Challenges and Innovations in Digitizing Elderly Care in
Switzerland: A Single Case Study
Estelle Pfitzer
1 a
and Tobias Kowatsch
School of Medicine, Universität St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Department of Management, Technology, and Economics, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Keywords: Digital Health Technologies, Elderly Care, Care for Older Adults.
Abstract: Switzerland’s aging population, with the old-age dependency ratio reaching 32% in 2023, has significantly
increased the demand for efficient elderly care services that enable seniors to live independently for longer.
This study investigates the challenges and opportunities in digitizing elderly care in Switzerland through the
lens of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Using a qualitative single-case study
approach focused on a Swiss-based company specializing in AI-powered tools for home-based care, the study
addresses two key research questions: (1) What are the challenges in digitizing elderly care in Switzerland?
and (2) How can digital health technologies support this sector? The findings reveal key challenges, including
economic disincentives, workforce imbalances, and fragmented technology adoption, while also
demonstrating how tailored digital tools can enhance preventive care and improve operational efficiency.
Collaborative efforts among policymakers, care providers, and digital health companies are crucial for
advancing sustainable and equitable elderly care.
Many developed countries are experiencing a
significant demographic shift with a rapidly aging
population (Grinin et al., 2023; Manfredi et al., 2019;
Marois et al., 2020). Switzerland is no exception, with
individuals aged 65 and over representing 19.3% of
the population in 2023, up from 15.4% in 2000
(bfs.admin, 2024). This demographic shift has led to
a narrowing ratio of working-age individuals to
retirees, as the old-age dependency ratio reaches 32%,
closely approaching the youth dependency ratio of
33% (Figure 1).
These trends greatly increase the demand for
efficient elderly care services that enable seniors to
live independently for longer. As the elderly
population grows, healthcare systems face the
challenge of addressing the rising demand for
services while managing resource constraints (Bloom
et al., 2015; Jones & Dolsten, 2024). Digitization is
an important strategy to meet these challenges,
offering innovative approaches that streamline care
delivery, enhance patient outcomes, and optimize
resource allocation (Chen et al., 2023; Lee et al.,
2023; Pekkarinen et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2020).
Figure 1: Dependency Ratios in Switzerland: Trends in the
old-age dependency ratio (persons aged 65 and older per
100 working-age individuals) and youth dependency ratio
(persons under 20 per 100 working-age individuals) in
Switzerland from 1900 to 2023.
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
Youth dependency ratio: persons under the age of 20 per 100 persons aged 2064
Old-age dependency ratio: persons aged 65 and over per 100 persons aged 2064
Pfitzer, E. and Kowatsch, T.
Challenges and Innovations in Digitizing Elderly Care in Switzerland: A Single Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0013395400003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 1077-1082
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
This paper explores the challenges of elderly care
in Switzerland and examines how digital technologies
address these issues by addressing the following
research questions:
RQ1: What are the challenges in digitizing the
elderly care sector in Switzerland?
RQ2: What are the opportunities in digitizing the
elderly care sector in Switzerland?
This study uses a qualitative single-case approach to
examine digitizing elderly care in Switzerland,
focusing on Domo Health. This company was
selected due to its position in developing AI-powered
tools for home-based care, integrating real-time
monitoring, predictive analytics, and connected
devices. Its direct involvement in addressing systemic
challenges in elderly care in Switzerland makes it
suitable for analyzing digitization opportunities and
barriers within the Swiss healthcare context. Founded
in 2012, Domo Health’s platform provides actionable
insights for early intervention and features enterprise
resource planning tools to streamline workflows, such
as visit scheduling and invoicing, for home care
organizations (, n.d.).The data was
collected through a 29-minute semi-structured
interview with Domo Health’s CEO, conducted with
prior consent and transcribed using The
interview explored systemic challenges, policy
influences, and technological innovations in elderly
care. Thematic analysis was performed on the
transcript using the Consolidated Framework for
Implementation Research (CFIR) (Damschroder et
al., 2022), focusing on challenges to digitization and
opportunities. Secondary data from academic
literature, policy documents, and Domo Health’s
reports complemented the analysis, ensuring a
comprehensive perspective on the potential of digital
technologies in Swiss elderly care.
We examine the challenges in digitizing elderly care
in Switzerland, including financial, workforce, and
technological barriers, and explore opportunities
through enhanced care delivery and sustainable
digital business models.
3.1 Challenges in Swiss Digital Elderly
Care Adoption
First, we investigate key barriers to adopting digital
technologies in Swiss elderly care, focusing on
financial, structural, and workforce challenges and
the preference for reactive over preventive care.
3.1.1 Financial Disincentives for Preventive
and Home-Based Care
Using CFIR’s “Outer Setting” domain, particularly
the “Financing” construct, we uncovered systemic
barriers to promoting home-based care in the Swiss
healthcare system. With decentralized governance
and mixed financing structures, Switzerland's
healthcare system has historically posed challenges in
promoting preventive and home-based care for older
adults. The current Federal Health Insurance Act
(HIA) financing model combines contributions from
health insurers, cantonal residual financing, and client
copayments (Möckli et al., 2024). However, the
system has historically favored hospital-based
treatments, discouraging the adoption of cost-
effective home care services. As the CEO of Domo
Health explained: “Insurance companies prefer
funding treatments that involve hospital stays
because these are reimbursed more favorably
compared to home care services.”
This model created significant disincentives for
preventive care technologies, such as remote patient
monitoring and fall detection systems, as financial
support for these innovations was often insufficient.
Healthcare providers were consequently less inclined
to implement these cost-saving measures, leading to
higher long-term expenses and less effective care for
older adults (Kherad, 2017).
A key turning point occurred following the
November 24, 2024, national referendum. Swiss voters
approved an amendment to the HIA introducing
standardized financing of benefits. Under the new
system, cantons must cover at least 26.9% of
healthcare costs, while health insurers contribute up to
73.1%, regardless of whether care is provided in
hospitals or at home (Health Insurance Act, n.d.). This
reform balances potential financial biases against
home-based care and aligns reimbursement structures
across care settings. By leveling the playing fields, the
reform encourages the adoption of preventive care
technologies, aiming to reduce long-term costs while
promoting more effective and patient-centered care for
older adults. However, it is also argued that the reform
may inadvertently lead to a rise in health insurance
Scale-IT-up 2025 - Workshop on Scaling Up Care for Older Adults
premiums, as insurers are now responsible for a greater
share of costs (RTS, 2024).
3.1.2 Fragmentation in Service Delivery and
Technology Adoption
Applying CFIR’s “Outer Setting” domain and “Local
Conditions” construct, we found a sizable impact of
decentralized governance on technology adoption in
elderly care. The Swiss healthcare system is highly
fragmented in its structure and use of electronic
health records (EHR) and digital technologies. Each
Canton regulates healthcare independently, making it
difficult to achieve standardization and coordination
among providers (REF). This fragmentation is further
compounded by the diversity of healthcare actors,
including public and private hospitals, nursing
homes, and private practices, which operate with
differing priorities and resources. While the Federal
Act on the Electronic Patient Record mandated EHR
adoption for hospitals and nursing homes by 2020 and
2022, respectively (Federal Department of Home
Affairs (FDHA), 2017), it only encourages voluntary
participation for other providers, such as general
practitioners and ambulatory services, resulting in
low uptake outside of mandatory settings. Financial
and technical barriers, particularly for smaller
practices, hinder widespread adoption, as the law
provides only limited federal funding and no direct
reimbursement for implementation costs. As our
interviewee noted, “Switzerland is far behind
compared to other countries, like even the electronic
patient record is behind.
This reflects the country’s lagging position in
adopting EHR systems relative to other OECD
nations. This fragmentation complicates the
scalability of nationwide digital health technologies,
as technologies must be adapted to different
technology environments and practices in each
canton (De Pietro & Francetic, 2018).
3.1.3 Imbalance in Workforce Distribution
The Swiss healthcare workforce appears more
balanced towards hospital-based specialized care,
leaving a critical gap in home-based services and
general practitioner care. This imbalance also aligns
with CFIR’s “Outer Setting” domain, and the
construct of “Local Conditions”. This imbalance
incentivizes doctors to pursue specialization,
exacerbating the shortage of general practitioners and
primary care providers (Baumann et al., 2020). As
Domo Health’s CEO pointed out:
“The whole system has shifted from a general
practitioner and specialist physician 20 years ago
receiving the same salary to a system now where you
make three times more money if you are a doctor in
the hospital as a specialist.”
This uneven distribution not only undermines the
accessibility of primary care but also impacts the
quality of care in home settings, where
comprehensive support is increasingly necessary due
to an aging population.
3.1.4 Focus on Reactive over Preventive
Using CFIR’s “Process” domain, particularly the
Engagement construct, we highlight the focus on
reactive treatments over preventive measures due to
systemic disincentives. Domo Health’s CEO
described the challenges of prioritizing sustainable
healthcare practices: “Somehow, nobody cares about
prevention. […] the whole system is based on I am
sick, I'm being diagnosed, and I get the treatment.
This reliance on expensive, reactive treatments
increases financial strain and undermines
opportunities to address health issues before they
escalate. Preventive measures like remote
monitoring, early detection systems, and lifestyle
interventions could significantly reduce long-term
costs while improving patient outcomes
(AbdulRaheem, 2023). However, the need for
systemic incentives for prevention creates barriers to
adopting these measures at scale. Without policy
reforms that prioritize and reward preventive care, the
sustainability of Switzerland’s long-term care system
could face risks, particularly as the aging population
drives up demand for healthcare services.
3.2 Opportunities in Swiss Digital
Elderly Care
Second, we examine how digital health technologies
can overcome structural challenges in elderly care,
enhancing service delivery while supporting
sustainable business models.
3.2.1 Digitization for Enhanced Elderly
Digitization aligns with CFIR’s “Intervention
Characteristics” domain, particularly through the
constructs Relative Advantage and
Compatibility”. Domo Health’s platform
exemplifies these characteristics by integrating real-
time health monitoring, predictive analytics, and
operational tools into a single solution tailored to
elderly care. By consolidating clinical data from
Challenges and Innovations in Digitizing Elderly Care in Switzerland: A Single Case Study
multiple sources, such as medical devices, apps, and
patient-reported data, the technology provides
actionable insights to support early interventions. As
our interviewee noted:
“We are adding [...] a tool which can [...] plan which
visits they need to do, which care is reimbursed and
then connect that to insurance companies.”
Their platform is tailored to the unique care needs
of older adults across patient and home care settings,
for instance, the Domo.Go safety watch enables fall
detection, emergency response via the Swiss Red
Cross, and real-time health data tracking,
empowering seniors to remain independent while
enhancing their safety. The platform combines
enterprise resource planning tools with clinical
functionalities for home care providers, automating
scheduling, invoicing, and insurance
reimbursements. This integration helps nurses focus
on patient care while ensuring financial sustainability.
By enabling remote patient monitoring and
predictive analysis, the platform empowers
healthcare professionals to shift from reactive to
preventive care, addressing early warning signs such
as sleep disruptions or changes in respiration rates.
This approach can reduce hospitalizations and allow
seniors to stay at home longer, as Domo’s CEO
“The goal should be prevention [] before it’s too
The companies’ dual focus on operational
efficiency and clinical decision-making demonstrates
how digital health technologies can transform elderly
care. By overcoming barriers to preventive care and
streamlining workflows, their approach directly
addresses the needs of Switzerland’s aging
population while easing the strain on the healthcare
3.2.2 Business Models for Sustainable
Digital Elderly Care
Switzerlands reimbursement framework presents
difficulty in adopting preventive digital health
technologies, as these services are often underfunded
and not integrated into standard care practices
(Jürgens et al., 2024). To address this challenge,
Domo Health has developed a business model that
directly sells its software to nurses and home care
organizations. This approach reflects CFIR’s
Intervention Characteristics domain, particularly
Innovation Design and Cost constructs. By
combining clinical tools with operational features,
such as invoicing systems linked to insurance
reimbursements, the platform ensures financial
viability while incentivizing the adoption of
preventive care. As the CEO of Domo Health
explained: “Our tool is a daily tool for nurses [...]
and at the same time, it’s a clinical tool for them to
offer better care.”
Compared to countries like Germany and France,
where reimbursement policies for digital health
technologies are more advanced (van Kessel et al.,
2023), Switzerland lags in providing incentives for
innovation. However, recent policy developments,
such as adjusting co-payments for ambulatory care,
signal a shift toward more favorable conditions.
These changes align insurance incentives with the
adoption of digital health technologies, paving the
way for broader implementation of preventive care
and highlighting how CFIR’s Outer Setting
domain, through the construct Policy and
Incentives, can influence the implementation of
digital health solutions. By tailoring their business
model to the Swiss healthcare context, digital health
companies can strategically position themselves to
capitalize on these policy shifts and expand the
impact of their services, enhancing both the
sustainability and scalability of their services.
The findings highlight the significant challenges in
digitizing elderly care in Switzerland, including
fragmented service delivery, financial disincentives
for preventive care, and workforce distribution.
Additional challenges identified in related work, such
as the limited adoption of technology by elderly care
workers (Baudin et al., 2020) and the low digital
literacy of older adults (Östlund, 2021), further
compound the difficulty of implementing digital
solutions. Addressing these challenges requires
comprehensive policy reforms (Nicolet et al., 2023;
Tynkkynen et al., 2022), collaborative efforts to
facilitate the widespread adoption of digital
technologies, and alignment in stakeholders’ goals
(Pfitzer et al., 2024). Such advancements hold
promise for mitigating the pressures of a rapidly
aging population and enhancing the quality of life for
older adults (Chen et al., 2023; Ienca et al., 2021;
Nikou et al., 2020). While Domo Health served as the
focus of this case study, the opportunities discussed
can be abstracted to emphasize broader implications
for global healthcare systems. For instance,
digitization strategies like integrating predictive
analytics and real-time monitoring have universal
relevance for elderly preventive care, making them
applicable to diverse contexts beyond Switzerland.
Scale-IT-up 2025 - Workshop on Scaling Up Care for Older Adults
This study is limited by its single-case focus,
which may not capture the variation in healthcare
delivery models and policies across Switzerland.
Additionally, the reliance on the perspective of Domo
Health’s CEO provides only one viewpoint, omitting
insights from other key stakeholders such as
policymakers, healthcare providers, and patients. The
absence of quantitative data also limits the ability to
assess measurable outcomes, such as cost reductions
or improvements in care quality.
Future research should address these limitations
by incorporating perspectives from multiple
stakeholders, conducting comparative studies across
elderly care-focused digital health companies, and
including quantitative assessments to evaluate the
impact of digitization in elderly care. Longitudinal
studies could also provide a better understanding of
these technologies' long-term effects on the
healthcare system and patient outcomes.
Care for older adults in Switzerland faces critical
challenges, including fragmented service delivery, a
lack of incentives for preventive care, and barriers to
digitization. However, novel innovations demonstrate
how integrating clinical data, predictive analytics,
and operational tools can help transform the care
landscape. Empowering healthcare professionals and
supporting preventive care measures can help older
adults remain independent and reduce the burden on
hospitals. Collaborative action among policymakers,
healthcare providers, and technology companies will
be crucial to overcoming current challenges and
ensuring the sustainability of elderly care. Through
these efforts, Switzerland has the potential to
establish a more efficient, patient-centered system
that enhances the quality of life for its aging
EP and TK are affiliated with the Centre for Digital
Health Interventions (CDHI), a joint initiative of the
Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care,
University of Zurich, the Department of
Management, Technology, and Economics at ETH
Zurich, and the Institute of Technology Management
and School of Medicine at the University of St.
Gallen. CDHI is funded in part by CSS, a Swiss
health insurer, the Swiss growth-stage investor MTIP,
and the Austrian health provider Mavie Next. TK is
also a co-founder of Pathmate Technologies, a
university spin-off company that creates and delivers
digital clinical pathways. However, CSS, Mavie
Next, or Pathmate Technologies were not involved in
this research. EP works at MTIP, a Swiss healthtech
growth equity firm that helps founders scale up
successful and sustainable digital health businesses.
MTIP was not involved in this research.
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