Table 8: Counting Results with Different Frame Rates.
Frame Rate D
= 150 D
= 250 D
= 300
60 fps 1,213 1,153 1,158
30 fps 1,618 1,190 1,178
15 fps 1,270 721 834
12 fps 995 650 487
an overestimation of the count. At lower frame rates,
fewer fish are captured in the images, as the frame rate
becomes too low to record their presence effectively.
A similar trend was observed for D
= 250 and
= 300. At 60fps, all three threshold values pro-
vided satisfactory results. However, at 30fps, it was
found that DT must be set to 250 or 300 to achieve
reliable results. The conditions for D
= 150 at 60fps
and D
= 300 at 30fps can be considered nearly
equivalent, and indeed, the fish counting results were
almost identical under these settings.
As stated in Section 1, real-time processing is re-
quired in aquaculture settings, making lower frame
rates more desirable. In such cases, it is necessary
to consider the movement speed of the fish and set an
appropriate D
In this paper, we proposed a method for counting fast-
swimming fish to apply in aquaculture settings. Since
real-time counting is considered, we employed sim-
ple techniques, but the method has achieved sufficient
accuracy. Future challenges include conducting de-
tailed evaluations in different environments and with
various fish species and developing a real-time sys-
We would like to thank the staff of the Oshima Hatch-
ery at the Kindai University Aquaculture Technology
and Production Center for their helpful support. And,
this work was supported by MEXT KAKENHI Grant
Numbers JP21H05302 and JP23K11158.
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VISAPP 2025 - 20th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications