In this study, we conducted a comprehensive evalua-
tion of three QRL classes (PQC-QRL with QPG and
QDQN, FE-QRL and AA-QRL). Our evaluation ex-
tends beyond previous works by the number of con-
sidered QRL algorithms and the incorporation of ad-
ditional metrics such as circuit executions and quan-
tum clock time, providing a more holistic and realistic
assessment of these algorithms’ practical feasibility.
For PQC-QRL, we observed only a minor depen-
dence on quantum entanglement, with performance
deteriorating only slightly when entanglement was re-
moved. Interestingly, our investigation of FE-QRL
showed no clear correlation between performance
and the number of replicas used to approximate the
Hamiltonian of the QBM H
, but rather a great
dependence on hyperparameters. These findings sug-
gest that most QRL approaches may not greatly rely
on their quantum components.
QRL, particularly when applied to gridworld
games, demonstrates promising scalability to larger
problems through binary encoding, even with cur-
rent hardware limitations. However, the algorithms
we evaluated still require substantial improvement to
achieve competitive performance levels. Our work
can serve as an underlying benchmarking reference
for this future development.
Future work should aim to include the evalua-
tion of noise resilience as an additional metric in or-
der to assess these algorithms’ practical viability in
real quantum hardware implementations. Addition-
ally, not only the quantum clock time, but also the
overall clock time of these hybrid algorithms should
be considered when comparing QRL to classical RL.
The code to reproduce the results as well as the data
used to generate the plots in this work can be found
here: https://github.com/georgkruse/cleanqrl
The research is part of the Munich Quantum Valley,
which is supported by the Bavarian state government
with funds from the Hightech Agenda Bayern Plus.
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Benchmarking Quantum Reinforcement Learning