imental results show that our method can accurately
reconstruct the per-pixel depths and surface normals
of various mirror surfaces. Our future work includes
extending the system to a polarized light source com-
bining a mirror and LCD and calibrating a catadiop-
tric system that handles polarization.
Limitations. The primary limitation of our method
is that the reconstructible area of the object is lim-
ited by the spatial range of the display’s illumination.
This issue could be mitigated by using multiple LCDs
or incorporating curved displays. Additionally, the
method assumes a metallic surface, which may re-
strict its applicability. This limitation could be ad-
dressed by extending the approach to handle dielectric
materials using Fresnel reflection.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Numbers JP20H00612 and JP22K17914.
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