replicate the adaptive and responsive nature of human
interviewers. Expanding the chatbot’s multilingual
capabilities and ensuring cultural sensitivity in its re-
sponses are also critical areas for development, partic-
ularly in ethnographic research involving diverse par-
ticipant populations.
AI chatbots can serve as effective tools for qualita-
tive data collection, especially in scenarios requiring
scalability and consistency in things such as language.
Organizations conducting large-scale or geographi-
cally dispersed studies may benefit from deploying
chatbots as a supplement or alternative to human in-
terviewers. Additionally, chatbots may be particularly
valuable for sensitive topics, where participants might
feel more comfortable discussing personal issues with
a machine.
In conclusion, while AI chatbots are unlikely to
fully replace human interviewers, they offer a com-
plementary tool to enhance the reach, efficiency, and
consistency of qualitative research. With continued
refinement, chatbots have the potential to play a sig-
nificant role in the future of qualitative data collection.
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Interview Bot: Can Agentic LLM’s Perform Ethnographic Interviews?