Advancing IoT Architectures Using Collaborative Computing Paradigms
for Dynamic and Scalable Systems
Prashant G Joshi and Bharat M. Deshpande
Department of Computer Science & Information Systems, BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus, Goa, India
{p20160413, bmd}
Collaborative Computing Paradigms, CCP, IOT System, IOT System Architecture, IOT Reference
Architectures, Distributed Computing, System Software Architecture, Scalable IOT Architectures, Dynamic
IOT Environments.
The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to push the boundaries of traditional system architecture models, neces-
sitating more agile, scalable, and efficient frameworks to handle complex, large, real-time applications. While
conventional architectures, like layered, provide a structured approach, they often suffer from limitations in
adaptability, latency, and dynamic resource utilisation. This paper presents a comprehensive design and im-
plementation a Collaborative Computing Paradigms (CCP)-based IoT Reference Architecture, defined by five
core attributes: interconnection and interplay across paradigms, dynamic distribution of data processing, com-
puting fluidity enabling seamless transitions across layers, collaborative data storage and management, and
scalability and extensibility of computational resources. To validate the proposed architecture, experiments
were conducted in Data Center Management System, Automotive Telematics, Smart Building (Fire Safety,
Environment) and Asset Tracking (Shipping carts in a mall). Comparative analysis against traditional lay-
ered IoT architectures reveals significant improvements in latency reduction, resource utilisation, scalability
under variable workloads, and interoperability between computational layers. The CCP-based architecture
leverages dynamic orchestration of Edge, Fog, and Cloud paradigms, allowing for adaptive load balancing,
real-time analytics, and distributed decision-making, thereby overcoming the rigidity of layered models. The
results highlight the superiority of CCP architectures in enabling low-latency processing, high fault tolerance,
and dynamic resource optimisation in highly fluid and demanding IoT environments. We believe this work
underscores the paradigm shift towards collaborative architectural models, establishing CCP as a benchmark
for next-generation IoT system design, particularly in domains requiring high degrees of responsiveness and
cross-layer integration.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has rapidly transformed
how we interact with technology, embedding intelli-
gence into everyday devices, and enabling a seamless
flow of data. From smart homes to industrial automa-
tion, IOT promises to revolutionise our lives by creat-
ing hyper-connected environments (Ericsson, 2024).
However, the success of IoT systems hinges on effi-
cient data processing, communication, extandability
and scalability (Joshi and Deshpande, 2024a).
Collaborative computing paradigm (CCP), as dis-
cussed by the authors (Joshi and Deshpande, 2024a),
has emerged as an advanced solution to bridge the gap
between IoT devices and today’s real-world applica-
tions. Unlike centralised systems, collaborative com-
puting paradigms leverage distributed resources, en-
abling devices to work together, share computational
loads, and make real-time decisions. This approach
has potential to not only optimise the performance,
but also enhance fault tolerance, resource manage-
ment, and energy efficiency, all critical for IoT de-
In addition to sensing and transmitting data, IoT
systems encompass several other critical features that
are key to enabling real-world applications. Data
processing allows for real-time decision-making by
analysing and extracting actionable insights from vast
streams of information. Storage plays a vital role
in preserving data for future use, support advanced
analytics, and train predictive models. Furthermore,
actuation enables IoT systems to achieve control by
triggering physical actions based on processed data,
such as adjusting a thermostat or activating machin-
Joshi, P. G. and Deshpande, B. M.
Advancing IoT Architectures Using Collaborative Computing Paradigms for Dynamic and Scalable Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0013388900003896
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD 2025), pages 109-121
ISBN: 978-989-758-729-0; ISSN: 2184-4348
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ery. These features, when integrated seamlessly, em-
power IoT to deliver intelligent, responsive, and auto-
mated solutions across diverse domains.
We achieve this by designing key components
from Collaborative Computing Paradigms (CCP), us-
ing the CCP-IOT-RA, a reference architecture vali-
dated by (Joshi and Deshpande, 2024b), which aligns
with the specific requirements of a dynamic IoT en-
vironment. The CCP-IOT-RA is adopted to address
real-world IoT challenges, ensuring its applicability
in diverse scenarios. Furthermore, we build and vali-
date these components through practical implementa-
tion and experimentation, demonstrating their effec-
tiveness in enabling scalable and efficient IoT solu-
tions. We believe that, this structured approach, en-
sures that the proposed paradigms are not only the-
oretically sound but also practically viable for real-
world applications.
In this paper, we explore collaborative computing
paradigms, tailored for the IoT, and their role in build-
ing scalable, robust, and real-world applications. By
addressing both the technical and practical aspects,
this paper aims to provide a comprehensive frame-
work for future IoT development through collabora-
tive computing.
This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 pro-
vides a brief summary of the CCP and CCP-IOT-RA.
Section 3 provides the details of the methodology de-
veloped and used for overall experiment design and
processes. Section 4, we provide the details of the
design, and implementation of the CCP based IOT,
detailing the devices and nodes, and their functional-
ity. Section 5 describes in brief the experiments con-
ducted, and their results. We summarise the lessons
learned in Section 6. Section 7 provides a conclusion,
and Section 8 closes with the future work.
As discussed by the authors (Joshi and Deshpande,
2024a), CCP with its five characteristics is used to
build a RA which is detailed in (Joshi and Deshpande,
2024b). The CCP employs a three-pronged approach:
Build an architecture of infrastructure which can
enables and creates opportunities for dynamism,
and expansion of services
Build the system using well-established standards
to enable ease of operation, and interoperability
Build using such an infrastructure software sys-
tem, that brings functional dynamism
A typical system architecture, of the CCP (CCP-
IOT-RA), is depicted in Figure 1.
Mobile Nodes
Mobile Nodes
Other Systems
Cloud Computing
Remote Mobile
Mobile Node
]Edge Nodes
Edge Node
IOT Devices / Edge Devices . Mist Nodes
To Internet
Fog Nodes
Fog Nodes
CCP-IOT-RA Topology of Interconnectivity
Traditional/Layered IOT Architecture
Figure 1: Collaborative Computing Paradigms (CCP-IOT-
RA) - Systems Architecture.
The characteristics of the Collaborative comput-
ing paradigms software system architecture are de-
tailed in TABLE 1.
By establishing a collaborative systems architec-
ture, the software can leverage available computing
paradigms depending on the level of dynamism it can
accommodate, such as in distributing tasks across dif-
ferent paradigms.
Adoption of Reference
Architecture CCP-IOT-RA
Indentification of System
Level Use cases
Selection of Smart Devices &
Implementation & Validation
1 2
Figure 2: Methodology and Steps for Design and Imple-
The implementation of a tailored reference archi-
tecture, for IoT systems, involves several structured
phases to ensure robustness, scalability, and relevance
to critical applications. This section outlines the
systematic approach for tailoring the CCP-IOT-RA
framework, identifying relevant use cases, and vali-
dating the proposed architecture. The process steps
are depicted in Figure 2.
Our prime reference for the architecture is the
MODELSWARD 2025 - 13th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
Table 1: Collaborative Computing Paradigms- Software Systems Architecture Characteristics (Joshi and Deshpande, 2024a).
No. Characteristic Description and details
1 Inter-connection and
Overcome the limitations imposed by layered approach by interconnection and
interplay between smart devices, and various computing paradigms.
2 Dynamic distribution
of data processing
Dynamic distribution, free from strict layering and predefined computing allo-
cation, enhances flexibility, efficiency, and overall computing capacity
3 Fluidity of comput-
ing across paradigms
Task allocation is dynamic, determined by the paradigm’s suitability, contex-
tual requirements, and available resources.
4 Storage and data
across participat-
ing paradigms
All participating paradigms will require the necessary data for processing and
thus, the data will be distributed across paradigms. This data, both input data
and processed data, will need to be collected and transmitted to a single store
of data, typically cloud storage.
5 Scalability and ex-
tendability of the ar-
It supports the integration of newer devices seamlessly, allowing the architec-
ture to accommodate additional components to monitor subsystems, analyse
data, and ensure the scalability and reliability of the overall system.
(H. Washizaki, 2024)
In this section we detail the process steps and the
high level topics in each of the process steps for a
successful implementation of the IOT system using
the CCP.
3.1 Adoption of the Reference
Architecture CCP-IOT-RA
The CCP-IOT-RA serves as a foundational frame-
work for IoT systems, offering modularity, interop-
erability, and scalability. To meet the specific require-
ments of the targeted application, the following cus-
tomisations are considered:
Component Selection: Key components such as
sensors, smart devices, nodes - edge, fog and
cloud, communication protocols, data processing
and storage nodes, and security modules are se-
lected and tailored to match the application con-
Adaptation to Use Cases: System-level use
cases, such as sensing, transmission, processing,
actuation and applications are created to ensure
seamless integration with critical functionalities.
Scalability Considerations: The architecture is
designed to accommodate increasing the device
connections, high intervals of data transmission,
data volume, and computational demands without
compromising performance.
Integration of Advanced Features: Smart com-
puting capabilities, edge processing, and adaptive
data storage mechanisms are integrated into the
3.2 Identification of System Level Use
Among the identified use cases, critical ones are
prioritised based on the need for robust computing
power, data processing, storage capabilities, and scal-
ability. The selection criteria include:
Computing Requirements: Applications that
demand extensive edge or cloud-based computa-
tion, such as real-time decision-making systems
in smart cities.
Data Processing Needs: Systems requiring
efficient data preprocessing, such as machine
learning-based anomaly detection in industrial
Data Storage Demands: Applications requiring
long-term storage and retrieval of large datasets,
such as environmental monitoring logs in agricul-
Scalability: Use cases that require seamless scal-
ing of resources, such as growing smart grid net-
works or expanding patient monitoring systems.
3.3 Selection of Smart Devices & Nodes
To achieve the functional goals of the architecture, ap-
propriate IoT devices and nodes are identified based
on the requirements of the critical use cases:
Sensors and Actuators: Devices such as tem-
perature, humidity, motion sensors, and actuators,
such as relays, for physical control in industrial
and healthcare environments.
Edge Devices: Microcontrollers (e.g., Raspberry
Pi, ESP32 SoC), and edge computing nodes for
local processing and data filtering.
Advancing IoT Architectures Using Collaborative Computing Paradigms for Dynamic and Scalable Systems
Communication Nodes: Protocols such as
MQTT, CoAP, and WiFi for efficient communi-
cation between IoT devices and central systems.
Storage Systems: Cloud-based platforms and
distributed data stores for data persistence and re-
Device and Node Selection: It ensures compati-
bility with the customised CCP-IOT-RA and pro-
vides optimal resource utilisation.
3.4 Implementation & Validation
This phase involves implementing the tailored archi-
tecture and validating its performance against critical
use cases. The following steps are performed:
System Deployment: The selected devices and
nodes are integrated into the CCP-IOT-RA frame-
work. Use cases are implemented in real or simu-
lated environments.
Performance Metrics Evaluation: Key perfor-
mance indicators (KPIs), such as latency, through-
put, computational efficiency, and energy con-
sumption, are measured.
Scalability Testing: Tests are conducted to assess
system performance under increasing workloads,
and number of device connections.
Data Validation and Accuracy: Data is collected
from sensors and processed by nodes are validated
for accuracy and reliability.
Use Case Validation: Critical use cases, such
as industrial monitoring and smart healthcare sys-
tems, are evaluated for their ability to meet func-
tional requirements.
In this section, we provide the components, subsys-
tems, and systems built for the experiments to validate
the CCP. The reference architecture based on (Joshi
and Deshpande, 2024b), for the system, is shown in
Figure 1. To ensure we are able to validate the archi-
tecture using various applications, we need to build
some of the smart devices and computing nodes. Each
device or node are made of the characteristic hard-
ware and software to participate in the IoT solution.
We refer to (Espressif, 2024), (Sensortec, 2024)
and (Pi, 2024) for the details on SoCs and sensors
used for our experiments. These components were
built using the process steps and methodology, from
3 as a guideline and those from (Bass et al., 2012)
(H. Washizaki, 2024)
4.1 Sensor Nodes: Smart Devices
Each of the device, sensor and smart, is characterised
specifically based on their capabilities. In the con-
text, sensor device maybe capable of sensing and digi-
tisation or sensing, digitisation and transmission to
the smart device. A smart device is capable of com-
mon features - OLED Display over I2C for a readout,
WiFi for connecting to internet or private network,
and Bluetooth for peer-to-peer communication, and
certain quantity of Local Storage. All the smart de-
vices, and nodes are summarised in Table 2.
4.1.1 Smart Device: Environment Sensor (T10i)
Our smart device employs the ESP32-WROVER-E
System-on-Chip (SoC) as its core processing unit.
The ESP32 is interfaced with the BME680 sensor
via an I2C communication bus. Developed by Bosch
Sensortec, the BME680—recently succeeded by the
BME690—is a multi-functional sensor capable of
measuring gas, pressure, temperature, and humidity,
making it ideal for environmental monitoring. In ad-
dition, the device supports seamless connectivity with
nodes over both WiFi and Bluetooth, enable robust
and flexible communication within IoT networks.
4.1.2 Smart Device: Telematics CAN-OBD
This device integrates an ESP32-WROVER-
E System-on-Chip (SoC) paired with a CAN
transceiver, allowing it to interface with a vehicle’s
CAN network via the On-Board Diagnostics (OBD)
port. This enables the device to access and monitor
vehicular data for various automotive applications.
To further enhance its capabilities, a GPS receiver
is incorporated into the design, providing precise
location tracking. The system supports connectivity
over both WiFi and Bluetooth, enabling communica-
tion with other nodes, and facilitating real-time data
transmission and analysis.
4.1.3 Smart Device: Temperature Sensor (T10)
The device leverages the ESP32-WROVER-E SoC,
a versatile and efficient microcontroller, as its main
platform. Integrated with a DS1820 temperature sen-
sor over a single wire interface, the system is designed
to monitor multiple environmental DS1820 sensors,
connected via the digital IOs of ESP32. Moreover, the
ESP32’s built-in capabilities allow it, along with local
MODELSWARD 2025 - 13th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
Table 2: Summary of Smart Devices and Nodes.
No Device or Node Description and details Storage WiFi Bluetooth
1 Smart Device - Environ-
ment Sensor (T10i)
Sensor: BME680/BME690 (Temperature, Hu-
midity, Pressure, Air Quality)
Yes Yes Yes
2 Smart Device - Telemat-
ics CAN-OBD (T10X1)
Sensor: CAN/CAN-FD Transceiver (CAN
Protocol), GPS (Location)
Yes Yes Yes
3 Smart Device - Temper-
ature sensor (T10)
Sensor: DS1820 (Single wire semiconductor
temperature sensor).
Yes Yes Yes
4 Smart Device - Electrical
Energy Metering (T10E)
Interface: RS485 MODBUS for connecting
with a smart electrical energy meter
Yes Yes Yes
5 Edge Gateway - ESP32
Multi-interface Edge Gateway Yes Yes Yes
6 Edge Gateway - Rasp-
berry Pi (NPi)
Multi-interface Edge Gateway Yes Yes Yes
7 Fog Node - Dell Mini PC
Multi-interface Fog Node with medium com-
puting and storage
Yes Yes Yes
storage, to connect effortlessly to other devices or net-
works via WiFi and Bluetooth, ensuring efficient data
transmission and enabling interoperability within IoT
4.1.4 Smart Device: Electrical Energy Metering
The device incorporates the ESP32-WROVER-
E System-on-Chip (SoC) alongside an RS485
transceiver, enabling communication over the RS485
interface using the MODBUS protocol. This setup
facilitates seamless integration with smart energy
meters for efficient data exchange and monitoring.
Leveraging the ESP32’s advanced capabilities, the
system also supports wireless connectivity via WiFi
and Bluetooth, ensuring compatibility with other net-
work nodes for flexible and scalable deployment.
4.2 Node: Edge Computing
4.2.1 Edge Gateway: Raspberry Pi (NPi)
An edge computing node is developed using a Rasp-
berry Pi, which serves as a central communication
hub for smart devices. Functioning as an Access Point
(AP), the Raspberry Pi enables devices to connect via
WiFi for data exchange and coordination. Each fog
node is equipped with internet connectivity, and sup-
ports communication protocols such as MQTT and
HTTP (RESTful web services), allowing seamless
interaction with smart devices and other computing
nodes across both intranet and internet networks.
4.2.2 Edge Gateway: ESP32 (N32)
An edge computing node is developed using an
ESP32, which serves as a central hub for commu-
nication with smart devices. The ESP32 node oper-
ates as an Access Point (AP), enabling smart devices
to connect seamlessly over WiFi for data exchange
and coordination. Each fog node is connected to the
internet and supports communication protocols such
as MQTT and HTTP (RESTful web services), allow-
ing smooth interaction with smart devices and other
computing nodes across both intranet and internet net-
works. Additionally, the device is equipped with two
analog inputs, four digital inputs, two output relays,
and an RS485 transceiver, further expanding its ca-
pabilities for interfacing with sensors, actuators, and
other industrial systems.
4.3 Node: Fog Computing (NmPC)
A fog computing node is implemented using a Dell
Mini PC. This node acts as an intermediary between
edge nodes and smart devices, and other fog nodes,
facilitating seamless communication over WiFi net-
works. Whether connected through an intranet or the
internet, the fog node ensures efficient data transmis-
sion, processing, storage and coordination, enabling
robust interactions across the IoT ecosystem.
4.4 Node: Cloud Computing
In the experimental setup, server instances are de-
ployed on SSD Nodes, which are standard Linux
Ubuntu Servers. These instances support communi-
cation via MQTT and HTTP (RESTful web services)
over the internet, enabling reliable and efficient data
Advancing IoT Architectures Using Collaborative Computing Paradigms for Dynamic and Scalable Systems
and message transfer. To handle multiple server in-
stances and distribute workloads efficiently, a load
balancer is implemented using NGINX, ensuring op-
timal resource utilisation and system performance.
4.5 Node: Mobile Computing
Smartphones and laptops serve as versatile computing
devices within the system. A smartphone equipped
with the Android operating system and a custom-
designed application, using standard interfaces, en-
ables mobile computing with extensive connectivity
options. The application facilitates communication
over WiFi, 3G, or 4G networks, as well as Bluetooth,
ensuring seamless data exchange between nodes and
devices. With ample memory for data storage, suf-
ficient computational power, and a built-in GPS sen-
sor, the smartphone provides real-time location data
and acts as a dynamic node within the IoT ecosys-
tem. Similarly, laptops equipped with required appli-
cations enhance connectivity and computational capa-
bilities, serving as central hubs for data monitoring,
analysis, and control.
4.6 Features of Computing Nodes
4.6.1 Software Platform for Data Collection,
Communication, and Storage
All computing nodes are equipped with a software
stack that includes Apache Spring Boot (for Web Ser-
vices APIs), MySQL Database, Mosquitto MQTT
broker, Eclipse Paho MQTT Client Library, and
Apache Tomcat. Each node runs a scaled-down ver-
sion of the software, tailored to its computing capac-
ity, storage space, and memory available for data pro-
4.6.2 Push and Pull Mechanism
All computing nodes utilise a pull mechanism through
request-response over MQTT or HTTP. Additionally,
each node has the capability to push messages via
MQTT or Web Sockets.
4.6.3 Device Management
For the purpose of device and nodes Onboarding
(bootstrapping) and Deboarding (unbootstrapping)
the cloud maintains a registry of all devices and
nodes, while each node must be provisioned with the
devices or nodes it connects to, establishing a topol-
ogy and trust among all participants.
4.6.4 Requests and Responses
All requests and responses use standard JSON for-
mats. Each request or response, whether pull or
push, is structured with the following elements: de-
vice identifier, action to be performed, source of the
request, expected destination of the response, appro-
priate timestamp, and the payload.
This section describes and provides details of the ex-
periments performed, to evaluate the CCP, to apply
the CCP in four applications. These are,
Multi-location Data Center Cooling Management
Automotive Telematics - Driver & Vehicle Be-
Smart Building - Environment, Fire Safety, Elec-
trical Energy
Asset Tracking - Track carts at shopping malls
Each application encompasses multiple use cases
for measurement, monitoring, and control. As we im-
plement IoT using CCP in these systems, we evalu-
ate CCP against the required use cases: (a) Notifi-
cations for events (e.g., smoke, fire, asset loss, over-
speeding), (b) Data collection for predictive health
monitoring (e.g., cooling system optimisation, mon-
itor driver behavior), and (c) Scalability and Extend-
ability, dynamic addition of devices or configurations
(e.g., adding smoke detectors or extinguishers to a
building, or air quality monitors in a vehicle cabin).
Our validation criteria is as follows:
VQ1: Scalability of the system due to CCP: How
scalable is the IOT system with CCP?
VQ2: Consistent functioning of the Use Case:
How reliably does the system perform the use
VQ3: Unique advantage of CCP: What advantage
does CPP provide for the IOT system?
All applications are built using the devices de-
scribed in Section 4
5.1 Multi-Location Data Center
Management System
5.1.1 Introduction
Data centers must maintain a specific temperature to
ensure the optimal functioning of servers and other
MODELSWARD 2025 - 13th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
Cloud Server
Remote Access
Monitoring System
Other Systems
Location A
Location B
CCP-IOT-RA Topology of Interconnectivity
Traditional/Layered IOT Architecture
Figure 3: Multi-location Data Center Management System.
network equipment. In a typical setup, servers and
equipment are installed in racks, and data centers con-
tain multiple server or equipment racks. Tempera-
ture control within the acceptable range (typically 22
to 25°C) is achieved using air conditioners (ACs).
The primary goal is to provide efficient cooling while
minimising electricity consumption. To achieve this,
temperature and electricity consumption are regularly
monitored. Authors have described the use cases in
detail in (Joshi and Deshpande, 2024a)
5.1.2 Experimental Set-Up
The architectural set-up of the system is shown in Fig-
ure 3. The set-up is such that the configuration can
be updated to run the experiment in traditional IOT
(Layered) architecture and in an IOT with CCP. A T10
and an N32 is used in the set-up along with the cloud
5.1.3 AC with IoT (Traditional Layered
As described by the authors in (Kaushik and Naik,
2023), the data for temperature and electricity con-
sumption is collected periodically. This data is trans-
mitted to the cloud server over the wired or wireless
network interface. At the cloud node the data is pre-
processed, and stored in the database. The data is also
analysed, and based on the model of operation, com-
mands are sent to the smart device to operate the AC
system. Thus, switching based on a cooling model en-
sures optimal AC usage and electricity consumption.
During regular operations, the AC system is con-
tinuously monitored, and any fault codes are reported
to the server. On occurrence of a fault, notification(s)
are sent to the operator by the cloud server. Notifica-
tions are sent on email and/or web sockets.
Commands from the cloud must always be trans-
mitted to the device for switching operations. Thus,
in case of connectivity issues with the cloud, the com-
mands were not received and the operation was af-
5.1.4 AC with IoT with CCP
Now, we configure the system to include a smart gate-
way, capable of autonomous operation between the
smart sensor and cloud. While the computation of
the model for cooling continues to be computed on
the cloud, the switching schedule was transmitted to
the gateway which continued the operation using the
switching times which were provided by the cloud
server. Till the time that the cooling model does not
change the entire switching operation was performed
automatically by the smart gateway. Thus, there is
an evident reduction on the computing resources of
the cloud server. Further, smart gateway and cloud
server establish an interplay; wherein any increase in
the number of sensors or smart devices was handled
by the gateway. Data so sent to the server included
the new set of sensor devices. A mobile phone, with
an app, was used to remotely monitor the system and
receive alerts. With the smart sensor, even in event of
gateway downtime, it is connected with the server and
operation continued without any interruptions.
Thus, in conclusion the Multi-location Data Cen-
ter Management System, was equipped to perform
better, scalable and reliable even in anomalies of dis-
connected. System performed better with CCP IOT
than with only IOT with cloud. The comparison is
depicted in Table 3.
5.1.5 Conclusion
Based on the validation criteria, the assessment is:
VQ1: Addition of multiple sensors or locations
is handled by the CCP with the capacity shared
between edge gateway and the cloud.
VQ2: With the edge gateway, operations continue
seamlessly without cloud connectivity, function-
ing autonomously until switching times require
VQ3: In the event of connectivity loss, the edge
gateway continues to operate. If the edge gate-
way fails or experiences connectivity issues, the
smart device connects directly to the cloud and
sends failure notifications to the intended user via
MQTT channels.
Advancing IoT Architectures Using Collaborative Computing Paradigms for Dynamic and Scalable Systems
Table 3: Multi-Location Data Centers - IOT (Layered), IOT with CCP.
Design of cool-
ing system
Temperature Control Electricity Optimisa-
Without IoT YES. Completely
None None
IoT (Layered) YES. Cloud Con-
YES. Cloud Controlled YES. Need more capacity on the cloud
with increase in locations. Mobile node
only for remote monitoring.
IoT CCP YES. Edge Gate-
way/Cloud Participa-
YES. Edge/Cloud Par-
YES. Not all times Cloud Resources re-
quired as Edge Gateway takes the pro-
cessing load. Mobile node participated
for configuration changes.
5.2 Automotive Telematics: Vehicle &
Driver Behaviour
5.2.1 Vehicle and Driver Behaviour
Cloud Server
Remote Access
Monitoring System
Other Systems
Driver Cabin
Air Quality
Driver Cabin
Air Quality
Vehicle B
Vehicle A
Figure 4: Automotive Telematics - CAN OBD.
5.2.2 Introduction
To enhance the safety of vehicles and drivers on the
road, numerous IoT-based solutions have been imple-
mented, utilising data collected from the On-Board
Diagnostics (OBD) port. Key vehicle parameters such
as speed, engine RPM, odometer readings, coolant
temperature, fuel level, fuel consumption, and gear
position are frequently gathered from the Electronic
Control Units (ECU) for driver and vehicle behavior
analysis. OBD fault codes offer additional insights
into potential service or maintenance needs for the ve-
hicle. Data is also collected from other sensors and
smart devices, such as GPS and cabin environment,
which provide critical information about the vehicle’s
location and driver’s cabin environment. Using the
data, additional attributes like hard braking, acceler-
ation, deceleration, and compliance with speed limits
can be calculated, offer valuable feedback to drivers.
Fault codes and engine data further assists in assess-
ing the vehicle’s operational condition and overall fit-
ness. Additionally, the collected data can be pro-
cessed for predictive analytics to support preventive
maintenance strategies. We refer to the work done by
the authors in (Malekian and et al., 2015) (T
urker and
et al, 2016).
5.2.3 Experimental Set-Up
The architectural set-up of the system is shown in Fig-
ure 4. The set-up is such that the configuration can be
updated to run the experiment in traditional IOT (Lay-
ered) architecture and in an IOT with CCP. A TX1
along with a N32 is used in the set-up with the cloud
servers. An App, capable of connecting to the cloud
server and also the smart device was used in the set-
5.2.4 Vehicle OBD with IoT (Traditional IoT
and a Layered Approach)
Data fusion combines data from the CAN OBD, and
GPS devices to capture vehicle parameters. This data
is transmitted to the cloud for processing, where alerts
for over-speeding, hard-braking, driver behavior, or
vehicle faults are generated and sent to the driver’s
mobile device.
Since all processing occurs on the server, vehi-
cle and driver behavior data must be computed in the
cloud, leading to continuous use of server resources
with no possibility of offloading.
5.2.5 Vehicle OBD with IoT with CCP
In the set-up a smart device, a mobile app and a gate-
way when operational provided capacity for comput-
ing at the edge. Over-speeding, hard-braking data was
computed on the mobile phone connected to the smart
CAN-OBD device with alerts to the driver in real-
MODELSWARD 2025 - 13th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
Thus, with offloading of this computing the ca-
pacity and dependency on the cloud was removed.
Local capacity to compute and collect data increased.
When the cabin environment monitor was added, the
same was seamlessly connected at the gateway. Thus,
in this case, Mobile Computing, Fog Computing and
Cloud computing were the paradigms participating in
the overall application.
Data collected from all sources by all computing
paradigms was ultimately sent to the cloud, where it
was collected, processed and stored for future use, in-
sights and analysis.
Thus, in conclusion the Automotive Telematics -
Vehicle & Driver Behaviour, was equipped to perform
better, scalable and reliable even in anomalies of dis-
connected. System performed better with CCP IOT
than with only IOT with cloud. The comparison is
depicted in Table 4.
5.2.6 Conclusion
Based on the validation criteria, the assessment is:
VQ1: Addition of sensor devices can be handled
by the CCP with the capacity shared between mo-
bile phone, edge gateway and the cloud.
VQ2: With the presence of the edge gateway and
mobile app, the operation continues even in ab-
sence of the connectivity to the cloud. Till such
a point that analytics are indeed required from the
cloud, the functioning can continue autonomously
at the edge using gateway and mobile phone.
VQ3: In event of a connectivity loss, the edge
gateway and mobile app continues to operate.
With the smart device and mobile app connectiv-
ity to the internet and hence the cloud, the overall
communication of events and data is possible.
5.3 Smart Building: Environment, Fire
Safety, Electrical Energy
5.3.1 Introduction
IoT based solutions for smart buildings enable effi-
cient monitoring and management of critical systems
such as electricity consumption, fire safety equip-
ment, and air quality. Smart sensors installed across
the building track electricity usage in real time, iden-
tifying energy-intensive areas and providing insights
to optimize consumption. Automated systems can
adjust lighting, HVAC, and other electrical equip-
ment based on occupancy or pre-set schedules, re-
ducing energy waste. IoT-enabled smoke detectors
continuously monitor for fire hazards and send in-
stant alerts to building management or emergency
Cloud Server
Remote Access
Monitoring System
Other Systems
Floor 2
Floor 1
Figure 5: Smart Building - Env., Fire Safety, Elect. Energy.
services in case of anomalies. These devices can
also perform self-diagnostics to ensure they are op-
erational, improving fire safety reliability. Air quality
sensors measure parameters like CO
levels, humid-
ity, temperature, and the presence of pollutants, en-
suring a healthy indoor environment. Data collected
from these sensors can trigger ventilation systems to
maintain optimal air quality. Centralised dashboards
display real-time data, enabling facility managers to
make informed decisions and respond promptly to is-
sues. Predictive analytics, powered by IoT, can iden-
tify patterns helping with preventive maintenance of
equipment and avoiding costly failures. Overall, IoT
enhances energy efficiency, safety, and comfort in
smart buildings, creating a sustainable and secure en-
vironment for occupants.
5.3.2 Experimental Set-Up
The architectural set-up of the system is shown in Fig-
ure 5. The set-up is such that the configuration can be
updated to run the experiment in traditional IOT (Lay-
ered) architecture and in an IOT with CCP. A T10i,
T10E and T10 (simulates the smoke detector) along
with a N32 is used in the set-up with the cloud servers.
An App, capable of connecting to the cloud server and
also the smart device was used in the set-up.
5.3.3 Smart Building with IoT (Traditional IoT
and a Layered Approach)
In the traditional set-up, all the sensors were send-
ing the data to the cloud, we had, per floor, tempera-
ture, pressure, humidity, air-quality, smoke sensor and
electricity consumption sent to the cloud. At all times,
the data was compared with the parameter thresholds
and the commands were issued to control example:
Advancing IoT Architectures Using Collaborative Computing Paradigms for Dynamic and Scalable Systems
Table 4: Automotive Telematics (Fleet Management) - IOT (Layered), IOT with CCP.
Design of Vehi-
cle/Fleet Mgmt.
Vehicle Behaviour Driver Behaviour Scalability
Without IoT YES. Completely
Yes. Completely Lo-
IoT (Layered) YES. Cloud Con-
YES. Cloud Con-
YES. Need more capacity on the
cloud with increase in locations.
IoT CCP YES. Edge Gate-
way/Cloud Participa-
YES. Edge/Cloud
YES. Not all times Cloud Re-
sources required as Edge Gateway
takes the processing load.
ON/OFF for HVAC were send by the cloud. Compu-
tation of the received data and control based on the
processing of the data was done at the cloud.
Addition of devices to simulate floors or addi-
tional equipment added the computing load on the
server. Since the processing was done only at the
server end, all the processing was to be computed on
the cloud. Thus, the server computing power is used
continuously with no offloading possibility.
5.3.4 Smart Building with IoT with CCP
In the set-up a smart device, a mobile app, and a gate-
way, when operational, provided capacity for com-
puting at the edge. Sensing and control based on
ON/OFF for temperature were done autonomously by
the gateway. The gateway continuously transmitted
data to the cloud, where the air quality or temperature
model was computed on the cloud server.
Offloading operations to the gateway reduced the
cloud server’s load and eliminated dependency on the
cloud. A mobile app was used for configuration,
verification, and updates. Field data was observed
and correlated by facility management with server-
analysed data. All smart devices, equipped with in-
ternet connectivity, could send notifications and mes-
sages about anomalies if links to the gateway or server
were disrupted. For example, a smart smoke detector
could directly notify the facility manager.
It is clear, from the experiment, that the cloud,
edge and mobile computing in a collaborative man-
ner, can be very effective and efficient. System per-
formed better with CCP IOT than with only IOT with
cloud. The comparison is depicted in Table 5.
5.3.5 Conclusion
Based on the validation criteria, the assessment is as
VQ1: With CCP addition of sensor devices can be
handled effectively by sharing the capacity across
mobile phone, edge gateway and the cloud.
VQ2: With the edge gateway and mobile app,
operations continue even without cloud connec-
tivity. The system can function autonomously at
the edge using the gateway and mobile phone un-
til cloud-based analytics are needed. The mobile
platform offers portability and real-time insights
in the field.
VQ3: In event of a connectivity loss, the edge
gateway and mobile app continues to operate.
With the smart device and mobile app connectiv-
ity to the internet and hence the cloud, the overall
communication of events and data is possible.
5.4 Asset Tracking: Track Carts at
Multiple Shopping Malls
Mobile Nodes
Cloud Computing
Remote Access
Monitoring System
Edge Node
CCP-IOT-RA Topology of Interconnectivity
Traditional/Layered IOT Architecture
Mobile Nodes
Location A
Location B
Other Systems
Edge Node
Figure 6: Asset Tracking System - Carts at mall(s).
5.4.1 Introduction
An asset tracking system, for carts at malls, utilises
IoT devices with GPS to efficiently monitor and man-
age cart movement. Real-time data, and alerts en-
able staff to retrieve carts promptly, improving opera-
tional efficiency. Usage patterns are analyzed to iden-
tify high-demand areas, and optimize cart distribu-
tion. Maintenance alerts ensure carts remain in good
MODELSWARD 2025 - 13th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
Table 5: Smart Building - IOT (Layered), IOT with CCP.
Design of BMS Air Quality Electricity Fire Safety Scalability
Without IoT YES. Fully lo-
YES. Fully lo-
YES. Fully lo-
IoT (Layered) YES. Cloud
YES. Cloud based YES. Cloud based YES. Need more capac-
ity on the cloud with in-
crease in locations.
IoT CCP YES. Edge Gate-
YES. Edge Gate-
YES. Cloud resources
are not always required,
as the Edge Gateway
handles the processing
Table 6: Asset Tracking (Carts in malls) - IOT (Layered), IOT with CCP.
Design of Cart Monitor Cart Tracker Scalability
Without IoT YES. Totally Lo-
IoT Only YES. Cloud based YES. Increased locations require additional cloud capacity.
IoT CCP YES. Edge Gate-
YES. Cloud resources are not always required, as the Edge
Gateway handles the processing load.
condition, while a centralised dashboard allows seam-
less oversight of cart availability and performance.
5.4.2 Experimental Set-Up
The architectural set-up of the system is shown in Fig-
ure 6. The set-up is such that the configuration can be
updated to run the experiment in traditional IOT (Lay-
ered) architecture, and in an IOT with CCP. A TX1
(CAN-OBD) is repurposed to track only the location
with a fog node NmPC and a cloud server was used
in the set-up.
5.4.3 Asset Tracking with IoT (Traditional IoT
and a Layered Approach)
Fusion of beacon/ping of presence, and location in-
formation by GPS is done per cart. This data is then
transmitted to the cloud for further processing. All
alerts for number of carts at a location are generated
by the cloud and then sent to the mobile app of the
facility staff.
Since processing was done solely on the server,
all cart data computations occurred in the cloud, re-
sulting in continuous server resource usage with no
option for offloading.
5.4.4 Asset Tracking with IoT with CCP
In the setup, a smart device, mobile app, and gateway,
enabled edge computing. Beacon/pings and GPS lo-
cation data were processed on the mobile phone con-
nected to the smart device, providing real-time alerts
to facility staff. This offloaded computing from the
cloud, reducing dependency and increasing local ca-
pacity. An environment monitor was added. It seam-
lessly connected to the gateway, integrating Mobile
Computing, Edge Computing, and Cloud Computing
into the application. Data from all sources was ulti-
mately transmitted to the cloud for storage and analy-
sis, offering insights into cart usage by location.
In conclusion, the Asset Tracking system for
shopping mall carts became more reliable even during
disconnections. The CCP IOT performed better than
traditional IoT with cloud-only reliance, as shown in
Table 6.
5.4.5 Conclusion
In conclusion,
VQ1: The CCP efficiently manages the addition
of sensor devices by distributing capacity across
the mobile phone, edge gateway, and cloud.
VQ2: The edge gateway and mobile app ensure
uninterrupted operation, even without cloud con-
nectivity, while mobile platforms offer portability
and real-time insights.
VQ3: In case of connectivity loss, the edge gate-
way and mobile app maintain functionality, and
upon internet restoration, smart devices facilitate
data and event communication with the cloud.
Advancing IoT Architectures Using Collaborative Computing Paradigms for Dynamic and Scalable Systems
The design and experimentation with the CCP-based
IoT RA have yielded valuable insights into the archi-
tectural requirements of dynamic IoT environments:
Computation as the Core of Architecture: A
key takeaway is the importance of placing com-
putation at the core of IoT architectural de-
sign. Designing with computational efficiency
and adaptability in mind ensures that system com-
ponents are aligned to perform optimally under
varying workloads. The Collaborative Comput-
ing Paradigms (CCP)-based architecture demon-
strated that organising computational tasks across
Edge, Fog, and Cloud is critical for meeting the
demands of modern IoT systems. This includes
enabling real-time processing, adaptive workload
distribution, and dynamic resource allocation. Fu-
ture IoT architectures must be conceived with
computation as the organising principle, driving
decisions around hardware selection, data flow
management, and system scalability.
Use Cases as the Driving Force Behind Archi-
tectural Design: Another critical insight is the
centrality of use cases in guiding architectural de-
cisions. The experiments highlighted that design-
ing IoT systems with specific ”vertical” applica-
tions—such as building automation, telematics, or
fire safety—at the forefront ensures that the archi-
tecture aligns with the functional and performance
requirements of real-world scenarios. Starting
with the use cases ensures the selection of appro-
priate components, computing paradigms, and re-
source allocation strategies. This user-driven ap-
proach prevents overengineering while ensuring
that the architecture is tailored to meet practical
Leveraging System on Chip (SoC) for
Retrofitting Existing Solutions: When in-
tegrating CCP into existing IoT systems, the
use of advanced System on Chip (SoC) devices
emerged as a practical and efficient solution. The
high-performance capabilities, energy efficiency,
and protocol support offered by modern SoCs
allow them to retrofit and upgrade legacy systems
with minimal disruption. By facilitating edge
analytics, real-time data processing, and seamless
communication across computational layers,
SoCs bridge the gap between outdated architec-
tures and advanced frameworks like CCP. This
learning underscores the value of SoC-enabled
nodes in transforming existing IoT deployments
into more scalable, responsive, and efficient
Use of Standardized Technologies Enhances
Interoperability: The adoption of standardised
technologies played a crucial role in ensuring in-
teroperability and ease of integration across di-
verse components in the IoT ecosystem. By lever-
aging widely accepted protocols and frameworks,
such as MQTT, HTTP REST, and WiFi-based
connectivity, the architecture facilitated seam-
less communication and coordination between de-
vices, computational layers, and external systems.
This learning highlights the importance of build-
ing IoT solutions with standardisation at their
core, as it not only simplifies system implemen-
tation but also ensures compatibility and scalabil-
ity in complex and heterogeneous environments.
Systems designed around standardised technolo-
gies are inherently more robust and adaptable, al-
lowing for smoother integration with both existing
infrastructure and future advancements.
We developed a scalable, extensible, and flexible
IoT solution by reimagining traditional system de-
sign. With CPP, we moved beyond the limitations of
layered architectures, and embraced a computation-
centric perspective, prioritised real-world use cases,
utilised advanced System on Chip technologies, and
focused on architectural innovation. We learned that
achieving such a solution requires balancing dynamic
resource allocation, adaptability to varying work-
loads, and seamless integration of new devices and
services while maintaining a focus on interoperability
and scalability. Our experiments emphasised the need
to break traditional boundaries in order to design IoT
systems that meet the evolving demands of modern,
interconnected environments.
We believe these learnings empower designers to
shape next-gen IoT solutions driven by CCP.
This study validates the Collaborative Computing
Paradigms (CCP)-based IoT Reference Architecture
as a superior alternative to traditional layered archi-
tectures for dynamic IoT environments. By incorpo-
rating critical characteristics such as interconnection
and interplay between computational paradigms, dy-
namic processing distribution, computational fluidity
and scalability and extensibility, the CCP architecture
addresses key limitations of layered models, includ-
ing rigidity, high latency, and suboptimal resource
Experimental evaluations in Building Automa-
tion (fire safety systems, air quality monitoring, and
HVAC control) and Telematics applications highlight
MODELSWARD 2025 - 13th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
measurable performance improvements with the CCP
architecture. Specifically, it demonstrated enhanced
latency reduction, adaptive workload distribution pos-
sibilities, real-time analytics capabilities at the edge.
These results underscore its ability to dynamically op-
timize resource allocation and decision-making pro-
cesses across heterogeneous and fluid IoT environ-
ments. There will also be a need to quantify the re-
sults in terms of performance parameters.
Thus, the CCP-based architecture offers a foun-
dational enhancement, and a fundamentally different
approach to IoT system design, moving beyond the
constraints of static, layered frameworks. By enabling
highly distributed, context-aware, and collaborative
processing, this architecture establishes itself as a vi-
able and scalable framework for next-generation IoT
deployments. Future work may focus on extending
the CCP paradigm to broader domains, further val-
idating its potential to redefine IoT architectures in
increasingly complex and data-driven scenarios.
Building on the demonstrated advantages of the CCP-
based IoT Reference Architecture, future research
will focus on extending its applicability across di-
verse IoT domains and industry verticals. Customized
models will be developed to address domain-specific
requirements in areas such as smart cities, health-
care, industrial automation, agriculture, and energy
management. Each vertical presents unique chal-
lenges—ranging from real-time decision-making and
scalability, to data security, and compliance—that
will require adapting the CCP framework to meet op-
erational demands.
Additionally, the integration of AI and ML within
CCP architectures will be a major focus. By em-
bedding predictive analytics, anomaly detection, and
adaptive resource allocation capabilities, CCP-based
systems can evolve into intelligent ecosystems ca-
pable of self-optimisation. Research will also ex-
plore the deployment of CCP, in ultra-low latency and
mission-critical applications, such as autonomous ve-
hicles, robotics, and remote healthcare, to assess its
suitability for high-stakes environments.
Finally, standardising CCP models for various
industries, enhancing security and privacy mecha-
nisms, and creating simulation tools for validation
and benchmarking will drive broader adoption. Fu-
ture studies will also evaluate the scalability and per-
formance of CCP architectures in globally distributed
IoT environments, ensuring their readiness for large-
scale, heterogeneous deployments. These efforts aim
to solidify CCP as a cornerstone for next-generation
IoT systems, delivering adaptive, secure, and highly
efficient solutions for increasingly complex intercon-
nected ecosystems.
We sincerely thank Leap&Scale
, India, for provid-
ing access to their Sensoyo
IoT Platform and IoT
devices, which facilitated our experiments and tests.
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