Simulation and Experimental Validation of a Silicon Photonics Ring
Assisted Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Filter
Ana Clara Marques
, Pedro Cabrita
, Maria João Carvalhais
, Catarina Novo
, Mário Lima
Francisco Rodrigues
and António Teixeira
Instituto de Telecomunicações, Universidade de Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
PICAdvanced AS, Ílhavo, Portugal
Keywords: Ring-Assisted Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, Photonic Integrated Circuits, Optical Filters.
Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive study on the simulation and laboratorial validation of ring assisted Mach-
Zehnder interferometers (RAMZIs) for use as optical filters in demultiplexing systems in optical
communication. The study explores the integration of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) and an optical
ring ressonator (ORR) to achieve a flat-top spectral response. The ORR and MZI are independently simulated
before combining them into a RAMZI structure. The experimental results, obtained from a fabricated PIC on
a SiOI platform, closely align with simulated spectrum, demonstrating the validity of the proposed model.
Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are considered a
significant advancement in the field of
telecommunications. Their capability of integrate
many optical components such as filters, modulators,
polarization elements, photodiodes or lasers into a
single chip, combined with system flexibility, low
cost and potential for large scale production, are some
of the key characteristics that have driven extensive
research into this technology over the past few years
(Dong et al., 2014).
Optical selective bandpass filters are a special
subgroup of components in optical transmission
systems, particularly in wavelength-division
multipplexing (WDM) systems, due to their ability to
perform channel selection, demultiplexing and
multichannel filtering (Kohli et al., 2021). These
filters enable precise isolation of specific
wavelengths or channels, ensuring efficient data
transmission and reception over multiple channels
simultaneously, thereby enhancing the overall
performance of optical networks (Song et al., 2008).
Over the years, numerous optical components
have been refined to perform as filters. Mach-
Zehnder interferometer (MZI) stand out as a key
example (Horst et al., 2013). It is a simple device
based on a Y-splitter structure that divides the
incoming light on the waveguide into two arms and
then recombine the two signals allowing them to
interfere and generate an output signal. The nature of
this interference, whether constructive or destructive,
depends on the optical path difference between the
two arms ().
Figure 1: MZI scheme.
Although MZIs are fundamental components in
Silicon Photonics (SiP), a single MZI is not capable
of delivering a flat-top spectral response. To obtain a
more rectangular shaped spectrum multiple stages,
MZIs can be designed, although this approach
increases the device footprint and complexity in
design and fabrication processes. As an alternative,
the design of ring assisted Mach-Zehnder
interferometers (RAMZIs) appeared. This
configuration offers a more box-like passband
response compared to cascaded optical ring
ressonators (ORRs) or MZIs with a simplified device
sctructure (Sabri et al., 2024).
Marques, A. C., Cabrita, P., Carvalhais, M. J., Novo, C., Lima, M., Rodrigues, F. and Teixeira, A.
Simulation and Experimental Validation of a Silicon Photonics Ring Assisted Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Filter.
DOI: 10.5220/0013397500003902
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2025), pages 147-151
ISBN: 978-989-758-736-8; ISSN: 2184-4364
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Conventionally this component consists of a basic
MZI with a coupled ORR in its shorter arm.
A generic ring resonator consists of an optical
waveguide which is looped back on itself, such that a
resonance occurs when the optical path length of the
resonator is exactly a whole number of wavelengths .
In addition to that we have one straight waveguide
that allows the access to the loop through a coupling
mechanism. This specifically design is called all-pass
filter and a scheme of the described component is
shown in Figure 2 where the three main physical
parameters of the device are represented as
for the
coupling length, that refers to the straight path that
separates the two halves of the ring, R for the radius
of the ring and the gap, g, between the ring and the
straight waveguide.
Figure 2: ORR scheme.
The addition of the ORR enables the RAMZI to
exploit both the interference and resonance
phenomena, making it suitable for applications
requiring enhanced wavelength filtering or precision
phase control, while retaining the basic functionality
of the MZI. This straightforward configuration is
known as a single-ring RAMZI, as showed in Figure
3. In recent years, various design modifications have
been explored, including two or more cascading rings
or parallel rings configurations (Kohli et al., 2021).
Figure 3: Single ring RAMZI scheme.
In this paper, for demonstration of the RAMZI
working principle, we will present a model of
simulation and experimental validation of the single
ring RAMZI.
This simulation process involves two steps. First the
ORR and MZI are simulated independently to ensure
that each component adheres to the required
relationship between their Free Spectral Ranges
(FSR), with the MZI's FSR being twice that of the
ORR. Next, the two components are integrated to
form a RAMZI.
2.1 ORR Simulation
The simulation of the ORRs for the design of RAMZI
structures were carried out using the Variational
Finite-Difference Time-Domain (varFDTD) solver in
Ansys Lumerical. This solver provides an accurate
representation of light propagation in planar
integrated optical systems.
Simulating the rings is essential to determine the
parameters required to calculate the Q-factor defined
as the ratio between a resonant wavelength and its full
width at half maximum (FWHM), as described in
Equation 1. This Q-factor is then used to determine
the coupling coefficient, k, between the straight
waveguide and the ring, via Equation 2.
Additionally, it is also essential to calculate the
total length of the ORR using Equation 3.
The calculated parameters, k and L, will serve as
essential inputs for simulating the RAMZI.
The resulting spectrum of the simulated ORR with a
radius of 5.5 µm, a coupling length of 1.5 µm and a
gap of 200 nm, using a waveguide with an effective
, of 2.5454, group index,
, of 3.9030, a
width of 450 nm and a thickness of 120 nm is
presented at Figure 4 corresponding to the expected
response for this component compared to the
reviewed literature (Bogaerts et al., 2012).
2.2 MZI Simulation
For simulating the MZI Lumerical
INTERCONNECT was employed due to its
PHOTOPTICS 2025 - 13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
Figure 4: ORR spectrum.
capability to support block-based schematic designs.
This software facilitates the creation and visualization
of photonic circuits, enabling efficient simulation and
analysis of the MZI architecture. Lumerical
INTERCONNECT’s framework allows easy
parameter adjustments and comprehensive insights of
the configuration’s performance.
Figure 5 represents the MZI setup with the length
of each parameter represented in µm. The input
optical signal enters through the Y-branch splitter,
which divides it into two paths, forming the two arms
of the interferometer. In the upper arm, the signal
propagates through two waveguide segments, one of
them being 17.29µm, introducing a significant phase
delay. In the lower arm, the signal travels through
shorter waveguides. These two paths are then
recombined at the directional coupler where the
signals interfere. The output interference pattern is
analysed by the Optical Network Analyzer.
Figure 5: Block diagram of the simulated MZI.
The resultant spectra of this specific MZI is
showed in Figure 6, showcasing the two output
channels, and it also corresponds to the expected
response for the respective component as seen in
literature (Zheng et al., 2021).
Figure 6: MZI spectrum.
2.3 RAMZI Simulation
The RAMZI simulation is essentially identical to the
MZI, with the main difference being the addition of
the ORR in the smaller arm as depicted in Figure 7.
This ORR must follow the parameters established in
the varFDTD simulation. To ensure it matches the
original ring and maintains the same spectral
response, the length and coupling coefficient
calculated earlier are applied here.
Figure 7: Block diagram of the simulated RAMZI.
Finally, the spectrum of the final component is
depicted in Figure 8.
Figure 8: RAMZI spectrum.
Simulation and Experimental Validation of a Silicon Photonics Ring Assisted Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Filter
As anticipated we can observe that the RAMZI exhibits
a more rectangular response compared to the individual
spectra of the ORR and MZI.
To validate the simulation models, a laboratory test
was done to compare the real and simulated spectrum.
Both a RAMZI and an MZI from an existing PIC were
tested, and the results were analysed in comparison
with the simulated data.
The devices were designed using GDSfactory.
The PIC was fabricated on a multi-project wafer from
CORNERSTONE foundry and the stack is a SOI
platform with rib waveguides.
The optical responses of the components were
assessed by acquiring spectra at both ports of a MZI
and a RAMZI using the experimental setup a depicted
in Figure 9. In this setup, a C-L Band ASE Light
Source provides the input light in the system. An
Erbium Fiber amplifier(EDFA) is necessary to
amplify the signal before it enters the PIC. Finally the
output of the component is analysed with an Optical
Spectrum Analyser (OSA).
Figure 9: Experimental setup.
Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the experimental
spectrums of a MZI and RAMZI respectively
compared to its simulated spectrums.
Figure 10: MZI experimental vs simulation.
By examining the results, we can conclude that,
despite potential wavelength shift from the simulation
possibly due to lithography differences between the
simulated component and the fabricated one that will
be explored in future work, the overall shape of the
spectra aligns well. This consistency indicates that the
simulation models are valid and are reliable for future
Figure 11: RAMZI experimental vs simulation.
In conclusion, this study successfully demonstrated
the simulation and experimental validation of a
RAMZI for optical filtering applications in photonic
integrated circuits. By individually simulating the
ORR and MZI and then integrating them into the
RAMZI structure, we achieved a detailed
understanding of their performance characteristics.
The inclusion of the ORR in the MZI configuration
enhanced the spectral response, offering a flatter
passband and improved wavelength selectivity
compared to a standard MZI. Experimental results
from fabricated photonic chip showed good
alignment with simulated spectra, validating the
reliability of the simulation models despite minor
deviations attributed to fabrication tolerances.
This work was supported by FCT Fundação para a
Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P. by project reference
LA/P/0109/2020, and DOI identifier 10.54499/
This work is supported by the European Regional
Development Fund (FEDER), through the
Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational
Programme (COMPETE 2020) of the Portugal 2020
framework [Project POWER with Nr. 070365 (POCI-
01-0247-FEDER-070365)] and Project SINO.
The University of Southampton and the UK
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
(EPSRC) funded CORNERSTONE project
(EP/L021129/1), CORNERSTONE 2 project
PHOTOPTICS 2025 - 13th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
(EP/T019697/1) or CORNERSTONE 2.5 project
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Simulation and Experimental Validation of a Silicon Photonics Ring Assisted Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Filter