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Table 2: Optimal hyperparameters for D-Wave.
9 14 24
chain strength factor 0.3 0.4 0.9
annealing time [µs] 10 20 20
To ensure fair benchmark comparison, we aim to de-
vote equal effort to hyperparameter optimization of
the individual solvers (Bucher et al., 2024a). Leap
cannot be fine-tuned, and Gurobi, as a commercial
solver, is also considered with default parameters.
Preliminary experiments showed little to no response
of TS to changing hyperparameters; hence, we do not
consider it in the following section. Instead, we only
consider SA and D-Wave in the following, whose re-
sults are summarized in Table 2.
Simulated Annealing
The most critical hyperparameter of SA is the num-
ber of Monte Carlo sweeps (num sweeps) computed
for a single sample. A larger number of sweeps re-
sults in better solutions, but the runtime for a single
sample of the algorithm is directly proportional to the
number of sweeps in the algorithm. Therefore, we
expect a TTS sweet spot when tuning num sweeps,
similar to Refs. (Rønnow et al., 2014; Steiger et al.,
2015). Indeed, Fig. 6 shows that the smaller instances
exhibit an optimal TTS of around 100 sweeps, while
case24 is optimal with around 1000 sweeps. For the
larger test cases, it was not really possible to estimate
the TTS correctly, as the samples were consistently
above the 5% error threshold. Hence, we heuristically
set increasing num sweeps for these instances: 5000
sweeps for case33 and case39 and 10000 for case57.
The second set of parameters investigated is the
Grid Cost Allocation in Peer-to-Peer Electricity Markets: Benchmarking Classical and Quantum Optimization Approaches