
0.472 0.430
+ L
+ L
0.515 0.354
two out of the three VQA black-box models. Further-
more, the results demonstrate that methods specifi-
cally designed for the VQA task, such as AttackVQA
and the proposed IC2VQA, consistently outperform
PGD and Square Attack, which are adaptations from
classification tasks. This highlights the importance of
developing approaches tailored for VQA challenges.
Figure 4 presents the example of the proposed attack.
We can see that VQA metric fails to accurately assess
the quality of the degraded video, assigning it a higher
6.1 Loss Configuration
To experimentally demonstrate effectiveness of com-
bination of losses in comparison with single L
we evaluated our attack in configuration with only
Figure 3: The plot of variations of the IC2VQA attack under
different configuration. The plot presents the median value
of SRCC score across different epsilon with variation of the
number of iterations.
one image quality metric L
, with one image qual-
ity metric and CLIP image model L
+ L
with one image quality metric, CLIP image model
and temporal regularization L
+ L
+ L
In experiment we evaluate IC2VQA configurations
on white-box models NIMA, PaQ-2-PiQ and SPAQ
and black-box VSFA model and scored them by me-
dian absolute value of correlations. The results of
the comparison are shown in the Table 2 and Figure
3. From Table 2, we observe that addition of cosine
Cross-Modal Transferable Image-to-Video Attack on Video Quality Metrics
Figure 4: Example of IC2VQA attack. Cross-layer loss is computed for layer1 of SPAQ, ε is set 50/255, number of iterations
is set to 20. The visual quality of clean video is obviously higher than that of the attacked video, however, VSFA metric rates
the attacked video as having higher quality.
Figure 5: Heatmap of cosine similarity between the features
of VSFA layers and those from the NIMA and PaQ-2-PiQ
layers. The values represent the cosine similarity scaled by
a factor of 100.
similarity between CLIP features (L
) to the loss
function enhances the attack’s success by 1.8 times.
The temporal loss increases the attack’s success in
terms of SRCC by 1.2 times and slightly decreases
PLCC. Figure 3 shows that the combined loss func-
tion L
+ L
+ L
outperforms others in at-
tack success, as measured by SRCC, across all itera-
tion values.
The results of this experiment show that the addi-
tion of all components contributes to the effectiveness
of the attack method. Therefore, in the final version
of the attack, we use the L
+ L
+ L
6.2 Feature Correlation
In this section, we analyze the correlations between
features in the deep layers of IQA and VQA metrics.
Figure 5 presents the heatmap of correlations between
features from the VSFA VQA model and the NIMA
and PaQ-2-PiQ IQA models. We observe that these
features are often highly correlated, highlighting the
fact that addition of IQA modalities to black-box at-
tack on VQA can boost transferability with a high
likelihood of success.
In this paper we propose the novel adversarial attack
on VQA metrics that operates as a black-box. The
proposed IC2VQAperforms a cross-modal transfer-
able attack that utilizes white-box IQA metrics and
the CLIP model. The results of extensive experiments
showed that IC2VQAgenerates adversarial perturba-
tions that are more effective compared to previous ap-
proaches, significantly reducing the SRCC and PLCC
scores of a black-box VQA model. The proposed
method can serve as a tool for verifying VQA met-
rics robusthess to black-box attacks. Furthermore, the
vulnerabilities identified in this study can contribute
to the development of more robust and accurate VQA
metrics in the future.
The research was carried out using the MSU-270 su-
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications