Multi-Agent AI System for Adaptive Cognitive Training in Elderly Care
Isabel Ferri-Molla
, Jordi Linares-Pellicer
, Carlos Aliaga-Torro
and Juan Izquierdo-Domenech
Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN), Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
encia (UPV) Cam
ı de Vera,
s/n, 46022, Valencia, Spain
{isfermol, jorlipel, calitor, juaizdom}
Multi-Agent System, Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models, Cognitive Training, Elderly Care.
The accelerated ageing of the global population presents significant societal and healthcare challenges, par-
ticularly concerning cognitive decline in older adults. This paper introduces a multi-agent system designed
to stimulate and preserve cognitive abilities in elderly users through personalized exercises tailored to their
needs. The proposed system integrates a suite of specialized AI agents: Teacher, Critic, Conciliator, Per-
formance Evaluator, and Psychologist, each fulfilling specific roles to generate, validate, and adapt cognitive
exercises collaboratively. The system establishes a self-correcting feedback loop that mitigates errors and re-
duces hallucinations through multi-agent consensus mechanisms by employing specialized LLM-based agents
for generation, critique, evaluation, and emotional assessment. This approach enhances inference depth and
ensures the generation of reliable exercises and dynamic feedback. Two interaction modes, voice-based and
text-based, are implemented using state-of-the-art speech recognition and synthesis technologies, enhancing
accessibility for users with varying preferences and abilities. A user study evaluated the system’s usability and
effectiveness. Results indicate that the multi-agent architecture enhances cognitive engagement and provides
a personalized user experience. The system demonstrated efficacy in addressing diverse cognitive needs, high-
lighting its potential as an adaptable tool for cognitive training in elderly care.
Global ageing represents one of society’s most sig-
nificant challenges in the coming decades. As life
expectancy increases worldwide, the demographic
shift towards an older population introduces signif-
icant economic, social, and healthcare implications.
This growing population segment requires innovative
approaches to address age-related challenges, such
as physical decline, cognitive deterioration, and in-
creased dependency while fostering well-being and
active participation in society. Among these chal-
lenges, preserving independence, enhancing qual-
ity of life, and maintaining cognitive functionality
emerge as top priorities.
In response to these needs, technology has be-
come crucial in developing solutions to support older
adults. Advances in digital tools, assistive technolo-
gies, and artificial intelligence (AI) enable new ap-
proaches to care, rehabilitation, and the prevention
of age-related decline. Technology not only facil-
itates better care for dependent individuals but also
empowers older adults to lead healthier and more au-
tonomous lives. Solutions such as telehealth plat-
forms, wearable devices, and smart home systems are
transforming traditional care models by offering re-
mote monitoring, personalised support, and early de-
tection of health-related issues (Wu et al., 2024), (Fer-
guson et al., 2021).
A key area of focus in this technological evo-
lution is cognitive health. Cognitive decline is one
of the most significant concerns associated with age-
ing, as it directly impacts memory, decision-making,
and overall brain functionality. Cognitive exercises
are a proven strategy for maintaining mental sharp-
ness and mitigating the effects of ageing on the brain.
However, traditional approaches to cognitive stimula-
tion often need more personalisation and adaptability,
limiting their efficacy and user engagement. This is
where AI emerges as a transformative tool.
With the capabilities of AI, it is now possi-
ble to design and implement cognitive exercises tai-
Ferri-Molla, I., Linares-Pellicer, J., Aliaga-Torro, C. and Izquierdo-Domenech, J.
Multi-Agent AI System for Adaptive Cognitive Training in Elderly Care.
DOI: 10.5220/0013397000003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 1, pages 937-947
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
lored to the unique needs of individuals. AI sys-
tems can assess users’ cognitive abilities, adapt exer-
cises in real-time, and provide personalised feedback
that enhances engagement and effectiveness (Garcia-
Betances et al., 2015). AI systems can also offer a
deeper level of user interaction by incorporating emo-
tional intelligence. These systems can also analyse
the emotional tone of users, adjusting interactions dy-
namically to prevent frustration and foster a support-
ive, positive experience (Picard, 2010).
Despite the promising potential of AI-driven so-
lutions, challenges remain. Large language models
(LLMs) and foundational AI models, integral to many
of these tools, have limitations. These models are
prone to errors, such as generating inaccurate or ir-
relevant information, a phenomenon commonly re-
ferred to as ”hallucinations.” In the context of health-
care and cognitive support for older adults, such er-
rors could undermine trust, effectiveness, and safety.
Addressing these challenges requires robust solutions
that enhance the reliability and accuracy of AI sys-
tems (Moor et al., 2023).
Agentic systems offer a promising approach to
overcoming these limitations. By leveraging a collab-
orative framework of specialised AI agents, tasks can
be distributed across domains such as medicine, psy-
chology, education, and system coordination. Each
agent contributes expertise to a specific aspect of the
user experience, ensuring that outputs are accurate,
coherent, and highly personalised. This distributed ar-
chitecture not only mitigates the risk of errors but also
enhances the overall effectiveness of the intervention.
For example, psychological agents can determine the
user’s emotional states during exercises and adjust
the interface accordingly, while multi-agent system
components ensure integration and coordination of all
The fast growth of the global elderly population
has led to an increased prevalence of dementia and
age-related cognitive decline, posing significant soci-
etal and healthcare challenges (Gates and Valenzuela,
2010). Cognitive decline often manifests in deterio-
ration of memory, attention, language, and executive
functions, undermining independence and quality of
life. Consequently, interventions that slow or mitigate
cognitive deterioration have gained substantial impor-
tance. Traditional cognitive training programs, rang-
ing from paper-and-pencil exercises to computerized
brain games, have shown promise in improving or
maintaining cognitive functions in older adults (Kelly
et al., 2014) (Kueider et al., 2012). However, the effi-
cacy of these interventions remains a topic of debate,
as evidence for their long-term cognitive benefits is
mixed and often limited by methodological concerns
(Simons et al., 2016). Moreover, these conventional
approaches typically offer limited adaptability, per-
sonalization, and scalability, reducing their long-term
engagement and overall efficacy.
Recently, AI has emerged as a powerful tool to en-
hance dementia care and cognitive training method-
ologies. AI-driven analytics have significantly im-
proved early detection and diagnosis of cognitive im-
pairments. Machine learning (ML) and Deep learning
(DL) models can integrate socio-demographic data,
neuroimaging results, speech patterns, and longitudi-
nal cognitive assessments to identify early markers of
dementia, thus enabling timely interventions (Graham
et al., 2020) (Li et al., 2015). These predictive mod-
els enhance diagnostic accuracy and refine treatment
planning, guiding clinicians toward tailored strategies
that may delay disease progression and improve pa-
tient outcomes.
Beyond detection, AI-driven personalization has
revolutionized the delivery of cognitive interventions.
Adaptive systems that learn from user performance
and preferences over time are gradually replacing tra-
ditional one-size-fits-all methods. This adaptability is
particularly evident in multi-agent AI systems, where
multiple specialized agents collaborate to design, val-
idate, and adapt cognitive exercises (Faraziani and
Eken, 2024). Such frameworks employ agents for
teaching, criticizing, evaluating, and providing psy-
chological support—each contributing distinct exper-
tise to produce a cohesive, user-centric intervention.
The real-time analysis of user behaviour and progress
allows dynamic adjustments to difficulty levels, con-
tent type, and emotional tone, ensuring that training
remains consistently challenging yet accessible.
A critical innovation in this area is the integration
of LLMs and advanced speech technologies into these
systems. Voice-based interfaces and Natural language
understanding (NLU) facilitate more inclusive en-
gagement, especially for individuals with sensory or
motor limitations (Aghajani et al., 2021). By simpli-
fying user-system interactions, voice-based platforms
can reduce barriers to participation and improve ad-
herence, allowing elderly users to access and benefit
from cognitive exercises. As AI advances, these mul-
timodal interfaces, combining voice, text, and visual
cues, enhance user autonomy and foster greater long-
term participation in cognitive maintenance programs
(Faraziani and Eken, 2024).
Multi-agent AI systems also increasingly incorpo-
rate emotional and affective computing techniques.
EAA 2025 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents
Emotional well-being is tightly linked to cognitive
health, and interventions that address affective states
may offer more holistic benefits. AI-enabled robots
and embodied virtual agents, for instance, integrate
cognitive training tasks with simulated social interac-
tions to meet both the cognitive and emotional needs
of older adults (Gochoo et al., 2020). These socially
assistive robots can detect and respond to changes in
the user’s mood or frustration levels, providing en-
couragement, empathy, and motivational support. By
attending to the user’s emotional state, AI systems
can sustain user engagement over extended periods,
potentially enhancing intervention adherence and out-
Moreover, AI is expediting research advance-
ments in elderly cognitive care. Automated litera-
ture review agents, leveraging Natural language pro-
cessing (NLP) and ML-based summarization tech-
niques, can efficiently synthesize vast amounts of re-
search findings (Sami et al., 2024). These systems
help researchers stay current with the rapidly evolv-
ing evidence base and accelerate the development
of new, more effective cognitive intervention strate-
gies. Meta-analyses and systematic reviews generated
with AI support ensure practitioners and policymak-
ers can access the latest, high-quality evidence, guid-
ing better-informed decision-making in clinical and
community settings.
Despite these technological strides, current solu-
tions often target isolated aspects of cognitive sup-
port. For example, some systems focus on exercise
generation without adequately addressing emotional
or motivational support, while others emphasize de-
tection and monitoring without delivering actionable
training content (Castro et al., 2023). Integrating
multiple AI capabilities into a single cohesive frame-
work remains a key challenge, including personali-
sation, emotional adaptation, and multimodal inter-
action. Additionally, best practices for orchestrating
agent collaboration and mitigating conflicting outputs
are still evolving. There is a clear need for compre-
hensive multi-agent architectures that can seamlessly
synchronize these functionalities, thereby improving
user experience, accessibility, and training efficacy.
This paper addresses these gaps by presenting a
novel multi-agent system for adaptive cognitive exer-
cise design in elderly care. Building on the advances
discussed in the literature, our system incorporates
specialized agents, such as the Teacher, the Critic, the
Conciliator, the Performance evaluator, and the Psy-
chologist, within the CrewAI (crewAI, 2024) frame-
work to deliver holistic, user-tailored interventions.
The system enables sophisticated agent collaboration
by leveraging LLM-based interfaces, speech recog-
nition, and emotional adaptation strategies while re-
maining accessible and engaging. This integrated ap-
proach is poised to advance the state of the art in AI-
driven cognitive training, offering a more comprehen-
sive, responsive, and human-centered solution for an
increasingly urgent public health challenge.
The proposed multi-agent system is designed to as-
sist older adults in stimulating their cognitive abilities
through exercises that focus on, but are not limited to,
six distinct areas: attention, memory, mental calcu-
lation, language, logical reasoning, and general prac-
Our approach prioritizes multi-agent orchestration
and LLMs over explicit symbolic or hybrid methods.
This enables greater adaptability and scalability, re-
ducing reliance on predefined rules or rigid knowl-
edge representations.
The system leverages a multi-layered team of ded-
icated agents, each tasked with specific roles such
as exercise generation, critique, evaluation, and emo-
tional assessment, to continuously refine both con-
tent and user interactions. This approach simulates a
”System 2”-like reasoning process, enabling the gen-
eration of high-quality exercises, real-time evaluation
of user performance, and emotional monitoring to
adapt future exercises to the user’s needs.
Crew AI, a Python-based open-source framework
designed to orchestrate multi-agent AI systems, has
been employed to orchestrate the multi-agent sys-
tem. It facilitates the creation of teams of autonomous
agents, each with specific roles, tools, and objectives,
collaborating efficiently to perform complex tasks.
Each agent assumes a specific role, fostering com-
munication and coordination between agents to share
information and delegate tasks efficiently. Its mod-
ular design facilitates the integration of customised
tools and LLMs, enabling adaptation to diverse ap-
plications and environments, including the dynamic
generation of exercises tailored to the user’s profile.
Furthermore, it automates workflows by managing
task allocation and agent interactions, optimising pro-
cesses and enhancing operational efficiency.
Using LLMs to generate cognitive exercises offers
multiple benefits supported by recent research (Kas-
neci et al., 2023). These models enable personalisa-
tion tailored to each user’s profile and cognitive level,
enhancing learning effectiveness. Additionally, their
generative capabilities allow the creation of a wide va-
riety of exercises, avoiding repetition and maintaining
the user’s engagement (Ichien et al., 2024). LLMs can
Multi-Agent AI System for Adaptive Cognitive Training in Elderly Care
also evaluate responses and provide immediate feed-
back, fostering autonomous learning and real-time er-
ror correction (Letteri and Vittorini, 2024). Moreover,
they can simulate human cognitive processes (Aher
et al., 2023) and design exercises that stimulate spe-
cific functions such as memory, attention, and plan-
ning. Lastly, LLMs can generate high-quality educa-
tional content, offering detailed explanations and so-
lutions for complex exercises, facilitating understand-
ing challenging concepts, and enriching educational
material (Sarsa et al., 2022; Moore et al., 2023).
However, despite their increasing precision,
LLMs may exhibit hallucinations or provide unreli-
able information that aligns differently from the spe-
cific context sought. Hallucinations refer to generat-
ing content without factual grounding in the training
data. This phenomenon occurs when the model, with-
out sufficient information, attempts to probabilisti-
cally complete patterns without a genuine understand-
ing of the content, resulting in fabricated or incorrect
The lack of adaptation to specific contexts arises
from the limitations of some models in adequately
interpreting the environment or the user’s particular
needs. This constraint may lead to irrelevant, inco-
herent, or poorly adjusted responses that do not meet
the requirements of the given scenario.
In the realm of creating and evaluating cognitive
exercises, it is essential to implement mechanisms
that control the outputs of language models to miti-
gate inaccuracies before they reach the end user. Such
inaccuracies can compromise the quality of the ex-
ercises generated, the interpretation of user perfor-
mance data, and, consequently, the system’s utility in
adapting future exercises or enhancing the accuracy
and feedback provided.
In this context, multi-agent systems emerge as a
highly recommended solution (Shinn et al., 2024).
These systems enable the development of architec-
tures involving agents with specific roles working in
a coordinated manner. Furthermore, it is possible to
establish groups of agents sharing the same role, in-
teracting with one another to reach a consensus before
presenting the information to the user. For instance, in
generating a cognitive exercise, multiple agents pow-
ered by language models can collaborate, refine the
content, and validate its quality, ensuring that the fi-
nal output is optimised to meet the user’s needs.
This multi-agent system approach offers two pri-
mary benefits. Firstly, it enhances the robustness of
the generated content by reducing errors and ensuring
accuracy through a consensus-driven process. Sec-
ondly, it provides significant flexibility to adapt to
each user’s specific cognitive and individual needs,
delivering a personalised and adequate experience.
At the start of execution, the system gathers basic
information about the user, such as their name, age,
cognitive state, and specific needs. This information
forms the user’s specific context and is shared with
the various agents to be considered when performing
their respective tasks.
Based on the structure provided by the CrewAI
technology, an agent in our system will possess a role,
a goal, a backstory, and a language model to generate
appropriate responses.
The agent’s role defines its function within the
group, while its goal represents the individual ob-
jective that guides its decision-making process. The
backstory provides contextual information about the
agent, shaping its interactions and behaviour.
Each agent will execute tasks, which are specific
assignments the agent is responsible for completing.
These tasks will be defined with a detailed descrip-
tion, the agent assigned to execute them, the expected
output upon task completion, and the relevant context.
The crews will also be established once the agents
and tasks have been defined. A crew is a group of
agents collaborating to solve a set of tasks. Each crew
will have its own parameters, such as the agents in-
volved in the collaboration, the tasks to be addressed,
and the type of process to be followed.
The decision-making processes of the presented
multi-agent system are structured around sequential
task execution, leveraging consensus-driven mecha-
nisms and precise coordination protocols. Each task
is broken into smaller, manageable subtasks, which
are assigned to agents sequentially to ensure an effi-
cient flow of operations. At every step, agents inter-
act iteratively to validate and refine outputs through
consensus mechanisms. For example, the critic agent
evaluates the outputs from the teacher agent against
established benchmarks. If conflicts arise, the con-
ciliator agent mediates to synthesize improvements,
ensuring robust and coherent results. Tasks are exe-
cuted in a predefined sequence, where the output of
one agent becomes the input for the next. This struc-
ture minimizes redundancy and ensures a linear pro-
gression, enhancing both speed and accuracy. For in-
stance, after the teacher agent generates an exercise,
it is passed to the critic agent for review and then to
the performance evaluator agent for assessment.
3.1 System Agents
The system comprises various types of agents, each
with distinct functionalities and roles, which are enu-
merated as follows:
EAA 2025 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents
3.1.1 Teacher Agent
The Teacher agent (TA) is responsible for generating
exercises tailored to the user. These exercises are de-
signed through prompting to be short, dynamic, and
specific, focusing on stimulating key cognitive skills
such as attention, memory, mental arithmetic, lan-
guage, and logical reasoning. Each exercise will be
adaptable to the user’s profile and needs, prioritising
an appropriate level of difficulty to ensure completion
within one minute. Tasks will vary, including iden-
tifying distinct elements in a sequence, performing
simple calculations, completing logical patterns, or-
dering words or lists, and quick memory exercises.
3.1.2 Performance Evaluator Agent
The primary goal of the Performance evaluator agent
(PEA) is to assess the user’s responses to the exercises
objectively. This agent compares the user’s response
with the correct solution generated internally to deter-
mine whether the response is correct. Additionally, it
provides specific and concise feedback based on the
user’s context, the response given, and the character-
istics of the exercise.
3.1.3 Critic Agent
The Critic agent (CA) evaluates the responses gener-
ated by other agents to ensure they are appropriate and
fulfill the requested task. Its main objective is to guar-
antee the quality and relevance of responses within
the system by employing an analytical and critical ap-
proach. In this case, it validates the exercises created
by the TA to ensure the final output is coherent and
adapted to the specific user context. Furthermore, it
reviews the corrections made by the agent to verify
that the feedback is accurate and suitably tailored to
the user’s specific characteristics.
3.1.4 Conciliator Agent
The Conciliator agent (CoA) is responsible for creat-
ing an improved version of a cognitive exercise, using
the original one and the suggested improvements as
a foundation. This agent mediates between the initial
exercise design and the critiques received, ensuring
adjustments are made to enhance quality, effective-
ness, and suitability. Its role is crucial in preventing
infinite loops between the CA and TA. During the cre-
ation of exercises, the debate between these agents
may prolong the process; therefore, after several in-
teractions, the CoA is introduced to provide a resolu-
tion based on the exercises created by the TA and the
critiques made by the CA.
3.1.5 Psychologist Agent
The Psychologist agent (PsA) analyses the user’s
emotional state based on their exercise performance
and the information provided. This agent acts as
an empathetic observer, identifying emotions such as
frustration, interest, satisfaction, or others that may
arise during the user’s interaction with the system.
Feedback on these emotions is stored in a document.
The system begins by creating an initial context for
the user based on key information such as their name,
age, and specific cognitive characteristics. Using this
context, the TA is tasked with designing an exercise
to train and enhance the user’s cognitive abilities.
The integration of AI in cognitive training for el-
derly users raises critical ethical concerns. Privacy is
a key issue, as the sensitive nature of personal and
health-related data makes it susceptible to misuse if
not properly safeguarded. To address this, the sys-
tem prioritizes data privacy and security by collecting
only essential user information, such as name, age,
and cognitive characteristics. Importantly, the name is
not transmitted externally and is used only within the
system to personalize the experience. Age and cogni-
tive information are anonymized before being sent to
the model, ensuring data protection.
Once the exercise has been generated, an interac-
tion is initiated between two agents: the TA and the
CA. The CA receives the designed exercise and the
user’s context, conducting a detailed evaluation to de-
termine whether the exercise is coherent and adheres
to the established criteria. At this stage, the CA may
either approve or reject the exercise. If the exercise is
rejected, the TA must create a new one, considering
the observations and suggestions provided by the CA.
If the exercise is approved following the initial in-
teraction between the TA and CA, the system will
present it to the user for completion. Conversely, if
the exercise is rejected again after the TA generates
a revised exercise and undergoes a new critique by
the CA, the CoA is introduced into the process. This
agent analyses both the revised exercise created by the
TA and the observations made by the CA, ultimately
producing a final proposal that harmonises both per-
spectives while still considering the user’s specific
Through this iterative cycle, the three agents col-
laborate to achieve consensus, ensuring the exercise is
high quality, coherent, and tailored to the user’s needs.
After completing this process, the system will deliver
Multi-Agent AI System for Adaptive Cognitive Training in Elderly Care
the final exercise to the user, allowing them to proceed
and complete it.
Once the user provides their response to the
exercise, the PEA takes action. As primary in-
puts, this agent receives the exercise prompt, the
user’s response, and the previously defined user con-
text. Based on this information, the PEA determines
whether the user’s response is correct or incorrect.
Additionally, it tailors its explanation, the justifica-
tion of its evaluation, and its manner of expression
to align with the user’s specific needs, ensuring that
the feedback is clear, understandable, and relevant to
their profile.
Once the PEA delivers its verdict, it will share it
with the CA. The CA is provided with all the pertinent
information: the exercise prompt, the user’s context,
the user’s response, and the evaluation generated by
the PEA. Using this data, the CA conducts a thorough
analysis to determine whether the evaluation provided
by the PEA is appropriate, well-founded, and in line
with the previously established criteria.
Following the consensus reached between both
agents, a final evaluation of the exercise is generated
and presented to the user. This evaluation not only
aims to inform the user about the correctness of their
response but also to provide a clear, well-justified, and
personalised explanation to help them better under-
stand the exercise and reflect on their performance.
Finally, the system interacts with the user once
again to gather their emotional feedback regarding
the exercise. At this stage, the user is asked how
they felt while completing the exercise, both in terms
of its composition and its level of difficulty. This
emotional feedback, combined with the user’s con-
text and their response to the exercise, is used to
generate a detailed analysis of their emotional state
based on their performance, which can subsequently
be used to adapt future exercises, ensuring they are
better aligned with the user’s cognitive abilities and
emotional well-being. The figure 1 presents a dia-
gram illustrating the system architecture and internal
In terms of user interaction with the system, two ver-
sions have been developed: one where the interaction
is conducted through text and another where it is con-
ducted through voice.
In the voice interaction version, advanced speech
recognition and synthesis technologies enable a natu-
ral and accessible voice-based interaction. The Deep-
gram API powers both speech recognition and syn-
thesis functionalities (Deepgram, 2024), ensuring a
robust and efficient implementation. These tools al-
low the user’s voice to be transformed into text and,
in turn, generate responses in auditory format, creat-
ing a continuous flow of communication between the
user and the system. This approach enables interac-
tion for individuals who may have reading or writing
difficulties, which is common among older users.
Speech recognition is crucial in capturing the
user’s spoken words and converting them into text.
This process leverages DL models to achieve high
accuracy even under challenging acoustic conditions,
such as noisy environments or interacting with users
with varied accents. The ability to process speech in
real-time ensures that interactions remain immediate
and dynamic. Moreover, these models transcribe in-
dividual words and interpret complete phrases, taking
into account the context and intent behind the mes-
On the other hand, speech synthesis transforms
the text generated by the system into clear and nat-
ural audio. This not only facilitates the comprehen-
sion of instructions and feedback but also enhances
the user experience by incorporating human-like in-
tonations and rhythms.
The interaction flow begins by informing the user
that the exercise is being generated. The exer-
cise is then read aloud, and the system awaits the
user’s input, which is spoken directly into the sys-
tem. The user’s voice is converted into text and pro-
cessed by intelligent agents to generate a response.
This response is subsequently transformed into audio
through speech synthesis, providing clear and person-
alised communication to the user. This process en-
ables the user to engage in an interactive experience
while enhancing the system’s usability and accessi-
bility, allowing individuals with varying abilities to
interact effectively with the technology.
Moreover, both voice and text interaction mod-
els have utilised language models to enhance the
agents’ ability to comprehend and generate appropri-
ate responses. For this purpose, GPT-4o was selected
(Achiam et al., 2023), as it is one of the state-of-the-
art LLMs. To ensure that the performance of the LLM
did not compromise the system’s effectiveness, we
consulted an LLM leaderboard, specifically the Chat-
bot Arena LLM Leaderboard (Chiang et al., 2024).
This leaderboard is based on an open platform that
evaluates and ranks AI models through user votes,
using the Bradley-Terry model to generate real-time
rankings. Consequently, we selected the top-ranked
LLM to evaluate the multi-agent system architecture
EAA 2025 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents
Figure 1: Overview of the multi-agent system architecture.
The practical experimentation of the system was con-
ducted with a group of 20 users aged between 54 and
83 years, most of whom were members of a senior
university program. These users had a certain level of
familiarity with technology, although not specifically
with systems like the one being tested. During the
tests, users were tasked with completing an entire in-
teraction cycle designed to evaluate the system’s per-
The group of 20 users was divided into two sub-
groups of 10 participants each. One subgroup per-
formed the tests using voice interaction, while the
other used text-based interaction. Efforts were made
to ensure that the average age of participants in both
groups was similar. The objective of this approach
was not only to test the multi-agent system but also
to assess how the different forms of interaction could
influence users’ perceptions of the system.
The experimental process followed a similar
structure for both groups.
Firstly, the system generated a personalised ex-
ercise tailored to each user’s specific characteristics,
which had been previously introduced. This level of
personalisation ensured that the generated tasks were
relevant and appropriately suited to the user’s profile.
Once the exercise was presented, participants
completed the task using either text or voice inter-
action, depending on their assigned modality. Upon
task completion, the system automatically generated
a correction of the user’s responses and provided de-
tailed feedback on their performance. Subsequently,
users were asked to share their thoughts on the ex-
ercise. The system produced a psychological profile
based on the exercise outcomes, user feedback, and
observed interaction patterns. This profile included
an analysis of the emotional state experienced during
the process, identifying emotions such as satisfaction,
frustration, or motivation.
Following the experimentation phase, both groups
were given a questionnaire, with questions assessed
using a 5-point Likert scale, where one indicated
“strongly disagree” and ve indicated “strongly
The results for the subgroup that tested the sys-
tem using text-based interaction are presented in Ta-
ble 1, showing the mean and standard deviation for
each question. Table 2 presents the results for the
subgroup that used the system through voice-based
interaction, measuring the participants’ opinions and
As the analysis presented in the preceding tables
shows, the average score for text-based interaction is
4.63 out of 5, indicating a very positive overall opin-
ion. In contrast, this value decreases to 4.10 out of
5 for voice-based interaction. While this still reflects
a good predisposition towards using the system, it is
evident that users who interacted with the system via
text provided higher ratings.
Nevertheless, regarding whether users would
utilise the system frequently, the average response in
both cases exceeds 4 out of 5 on the Likert scale.
This demonstrates a strong general acceptance of the
system, regardless of the mode of interaction em-
ployed. It suggests that, although text-based interac-
tion is rated slightly higher than voice-based interac-
tion, both modes reveal a favourable user inclination.
In particular, the fact that the average responses
for anticipated frequency of use remain above 4 in
both cases highlights a positive perception and con-
fidence in the system as a valuable and viable tool.
These findings imply that the system possesses
significant potential for frequent and sustained adop-
Multi-Agent AI System for Adaptive Cognitive Training in Elderly Care
Table 1: Descriptive results of the Likert scale questionnaire for the text interaction system.
Item Mean Standard Deviation
I find the system useful 4.83 0.41
I would use the system frequently 4.50 0.83
The system instructions were clear and easy to understand 4.67 0.52
I felt that the activities matched my abilities 4.50 0.83
I felt secure while using this system 4.00 0.63
I believe that with some practice, I could use this system on my own 4.83 0.41
I found it entertaining and pleasant to use this system 4.67 0.52
I believe the system can help keep my mind active 4.83 0.41
Table 2: Descriptive results of the Likert scale questionnaire for the voice interaction system.
Item Mean Standard Deviation
I find the system useful 4.67 0.52
I would use the system frequently 4.17 0.41
The system instructions were clear and easy to understand 4.00 0.89
I felt that the activities matched my abilities 3.83 0.75
I felt secure while using this system 3.83 0.75
I believe that with some practice, I could use this system on my own 3.83 0.75
I found it entertaining and pleasant to use this system 4.00 0.63
I believe the system can help keep my mind active 4.33 0.52
tion despite the differences in user experience be-
tween the interaction modes. However, further refine-
ments should be made to enhance the user experience,
particularly for voice-based interaction.
Furthermore, following user feedback, partici-
pants were asked open-ended questions regarding
their overall experience and suggestions for system
improvement. Among users of the text-based interac-
tion, the majority highlighted that the initial difficulty
of the exercises was somewhat high. This suggests
the need for further adjustments to ensure a smoother
learning curve, especially for older users who may re-
quire a more gradual progression in task complexity.
Additionally, some participants mentioned that the
correction feedback provided by the system was occa-
sionally too lengthy, which could hinder their ability
to process the information effectively.
Several notable challenges were identified for
users who interacted with the system via voice. The
exercises relied solely on auditory input, which cre-
ated specific difficulties for users. In memory-based
tasks, such as recalling words, participants found
it challenging to retain information presented only
through voice, as they lacked visual references to sup-
port their memory. While the voice interface was
designed to be fully auditory, participants expressed
that having to rely exclusively on spoken instruc-
tions made it more difficult to process and remem-
ber multiple steps or complex exercise requirements.
A recurring suggestion was to complement the voice-
based interface with a visual display of the text on the
screen, as this dual-modality approach would provide
users with both auditory and visual cues, improving
comprehension and accessibility.
To evaluate whether significant differences exist in
the perception of interaction between two modes (text
and voice), a Student’s t-test was applied to compare
the satisfaction means. The results showed that inter-
action via text received a significantly higher rating
than voice. The analysis yielded a t-statistic of 3.19
and a p-value of 0.014, which allows us to affirm, with
a 95% confidence level, that the observed difference is
unlikely to have occurred by chance. These findings
suggest that participants perceive interaction through
text as a more positive and efficient experience.
Additionally, the coefficient of variation (CV) was
calculated to analyse the responses’ consistency and
assess the perceptions’ homogeneity. The results re-
vealed that voice interaction exhibits more significant
variability in user opinions than text mode. For in-
stance, in the question “The system instructions were
clear and easy to understand”, the CV for text mode
was 11.13%, whereas for voice it reached 22.25%.
This difference suggests that users’ experience with
voice interaction is less consistent, possibly due to
factors such as difficulties in auditory comprehension,
the absence of visual support, or individual differ-
ences in the use of technology.
EAA 2025 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents
During the testing conducted throughout the exper-
imental process, the system, leveraging LLMs for
content creation and language comprehension along
with agentic systems to fulfill various roles, showed
promise according to most users. Multi-agent interac-
tions were especially beneficial in regulating the out-
puts of LLMs, thereby reducing inaccuracies and hal-
lucinations. Despite these advantages, our evaluation
highlighted several limitations and proposed areas for
improvement that could enhance system functional-
ity and user experience. It was observed that the ini-
tial difficulty of the cognitive exercises could benefit
from more precise adjustments. Implementing a pro-
gressive approach, starting with simpler exercises and
gradually increasing complexity based on user perfor-
mance and feedback, might be more effective. Such
a strategy would provide a more user-friendly intro-
duction to the system, especially for users with lim-
ited cognitive abilities, and support a more natural
and adaptive learning curve. This would help mitigate
frustration associated with complex initial exercises,
facilitating a smoother transition to more challenging
levels. Although initially designed to operate through
verbal commands for integration with home assis-
tants, there is a significant opportunity to enhance user
interaction by adding a visual interface. This interface
would display exercise text, allowing users to both
listen to instructions and read them, thus improving
comprehension and performance. This feature would
be particularly beneficial for users who require vi-
sual reinforcement to process information more effec-
The current evaluation involved a limited number
of participants due to resource constraints. Despite
these limitations, the insights gleaned provide a valu-
able foundation for understanding the system’s initial
usability and effectiveness. Moving forward, it would
be beneficial to undertake a more comprehensive eval-
uation involving a broader user base to further vali-
date and refine the system’s capabilities, thus enhanc-
ing the robustness of our findings.
Additionally, considering ethical and normative
aspects, it would be intriguing to develop an ethical
agent in future iterations of this project. This agent
will be designed to process regulatory documents, en-
suring that the outcomes of interactions within the
system, specifically, the final exercise generated by
the TA after discussions with the CA and CoA, as well
as the responses from the PEA and PsA, are in strict
adherence to the applicable ethical standards and reg-
ulations. This approach not only reinforces the in-
tegrity of the system but also safeguards the interests
and rights of all participants involved.
The system is designed with a strong emphasis on
user autonomy and trust. Users are fully informed
about its purpose and capabilities and are explicitly
asked for their consent before engaging with it, pro-
moting transparency and confidence in the system.
Furthermore, it is intended as a supportive tool for
cognitive training rather than a replacement for pro-
fessional medical judgment. Healthcare professionals
retain ultimate responsibility for interpreting the sys-
tem’s output and making treatment decisions, recom-
mending its use when it aligns with the specific needs
of their patients.
These improvements and considerations are in-
tended to refine the system’s capabilities and ensure
a high-quality user experience in future deployments.
The system presented in this article demonstrates how
technology can assist and provide solutions with the
potential to mitigate some of the problems that our so-
ciety will inevitably face in the coming years, such as
the ageing of the population and the cognitive decline
experienced by individuals at advanced ages.
As shown in this article, the combination of lan-
guage models with multi-agent systems allows us
to harness the creative capabilities of these systems
while mitigating issues such as hallucination through
the interaction between agents.
The presented system demonstrates how integrat-
ing specialized agents with clearly defined roles, such
as the TA, the CA, the CoA, the PEA, and the PsA,
plays a fundamental role in creating precise, user-
oriented cognitive exercises. This multi-agent, LLM-
driven strategy combines generation, critique, evalua-
tion, and emotional insights to form a self-correcting,
layered process. By advancing toward more System
2-like reasoning, the system reduces hallucinations
and ensures a structured, adaptive approach where
user needs and emotional states take center stage. The
additional computational effort is justified by consis-
tently producing reliable, well-considered outcomes
tailored to enhance cognitive engagement and effec-
On the one hand, the TA serves as the primary
guide and is responsible for generating the exercises.
At the same time, the CA acts as a constructive eval-
uator of the exercise created, identifying areas for im-
provement and providing detailed feedback, which ul-
timately ensures higher quality in the proposed exer-
The role of the CoA is crucial in integrating the
Multi-Agent AI System for Adaptive Cognitive Training in Elderly Care
responses of both the TA and the CA, ensuring that
the content remains comprehensible and appropri-
ately tailored to the user’s current level. In parallel,
the PEA provides real-time correction of the user’s re-
sponses, monitoring their performance and highlight-
ing potential errors.
Finally, the PsA adds a unique value to the sys-
tem by conducting an emotional analysis of the user
during the completion of the exercises. This function-
ality allows for detecting the user’s emotional state in
response to the exercises, which can be highly useful
for adapting both the difficulty level and the type of
exercises presented.
This holistic approach, which integrates cogni-
tive performance with emotional well-being, ensures
a more inclusive, effective, and personalised user ex-
The interaction modes, voice and text, are
thoughtfully designed to provide flexibility and adapt-
ability, allowing users to engage with the system in
the way that suits them best. Voice-based interfaces
offer a hands-free, intuitive option, making them par-
ticularly helpful for individuals with limited literacy
or motor challenges, such as older adults or those
with physical impairments. Meanwhile, text-based
interactions ensure clarity and precision, appealing to
users who feel comfortable reading and typing, and
offering a straightforward and efficient experience.
By accommodating diverse abilities and preferences,
these dual modes reflect a strong commitment to ac-
cessibility and inclusivity, creating opportunities for a
wide range of users to interact with the system effec-
Both systems received positive user evaluations,
with average scores exceeding 4 out of 5 on the Lik-
ert scale questions. These results reflect a high level
of acceptance of the system and a positive inclination
towards its use, regardless of the interaction modality
In conclusion, this system represents a signifi-
cant step forward in leveraging AI-driven multi-agent
frameworks to deliver personalised, adaptive, and ac-
cessible cognitive training solutions, potentially en-
hancing cognitive engagement and emotional well-
being in elderly users.
This work is partially supported by Generalitat
Valenciana, FPI grant CIACIF/2022/098 and CI-
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Multi-Agent AI System for Adaptive Cognitive Training in Elderly Care