SGX-Privinfer: A Secure Collaborative System for Quantifying and
Mitigating Attribute Inference Risks in Social Networks
Hervais Simo and Michael Kreutzer
Fraunhofer SIT, Darmstadt, Germany
Keywords: Privacy, Social Networks, Attribute Inference, TEE, SGX.
Abstract: The growing popularity of Online Social Networks (OSNs) over the past decade has led to a significant
portion of the global population sharing diverse personal information online, including relationship status,
political affiliations, and religious views. However, research has shown that adversaries, such as third-party
application providers and law enforcement agencies, can aggregate and correlate seemingly innocuous,
publicly available data across various platforms. This process can uncover sensitive insights about
individuals, often far beyond what users intend or realize they are disclosing. To mitigate this challenge, it
is essential to provide OSN users with enhanced transparency and control over their digital footprints and the
associated risks of attribute inference, as emphasized by regulations like the EU General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR). Innovative solutions in this domain often rely on Privacy Inference Detection
Technologies (PIDTs), which empower users to understand and manage such risks. However, existing PIDTs
raise significant privacy concerns, as they typically require highly sensitive data to be transferred to cloud
services for analysis, exposing it to potential misuse or unauthorized access. To address these limitations,
we introduce SGX-PrivInfer, a novel architecture that enables OSN users to collaboratively and securely
detect and quantify attribute inference risks based on public profile data aggregated from multiple OSN
domains. SGX-PrivInfer leverages Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) to safeguard the confidentiality
of both user data and the underlying attribute inference models, even in the presence of curious adversaries,
such as cloud service providers. In its current design, we utilize Intel SGX as the implementation of TEEs
to achieve these security guarantees. Our performance evaluation, conducted on real-world OSN datasets,
demonstrates that SGX-PrivInfer is both practical and capable of supporting real-time processing. To the best
of our knowledge, SGX-PrivInfer is the first architecture and implementation of a PIDT that offers strong
security guarantees, data protection, and accountability, all backed by Intel SGX’s hardware-enforced
isolation and integrity mechanisms.
Privacy Inference Detection Technologies (PIDT) on
OSNs allow users’ public data to be collected from
different social media platforms and sent to a remote
cloud service, where it is combined into aggregated
ego graphs and inference risks per profile attribute
are calculated. Unfortunately, by relying on a client-
server model, existing PIDT proposals, e.g., (Simo et
al., 2021,Talukder et al., 2010,Guha et al., 2008,Jia
and Gong, 2018) and tools such as Apply Magic
Sauce (, IBM
Watson Personality insights (https://watson-
PersonalityInsightsV3/index.html), require users to
fully trust the remote server while receiving limited
security guarantees. As a result, there are growing
concerns about data protection and privacy. In fact,
the data uploaded by users to the remote server,
which is controlled by a third party or cloud provider,
as well as sensitive inferences drawn from the
aggregated user data, can be stolen or misused. For
instance, an adversary, such as the partially trusted
service provider, could use this data either for
purposes other than those for which it was originally
collected, or more broadly, without any legal basis.
However, none of the previous work on PIDT
addresses the challenge of ensuring the integrity and
confidentiality of sensitive user data sent to and
generated by the remote analysis server, nor the
confidentiality of the attribute inference model.
Our Contribution. This paper proposes SGX-
PrivInfer, a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)-
Simo, H. and Kreutzer, M.
SGX-PrivInfer: A Secure Collaborative System for Quantifying and Mitigating Attribute Inference Risks in Social Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0013390000003899
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2025) - Volume 2, pages 111-122
ISBN: 978-989-758-735-1; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
enhanced PIDT architecture that aims to prevent
unauthorised/curious entities (e.g. entity operating the
remote server) from accessing sensitive user data
while still being able to provide inference risk
assessment as a service. In the current design, we
lever-age Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX)
( to instantiate
the TEE. We perform an empirical performance
evaluation of SGX-PrivInfer on a real-world dataset
of 27.520 ego graphs, demonstrating that the over-
head induced by the proposed privacy extensions and
mechanisms is low enough to enable real-time
quantification of attribute inference.
Outline. The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows: The next section provides the background
and related work, including a review of private
attribute inference attacks and an overview of
transparency-enhancing technologies (TETs) and
PIDTs. Section 3 introduces the design of SGX-
PrivInfer, including the system model, threat model,
design goals, and an architectural overview. Section
4 presents a proof-of-concept implementation along
with its preliminary evaluation. Finally, Section 5
concludes the paper by summarizing our key findings
and outlining future research directions.
Single-Domain Private Attribute Inference
Attacks. OSN users often lack a full understanding
of how their information is being collected and used,
and what the trade-off is between having their data
collected for the purpose of accessing services at
virtually no cost, and the consequences that doing so
could entail, especially in terms of implications for
their privacy (Andreou et al., 2018, Maheshwari,
2019). This lack of both user awareness and support
for transparency can actually cause or aggravate the
privacy problems associated with the implicit self-
disclosure of private information. That is, when
sharing personal information on a social network
platform, most users assume that their data will
never leave the boundaries of that specific social
network and only be accessible to a restricted group
of users, i.e. their ”friends”. However, this
assumption is far from reality. As a matter of fact,
an adversary can easily jeopardize the privacy of the
OSN user by searching the social network site and
gathering seemingly non-sensitive and publicly
available i.a. profile attributes, behavioral data (e.g.,
likes (Kosinski et al., 2013)) and other metadata
such as location check-ins and topological properties
of the victim’s social graph (Jurgens, 2013, Labitzke
et al., 2013). Based on this information, the
adversary can then perform local inference attacks to
predict supposedly private and hidden details of the
profile owner. Instances of such details includes
sensitive identity attributes (gender, age, sex,
ethnicity, occupation, income level, relationship /
marital status, education level, family size, religion
views) (Mislove et al., 2010, Gong and Liu, 2016,
Gong et al., 2014), personality traits
(concienciousness, agreeableness, neuroticism,
openness, and extraversion) (Kosinski et al., 2013,
Volkova and Bachrach, 2015), home location
(Pontes et al., 2012, Li et al., 2012), political
preferences and views (Idan and Feigenbaum, 2019,
Volkova et al., 2014), current emotional state
(Collins et al., 2015), depression and stress level (De
Choudhury et al., 2013), sexual orientation (Wang
and Kosinski, 2018, Zhong et al., 2015) and
household income (Luo et al., 2017,Fixman et al.,
2016). Other work on similar lines, yet with a focus
on ego graph include Zheleva and Getoor (Zheleva
and Getoor, 2009), He et al. (He et al., 2006), Ryu et
al. (Ryu et al., 2013). In addition to texts posted on
social media, typical sources of information for local
attribute inference attacks also include user-
generated images. Among approaches considering
information from these various sources, a growing
line of research on privacy inference from user-
generated photographs and videos posted on OSNs is
especially worth mentioning. Here, machine learning
techniques from the field of computer vision are
leveraged to deduce identity attributes (gender
(Rangel et al., 2018, Ciot et al., 2013), race, and age
(Chamberlain et al., 2017, Fang et al., 2015)) and
personality traits from non-tagged images (Ferwerda
and Tkalcic, 2018, Oh et al., 2016), sexual
orientation from facial images (Wang and Kosinski,
2018), and detect hidden information like faces (Sun
et al., 2018, Joo et al., 2015, Joon Oh et al., 2015),
occupation (Chu and Chiu, 2014, Shao et al., 2013),
social relationships (Sun et al., 2017, Wang et al.,
2010), and hand-written digits (LeCun et al., 1989),
sometimes even from images protected by various
forms of obfuscation (Oh et al., 2017, McPherson et
al., 2016).
Cross-Domain Private Attribute Inference
Attacks. As highlighted by various researchers,
e.g., (Xiang et al., 2017, Qu et al., 2022), a more
powerful adversary, such as a malicious data
aggregator, can collect, aggregate, and correlate
disparate pieces of information about a targeted user
and her contacts, across multiple, previously isolated
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
domains. By combining data from various OSNs and
other platforms, the adversary can construct a highly
detailed profile of the victim and/or link profiles
across services. This practice significantly amplifies
security and privacy risks (Irani et al., 2009), as it
enables sophisticated profiling and identification
techniques that go beyond what any single platform
might reveal.
Transparency-Enhancing Technologies (TETs)
and Privacy Inference Detection Technologies
(PIDTs) for OSN. The General Data Protection
Regulation of the European Union emphasizes
transparency as a fundamental enabler of
informational self-determination, as articulated in
Articles 12 and 13. TETs (Janic et al., 2013,
Murmann and Fischer- Hübner, 2017) play a crucial
role in helping users understand and visualize how
their data is collected, processed, and used. This is
particularly significant in the context of challenges
such as user profiling and private inference threats,
where the lack of transparency can exacerbate
privacy risks. Murmann et al. (Murmann and
Fischer-Hübner, 2017) provide a comprehensive
survey of ex-post TETs, including Privacy Inference
Detection Technologies (PIDTs). Similar to TETs,
PIDTs are designed to provide users with deeper
insights into the data collected about them, while
also helping them understand the potential privacy
risks associated with that data. Over time, numerous
PIDTs and related tools have been developed to
address privacy risks in OSN, e.g., (Simo et al.,
2021, Talukder et al., 2010, Jia and Gong, 2018,
Aghasian et al., 2017, Cai et al., 2016). (Talukder
et al., 2010) introduced Privometer, a tool for
measuring the extent of information leakage from an
OSN user profile. It leverages Chakrabarti et al.’s
network-only Bayes Classifier inference model
(Chakrabarti et al., 1998), assuming an adversarial
model with access to the target user’s ego graph.
Privometer provides a variety of visual tools to
empower users, including ego graph visualization,
analysis of friends’ contributions to privacy leakage,
and suggestions for self-sanitization. In (Cai et al.,
2016), Cai et al. propose data sanitization strategies
(attribute-removal and link-removal) for preventing
sensitive information inference attacks. Jia et al. (Jia
and Gong, 2018) proposed AttriGuard, which
leverages a two-phase noise-adding process to
defend against attribute inference attacks. They
show the feasibility of leveraging adversarial
examples (specifically, evasion attacks) (Goodfellow
et al., 2014) to the unique challenges of defending
against private attribute inference attacks. Many
other models have been proposed for scoring the
privacy of a user by rating the risk of leakage of user
profile attributes, e.g., (De and Imine, 2017, Zhang et
al., 2017, Aghasian et al., 2017). In (Aghasian et al.,
2017), Aghasian et al. proposed algorithm for
calculating the privacy score across multiple social
networks and across different types of content. In
(Simo et al., 2021), Simo et al. introduced on
PrivInferVis, a tool to help users assess and visualize
individual risks of attribute inference across multiple
online social networks. While these existing TETs
and PIDTs provide valuable foundations, they fail to
address critical challenges, such as ensuring the
confidentiality of self-disclosed and inferred user
data and the trustworthiness of the underlying
inference model. In this paper, we build upon and
extend this body of work by introducing SGX-
PrivInfer, which leverages Trusted Execution
Environments (TEEs) (Li et al., 2024) to enforce
strict hardware-based isolation for critical data such
as user inputs, inferred attributes, and the inference
model itself.
3 SGX-PrivInfer DESIGN
This section presents the current design of the SGX-
PrivInfer framework, detailing the underlying system
model, threat model and associated assumptions, as
well as an overview of the system’s design objectives.
3.1 System Model
The proposed framework operates in a setting
involving multiple end users and two remote
entities. Specifically, there is a set of n Users who
wish to collaboratively pool their data to conduct
secure and privacy-preserving inference analyses on
shared OSN data. These users interact with their
respective Social Networks from where data is
collected. The setting at hand also include a Model
Supplier (MS) responsible for providing the software
and inference models required for analysis, and a
Service Provider (SP) that manages the analytic
server hosted on untrusted third-party infrastructure.
In this paper, we build on previous work from (Simo
et al., 2021) by adding a TEE to the analytic server.
This addition ensures secure and privacy-preserving
attribute inference quantification on shared data. As
a result, the analytic server consists of two
components: a trusted component and an untrusted
component. The trusted component or TEE securely
hosts the attribute inference model and performs the
inference analysis. The untrusted component
SGX-PrivInfer: A Secure Collaborative System for Quantifying and Mitigating Attribute Inference Risks in Social Networks
encompasses all other server resources that lie
outside the TEE and do not have access to sensitive
computations or data. In the current design, we utilize
Intel SGX to instantiate the TEE, providing strong
hardware-backed isolation and security guarantees.
3.2 Threat Model & Assumptions
In this study, two realistic adversaries are considered:
1) honest-but-curious adversaries, which may include
SGX-PrivInfer clients, other users, or the model
provider; and 2) malicious adversaries, which may
include external hackers. While honest-but-curious
adversaries permit the attribute inference process to
proceed as intended, their primary objective is to
compromise the privacy of users or participants,
for instance, by identifying or tracking them.
Malicious adversaries have complete control of the
server used for inference analysis, including root
privileges. In addition to seeking to derive sensitive
details about the attribute inference model, such as
the model weights, and training parameters, they
may also seek to gain further insights into the
model’s inner workings. Such details can then be
exploited by the adversary to undermine the
trustworthiness of the attribute inference model.
Furthermore, the MS may not behave faith-fully, for
example by deploying a corrupted inference model,
which would result in skewed inference results. In
light of the above, our primary concern is the
preservation of the privacy of all involved users, and
the integrity of the inference model.
We assume that OSN users will
provide correct and valid inputs to the server, as both
parties share a mutual interest in producing accurate
inference results. Similarly, we assume that the server
will exchange only valid data with its TEE, ensuring
proper and secure data flow in both directions.
However, SGX-PrivInfer does not defend against the
injection of false information by relevant
stakeholders (e.g., users, the curious Service
Provider, or the Model Supplier), nor does it offer
protection against Denial-of-Service attacks caused
by the server or TEE forwarding malicious or
excessive data. Furthermore, we consider availability
to be an orthogonal issue that lies beyond the scope
of our current investigation. SGX-PrivInfer does not
attempt to prevent the SP from halting the
processing of client requests. However, our
solution can be extended in future work to include
concepts such as server/service replication
(Kapritsos et al., 2012), which would address
availability concerns. Additionally, we assume that
the SGX-PrivInfer server is equipped with a
sufficiently large TEE to handle the sensitive
inference operations. This requirement can be
fulfilled by leveraging one of the many TEE-enabled
trusted containers specifically designed for such
purposes (Paju et al., 2023). Furthermore, we
assume that malicious adversaries do not have
physical access to the TEE’s internal environment.
This prevents invasive attacks, such as key extraction
or tampering with the code running within the secure
processor, as outlined in prior work (Nilsson et al.,
2020, Fei et al., 2021). Protecting against physical
attacks, side-channel attacks, or potential
exploitation of vulnerabilities in TEEs and their
associated SDKs lies beyond the scope of this work.
Instead, we rely on TEE developers to implement
state-of-the-art protections against such threats, as
outlined in (Nilsson et al., 2020, Fei et al., 2021).
Consequently, we assume that the TEE provides
robust integrity and confidentiality guarantees for its
internal state, code, and data.
3.3 Design Goals & Requirements
The core concept of SGX-PrivInfer is to allow OSN
users to securely upload their data to an untrusted
remote server, where ego graphs are reconstructed
and subsequently fed into an attribute inference
model hosted within a TEE. Based on the system
and threat models described earlier, SGX-PrivInfer
is designed to satisfy the following three sets of
requirements: 1) Functional Requirements: Ensuring
the correct and seamless execution of attribute
inference tasks, including data handling, graph
reconstruction, and model processing, while
maintaining usability for OSN users; 2) Privacy and
Security Requirements: It is imperative that no
entity is able to determine, extract or corrupt the
input data transferred to the remote server, the
output of the attribute inference model or other
sensitive details about the inference model itself; and
3) Performance Overhead and Extensibility
Requirements: Minimizing computational and
communication overhead to enable practical real-time
processing, while ensuring that the framework is
scalable and extensible to accommodate future
enhancements or alternative TEE implementations.
3.4 Architecture Overview
To achieve the aforementioned goals, we designed
SGX-PrivInfer as a client-server framework, with
a central analytics server operating on Intel SGX-
enabled, untrusted third-party infrastructure. The
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
architecture is modular and scalable, allowing
adaptability to various use cases and environments.
At its core, our framework combines TEEs and
advanced analytics to facilitate secure and privacy-
preserving attribute inference analysis.
Figure 1: Architectural Overview of SGX-PrivInfer.
3.4.1 SGX-PrivInfer Client Application
The SGX-PrivInfer Client Application serves as the
primary interface for user interaction, functioning as
a dedicated client application or user agent. Each user
agent comprises two main subcomponents: a Data
Collector and a set of Data Visualization elements.
Together, these components offer a comprehensive
suite of features, including user registration, account
and group management, and intuitive visualization of
both user data and inference analysis results.
Data Collector. This component allows users to
efficiently retrieve their profile data from various
OSNs. It supports two primary options for data
collection: (1) data retrieval via the OSN’s official
API using an access token and the required user
permissions, and (2) a web scraper that directly
extracts information from the user’s profile page(s).
Additionally, the first option includes the ability
to utilize ’Download Your Data’ tools offered by
most OSNs, such as Facebook’s data download
functionality (https://www.facebook.
com/help/212802592074644) and LinkedIn’s
equivalent tool (https://www.linkedin.
your-account-data?lang=en). This dual approach
ensures flexibility and robustness, accommodating
diverse data collection scenarios and user
preferences. Building on (Simo et al., 2021), SGX-
PrivInfer features a graphical user interface (GUI)
enriched with advanced visualization elements to
provide OSN users with greater transparency and
control over their exposure to attribute inference
attacks on social media. Specifically, SGX-
PrivInfer’s Visualization Elements allow users to
explore their privacy-related online data,
comprehend the inferences derived from it, and take
appropriate actions to mitigate associated privacy
risks. The client application offers a variety of
visualization features to present results from the data
analysis module. These features include an overall
privacy score that presents and rates the user’s
privacy level, a location map for visualizing
location-based attributes of group members, an ego
graph visualization that highlights connections and
relationships, and a detailed overview of derived
attributes along with the associated level of
certainty for each inference. Additionally, the GUI
serves as an interactive gateway for users to engage
with other components of the SGX-PrivInfer
framework. It provides access to essential
functionalities such as user authentication and
account management, remote server attestation, and
inference control. These features ensure seamless
operation, user-friendly interaction, and enhanced
transparency throughout the system.
Privacy Inference Indicator. SGX-PrivInfer offers
users a comprehensive view of inference results
derived from public information aggregated from
their social graph. The Inference Indicator uses an
intuitive gauge-based visualization, with scores
ranging from 0 to 100. A score of 0 indicates no
attributes have been inferred, while a score of 100
reflects complete privacy exposure. To aid user
understanding, the gauge is color-coded: green
indicates low exposure, while red signifies high
exposure. For deeper insights, the Inference
Indicator also displays detailed information about
the user’s input data, including attributes from each
ego graph and the top inference results. These
inference scores are securely computed within the
TEE on the server side and leveraging WAPITI (Simo
and Kreutzer, 2024).
3.4.2 Analytics Server
The SGX-PrivInfer analytics server consists of two
main components: a trusted enclave and an
unprotected server application. The trusted enclave
hosts critical components that ensure security and
confidentiality, including the User Authenticator
Component for validating client credentials, the
Remote Attestation Component for verifying the
integrity of the enclave, the Sealing-Unsealing
Component for secure data storage and retrieval,
and the Inference Analysis Engine for performing
attribute inference computations. Outside the
enclave, the unprotected server application manages
components such as Encrypted Storage for the
SGX-PrivInfer: A Secure Collaborative System for Quantifying and Mitigating Attribute Inference Risks in Social Networks
inference model, provided and encrypted by the
Model Supplier, and databases for storing user
records, group membership information, and other
non-sensitive housekeeping data. Persistent
storage, such as hard disks, is also part of the
untrusted region and is primarily used for storing
non-sensitive information. Interactions between the
trusted and untrusted regions occur through OCALLs
and ECALLs, ensuring controlled and secure
transitions between the two components. Client-
server interactions in SGX-PrivInfer are conducted
over a network using the HTTP(s) protocol, with
the framework relying on TEE-supported TLS
(Knauth et al., 2018) to ensure all communications
are authenticated and encrypted, thereby
maintaining confidentiality and integrity.
Additionally, the SGX-PrivInfer server facilitates the
modeling and aggregation of ego graphs (Simo et al.,
2021), performs attribute inference analysis on the
aggregated graphs, and generates visual
representations of the analysis results. These visual
outputs are securely transmitted to the SGX-
PrivInfer Client Application, enabling users to
effectively interact with and interpret the inference
results. Inference Analysis Engine. SGX-PrivInfer
provides attribute inference assessment as a service,
using a probabilistic model to evaluate an
adversary’s ability to infer sensitive profile attributes
from observations of aggregated ego graphs. At its
core, it leverages WAPITI (Simo and Kreutzer,
2024), a model specifically designed to quantify the
risk of attribute inference in aggregated OSN ego
The SGX-PrivInfer Web Server. The SGX-
PrivInfer server hosts a web server instance that
provides multiple REST endpoints to serve client
requests. These endpoints support a range of
functionalities, including user and group registration,
authentication and management, data analysis,
secure communication, and data transfer.
Visualization Engine (VE). The VE is a versatile
component built on top of free and open-source data
visualization libraries. It allows SGX-PrivInfer to
create rich and meaningful visual representations of
processed data and deliver them to the client for
display within SGX-PrivInfer’s GUI. As previously
described, the GUI serves as a modular and user-
friendly front-end interface, offering extensive
options for menus, settings, and visualization. It
provides users with detailed insights into their digital
footprint across various OSNs, their aggregated ego
graph, and the sensitive attributes that can be inferred
from it, thereby enhancing transparency and
empowering user control.
3.5 SGX-PrivInfer’s Workflow
We now describe the operational workflow of SGX-
PrivInfer, which consists of a four-phase interaction
flow: 1) Groundwork Phase , 2) Bootstrapping Phase,
3) User Onboarding Phase and 4) Secure Inference
Analysis Phase. The workflow is as follows:
Phase 1. Groundwork. The operational workflow
begins with the Model Supplier (MS) specifying and
provisioning essential, non-privacy-sensitive yet
critical software or code to be executed inside the
enclave. This software may include, for example, a
parameterized Python environment required for
running the inference model. To ensure the
authenticity and integrity of the provided code, it is
digitally signed using the Model Supplier’s private
key. This allows both the users and the enclave to
verify the origin and integrity of the code before
execution. However, users may require additional
assurances regarding the trust-worthiness of such
critical code, particularly concerning potential risks
like data leakage or the presence of backdoors.
While these guarantees could be obtained through
approaches such as crowdsourced security vetting
processes, addressing such processes lies beyond the
scope of this paper.
Phase 2. Bootstrapping. As part of the Boot-
strapping Phase, the enclave is created, loaded, and
initialized using the SGX-enabled server CPU and
the code provisioned earlier by the Model Supplier
(MS). Specifically, the enclave is instantiated from the
supplier’s enclave code, which is copied into
memory. During this process, a cryptographic hash
of the initial memory content is generated and
securely stored. Leveraging the hardware security
features of the SGX-enabled CPU and the platform
certificate issued by the device vendor, the creation
process ensures both the confidentiality and integrity
of the enclave code and its memory content. Once
the enclave creation is complete, it is initialized,
resulting in the generation of an asymmetric key pair
for the enclave. The secret key is used, among other
functions, to sign a proof of attestation. This proof
serves as verifiable evidence to assure users and the
Model Supplier that the correct, untampered enclave
code is running on the SGX-PrivInfer server. The
proof of attestation includes the cryptographic hash
of the enclave’s initial memory content and the
enclave’s public key. If needed, this proof is
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
securely transmitted to users and the Model Supplier
through TLS-like secure channels, each originating
directly from within the enclave. This process
ensures that all entities involved can trust the
integrity of the enclave and its operations. The final
step of the Bootstrapping Phase involves the Model
Supplier (MS) delivering its attribute inference
model (Simo and Kreutzer, 2024), along with
functions for ego graph generation and ego graph
aggregation, to the SGX-PrivInfer server. Since this
input is sensitive and constitutes the MS’s
intellectual property, it must be encrypted to prevent
unauthorized access or misuse, particularly by the
untrusted Service Provider (SP). In the current
design, the sensitive input from the MS is encrypted
using a symmetric encryption key, which is securely
derived from the enclave’s public key and a nonce.
The encrypted data is then transmitted directly to the
server through a secure communication channel. To
address the constraints imposed by the limited
enclave memory size, our solution allows the enclave
to offload and store the Model Supplier’s (MS)
encrypted data in the untrusted part of the SGX-
PrivInfer server. This design ensures that while the
encrypted data resides in untrusted storage, it
remains fully protected, as only the enclave can
decrypt and access it when necessary. When needed,
such as during inference analysis, the encrypted
model can be securely retrieved from the untrusted
storage and decrypted inside the enclave using the
previously mentioned symmetric encryption key. To
securely establish this key, the Model Supplier
encrypts the symmetric encryption key with the
enclave’s public key and transmits it to the enclave.
Upon receipt, the enclave decrypts the message,
ensuring that both the MS and the enclave share the
same symmetric key. Because the symmetric key is
derived using a unique nonce n, the Model Supplier
retains full control over who can access and use its
inference model. This mechanism guarantees that
only authorized enclaves that meet the attestation
requirements can utilize the model, thereby
protecting the MS’s intellectual property and
ensuring secure, controlled access to the inference
Phase 3. User Onboarding. In this phase, each
user registers with the platform using a dedicated
client application, the SGX-PrivInfer Client
Application, which enables the collection of ego
graphs from the OSN platforms where the user is
registered. The collected data is securely uploaded
to the analytics server, though at this stage it is not
yet loaded inside the enclave. A key component of
the registration and sign-in process is Server
Attestation and Key Provisioning, which relies on the
remote attestation feature of Intel SGX (Barbosa et
al., 2016). During this step, the client application
verifies the trustworthiness of the analytics server’s
enclave by checking that it is authentic and has not
been tampered with. Upon successful attestation, the
client and the enclave establish a secure
communication channel, and the client securely
provisions a symmetric key directly to the enclave.
This symmetric key is persistently stored within the
enclave for exclusive use in secure operations. The
symmetric key serves multiple purposes. For
example, the client application encrypts all input
data, such as the user’s ego graphs, before
forwarding it to the server. The data remains
encrypted and can only be decrypted inside the
enclave. Additionally, the symmetric key is used to
encrypt sensitive data that needs to be securely
transmitted and made accessible only to the
respective user. After successfully joining the SGX-
PrivInfer platform, users can use the client
application to create groups and invite their contacts
on OSNs to participate. Contacts who accept the
invitation are redirected to a website where they can
download the client application. They then use the
app to collect their individual public graph data from
various social networks and upload it to the SGX-
PrivInfer server for further secure analysis. This
collaborative workflow ensures a seamless
aggregation of ego graph data from multiple users
while maintaining strong privacy and security
Phase 4.
Secure Inference Analysis.
registered user who wishes to analyze her data and
assess her exposure to attribute inference risk can
query the SGX-PrivInfer server by submitting the
encrypted values of hidden attributes as key
parameters. These inputs are encrypted using the
user’s previously established symmetric key,
ensuring that only the enclave can access and
process this sensitive information. Inside the
enclave, our solution reconstructs the querier’s
aggregated ego-graph by combining all group
members’ public data. This aggregated ego-graph is
then combined with the querier’s private data to
compute the probabilities of correctly inferring the
values of each specified hidden attribute. To construct
the aggregated ego-graph, the enclave securely loads
the Model Supplier’s models and functions from the
untrusted part of the server, decrypts them, and
forwards the data to the Inference Engine. It is
important to note that aggregated ego-graphs can be
SGX-PrivInfer: A Secure Collaborative System for Quantifying and Mitigating Attribute Inference Risks in Social Networks
generated either prior to an inference analysis
request or on-demand, depending on the system’s
configuration and user needs. To further protect
against access pattern leakage, we incorporate
techniques to randomize any observable information
during the process of loading models and ego-graphs
into the enclave, as outlined in (Chandra et al.,
2017). This mechanism mitigates the risk of an
attacker inferring sensitive details based on access
patterns. Once the analysis is complete, the results—
including the set of inferred attributes, attribute-
specific inference scores, and other voluntarily
shared attributes—are encrypted with the user’s
symmetric key and securely sent back to the SGX-
PrivInfer Client Application. To ensure seamless
and secure communication, the SGX-PrivInfer client
interacts with the analytics server and the respective
OSN platforms through REST endpoints exposed
over a secure communication channel, achieved using
Transport Layer Security (TLS). This guarantees
data confidentiality and integrity throughout the
interaction workflow.
To demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed
approach, we present a Proof-of-Concept (PoC)
implementation of SGX-PrivInfer along with its
preliminary evaluation.
4.1 Implementation Details
The current prototype of SGX-PrivInfer is
implemented natively using Intel SGX SDK 2.0,
primarily in C++, with some C and JavaScript
components. Our prototype leverages WAPITI
(Simo and Kreutzer, 2024), a weighted Bayesian
model tailored for attribute inference in social ego
networks, and extends PrivInferVis (Simo et al.,
2021) a framework to provide OSN users with
enhanced-transparency over attribute inference. We
implemented our proposed framework with three
key components. An application server as a
Node.js-server, that stores and processes user
account and content data across distinct databases. It
serves as backend, handling the communication
between users and the secure enclave. An Angular.js-
based client used to access, manage, and display
data and analysis results. This component integrates
a Chrome browser extension to retrieve profile
information directly from the user’s OSN accounts.
In addition to incorporating visualization elements
from (Simo et al., 2021), the SGX-PrivInfer client
application provides essential functionalities,
including remote attestation and system
initialization. These features are crucial for
establishing the necessary keys during the
Bootstrapping, User Onboarding, and Secure
Analysis phases. Our implementation of the SGX-
PrivInfer server, built following Intel SGX
developer guidelines, is partitioned into two main
components: a trusted enclave and an unprotected
server application, enabling secure and efficient
operations. Transitions between the trusted and
untrusted components are handled through OCALLs
and ECALLs. While the server executes as a single
binary, the enclave shares the same virtual address
space as the unprotected application but maintains
strict isolation of its stack and heap. The enclave is
designed as a single trusted entity, avoiding inter-
enclave communication and thereby reducing the
risk of secret leakage. The server consists of three
layers: i) unprotected code for sensitive operations
managed by SGX’s untrusted runtime system
(uRTS), ii) trusted code protected by SGX
guarantees and managed by the trusted runtime
system (tRTS), and iii) EDL files to define transition
functions between the two regions. To ensure secure
and efficient operations, additional configuration files
such as the enclave configuration and the signing key
are included, alongside makefiles for building the
enclave binary. Key components on the server-side
such as the User Authenticator, the Access
Controller, the Sealing-Unsealing Component, and
the Inference Engine extensively uses the SHA512
algorithm as hash function and the AES-GCM
algorithm with a 256-bit key as the symmetric key
encryption scheme.
4.2 Evaluation
Now, we report on SGX-PrivInfer’s initial
performance results.
Testbed Setup & Evaluation Methodology. We
evaluated SGX-PrivInfer on a desktop machine
equipped with an Intel i5 processor (2.50GHz core),
32 GB of memory and running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
64-bit along with OpenEnclave (https://github.
com/openenclave/openenclave/), an open-source
SDK for building enclave-based applications on Intel
SGX. To comprehensively evaluate the performance
of SGX-PrivInfer, we compared it against
PrivInferVis (Simo et al., 2021), which serves as a
baseline framework. Unlike SGX-PrivInfer,
PrivInferVis does not incorporate enhanced data
protection mechanisms on the server side, nor does it
ICISSP 2025 - 11th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
utilize TEEs. In PrivInferVis, ego graph aggregation
and attribute inference are performed without the
confidentiality and integrity guarantees provided by
Intel SGX. Our evaluation primarily focused on
quantifying the additional latency introduced by the
TEE and associated security mechanisms in SGX-
PrivInfer. Specifically, we aimed to measure the
runtime overhead incurred by performing
computations inside the SGX enclave, compared to
PrivInferVis. To this end, we recorded and
compared the execution time for private attribute
inference on the same dataset in both systems. This
approach allows us to precisely determine the
performance cost of integrating Intel SGX enclaves.
For our experiments, we evaluated attribute inference
on gender, leveraging the Weighted Bayesian
attribute inference model from (Simo and Kreutzer,
2024, Simo et al., 2021). To ensure a differentiated
analysis, we measured execution times in two modes:
Mode A and Mode B. In Mode A, users’ data is
encrypted, allowing us to assess the potential cost of
handling additional encrypted data on the server
side. In Mode B, users’ data is provided in plain
text, allowing us to evaluate potential performance
overhead in a setting without an additional secure
channel between the client and the server (or the
enclave). In both modes, execution time was
measured from the moment the server received the
inference request to the completion of the analysis
operation. This setup allowed us to capture the
performance impact of Intel SGX-based operations
and associated security mechanisms in SGX-
Evaluation on Real Datasets. Our experiments
were conducted using the Kaggle Social Circles
dataset (Kaggle, n.d.), a widely utilized benchmark
in the literature for social network analysis. The
dataset comprises 27,520 ego graphs along with
various profile attributes (features) derived from real
Facebook users. Each user (ego) in the dataset is
associated with a subset of up to 57 attributes,
including location, birthday, gender, and other
relevant personal details.
Initial Performance Results. For our experiments,
we partitioned the dataset into four clusters of
selected ego graphs based on their sizes: C1 (31-45),
C2 (138-151), C3 (215-238), and C4 (341-357). For
example, C1 (31-45) refers to a subset of the dataset
containing ego graphs, each with a size ranging from
31 to 45 nodes. All experimental results presented
below are averaged over 10 runs to ensure statistical
reliability. The results, summarized in Figure 2,
demonstrate that SGX-PrivInfer incurs a moderate
runtime overhead when compared to PrivInferVis.
Specifically, SGX-PrivInfer is, on average,
approximately only 1.5 times slower than
PrivInferVis in both evaluation modes. Indeed, while
SGX-PrivInfer offers enhanced security, it
consistently incurs moderate overhead in both
modes, with the overhead being slightly higher in
Mode A compared to Mode B. Such an overhead, as
the cost of securing the attribute inference analysis
process with Intel SGX enclaves and associated
security mechanisms, is arguably justifiable.
Figure 2: Runtime comparison (time in seconds).
We presented SGX-PrivInfer, a novel framework for
collaborative and privacy-preserving attribute
inference risk analysis in online social networks. By
leveraging Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs),
specifically Intel SGX, SGX-PrivInfer ensures the
confidentiality of both user data and attribute
inference models, effectively mitigating the risks
posed by adversarial or curious actors in cloud
environments. SGX-PrivInfer combines hardware-
assisted security features with the isolation
guarantees of Trusted Execution Environments
(TEEs). Its scalable architecture supports real-time
analytics while ensuring robust privacy and security
protections. Indeed, our framework offers a range of
features that collectively enable collaborative and
privacy-preserving attribute inference risk analysis,
regardless of the entity controlling the server on
which the analysis is performed. Key features of
SGX-PrivInfer include user and group management,
effective ego graph aggregation and weighted
Bayesian attribute inference as introduced in (Simo
et al., 2021), and server attestation based on Intel
SGX’s remote attestation feature. Our preliminary
evaluation demonstrates the feasibility of SGX-
PrivInfer and its practical performance on real
datasets, showing minimal overhead compared to
privacy inference detection technologies without
TEEs. While this evaluation validates the core
functionality and architectural design of SGX-
SGX-PrivInfer: A Secure Collaborative System for Quantifying and Mitigating Attribute Inference Risks in Social Networks
PrivInfer, it also highlights several areas for future
In future work, we plan to enhance the design
of SGX-PrivInfer by exploring alternative hardware-
based security technologies and isolation mechanisms
beyond SGX. This includes evaluating other TEEs,
such as secure Linux containers (e.g., Scone (Arnau-
tov et al., 2016) and LKL-SGX (Priebe et al., 2019)),
to assess their suitability and performance for privacy-
preserving attribute inference tasks. Additionally, we
aim to expand our evaluation of SGX-PrivInfer to
account for potential end-to-end network overheads
in distributed setups, as these could impact real-
world deployments. Future efforts will also focus on
designing and conducting a user study to investigate
user intentions, perceived usefulness, and attitudes
toward SGX-PrivInfer.
This work has been funded by the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research and the Hessian
Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and
the Arts within their joint support of the National
Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity
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