Lexical Substitution is not Synonym Substitution:
On the Importance of Producing Contextually Relevant Word Substitutes
Juraj Vladika
, Stephen Meisenbacher
and Florian Matthes
Department of Computer Science, School of Computation, Information and Technology,
Technical University of Munich, Germany
{juraj.vladika, stephen.meisenbacher, matthes}@tum.de
Natural Language Processing, Lexical Substitution, Lexical Semantics, Language Models.
Lexical Substitution is the task of replacing a single word in a sentence with a similar one. This should
ideally be one that is not necessarily only synonymous, but also fits well into the surrounding context of the
target word, while preserving the sentence’s grammatical structure. Recent advances in Lexical Substitution
have leveraged the masked token prediction task of Pre-trained Language Models to generate replacements
for a given word in a sentence. With this technique, we introduce CONCAT, a simple augmented approach
which utilizes the original sentence to bolster contextual information sent to the model. Compared to existing
approaches, it proves to be very effective in guiding the model to make contextually relevant predictions
for the target word. Our study includes a quantitative evaluation, measured via sentence similarity and task
performance. In addition, we conduct a qualitative human analysis to validate that users prefer the substitutions
proposed by our method, as opposed to previous methods. Finally, we test our approach on the prevailing
benchmark for Lexical Substitution, CoInCo, revealing potential pitfalls of the benchmark. These insights
serve as the foundation for a critical discussion on the way in which Lexical Substitution is evaluated.
Lexical substitution (LS) can be described as the task
of replacing a word in a sentence with the most appro-
priate different word. It is one of the essential linguis-
tic tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and
is an integral component of more complex NLP tasks
that deal with text rewriting. Some generative tasks
where LS is an important part include paraphrasing
(Fu et al., 2019), machine translation (Agrawal and
Carpuat, 2019), style transfer (Helbig et al., 2020),
defense against adversarial attacks (Zhou et al., 2021),
text simplification (
Stajner et al., 2022), or private text
rewriting (Meisenbacher et al., 2024).
More so than just replacing a word in text with the
one of the most similar meaning from a thesaurus, we
argue that true LS also ideally regards the surrounding
context of the target word and tries to produce candi-
dates that best fit the semantic flow of the whole sen-
tence. In tasks dealing with text rewriting, the goal
is to preserve the semantic meaning of the sentence,
where simply choosing synonyms may be inadequate.
While early LS methods relied on rule-based sys-
tems, pre-trained language models (PLMs) like BERT
(Devlin et al., 2019) have been predominantly used
in recent years. The training objective of PLMs with
a masked token prediction (masked language model-
ing, MLM) provides a natural approach to LS. While
this mechanism has been utilized in current LS meth-
ods, they are prone to overfitting to the target word by
predicting pure synonyms. For this purpose, we in-
troduce CONCAT, a method for English lexical sub-
stitution that in a simple way of concatenating the
masked sentence with the target sentences provides an
improved trade-off between semantics and context.
To test the performance of CONCAT, we deploy
both quantitative and qualitative analysis. We first
use three standard benchmarks for lexical substitu-
tion, namely LS07 (McCarthy and Navigli, 2007),
CoInCo (Kremer et al., 2014), and Swords (Lee et al.,
2021). Even though our model shows satisfying re-
sults on these datasets, upon manual inspection of the
gold substitutes provided by the annotators, we no-
ticed a number of problems and inconsistencies. This
leads to a critical discussion of the way LS is currently
evaluated in the NLP community. To address this gap,
we perform a qualitative survey in form of a ques-
Vladika, J., Meisenbacher, S. and Matthes, F.
Lexical Substitution is not Synonym Substitution: On the Importance of Producing Contextually Relevant Word Substitutes.
DOI: 10.5220/0013389000003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 3, pages 1481-1488
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tionnaire, where users were invited to choose their
preferred lexical substitutes in four different settings.
The analysis of the results shows that users highly fa-
vor substitutes generated by our approach and deem
them the most appropriate in given context. While
this type of human evaluation is common in genera-
tive NLP tasks, to the best of our knowledge there has
not been such an evaluation for LS.
Finally, we test to what extent LS preserves the
semantic usefulness of text. We achieve this by lex-
ically substituting words in the input sentences of a
text classification dataset and observing the effect on
a trained classification model. The results reveal that
the model performance stays very close to the original
text, especially in the case of CONCAT substitutions.
Our contributions are as follows:
We introduce CONCAT, a simple lexical substi-
tution method for English, capable of producing
highly contextually fitting replacement words.
We evaluate the method on three standard LS
benchmarks: LS07, CoInCo, and Swords. We
provide a critical discussion of the benchmarks
and point out their shortcomings.
We conduct a qualitative survey and show that
users highly favor substitutes generated by CON-
CAT and deem them most appropriate contextu-
ally, even when compared to gold substitutes.
We examine how well CONCAT preserves the se-
mantic meaning of text, showing that CONCAT is
in most cases the best at preserving performance.
We make the code for CONCAT publicly available
at https://github.com/sebischair/ConCat.
Figure 1: CONCAT: a simple and intuitive method for con-
textually relevant Lexical Substitution.
Lexical substitution was formally defined by Mc-
Carthy (2002). Early approaches used rule-based
heuristics and synonym lookup in word thesauri (Has-
san et al., 2007). With the advent of word embedding
methods, LS approaches began representing the target
word and its context with dense vectors and ranking
the candidates with vector-similarity metrics (Roller
and Erk, 2016). Most recent approaches utilize pre-
trained language models (PLMs).
Word representations learned by PLMs are highly
contextual and finding substitutes that fit the word’s
surrounding context was significantly improved.
Since the prediction of substitutes in this manner can
be highly biased towards the target word, Zhou et al.
(2019) apply a dropout mechanism by resetting some
dimensions of the target word’s embedding and then
leverage the model to predict substitutes using this
perturbed embedding. Later methods by Michalopou-
los et al. (2022) and Seneviratne et al. (2022) combine
the PLM word embeddings with a gloss value of tar-
get word’s synonyms returned by WordNet to guide
the vector-space exploration towards similar words.
Qiang et al. (2023) generate substitutes with para-
phrase modeling and improved decoding.
Unlike the approaches that use WordNet for em-
bedding perturbation, our approach includes query-
ing WordNet for a rule-based filtering of unsuitable
words. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first
to utilize the idea of sentence concatenation for im-
proved LS and the first to do a qualitative analysis of
generated substitutes with human evaluation.
3.1 The CONCAT Approach
Language models are powerful predictors of words
that contextually fit a sentence, due to their MLM
learning objective of predicting a missing word in a
sentence, performed over massive training corpora.
An intuitive approach to LS is simply to replace the
target word with a [MASK] token and let the PLM
predict top candidates. Another approach would be
to keep the original text intact to predict substitutes.
From our observation, the first approach tends to pro-
duce contextually relevant words that can be seman-
tically distant from the original word, while the sec-
ond approach overfits to the target word and predicts
solely its different inflectional forms or synonyms,
thus lacking creativity. To bridge this gap, our method
combines these two approaches the masked sen-
tence (with the target word masked) is concatenated
with the original sentence, separated by a separator
token. This was inspired by a similar concatenation
method for lexical simplification (Qiang et al., 2020).
CONCAT, our proposed simple and intuitive LS
method, is demonstrated in Figure 1. This approach
combines the best of both worlds it increases cre-
ativity by forcing the model to predict an empty
[MASK] token but also makes the model aware of
the original word by including it in the next sen-
tence. After experimenting with multiple base mod-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
els such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) and XL-Net
(Yang et al., 2019), we opted for RoBERTa (Liu et al.,
2019), which seemed to produce the most fitting sub-
stitutes. Additionally, its tokenizer uses full words as
tokens, facilitating direct word substitution. We use
the ROBERTA-BASE model from HuggingFace since it
is less resource-intensive than the large variant, with-
out a significant performance drop.
Despite the impressive performance, there was
still a considerable number of instances where our ap-
proach fell short, resorting to predicting words which
are antonyms of the target word (which could fit
the context but not the semantics of the sentence)
or grammatical variations of the target word (which
breaks the grammatical correctness of the sentence).
To overcome this obstacle, we additionally deploy
checks based on WordNet and filter out inadequate
words, creating a hybrid approach. In particular, we
use Wordnet to obtain lists of synonyms, antonyms,
hypernyms, hyponyms, meronyms, holonyms, and
then manually filter out these from the top k gener-
ated candidates of the masked target word.
3.2 Evaluation
To evaluate our new method, we conduct a multi-
headed evaluation consisting of three parts: (1) evalu-
ation on the LS07, CoInCo, and Swords benchmarks,
(2) evaluation and analysis of LS on a classification
task, and (3) a qualitative evaluation led by surveys.
LS Benchmarking. We begin our evaluation with
measuring our method’s performance on popular LS
bechmarks: LS07 (McCarthy and Navigli, 2007), Co-
InCo (Kremer et al., 2014), and Swords (Lee et al.,
2021). In all of them the goal is to provide substi-
tutes for given target words in the provided sentences.
Note that in the case of Swords, we employ two ver-
sions of the provided gold labels: (1) Swords 1, which
use all gold labels where at least one annotator voted
it to be suitable, and (2) Swords 5, where at least 50%
of annotators agreed upon a substitute.
As metrics, we employ the four LS metrics from
SemEval 2007. We briefly introduce them, but refer
the reader to the original task report for more details.
best: evaluates the quality of the best prediction,
by scoring the existence of the gold top substitute,
weighted by the order.
best-mode: evaluates if the system’s best predic-
tion appears in the mode of the gold labels.
oot: evaluates the coverage of the gold substitutes
in the system predictions, i.e., the percentage of
gold substitutes appearing in the system’s top-10
oot-mode: evaluates the % of times the mode of
the gold labels appears in the system’s top-10 pre-
In addition to these metrics, we also employ P@1
and P@3. It should be noted that for the entire bench-
mark, we limit the system predictions to 10 responses,
so as to not skew the best scoring.
LS Task Performance. The second step of our
evaluation includes measuring performance on a NLP
task after performing LS on the original dataset. For
this, we select the AG News dataset (Zhang et al.,
2015), which presents a Multi-Class Topic Classifi-
cation task. We take a random sample of 10,000 rows
for our evaluation. For the task, we select four set-
tings Subst.% {0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0}, where the per-
centage represents the randomly selected percentage
of tokens in the dataset that are replaced via LS. We
use our proposed method (CONCAT), as well as the
method proposed by Zhou et al. (2019).
To measure performance (accuracy) in each of
these settings, we use each resulting dataset to train
a LSTM model (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997)
using keras. As an input layer, we use GloVe em-
beddings (Pennington et al., 2014). For training, we
set the batch size to 64 and train for a maximum of
30 epochs with early stopping. Accuracy is captured
from the best resulting model, and the training process
is run five separate times to obtain average accuracy.
Perplexity Test. Perplexity is a common method for
the evaluation of generative LMs (Chen et al., 1998).
Essentially, perplexity measures how “uncertain” a
LM is in making a next token prediction. A lower
perplexity, therefore, implies that an LM is less “sur-
prised” by the context given to the model. Perplexity
can be used to assess text complexity of a sentence
(Vladika et al., 2022). We aim to leverage this metric
to evaluate how well a word substitute fits into its con-
text sentence. In particular, we envision two settings:
Top-10: all top-10 generated substitutes are re-
placed into the sentence, and the average perplex-
ity of these sentences is taken.
Top-Match: only to the top k substitutes are mea-
sured, where k denotes the number of gold substi-
These results are compared against the perplexity of
the original context sentences (baseline), and the av-
erage perplexity of the sentences replaced with the
gold substitutes (gold). For perplexity, we use the
GPT2 model (Radford et al., 2019).
Lexical Substitution is not Synonym Substitution: On the Importance of Producing Contextually Relevant Word Substitutes
Table 1: Benchmark results for both the LS07 and CoInCo tasks. Metrics were calculated using the approach described by
(McCarthy and Navigli, 2007). Highest scores are bolded.
Dataset: LS07 CoInCo
Model: best best-mode oot oot-mode P@1 P@3 best best-mode oot oot-mode P@1 P@3
Dropout 20.3 34.2 55.4 68.4 51.1 14.5 33.9 45.9 69.9 56.3
Dropout* 2.37 12.81 23.73 32.02 16.67 26.67 3.44 10.57 18.91 23.59 23.54 40.82
CONCAT 3.52 16.26 35.11 46.31 21.67 40.33 4.81 15.63 26.07 34.47 34.66 53.81
Table 2: Benchmark results for the Swords task. Metrics were calculated and are presented as in Table 1.
Dataset: Swords 1 Swords 5
Model: best best-mode oot oot-mode P@1 P@3 best best-mode oot oot-mode P@1 P@3
Dropout* 1.34 3.39 13.44 18.64 22.43 20.27 2.19 8.33 21.92 27.27 40.54 32.70
CONCAT 2.43 3.39 13.17 13.56 35.95 31.08 4.02 8.33 20.76 25.00 48.38 42.43
Table 3: Comparing CoInCo gold substitutions to ours.
Top-1 took the top candidate from each substitution set and
replaced the target. Random-1 picked a word from the sub-
stitution set at random (same index for gold and ours).
Task: CoInCo (Cosine Similarity)
Substitution: Top-1 Random-1
Model: Mini DR MPN Mini DR MPN
CoInCo Gold 76.15 69.67 72.08 76.26 69.88 72.27
Avg: 72.63 72.80
CONCAT 78.00 70.24 73.10 76.53 69.44 71.81
Avg: 73.77 72.59
Qualitative Analysis. In the final stage of our eval-
uation, we administer a survey via Google Forms,
with the goal of evaluating user preference of differ-
ent LS methods’ predictions. To accomplish this, we
divide the survey into four tasks:
1. Single Word Replacement (SWR): a sentence is
presented with the target word bolded, and the
user is asked to select from a list of single sub-
2. Single Word Replacement, Masked (SWR-M):
a sentence is shown with a placeholder instead
of the target word to be replaced, and the user is
asked to select, from a list a substitutes, which re-
placement is most suitable.
3. Set Replacement (SR): setup similar to SWR, but
the list of options includes sets of three replace-
ments, and the user must select which set is most
4. Set Replacement, Masked (SR-M): like SR, but
the target word is once again masked.
For the survey questions, we select 60 random en-
tries from CoInCo, 15 for each task. As answer op-
tions, we present the top 1 or 3 gold substitutes from
CoInCo, the top 1 or 3 using the method of Zhou et al.
(2019), and the top 1 or 3 from CONCAT.
Benchmark. The results for the evaluation on the
three benchmark datasets are in Tables 1 and 2. For
all tasks, we include 6 metrics, outlined in the previ-
ous section. These metrics are placed in juxtaposition
to Zhou et al. (2019) for comparison. The original
scores of Zhou et al. (2019) could not be replicated
due to unavailability of the original code. Therefore,
we reimplemented their method and include our repli-
cated score as well, marked by an asterisk (*).
As an added point of comparison, we compute co-
sine similarity scores for our method’s replacements,
and the gold CoInCo substitutes. To compute these
similarity scores, we utilize three Sentence Trans-
former models (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019): ALL-
(DR), and ALL-MPNET-BASE-V2 (MPN). In addition,
we compute the scores in two settings: (1) Top-1,
where the target word is replaced with the top annota-
tor response / system prediction, and (2) Random-1,
where the target is replaced with a randomly chosen
substitute. These results are in Table 3.
Table 4: Accuracy scores for AG News. % Subst. denotes
the percentage of tokens in the dataset per that were substi-
tuted. Scores represent an average of five evaluated models.
Task: AG News (baseline = 88.41 ± 0.40)
% Subst. 25% 50% 75% 100%
Dropout 87.52 ± 0.13 85.91 ± 0.54 83.37 ± 0.36 81.37 ± 0.37
CONCAT 87.41 ± 0.48 86.18 ± 0.44 84.48 ± 0.50 83.04 ± 0.30
AG News. In Table 4, we present the results of
our task-based evaluation. Accuracy scores for each
subtitution setting (percentage of tokens replaced)
are given, once again compared against Zhou et al.
(2019). These results are also plotted in Figure 2.
Similarly to benchmark analysis, we employ co-
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 5: Average cosine similarity scores between original dataset and datasets with a percentage of token replacements.
SentenceTransformers models used: ALL-MINILM-L12-V2 (Mini), ALL-DISTILROBERTA-V1 (DR), and ALL-MPNET-BASE-
V2 (MPN). Highest average score per % Subst. is bolded.
Task: AG News (Cosine Similarity)
% Subst. 25% 50% 75% 100%
Model: Mini DR MPN Mini DR MPN Mini DR MPN Mini DR MPN
Dropout 91.23 91.00 91.04 80.73 81.19 80.59 69.77 71.36 69.82 55.51 59.37 55.76
Avg: 91.09 80.84 70.32 56.88
CONCAT 91.03 91.38 91.34 81.05 82.07 81.20 70.45 73.22 71.00 57.76 62.91 58.72
Avg: 91.34 81.44 71.56 59.80
Table 6: Survey responses from 21 respondents. For each of the four tasks, we include the number of responses that preferred
a given method’s replacement, as well as the corresponding percentage for this task (of 21*15=315 responses per task). Note
that in some cases, the total percentage may exceed 100. This occurs when more than one method outputs the same prediction
– both methods would then be counted if selected by a respondent.
Survey Responses (21 respondents, 60 questions)
Gold 80 25.40% 129 40.95% 119 37.78% 88 27.93% 416 33.02%
Dropout 141 44.76% 114 36.19% 89 28.25% 95 30.16% 439 34.84%
ConCat 195 61.90% 120 38.40% 125 39.68% 112 35.56% 552 43.81%
sine similarity to illustrate the effect of LS methods
on the overall semantics of the underlying AG News
dataset. The scores are calculated for each of the sub-
stitution settings, and scores from three embedding
models are averaged. The results are given in Table 5.
The results of the perplexity test are found in Table 7.
Survey. The aggregate results from our survey are
illustrated in Table 6. We received 21 respondents,
all who were close colleagues with fully proficient or
native levels of English. We separate the results by
task, as well as provide total counts.
We now discuss our results in detail, and extract in-
teresting insights from our analysis.
LS vs. Utility. The task-based evaluation revealed
that performing LS on datasets to be fed to down-
stream tasks does indeed have an effect on model per-
formance. As illustrated by Figure 2, a clear degra-
dation in utility occurs as a higher percentage of the
AG News dataset is replaced by LS. Interestingly, our
method “slows” this degradation rate down. Not cov-
ered is less-than-25% replacement, where one could
study the intersection of LS and model robustness.
Context Improves Metrics. The results of apply-
ing our method to LS07 and CoInCo clearly show the
effects of including contextual information in the LS
Figure 2: Accuracy scores for LS task performance. As
token replacements increase, task performance decreases,
but at different rates. Baseline performance shown in green.
process. In comparison to Zhou et al. (2019), whose
method does not include such context, our method
shows improvement on all metrics. Particularly in the
metrics that evaluate coverage of the gold substitutes
in the system predictions, our method displays con-
siderable improvements. We pose that especially in
these cases where coverage is tested, the benefits of
contextual information are evident, namely in produc-
ing lexically and semantically suitable replacements.
Preserving Semantics and Reducing Perplexity.
In evaluating the preservation of semantic similarity,
we empirically show that LS in general leads to a loss
in information, measured by cosine similarity. While
Lexical Substitution is not Synonym Substitution: On the Importance of Producing Contextually Relevant Word Substitutes
this is certainly plausible, the extent to which seman-
tic similarity is affected is shown in Table 3, as well
in additional task-based experiments.
Table 7: Perplexity Results. Note that for Swords, we use
all provided gold labels (Swords 1). T-M: Top-Match.
Dataset: LS07 CoInCo Swords
Top-10 T-M Top-10 T-M Top-10 T-M
Baseline 228.62 258.19 66.78
Gold 292.14 232.05 83.06
CONCAT 256.36 253.80 206.73 203.58 74.69 73.75
At the same time, the results of the perplexity
measurements lead to important insights about the na-
ture of LS. In 3 out of 4 cases, using gold substitutes
in sentences leads to increased perplexity. This would
imply that the substitutes are not as suitable to main-
tain natural, flowing sentences. Increased perplexity
can also be observed from CONCAT replacements, yet
the effect of our substitutes is not as severe as those
from the gold substitutes. In fact, for CoInCo our re-
placements lead to lower perplexity than baseline.
We hypothesize that our replacements might be
“preferred” by LMs in perplexity measurements, as
CONCAT aims to produce contextually meaningful re-
placements, rather than substitutes that might be syn-
onymous, but not so fitting in a particular context.
A Critique of CoInCo. For evaluation of CON-
CAT, CoInCo was chosen as this dataset serves as
the current de facto standard benchmark for LS tasks
(Seneviratne et al., 2022). A closer study of its en-
tries, however, reveals intriguing findings that speak
to possible considerations to be made in the future.
Firstly, the inclusion of single-word and double-
word sentences (e.g., She said.”), although a chal-
lenging task, greatly biases towards dictionary-based
substitutions or similar methods, as context is lacking.
Along similar lines, some target words do not con-
sist of full words, but rather word pieces, such as don
(don’t). Similarly, some gold substitute are double-
word phrases (e.g., very much for enough), which is
impossible to predict using the single-word prediction
of PLMs. Finally, some sentences have not been fully
cleaned, which may lead to issues on the system end.
More importantly, some top annotator responses
contain errors, e.g., day @card@ hour period,
where @card@ does not make sense. Moreover,
some annotator suggestions are questionable, such as:
Orig. Tasha is not the whole of what happened
on Vega IV.
Gold bulk; complete; consummate; entirety;
sum; total
While the suggested replacements represent true
synonyms of the target, some of these are not contex-
tually suitable, such as bulk or consummate.
From these qualitative insights, we decided to
conduct a manual inspection of our CONCAT method
on the provided benchmarks. Following a similar in-
spection performed by (Seneviratne et al., 2022), we
analyze our method’s performance on the benchmarks
with two metrics: (1) Top-3 coverage (T3C): how of-
ten each of the top-3 model predictions are in any of
the gold labels (in %), and (2) mismatch percentage
(MMP): how often none of the top-3 predictions are
in the gold set (in %). The results of this inspection
for CONCAT and Dropout* are included in Table 8.
Table 8: T3C and MMP scores for the three benchmark
Dataset: LS07 CoInCo Swords 1 Swords 5
Dropout* 11.5 70.3 18.6 17.8 15.8 57.0 20.6 64.9
ConCat 18.6 51.3 27.7 11.9 25.3 47.0 31.4 53.7
As seen in Table 8, both methods “miss” all of
the gold labels very often, particularly in LS07 and
Swords. Both methods, however, improve in the T3C
metric from LS07 to CoInCo to Swords 5, imply-
ing that the benchmarks are in fact improvements to
each other with regard to annotator agreement on the
top-choice gold substitutes. The poor performance of
both methods on the MMP metric also leads to inter-
esting insights. While the task-based (Table 4) and
similarity-based results (Table 3) demonstrate that
contextual substitutions preserve semantic coherence
and overall utility, the MMP scores imply that the
model-predicted substitutes are not suitable at all.
Table 9 presents five randomly selected samples
from the set of MMP results, i.e., CONCAT output
sets where none of the top-3 substitutes were found in
the gold labels. Note that these cases imply the worst
case predictions of CONCAT. As one can see, how-
ever, these “poor” CONCAT substitutes often do con-
tain either semantically and/or contextually relevant
replacements, whereas these are simply not reflected
in the gold labels. For example, complain presents a
good contextual replacement, which is not covered in
the benchmark annotation scheme.
These insights call into question whether any of
the benchmark gold labels extend beyond synonym
replacement to contextually relevant replacements.
Our analysis would imply this is not the case. Thus,
we view that a closer investigation of the suggested
alternatives be made for the LS field going forward.
User Preferences. In the analysis of our survey re-
sults, one can see that although our method’s substi-
tutes were chosen the most, there is no clear majority.
This leads us to hypothesize that preference for LS
ICAART 2025 - 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 9: Examples from the LS07, CoInCo, and Swords benchmarks. Presented are the original sentences with target words
bolded, as well as the annotator gold substitutes and the top-3 predictions from CONCAT. Text in red denotes unsuitable
replacements, whereas CONCAT substitutes in green denote good ones.
Sentence Gold Substitutes ConCat Top-3
Finally, this new rule will also have the effect of encouraging ex-
isting corporations to produce safer products
lastly, in note, thus, together
Treatment of physical problems , particularly chronic ones , is
possible as well as psychological therapy .
in, along, including much, also, far
Tara fumed. Of all the impertinence! anger, be steam, be upset, blow up, boil, bristle, burn, digest, flare, fret,
froth, glower, grumble, howl, madden, plan, rage, rant, rave, ruffle, scowl,
seethe, smolder, steam, stew, whine, yell
raged, complained, argued
I have sent Patti a list. For payment, we have to forecast the money
two days out.
convey, deliver, dispatch, forward, mail, relay, remit, report given, written, shipped
The factory is highly automated and designed to shift flexibly to
produce many different kinds of chips to suit demand.
computer chip, fragment cells, processors, screens
is highly subjective. Nevertheless, our results show
that the contextually suitable replacements proposed
by our model tend to be preferred. Taking a few ex-
amples of survey responses:
E1 Depending upon how many warrants and options are
exercised prior to completion of the transaction...
Gold use
Ours execute
E2 It hissed thoughtfully.
Gold buzz, hoot, say
Ours whisper, say, mutter
In example E1, 90.9% of respondents preferred
our substitutes over the gold label; likewise, 86.4%
preferred ours over the gold choices in E2. Ulti-
mately, such findings suggest the need for a more in-
depth study of the human perspective in LS, namely
how LS methods reflect our way of thinking, in terms
of synonymous versus contextual substitutions.
In this paper, we introduced CONCAT, a simple and
intuitive approach for English lexical substitution.
The approach generates highly contextually fitting
word substitutes while preserving the semantics of
the surrounding sentence. We test our approach us-
ing established metrics on three standard LS bench-
marks. Deeper analysis of the benchmark structure
revealed certain weak points, which provided terrain
for a critical discussion of current testing approaches
in the LS community. For better insight into our ap-
proach’s usefulness, we conduct a qualitative survey
where we assessed the user preferences. The survey
revealed users preferred CONCATs substitutes more
so than the competing approach and gold substitutes.
Finally, we provided an analysis of how the perfor-
mance of a text classification model changes when in-
put instances have some of their words replaced with
CONCAT substitutes, showing that our approach is
better at preserving the semantics needed for the clas-
sification performance than the competing approach.
We hope CONCAT will prove useful as a component
of generative NLP tasks dealing with text simplifica-
tion, stylistic transfer, or author anonymization.
Despite showing impressive performance, our ap-
proach still falls short in some instances. There are
cases when it generates incomplete words. Addi-
tionally, there are rare cases where filtering based on
WordNet is too strict and removes word that could
have been appropriate substitutes. Furthermore, our
approach is only optimized for English The model
also struggles with uncommon and rare words.
While we wished to provide a comprehensive
comparison of our approach against competing ap-
proaches, we found it difficult to recreate them for
a fair comparison. Even when public code reposito-
ries were provided, certain crucial files were missing
or code dependencies were ill-defined. This includes
the current state-of-the-art approaches ParaLS (Qiang
et al., 2023) and CILex (Seneviratne et al., 2022), and
their predecessor LexSubCon (Michalopoulos et al.,
2022). Therefore, it is difficult to position our ap-
proach in the current research landscape. To account
for this, we provided both a qualitative survey and
NLP task performance experiments, which give more
insight into the performance of CONCAT.
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