Divergent Emotional Patterns in Disinformation on Social Media?
An Analysis of Tweets and TikToks About the DANA in Valencia
an Arcos
, Paolo Rosso
and Ram
on Salaverr
PRHLT Research Center, Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
encia, Valencia, Spain
ValgrAI Valencian Graduate School and Research Network of Artificial Intelligence, Spain
School of Communication, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
Disinformation, DANA, Extreme Weather Events, Social Media, Journalism, Computational Linguistics,
Emotional Patterns.
This study investigates the dissemination of disinformation on social media platforms during the DANA event
(DANA is a Spanish acronym for Depresi
on Aislada en Niveles Altos, translating to high-altitude isolated
depression) that resulted in extremely heavy rainfall and devastating floods in Valencia, Spain, on October 29,
2024. We created a novel dataset of 650 TikTok and X posts, which was manually annotated to differentiate
between disinformation and trustworthy content. Additionally, a Few-Shot annotation approach with GPT-4o
achieved substantial agreement (Cohen’s kappa of 0.684) with manual labels. Emotion analysis revealed that
disinformation on X is mainly associated with increased sadness and fear, while on TikTok, it correlates with
higher levels of anger and disgust. Linguistic analysis using the LIWC dictionary showed that trustworthy
content utilizes more articulate and factual language, whereas disinformation employs negations, perceptual
words, and personal anecdotes to appear credible. Audio analysis of TikTok posts highlighted distinct patterns:
trustworthy audios featured brighter tones and robotic or monotone narration, promoting clarity and credibility,
while disinformation audios leveraged tonal variation, emotional depth, and manipulative musical elements
to amplify engagement. In detection models, SVM+TF-IDF achieved the highest F1-Score, excelling with
limited data. Incorporating audio features into roberta-large-bne improved both Accuracy and F1-Score,
surpassing its text-only counterpart and SVM in Accuracy. GPT-4o Few-Shot also performed well, showcasing
the potential of large language models for automated disinformation detection. These findings demonstrate the
importance of leveraging both textual and audio features for improved disinformation detection on multimodal
platforms like TikTok.
In the digital era, social media platforms such as X
(formerly Twitter) and TikTok revolutionized com-
munication and information dissemination. These
platforms facilitate instant sharing and broad interac-
tions, enabling users to engage with content in real-
time and reach vast audiences with unprecedented
speed. While this democratization of information ac-
cess offers numerous benefits, it also presents signifi-
cant challenges, particularly concerning the spread of
false or misleading information.
Disinformation, defined by European Commis-
sion (2019) as “verifiably false or misleading infor-
mation created, presented, and disseminated for fi-
nancial gain or intentional deception of the public”,
https://firstdraftnews.org/latest/coe infodisorder/
Figure 1: Relationship among Disinformation, Misinforma-
tion, and Malinformation (Wardle and Derakhshan, 2017).
has become a pervasive issue on social media. Un-
like misinformation, which involves the unintentional
Arcos, I., Rosso, P. and Salaverría, R.
Divergent Emotional Patterns in Disinformation on Social Media? An Analysis of Tweets and TikToks About the DANA in Valencia.
DOI: 10.5220/0013392800003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 1, pages 925-936
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
sharing of incorrect information without malicious
intent, disinformation is strategically crafted to ma-
nipulate public perception, influence opinions, and
achieve specific agendas. Additionally, malinforma-
tion refers to the dissemination of genuine informa-
tion with the intent to harm or manipulate, further
complicating the information ecosystem. These three
categories are illustrated in Figure 1.
The design of social media platforms is charac-
terized by algorithms that prioritize engagement, the
formation of echo chambers that reinforce existing
beliefs, and the ease of content sharing. These fea-
tures facilitate the rapid and widespread propagation
of disinformation. This environment allows malicious
actors, including those whose aim is to spread disin-
formation to increase their number of followers, as
well as automated accounts and coordinated misinfor-
mation campaigns, to effectively amplify false narra-
tives. Furthermore, the viral nature of social media
content means that disinformation can quickly reach
and influence large segments of the population, often
outpacing fact-checking and regulatory efforts aimed
at curbing its spread.
Understanding the mechanisms behind the dis-
semination of disinformation is crucial for develop-
ing effective countermeasures. Emotional and lin-
guistic patterns play a significant role in how disinfor-
mation resonates with audiences and spreads across
platforms. Analyzing these patterns can provide in-
sights into the narrative employed by those who create
and distribute false information, as well as the emo-
tional triggers that make such content more likely to
be shared and believed (McLoughlin et al., 2024).
This study focuses on the spread of disinformation
during the DANA event in Valencia, Spain, on Octo-
ber 29, 2024, which caused severe flooding, resulting
in 224 deaths and three missing persons. By examin-
ing emotional and linguistic patterns in 650 annotated
posts from TikTok and X, we aim to elucidate the
strategies used in disseminating false narratives and
their impact on public sentiment. The research em-
ploys both traditional machine learning models and
advanced language models, such as transformers and
Large Language Models (LLMs), to detect disinfor-
mation, highlighting the strengths and limitations of
each approach.
The remainder of this article is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 reviews related literature on disinfor-
mation detection in social media. Section 3 details
the data collection and annotation processes. Sec-
tion 4 presents the emotion analysis conducted on
the dataset. Section 5 explores the linguistic patterns
using the LIWC dictionary. Section 6 discusses the
analysis of audio variables in TikTok posts. Section
7 describes the models used for disinformation detec-
tion and their performance. Finally, Section 8 con-
cludes the study and outlines directions for future re-
The spread of misinformation and disinformation on
social media has garnered significant research atten-
tion due to its profound impact on public opinion,
democratic processes, and public health (Wang et al.,
2022). The viral nature of social media platforms fa-
cilitates the swift dissemination of both true and false
news (Vosoughi et al., 2018).
A seminal study by Vosoughi et al. (2018) ana-
lyzed the diffusion patterns of true and false news
on X from 2006 to 2017, revealing that false news
spreads significantly farther, faster, deeper, and more
broadly than true news, particularly in political con-
texts. This enhanced virality is attributed to the nov-
elty and emotional content of false stories, which
evoke fear, disgust, and surprise, thereby increasing
user engagement. Recent research has found that out-
rage is a key emotion that facilitates the spread of
misinformation particularly on X (McLoughlin et al.,
2024). Complementing these findings, Allcott and
Gentzkow (2017) examined the role of fake news in
the 2016 US presidential election, highlighting its
substantial reach and influence, especially for stories
favoring specific political candidates. The study un-
derscored that users are more inclined to believe fake
news that aligns with their preexisting beliefs, particu-
larly within ideologically segregated social networks.
Addressing the challenges posed by misinforma-
tion, researchers have proposed various interventions.
Pennycook et al. (2019) introduced the concept of
the implied truth effect, demonstrating that attach-
ing warnings to a subset of fake news headlines can
inadvertently increase the perceived accuracy of un-
tagged false headlines, highlighting the complexity of
designing effective misinformation mitigation strate-
The COVID-19 pandemic further highlighted the
dangers of misinformation, giving rise to an “info-
demic. Islam et al. (2020) conducted a global so-
cial media analysis to assess the impact of false infor-
mation related to COVID-19, finding that misinfor-
mation about treatments, transmission, and mortality
rates fueled public panic and hindered effective public
health responses.
In the realm of fake news detection, Shu et al.
(2017) provided a comprehensive review of text min-
ing techniques employed to identify false news on so-
EAA 2025 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents
cial media, proposing a conceptual framework that
leverages both content-based and context-based fea-
tures to enhance detection accuracy.
Multimodal approaches utilize both textual and vi-
sual data to enhance fake news identification. For in-
stance, Rashid et al. (2024) introduced MuAFaNI, a
framework that combines text and image representa-
tions using RoBERTa and ResNet-50 models to as-
sess news authenticity. Similarly, Qu et al. (2024)
proposed QMFND, a quantum multimodal fusion-
based model that integrates image and textual fea-
tures through a quantum convolutional neural net-
work, thereby improving detection accuracy. Fur-
ther advancing the field, Lee et al. (2024) explored
the emotional effects of multimodal disinformation,
demonstrating that video-based misinformation sig-
nificantly increases anxiety and misperceptions com-
pared to text-only content, highlighting the enhanced
persuasive power of multimodal disinformation and
its implications for public trust and decision-making.
Other notable contributions include Kumar and
Taylor (2024), which developed a multimodal fake
news detection model incorporating textual and visual
features alongside feature engineering techniques to
capture the behavior of fake news propagators. Shan
et al. (2024) employed similarity inference and ad-
versarial networks to fuse textual and visual features,
thereby enhancing detection accuracy on social me-
dia platforms. Additionally, Pan et al. (2024) and Lu-
vembe et al. (2024) introduced models that leverage
graph convolutional networks and complementary at-
tention mechanisms to align and fuse multimodal fea-
tures, achieving significant accuracy improvements
on benchmark datasets.
The emergence of deepfakes has further com-
plicated the disinformation landscape. Vaccari and
Chadwick (2020) investigated the impact of synthetic
political videos, revealing that deepfakes contribute to
uncertainty and reduce trust in news sources, thereby
undermining the integrity of public discourse.
While multimodal approaches represent a signifi-
cant advancement by leveraging both textual and vi-
sual data, the application of multimodal techniques
specifically to TikTok videos remains underexplored.
This study aims to address this gap by focusing on
the multimodal characteristics of TikTok content, ini-
tially leveraging transcriptions of video audio, with
the intention to incorporate video and audio features
in future work.
3.1 Data Extraction
The datasets used in this study were extracted from
TikTok and X using crawlers provided by Apify
For TikTok, the clockworks/tiktok-scraper
was em-
ployed, while for X, the fastcrawler/Tweet-Fast-
was utilized. Additionally, the datasets will
be made public for research purposes to facilitate fur-
ther studies and enhance transparency in disinforma-
tion research.
The data extraction process was conducted using
keywords related to the DANA phenomenon and as-
sociated disinformation narratives. The keywords,
summarized in Table 1, were carefully selected to
capture content that potentially spread disinformation
or expressed emotional reactions during the DANA
Table 1: Keywords Used for Data Extraction and Their
Keyword (Spanish) Translation (English)
DANA conspiraci
on DANA conspiracy
DANA fallecidos ocultaci
on DANA deceased concealment
DANA enga
no DANA deception
DANA manipulaci
on DANA manipulation
DANA mentiras DANA lies
DANA ataque clim
atico DANA climate attack
DANA manipular la verdad DANA manipulate the truth
DANA desinformaci
on DANA disinformation
DANA falsedades DANA falsehoods
DANA ocultaci
on DANA concealment
en Gisbert DANA Rub
en Gisbert
DANA Alvise P
erez DANA Alvise P
DANA Iker Jim
enez DANA Iker Jim
DANA Vito Quiles DANA Vito Quiles
DANA Cruz Roja falsa ayuda DANA Cruz Roja fake aid
DANA Bonaire cementerio DANA Bonaire cemetery
DANA ayuda rechazada DANA rejected aid
DANA pron
ostico incorrecto DANA incorrect forecast
DANA radar sin funcionar DANA radar not working
DANA provocada presas DANA caused by dams
The extraction focused on filtering posts that
matched these keywords, aiming to collect content
that potentially spread disinformation or expressed
emotional reactions during the DANA phenomenon.
For TikTok videos, the transcription of spoken
content was extracted using the Whisper-medium
, which is designed for efficient and accu-
rate speech-to-text transcription. Additionally, text
Divergent Emotional Patterns in Disinformation on Social Media? An Analysis of Tweets and TikToks About the DANA in Valencia
appearing in the videos was extracted using Pad-
, a state-of-the-art Optical Character Recog-
nition (OCR) tool. These methods ensured the com-
prehensive collection of both spoken and visual tex-
tual content for analysis.
3.2 Bias Assessment
To assess potential biases introduced by keyword-
based data collection, we applied the Weirdness Index
(WI) (Poletto et al., 2020), which measures how much
certain words in a dataset deviate from their expected
frequencies in a reference corpus.
As a reference, we collected social media content
using broad, non-targeted keywords: “DANA Valen-
cia”. This corpus captures general discussions on the
DANA phenomenon, including neutral and informa-
tive posts, rather than those explicitly linked to disin-
formation. By comparing our dataset against this ref-
erence, we evaluated whether our keyword selection
introduced thematic biases.
Table 2 presents the WI statistics for both datasets.
A high WI indicates that certain words are dispropor-
tionately represented compared to the reference cor-
Table 2: Weirdness Index (WI) results comparing datasets.
Metric Tweets TikToks
WI Global (Mean) 4.86 1.76
WI Global (Median) 2.37 0.79
WI Standard Deviation 45.63 3.23
Words with WI > 2 55.64% 24.90%
The tweets dataset shows a significantly higher
WI, indicating that keyword filtering has amplified
specific narratives. Given the constraints in data avail-
ability and manual annotation time, our objective was
to capture a broad range of disinformation-related
themes rather than general discussions on the DANA
phenomenon. The keyword selection was designed to
encompass various disinformation topics, including
conspiracy theories, exaggerated impacts, and mis-
leading emergency response claims.
In contrast, the TikTok dataset exhibits a lower
WI, suggesting a more diverse linguistic distribution.
Although the same keyword selection strategy was
used, TikTok’s transcription-based content structure
results in a dataset that, while still containing disinfor-
mation, is less narrowly focused compared to tweets.
3.3 Data Annotation
The collected TikToks and tweets were further anno-
tated to create a labeled subset for analysis. Each post
was examined to determine its relation to the DANA
phenomenon and the spread of disinformation. Fact-
checking was conducted using the reputable websites
, Newtral
, and EFE Verifica
The annotation process involved assigning one of
two labels to each post:
Label 0. Assigned to posts that discuss the DANA
phenomenon without spreading disinformation or
falsehoods. This category also includes posts that
actively report or debunk disinformation .
Label 1. Assigned to posts that directly spread
disinformation or falsehoods about the DANA
Table 3 shows the distribution of labels for Tik-
Toks and tweets. Efforts were made to ensure a bal-
anced representation between the two classes (0 and
1) to facilitate unbiased analysis.
Table 3: Label distribution for TikToks and Tweets.
Label TikToks Tweets Total
0 (Trustworthy) 131 177 308
1 (Disinformation) 137 205 342
Total 268 382 650
To better illustrate the difference between disin-
formation and trustworthy content, Table 4 presents
one example of each category. These examples high-
light the type of content analyzed and the criteria used
for labeling.
The word clouds in Figure 2 highlight that the
vocabulary across both social networks is strikingly
similar. On X, terms related to trustworthy often in-
clude bulo (hoax), tragedia (tragedy), falso (false),
and desinformaci
on (disinformation), alongside men-
tions of public figures such as Iker Jim
, Vito
, Rub
en Gisbert
, and Alvise P
. These
terms often appear in posts criticizing or exposing
falsehoods. In disinformation, words such as embalse
(reservoir), presa (dam), HAARP
, S
anchez (Span-
Iker Jim
enez is a journalist.
Vito Quiles is a pseudojournalist.
en Gisbert is a pseudojournalist.
Alvise P
erez is the leader of Se Acab
o La Fiesta (The
Party is Over).
Alleged climate attacks generated from HAARP
(High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program).
EAA 2025 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents
ish Prime Minister Pedro S
anchez), UME
, demolido
(demolished), cementerio (graveyard), and AEMET
are frequently observed.
On TikTok, the focus of terms associated with
trustworthy shifts towards community and natu-
ral disaster responses, with words such as inun-
daciones (floods), voluntario (volunteer), fen
(phenomenon), tormenta (storm), ayudar (help), and
zona (area) standing out. Disinformation in this con-
text is more closely linked to terms like Cruz Roja
(Red Cross), ropa (clothing), verdad (truth), gobierno
(government), radar (radar), and cad
averes (corpses).
Table 4: Examples of Disinformation and Trustworthy
Tweets (and their translation into English).
Trustworthy Tweet (Label 0)
Miles de voluntarios se movilizan desde Les Arts hacia
las zonas afectadas. Mat
ıas Prats informa que no hay
ıctimas mortales en el t
(Thousands of volunteers are mobilizing from Les Arts
towards the affected areas. Mat
ıas Prats reports that there
are no mortal victims in the tunnel.)
Disinformation Tweet (Label 1)
Me acaban de comunicar que ya han sacado 86 falleci-
dos del parking de Bonaire. El aparcamiento del centro
comercial tiene 5700 plazas.
(I have just been informed that 86 deceased have already
been removed from the Bonaire parking lot. The shop-
ping center’s parking lot has 5700 spaces.)
3.4 Few-Shot Annotation with GPT-4o
A Few-Shot annotation approach was tested using
GPT-4o, a variant of GPT-4 optimized for enhanced
efficiency and performance. While all annotations in
this study were conducted manually, GPT-4o was ap-
plied to a subset of tweets to explore the potential of
large language models for automated annotation.
Although the primary focus of our analysis was
on two main categories (Trustworthy information
and Disinformation), we discovered that refining the
prompt to include four detailed categories and then
collapsing them into two yielded higher agreement
values between GPT-4o and manual annotations. This
strategy allowed for a more nuanced understanding of
the tweets during the initial annotation process, which
improved the precision and reliability of the final bi-
nary labels.
UME (Unidad Militar de Emergencias) is the Spanish
Military Emergencies Unit.
AEMET (Agencia Estatal de Meteorolog
ıa) is the
Spanish national meteorological agency.
(a) Word Clouds for X: Disinformation and Trustworthy
(b) Word Clouds for TikTok: Disinformation and Trustwor-
thy Posts
Figure 2: Word clouds from X and TikTok.
3.4.1 Prompt Design for GPT-4o
To classify the tweets into predefined categories, the
following clean and structured prompt was provided
to GPT-4o. For readers interested in the full details of
the prompt structure, please refer to Appendix A.
3.4.2 Results and Evaluation
Table 5 shows the annotation agreement matrix for the
four predefined categories, where GPT-4o achieved
a Cohen’s kappa of 0.684, indicating a substantial
agreement with manual annotations. This highlights
the effectiveness of GPT-4o in capturing nuanced dif-
ferences between the categories.
Table 5: Annotation Agreement for Four Categories.
0 1 2 3
0 15 1 0 2
1 1 13 1 1
2 3 4 28 5
3 4 2 3 36
When the categories were reduced to two groups,
Divergent Emotional Patterns in Disinformation on Social Media? An Analysis of Tweets and TikToks About the DANA in Valencia
Trustworthy (0) and Disinformation (1), the Cohen’s
kappa further improved to 0.695 (Table 6).
Table 6: Annotation Agreement for Two Categories.
0 1
0 66 8
1 9 36
These results demonstrate the power of GPT-4o,
achieving substantial agreement with manual anno-
tations. Such capabilities can significantly reduce
the time and effort required for annotating large-scale
datasets, particularly in the context of disinformation
detection during events like DANA.
This study analyzed the emotions present in tweets
and TikToks using the twitter-xlm-roberta-emotion-
es model
. The model identifies six emotions: sad-
ness, joy, anger, surprise, disgust, fear, and others.
These categories align with the basic emotions pro-
posed by Paul Ekman, which are considered univer-
sal across cultures and rooted in human evolution Ek-
man (1992). Non-parametric tests (Mann–Whitney
U) were performed to determine emotional patterns
in disinformation across both X and TikTok.
4.1 Emotional Patterns in X
Table 7 presents the results for emotional analysis in
tweets. Notably, tweets with disinformation showed
significantly higher sadness (p = 0.000061). This of-
ten corresponds to claims exaggerating the number of
casualties, e.g., “El enga
no sobre el n
umero de muer-
tos es cruel, indignante e inhumano” (“The deception
about the number of deaths is cruel, outrageous, and
Disinformation also showed higher fear levels (p
= 0.031), linked to claims about catastrophic events,
such as dam failures, e.g., “Lo que pasa es que el em-
balse de Tous est
a al 97%. Si abren las compuertas,
viene una riada” (“What’s happening is that the Tous
reservoir is at 97%. If they open the gates, a flood is
Table 7: Emotional patterns in X.
Emotion Mean (0) Std (0) Mean (1) Std (1) p-value
Sadness 0.077 0.131 0.176 0.235 0.000061
Fear 0.012 0.007 0.014 0.008 0.031030
Others 0.622 0.296 0.522 0.309 0.002906
4.2 Emotional Patterns in TikToks
Table 8 shows emotional patterns in TikToks. Un-
like X, sadness is more prevalent in TikToks with-
out disinformation (p = 0.000380), often focusing on
the tragedy itself, e.g., “Lamentablemente las grandes
inundaciones que se est
an provocando en Valencia
na han dejado hasta la fecha m
as de 2500 de-
saparecidos” (“Unfortunately, the severe floods hap-
pening in Valencia, Spain, have left over 2,500 people
missing so far”).
Disinformation is associated with higher levels of
anger (p = 0.000003) and disgust (p = 0.000003), re-
flecting frustration or exaggeration, e.g., “Las ayudas
de los 6.000 euros para los afectados por la DANA
las tienes que devolver en tres meses” (“The C6,000
aid for those affected by DANA must be repaid within
three months”), or “Luego digan que no hay muertos
en las calles, se
nor. Que no hay muertos en las calles.
Acaban de tapar uno aqu
ı con una toalla. Despu
es de
cuatro d
ıas recogiendo y amontonando cosas entre la
mierda. ¿Eh? Y no hab
ıa muertos. ¿Eh? No hab
muertos” (“Then they say there are no dead bodies in
the streets, sir. That there are no dead bodies in the
streets. They just covered one here with a towel. Af-
ter four days of picking up and piling things among
the filth. Huh? And there were no dead bodies. Huh?
There were no dead bodies”).
Table 8: Emotional patterns in TikToks.
Emotion Mean (0) Std (0) Mean (1) Std (1) p-value
Sadness 0.294 0.196 0.218 0.191 0.000380
Anger 0.165 0.143 0.262 0.187 0.000003
Disgust 0.027 0.018 0.040 0.025 0.000003
In addition to emotional analysis, linguistic pat-
terns were examined using the LIWC dictionary Pen-
nebaker et al. (1999)
, which groups words into di-
mensions such as Linguistic Dimensions, Psycholog-
ical Processes, Personal Concerns, and Spoken Cate-
EAA 2025 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents
5.1 Linguistic Patterns in TikToks
Table 9 summarizes the linguistic patterns in Tik-
Toks. When disinformation is not present, the dis-
course tends to be more articulate, with a higher use
of prepositions and terms related to health, often in-
forming about infection risks or providing warnings
e.g., “El riesgo de infecci
on en las zonas afectadas por
la DANA sigue siendo muy alto debido a las aguas
estancadas y contaminadas... (“The risk of infection
in areas affected by the DANA remains very high
due to stagnant and contaminated water...”). Such
videos also include more references to time and spe-
cific events e.g., “¡Atenci
on! Una nueva DANA traer
humedad y precipitaciones a partir del martes por la
noche” (“Warning! A new DANA will bring humidity
and rainfall starting Tuesday night”).
Conversely, videos spreading disinformation often
use more negation and profanities (Maldec), reflect-
ing frustration or skepticism. These videos also em-
ploy more perceptual words (Percept) to suggest first-
hand observations or unverifiable claims e.g., “En las
noticias no sale toda la verdad, est
an desaguando el
centro comercial de aqu
ı dicen que hay m
as de 800 me
ha dicho un guardia civil... (“The news isn’t telling
the whole truth; they’re draining the mall here, and
they say there are over 800 [bodies], a Civil Guard
told me...”).
Table 9: Linguistic Patterns in TikToks Using LIWC.
Category Mean (0) Std (0) Mean (1) Std (1) p-value
Prepos 10.68 3.66 8.61 3.66 0.00001
Health 0.25 0.42 0.18 0.36 0.0424
Time 2.56 2.74 2.01 1.64 0.0261
Negation 1.37 1.28 1.93 2.58 0.0105
Maldec 0.11 0.30 0.20 0.42 0.0130
Percept 2.02 1.36 2.56 1.94 0.0336
5.2 Linguistic Patterns in X
Table 10 highlights the linguistic patterns observed in
tweets. Similar to TikToks, tweets without disinfor-
mation also employ a more articulate discourse, using
more prepositions (p = 0.000001) and negation (p =
In tweets spreading disinformation, there is a no-
table increase in the use of first-person singular pro-
nouns (I). These tweets often cite unverifiable fam-
ily connections as sources of information (Family),
such as “Repito, tengo un familiar directo militar en
el parking de Bonaire y est
an sacando muertos sin
parar” (“I repeat, I have a direct family member in
the military at the Bonaire parking lot, and they are
removing dead bodies non-stop”).
The results indicate clear differences in linguistic
Table 10: Linguistic Patterns in X Using LIWC.
Category Mean (0) Std (0) Mean (1) Std (1) p-value
Prepos 14.08 5.73 11.06 6.56 0.000001
Negation 0.86 1.67 1.32 2.21 0.0368
I 0.31 1.14 0.54 1.42 0.0403
Family 0.02 0.21 0.13 0.79 0.0320
patterns between disinformation and trustworthy con-
tent on both platforms. TikToks and tweets without
disinformation tend to use more articulate language
with a higher focus on factual information, while dis-
information often incorporates perceptual language,
negations, and personal anecdotes to enhance credi-
Audio is a key component of TikTok videos, con-
tributing significantly to their emotional and persua-
sive impact. In this study, we extracted a wide range
of audio features to analyze the role of sound in differ-
entiating disinformation and trustworthy content. The
extracted features include:
Zero Crossing Rate (ZCR). It measures the rate
at which the signal changes its sign, reflecting the
noisiness or percussive nature of the sound.
Root Mean Square Energy (RMS). It captures
the loudness or energy of the audio signal, often
linked to the intensity of the content.
Spectral Centroid. It indicates the center of grav-
ity of the spectrum, associated with the perceived
brightness of the audio.
Spectral Rolloff. It represents the frequency be-
low which a certain percentage (e.g., 85%) of the
spectral energy is concentrated, often used to dis-
tinguish harmonic and percussive elements.
Chroma Features. They measure the energy dis-
tribution among the 12 pitch classes, representing
harmonic content.
Spectral Bandwidth. It quantifies the range of
frequencies present in the signal, reflecting its
tonal richness.
Spectral Flatness. It describes the noisiness of
the signal by measuring how flat the power spec-
trum is.
Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients
(MFCCs). They capture the timbral aspects
of the audio, essential for distinguishing speech
and music characteristics.
Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio (HNR). It indicates
voice quality and clarity by comparing harmonic
and noise components.
Divergent Emotional Patterns in Disinformation on Social Media? An Analysis of Tweets and TikToks About the DANA in Valencia
Tempo. It estimates the speed of the audio, which
can evoke urgency or calmness in the listener.
Onset Strength. It measures the intensity of
sound onsets, reflecting rhythmic and dynamic
Pitch. It refers to the perceived fundamental fre-
quency of the signal, often linked to emotional
tones such as excitement or seriousness.
Spectral Contrast. It represents differences in
amplitude between peaks and valleys in the power
spectrum, providing insights into the dynamic
range of the audio.
Tonnetz Features. They capture tonal harmonic
relationships, offering information about the mu-
sical nature of the audio.
For each feature, both the mean and standard
deviation (std) were calculated to capture the central
tendency and variability of the audio properties.
The analysis revealed significant differences in au-
dio features between trustworthy (0) and disinforma-
tion (1) groups, as shown in Table 11, reflecting dis-
tinct acoustic and tonal patterns:
Zero Crossing Rate (ZCR, ZCR STD). Trust-
worthy audios exhibited higher values, indicating
more frequent transitions across the zero axis in
the waveform. This reflects more energetic and
articulated speech, characteristic of clear and di-
rect communication.
Spectral Features:
Spectral Centroid. Higher in trustworthy con-
tent, representing brighter tones with more em-
phasis on higher frequencies.
Spectral Bandwidth. Wider in trustworthy con-
tent, indicating a broader range of frequencies
around the centroid.
Spectral Rolloff. Higher in trustworthy posts,
reflecting stronger energy in higher frequen-
cies, which enhances tonal clarity.
Spectral Flatness. Through the visualization of
videos with high spectral flatness values, we ob-
served that they frequently featured narrators de-
livering information in a neutral, monotone, or
robotic style, often associated with objective news
reporting about tragedies or serious events. This
explains why spectral flatness was higher in trust-
worthy audios. In contrast, disinformation audios
displayed lower spectral flatness, indicating more
tonal content and greater variation. These varia-
tions are likely aimed at dramatizing events, evok-
ing emotional responses, and manipulating the lis-
tener’s perception.
Table 11: Significant Audio feature comparison between
trustworthy (0) and disinformation (1) groups.
Feature Mean
Std (0) Mean
Std (1) p-
zcr 0.094 0.031 0.085 0.029 0.019
zcr std 0.072 0.030 0.060 0.029 0.006
1902.41 465.65 1682.81 440.07 0.0002
935.15 313.20 798.22 337.14 0.0049
3692.10 996.91 3244.93 918.65 0.0010
1764.06 470.15 1570.43 583.68 0.019
1984.54 339.32 1799.34 348.43 0.0001
0.022 0.029 0.017 0.028 0.007
0.048 0.063 0.044 0.069 0.030
1.80 0.36 1.66 0.40 0.006
111.10 25.04 120.40 28.08 0.022
3.16 10.85 -0.44 11.02 0.010
16.56 3.77 15.54 3.97 0.021
49.03 2.60 50.13 3.67 0.025
7.58 1.55 7.15 1.47 0.015
-0.001 0.051 0.022 0.074 0.003
Onset Strength. Higher onset strength was ob-
served in trustworthy audios, reflecting strong and
clear acoustic events such as sharp changes in am-
plitude or the beginning of words and sounds. In
contrast, lower onset strength in disinformation
audios suggests smoother transitions and less dy-
namic emphasis, which might be used to create a
more conversational or emotionally manipulative
MFCCs (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coeffi-
MFCC2. Higher in disinformation, captur-
ing lower frequency tonal characteristics, as-
sociated with deeper and emotionally charged
MFCC5 and MFCC6. Higher in trustwor-
thy content, indicating richer and clearer tonal
EAA 2025 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents
qualities in the mid-frequency range, aligned
with neutral and structured speech.
Spectral Contrast (Contrast7). Higher in dis-
information, particularly in the highest frequency
bands, helping dramatize content and attract at-
Tonnetz (Tonnetz4). Videos with high Tonnetz
values often included eerie or mysterious music.
Observational analysis of such videos revealed
their use in disinformation to create a suspenseful
or manipulative tone, amplifying the emotional
Trustworthy audios are characterized by brighter
tones, dynamic events, and monotone or robotic nar-
ration styles, optimized for clarity and credibility.
Disinformation audios, on the other hand, emphasize
tonal variation, emotional depth, and harmonic com-
plexity, often accompanied by manipulative musical
elements designed to captivate and influence the lis-
To train the models for disinformation detection,
tweets and transcriptions of TikToks were combined
into a unified dataset. To minimize bias, hashtags
and user mentions were removed from the text to pre-
vent the models from relying on these features for
predictions. Given the limited size of the dataset,
we employed three main approaches: a traditional
machine learning model, fine-tuning of transformer-
based models, and a GPT-4o Few-Shot learning ap-
The models used were roberta-base-bne
, xlm-roberta-large-twitter
, fake-news-
, SVM+TF-IDF, and GPT-4o
Few-Shot. We also experimented with fine-tuning
roberta-large-bne by incorporating audio features
from TikTok. These features were normalized and
combined with text embeddings from the model’s
[CLS] token. The fused representations were passed
through a classifier, leveraging both textual and audio
information to enhance disinformation detection in a
multimodal context.
To ensure robust evaluation, 5-fold stratified
cross-validation was employed for the traditional and
transformer-based models, maintaining the class dis-
tribution in each fold. This approach provided a com-
prehensive assessment of model performance, min-
imizing the risk of overfitting and ensuring reliable
generalization to unseen data. For the GPT-4o Few-
Shot approach, a single evaluation was conducted.
The performance of each model was evaluated us-
ing the following metrics: Accuracy, F1-Score, Preci-
sion, and Recall. The results are summarized in Table
12, where the best-performing model for each metric
is highlighted in bold.
The SVM+TF-IDF model demonstrated the high-
est effectiveness in terms of F1-Score and Recall,
achieving scores of 0.7949 and 0.8831, respectively.
This superiority can be attributed to the Support
Vector Machine’s ability to efficiently handle high-
dimensional feature spaces even with small datasets,
thereby avoiding overfitting and providing robust gen-
eralization. The simplicity and efficiency of tradi-
tional models like SVM make them particularly suit-
able when data resources are limited.
On the other hand, transformer-based models such
as roberta-base-bne and roberta-large-bne exhibited
competitive performance, albeit slightly inferior to
SVM in this scenario of limited data. However, it
is important to note that these models possess sig-
nificant potential for scalability and improved perfor-
mance when larger training datasets are available.
Notably, by incorporating audio features into
roberta-large-bne, we observed a significant im-
provement in both Accuracy and F1-Score, achiev-
ing 0.7646 in accuracy (an increase of 1.34 percent-
age points over the standard roberta-large-bne) and
0.7664 in F1-Score (an increase of 1.44 percentage
points). Furthermore, this multimodal approach out-
performed the SVM+TF-IDF model in terms of Ac-
curacy, demonstrating the potential of combining tex-
tual and audio features to enhance performance in dis-
information detection tasks.
Finally, the Few-Shot approach using GPT-4o
achieved the highest accuracy of 0.7834, demonstrat-
ing the effectiveness of large-scale language mod-
els when provided with well-designed and specific
prompts. This result highlights the potential of LLMs
for automated annotation and classification tasks,
even without domain-specific training.
Divergent Emotional Patterns in Disinformation on Social Media? An Analysis of Tweets and TikToks About the DANA in Valencia
Table 12: Performance Metrics of Different Models for Disinformation Detection.
Model Accuracy F1-Score Precision Recall
roberta-base-bne 0.7497 ± 0.0506 0.7565 ± 0.0575 0.7668 ± 0.0313 0.7486 ± 0.0839
roberta-large-bne 0.7512 ± 0.0177 0.7520 ± 0.0270 0.7885 ± 0.0248 0.7220 ± 0.0543
roberta-large-bne + audio features 0.7646 ± 0.0292 0.7664 ± 0.0272 0.7726 ± 0.0432 0.7634 ± 0.0484
xlm-roberta-large-twitter 0.7274 ± 0.0175 0.7358 ± 0.0192 0.7505 ± 0.0167 0.7229 ± 0.0352
longformer-base-4096-bne-es 0.7266 ± 0.0473 0.7035 ± 0.0681 0.8069 ± 0.0361 0.6285 ± 0.0943
fake-news-detection-spanish 0.7298 ± 0.0454 0.7377 ± 0.0416 0.7541 ± 0.0486 0.7222 ± 0.0370
SVM+TF-IDF 0.7604 ± 0.0173 0.7949 ± 0.0133 0.7227 ± 0.0165 0.8831 ± 0.0087
GPT-4o Few-Shot 0.7834 0.7867 0.8150 0.7602
8.1 Conclusions
This study analyzed the spread of disinformation on
TikTok and X during the DANA event in Valencia,
Spain, which was marked by severe flooding. A
dataset of 650 posts was manually annotated to dis-
tinguish between disinformation and trustworthy con-
tent. Additionally, a separate experiment was con-
ducted using GPT-4o in a Few-Shot setup to evaluate
its potential as a tool for automated annotation. GPT-
4o demonstrated substantial agreement with the man-
ual labels (Cohen’s kappa of 0.684 for four categories
and 0.695 for two categories).
Emotion analysis revealed that disinformation on
X is primarily associated with heightened sadness and
fear, while on TikTok, it correlates with increased
anger and disgust. The identification of this diver-
gence in predominant emotions across different so-
cial networks is a distinctive result of our study. First,
our work reinforces the conclusion, already reached
by many previous studies, that appealing to emotions
is a recurring strategy in deliberately misleading mes-
sages Osmundsen et al. (2021); McLoughlin et al.
(2024). However, thanks to the comparative approach
of our study—where we analyzed the prevailing emo-
tional traits in posts on X and TikTok—we have iden-
tified a phenomenon that has been scarcely investi-
gated until now: the fact that, on each platform, dis-
information content operates under a different emo-
tional paradigm. This conclusion underscores the
need to further understand the impact of emotional di-
mensions on credulity toward disinformation content,
as well as the predisposition to share it Pennycook and
Rand (2021). Linguistic analysis using the LIWC dic-
tionary indicated that trustworthy content tends to use
more articulate and factual language, whereas disin-
formation employs negations, perceptual words, and
personal anecdotes to enhance credibility.
The analysis of TikTok audio features revealed
distinct patterns: trustworthy audio showed brighter
tones, stronger onset strength, and higher spectral
flatness, reflecting clarity and neutrality, while dis-
information audio used tonal variations and deeper
MFCCs to evoke emotions and manipulate percep-
tions. These findings highlight the value of audio
analysis in multimodal disinformation detection.
In terms of detection models, the traditional
SVM+TF-IDF model outperformed transformer-
based models and the GPT-4o Few-Shot approach
in F1-Score and Recall, benefiting from the lim-
ited dataset size. However, transformer-based mod-
els showed competitive performance and potential for
scalability with larger datasets. Notably, by incorpo-
rating audio features into roberta-large-bne, we ob-
served an improvement in both Accuracy and F1-
Score compared to its text-only counterpart, as well as
a higher accuracy than the SVM+TF-IDF model. This
demonstrates the value of multimodal approaches in
disinformation detection tasks. The GPT-4o Few-
Shot model demonstrated high accuracy, highlighting
the effectiveness of LLMs in automated classification
tasks without extensive domain-specific training.
8.2 Future Work
Future research can expand on this study by:
Increasing Dataset Size. Incorporate more
tweets and TikToks, as well as additional social
media platforms.
Multimodal Analysis. Include images and
videos to capture a broader range of disinforma-
tion strategies.
Emotional Divergences. Examine how distinct
emotional triggers influence disinformation dis-
semination on different social media platforms.
Advanced Models. Explore sophisticated trans-
former architectures and ensemble methods for
enhanced performance.
EAA 2025 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents
Cross-Linguistic Studies. Analyze disinforma-
tion patterns across different languages and re-
Network Analysis. Investigate user behaviors
and network structures that facilitate disinforma-
tion spread.
Refining Few-Shot Techniques. Improve prompt
designs and methodologies for large language
models to reduce reliance on manual annotations.
Intervention Strategies. Develop effective
counter-disinformation measures based on identi-
fied emotional and linguistic patterns.
Intelligent Agents. Design and implement intel-
ligent agents capable of real-time detection and
mitigation of disinformation. These agents could
combine machine learning techniques with rule-
based systems to analyze linguistic and emotional
cues, detect malicious content, and take auto-
mated countermeasures. For instance, intelligent
agents could:
Flag potential disinformation for review or fur-
ther analysis.
Provide users with context or verified informa-
tion to counter false claims.
Interact with social media algorithms to limit
the spread of harmful content while promoting
verified, accurate information.
Addressing these areas will enhance the detec-
tion and mitigation of disinformation on social me-
dia, thereby strengthening the integrity of information
ecosystems during critical events.
This work was done in the framework of the Iberian
Digital Media Observatory (IBERIFIER Plus),
co-funded by the EC under the Call DIGITAL-
2023-DEPLOY-04 (Grant 101158511), and of
the Malicious Actors Profiling and Detection in
Online Social Networks Through Artificial In-
telligence (MARTINI) research project, funded
by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by
NextGenerationEU/PRTR (Grant PCI2022-135008-
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The following prompt was originally provided in
Spanish to align with the language of the data but for
the sake of comprehension for non-Spanish speakers,
it has been translated into English in this article:
Context: The Depresi
on Aislada en Niveles Al-
tos (DANA) that affected Valencia and other areas of
Spain in October 2024 caused severe flooding and the
spread of disinformation. Common types of disinfor-
mation included:
False claims about dam openings or breaks,
such as Forata.
Conspiracy theories about climate manipula-
tion (e.g., HAARP, Morocco, geoengineering).
Rumors of hidden deaths or transport in re-
frigerated trucks (e.g., parking at Bonaire).
False accusations of rejected aid or misman-
agement of donations, such as delays or destruc-
tion of aid by the Red Cross.
Exaggerated numbers of victims, floods, or
Alarmist content about basic services (e.g., wa-
ter supply, healthcare disruptions).
Unfounded accusations against political figures
or governments.
Claims of Valencia’s meteorological radar be-
ing non-functional (when it was operational).
Rumors of censorship or media manipulation
by public figures (e.g., YouTube or Iker Jim
Labeling Guidelines:
0 (Not related to DANA): Tweets unrelated to
DANA, even indirectly.
Example: “Just had the best paella in Valencia.
Highly recommend!”
1 (Related to DANA, but not disinformation):
Tweets discussing real events or consequences of
DANA without spreading disinformation.
Example: “Thousands of volunteers are helping
victims of DANA in Valencia.
2 (Disinformation mentioned, but criticized):
Tweets mentioning disinformation about DANA
to criticize or report it, including posts debunking
or ridiculing falsehoods.
Example: “Don’t believe the fake news about
hidden deaths in Bonaire; it has been debunked
by official sources.
3 (Disinformation): Tweets actively spreading
false information, rumors, or conspiracy theories
about DANA, or unfounded accusations against
political figures.
Example: “They’re hiding the truth! Over 800
bodies were found in the Bonaire parking lot, and
no one is reporting it.
Return only the number:
EAA 2025 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents