ExSnus: A Persuasive Mobile Health Application for Snus Cessation
Alba Puyuelo Citoler
, Jungna Lee and Eunji Lee
Department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Keywords: Snus Cessation, Mobile Health Application, Persuasive Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Service Design,
Prototyping, Health Promotion.
Abstract: The use of snus among Swedish youth is increasing, becoming a growing public health concern due to its
associated health risks. To help individuals quit addictive behaviours such as snus consumption, mobile health
applications have emerged as accessible and cost-effective tools. This project presents ExSnus, a mobile
application prototype designed to support users in quitting snus by employing strategies based on a persuasive
systems design framework. The application combines social interaction and self-monitoring to address key
factors influencing snus use, such as social influence, cultural normalization, and health concerns. This
approach ensures that ExSnus not only supports behavioural change but also provides an accessible tool
tailored to the needs of young users.
This section provides a comprehensive overview of
the context surrounding snus consumption. It presents
key statistics, highlights the physiological and
cognitive effects of snus addiction, and discusses the
challenges of cessation, including withdrawal
symptoms and available treatments. Furthermore, it
explores the potential role of emerging technologies,
such as mobile health (mHealth) applications, in
addressing this growing public health concern. These
insights support the project's aim to design an
effective mHealth application to assist Swedish
university students in quitting snus.
1.1 Snus Consumption Statistics
Snus is a type of moist oral tobacco typically used by
placing it behind the upper lip so that its active
components, primarily nicotine, are absorbed through
the oral mucosa (Byhamre et al., 2020). Its sale is only
available in Sweden among all the European Union
countries and in Norway. Although snus is usually
considered a less harmful alternative to cigarettes
(Clarke et al., 2019), recent studies are showing that
it has associated health risks, including increased
mortality rates and a potential association with deaths
from cardiovascular disease and cancer (Byhamre et
al., 2020; France-Presse, 2023; Norwegian Institute
of Public Health, 2019). Recent statistics show that
13.6% of Swedes consume snus every day (Sohlberg
& Wennberg, 2020). This trend is particularly
alarming among younger demographics, where
approximately half of high school students have tried
it at least once (The Public Health Agency of Sweden,
1.2 Physiological and Cognitive Effects
on Snus Addiction and Motivations
to Quit
Delving into the reasons for consuming it, snus
produces several positive effects in the body, mainly
related to its nicotine content, a highly addictive
substance that encourages its use. Snus promotes
relaxation, helps with concentration, and improves
mood, resulting in a cheerful feeling that typically
lasts around half an hour (POUCHES.EU, 2020).
Additionally, snus use is associated with certain
beliefs and cognitive distortions that also contribute
to addiction. These include the notion that snus
relieves stress and the belief that it is necessary for
coping with challenging emotions. Cognitive biases,
such as underestimating the health risks of snus and
Citoler, A. P., Lee, J. and Lee, E.
ExSnus: A Persuasive Mobile Health Application for Snus Cessation.
DOI: 10.5220/0013398100003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 1, pages 1105-1116
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
overestimating its benefits, further reinforce these
addictive behaviours (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Los Angeles, 2020). Other factors influencing snus
use include its perception as a less risky alternative to
cigarettes or as an aid during smoking cessation
(Ramström et al., 2016), as well as its cultural
importance in Sweden (Pele et al., 2023).
However, several studies have shown that snus
use can lead to overall morbidity and mortality
(Byhamre et al., 2020; France-Presse, 2023), which
motivates people to stop using it. A study conducted
among young people found that nearly half of daily
snus users were willing to quit (Danielsson et al.,
2023). The study also demonstrated that awareness of
the health risks associated with snus and receiving
advice to quit had a positive impact on individuals’
motivation to stop using it.
Another study conducted among Swedish
smokers aged 16-84, who used snus as a method to
quit smoking, identified additional reasons for
quitting snus (Sohlberg & Wennberg, 2020). These
reasons included health problems such as high blood
pressure and dental problems, economic concerns
because of the high price of snus, negative effects on
relationships due to complaints related to the smell,
and the perception of the habit as disgusting.
Interestingly, some cited the difficulty of shipping
and purchasing snus abroad as a reason to quit.
1.3 Cessation Consequences and
Established Treatments
Despite the initial motivations, quitting snus is a
challenging process due to the associated withdrawal
symptoms that emerge when snus is no longer used.
These negative symptoms occur because the body has
become dependent on nicotine, a highly addictive
substance present in snus that influences
neurotransmitters in the brain's reward system. Since
cigarettes and snus share this nicotine content, the
withdrawal symptoms that occur when quitting snus
are similar to those encountered when quitting
smoking (Ashford, 2016). These withdrawal
symptoms typically include intense cravings and
mood changes such as anxiety, irritability, and
difficulty concentrating and sleeping (Maana;
Snusforumet, 2022). It is crucial for people who want
to quit snus to be aware of these symptoms and when
they are likely to occur. Understanding that these
symptoms are only temporary can help them stay
motivated throughout the cessation journey
(Smokefree Veterans, 2021).
Over the years, different treatments have been
developed to aid smoking cessation efforts, which can
also be applied to quit snus given the shared nicotine
content between the two products. Nicotine
Replacement Therapy (NRT) is the most common
smoking cessation method, using products that
administer controlled doses of nicotine to alleviate
cravings and withdrawal symptoms (Smokefree
Veterans, 2021). The effectiveness of these
treatments is enhanced when complemented with
guidance or counselling, usually provided by
healthcare professionals (National Cancer Institute,
2022; Smokefree Veterans, 2021). This counselling
often involves cognitive approaches to help people
change their attitudes towards tobacco and snus use,
with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) being
one of the most established methods for managing
nicotine withdrawal (Vinci, 2020). CBT focuses on
identifying maladaptive thoughts and behaviours to
then alter them (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los
Angeles, 2020). Furthermore, CBT emphasizes the
value of setting achievable goals and creating a
realistic quit plan to prevent relapse, along with other
strategies such as self-reminders of the reasons for
quitting and rewards for resisting cravings (Jenlmat,
2018; Nicotine Pouches with Gum Protection, 2024).
However, accessing professional counselling can
be tedious, especially for young people who might
lack the motivation or economical means. As
technology advances, new and more accessible
alternatives for advice and counseling are emerging,
including mHealth technologies. mHealth
applications provide an opportunity to deliver
continuous support, such as the previously mentioned
cognitive therapies, making them readily available for
people seeking to overcome addictive behaviours.
1.4 Aim of the Project
The increasing popularity of snus among Swedish
youth, coupled with the mounting evidence of its
associated health risks, is becoming a critical public
health issue. To address this issue, mHealth
applications have the potential to serve as powerful
allies, providing accessible counselling to help
individuals overcome addictions. This project focuses
on designing a mHealth application tailored to aid
university students in Sweden with snus cessation.
The design of the application will follow a service
design process and incorporate a persuasive
technology framework to ensure that it addresses the
users’ needs and effectively influences their
behaviour changes towards snus use.
The main research questions guiding this project
DEMS 2025 - Special Session on Design and Evaluation of Monitoring Systems
a) What are the key factors that contribute to the
use of snus?
b) How can a mobile snus cessation application
can be designed to address these factors and
incorporate a persuasive technology framework?
To answer these questions, the project will first
identify the main drivers of snus use and then
determine how a mobile application can effectively
counteract them by following some persuasive
technology principles.
This section provides an in-depth presentation of the
foundational theories and methodologies guiding the
design of the mobile application. It delves into
approaches such as Service Design, Persuasive
Technology, and User Interface Design, explaining
why they were selected. Furthermore, the integration
of Artificial Intelligence counselling into the
application is examined, highlighting its potential to
enhance accessibility and personalization.
2.1 Adapted Design Approaches
This sub-section offers an overview of the theoretical
foundation behind the approaches used in designing
the mobile application for this study.
Service Design (SD) is rooted in design thinking,
which focuses on understanding the users’ needs to
create products and services that improve user
experiences (Stickdorn et al., 2020). SD has been
already employed to develop several mHealth
applications (Farao et al., 2020; Koumpouros, 2022;
Woods et al., 2017). It was selected for this project
based on evidence showing that mHeatlh applications
designed without sufficient input from users and
clinicians often fail to achieve high quality (Farao et
al., 2020; Koumpouros, 2022).
Persuasive Technology (PT) uses non-coercive
methods to alter user behaviours or attitudes
(Wenker, 2022). In the health field, persuasive health
technology (PHT) targets health-related behaviours
to improve a person’s health status (McLean, 2020;
Orji et al., 2016). For this project, PHT aimed at
tobacco cessation is particularly relevant. This type of
PHT uses cognitive strategies to change users
attitudes towards tobacco use (Wenker, 2022), being
CBT one of the most well-established methods. The
Persuasive Systems Design (PSD) framework acts as
a guideline for designing these persuasive
technologies through four main areas: Primary Task
Support, Computer-Human Dialogue Support,
System Credibility Support, and Social Support
(McLean, 2020).
Nevertheless, effective mHealth applications
require both the right functionalities and an interface
that is easy to use. User Interface (UI) design focuses
on creating such interfaces (The Interaction Design
Foundation, 2024) by defining a clear navigational
structure and keeping the number of functionalities
offered on each screen simple (Shokurova, 2020).
2.2 Artificial Intelligence Counseling in
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based
counseling is becoming popular in health-related
applications (Espejo et al., 2023). AI-powered
chatbots such as QuitBot (Fred Hutch Cancer Center,
2024) provide personalized support for smoking
cessation by combining evidence-based content with
natural language processing and machine learning.
These chatbots offer users real-time guidance
throughout the quitting process, making them more
accessible and adaptable than traditional counseling
methods (Fiske et al., 2019). Although AI holds
promise for mental and physical health interventions,
ethical considerations and ongoing research are
essential to ensure these tools complement
professional care effectively (Bendotti et al., 2023;
He et al., 2022; Whittaker et al., 2022).
Table 1 presents the methods employed across four
phases of an adapted SD process: research, ideation,
prototyping and validation, as depicted in Figure 1.
The State-of-the-Art (SOTA), and user interview and
its analysis were employed during the research phase.
For the ideation phase, persona and use cases were
created to represent the application’s functionalities.
Then, sketching, wireframing and interactive click
modelling were used to create the digital prototype of
the application. Finally, usability testing coupled with
usability interview completed the validation phase. In
this way, these methods were used to create this
project’s application, which was called ExSnus and
will be referred to as such from now on.
In the initial research phase, SOTA was conducted
to understand the current snus cessation methods.
Existing smoking cessation strategies and mHealth
applications for snus cessation were reviewed to
assess their strengths, weaknesses, and potential gaps
ExSnus: A Persuasive Mobile Health Application for Snus Cessation
Table 1: Methods Employed in This Study.
Research topic
Existing mHealth applications for snus
User interview
Relationship of college students with snus
Document and
Identifying key user needs for snus
cessation from the SOTA and the
Persona and
use cases
Representing a potential end-user and
defining the functionalities to address the
identified user needs by implementing a
persuasive technology framework
Translating defined functionalities into
visual elements
Converting sketches into digital designs,
establishing connections between the
application’s screens
click modelling
Giving more realism and aesthetic to the
digital screens following UI guidelines,
making them functional
Moderated in-person testing where
participants completed tasks in the
interactive click prototype to evaluate its
Use of AI counselling and preferred
functionalities from the designed prototype
to address snus addiction
that ExSnus could address (Beck et al., 2016).
Additionally, current trends in mobile application
design were studied to ensure ExSnus meets user
In parallel, user interviews in the form of semi-
structured interview (Lazar et al., 2017) were
conducted with five students at Chalmers University
of Technology who use snus. The goal was to explore
their motivations, experiences, and attitudes towards
snus. The interview questions covered topics such as
their snus habits and perspectives on quitting, like
Do you feel snus helps you in some way?” and
What do you think you need to help yourself to quit
snus?”. The answers were analysed using thematic
analysis (Braun et al., 2006) to identify key themes
that informed the design of ExSnus, ensuring that it
addresses the needs users face when quitting snus.
In this way, the knowledge obtained in the
research phase allowed the identification of necessary
functionalities to be included in ExSnus during the
ideation phase. Based on the collected and analysed
data, a persona (Method Library - This is Service
Design Doing, 2020) was created to represent the
needs of potential users of ExSnus. Then, the
functionalities of ExSnus were defined to address
Figma: The Collaborative Interface Design Tool
these needs, based on existing mHealth applications
for snus cessation and following the principles of the
PSD model. These functionalities are represented
through use cases and a use case diagram, which
illustrate how users interact with the application,
describing their goals, actions, and system responses
(Indeed Editorial Team, 2023).
Subsequently, mock-ups were created to visually
represent the defined features of ExSnus during the
prototyping phase. The prototyping process began
with rough sketches, which were later translated into
wireframes that focused on structure and layout,
omitting visual design details such as content and
colour schemes (Osman, 2023). Finally, a more
detailed and interactive prototype of the main screens
was developed from the wireframe. The project used
the Figma
software to create both the wireframes and
the final interactive prototype.
Lastly, the interactive prototype underwent
usability testing to assess how intuitive and user-
friendly it was (Maze, 2023). In this project, a
moderated in-person approach was used, combining
qualitative and quantitative methods. Five
participants of the usability testing, who were from
the target audience of college students, were given
tasks to explore the main functionalities of the
ExSnus prototype while verbalizing their thoughts
using the Think Aloud protocol. This helped identify
any confusing or frustrating elements of the screens
(Bil et al., 2022). After completing the tasks,
participants had a brief usability interview where they
answered questions related to which part of the
application they found most helpful for quitting snus,
and their thoughts on the social and AI functionalities.
They also completed the System Usability Scale
(SUS) questionnaire to quantify their perception of
the applications usability (Thomas, 2019). Their
feedback could be used in future steps to refine the
ExSnus prototype, ensuring it is user-friendly and
effective before development begins.
This section presents the key findings from the design
and validation of the ExSnus application. It delves
into how theoretical frameworks such as SD and PT
were applied during the design process to ensure that
the application effectively addresses user needs.
Then, it presents the innovative features incorporated
into the application through user personas and use
cases that are translated into visual design elements.
DEMS 2025 - Special Session on Design and Evaluation of Monitoring Systems
Finally, it summarizes user feedback gathered
through usability.
4.1 Application of the Theoretical
The design process for ExSnus was based on both the
SD methodology and the PT framework. This dual
approach ensured that ExSnus correctly addressed
users’ needs while also increasing user engagement
and effectively influencing their behavior.
Additionally, the visual design of ExSnus followed
UI principles to ensure that the user experience was
both intuitive and aesthetically pleasing.
An adapted SD process was followed in the design
of ExSnus through the research, ideation, prototyping
and validation phases to create and validate the
application’s functionalities. Tools such as user
personas and use cases were employed to understand
and meet user needs.
The PT framework was employed to define the
functionalities of ExSnus so that it motivated users to
quit snus (Vinci, 2020). Particular attention was paid
to social support because interpersonal relationships
and community influence are crucial for sustaining
behavior changes (Oinas-Kukkonen et al., 2009;
Soulakova et al., 2018). Various studies have shown
that a supportive social environment enhances the
success of quitting smoking (Creswell et al., 2015;
Sorensen et al., 2002). This social support was
integrated through different functionalities in
ExSnus, such as allowing users to observe others
performing similar behaviors and comparing their
progress, which creates a sense of belonging (Fogg,
Finally, the UI guidelines introduced by
Shokurova (2020) were followed to create a simple
and intuitive interface. The layout was designed with
calming colors and health-specific icons to provide a
visually soothing experience.
4.2 Existing mHealth Applications for
Snus Cessation: State-of-the-Art
While there are numerous mobile applications to help
quit smoking, mobile applications focused on snus
cessation are limited and relatively unknown. The
found applications that are available either for
Android or iPhone systems were Snus Stop, Quit
Snus, DipQuit, Snuskollen, Snusfri and Slutta. The
most common features across them focus on tracking
progress through visual graphs or statistics, mainly on
snus spared and money saved. Motivation is usually
enhanced by reaching milestones related to days
without consuming snus. It is also worth noting that,
although some of the available applications provide
information on health regained by quitting snus, this
information often lacks scientific support, a limitation
observed in smoking cessation applications as well.
For instance, Haskins et al. (2017) found that only 2
out of 50 mobile applications directed to smoking
cessation had scientific backing.
After SOTA, some of these found features were
included when designing ExSnus, such as tracking
money saved and snus use statistics. Nevertheless,
this project goes further by including social features,
an AI chatbot, and scientifically backed information
on withdrawal symptoms and available therapies.
Additionally, ExSnus provides deeper insights into
users’ triggers for cravings and offers tips to address
While research has been conducted on the
effectiveness of smoking cessation applications
(Haskins et al., 2017; Regmi et al., 2017; Scott-
Sheldon et al., 2016; Whittaker et al., 2016), similar
studies for snus cessation are lacking. The collective
findings regarding smoking cessation mobile
applications suggest that they are helpful, both
independently and combined with face-to-face
support or online programs, particularly in high-
income countries that have established tobacco
control measures. Reported quit rates for smoking
cessation applications range from 12.5% to 51.5%
(Barroso-Hurtado et al., 2021), with their success
largely attributed to their ability to reach a wide
audience at minimal cost, making them more
accessible than other cessation interventions.
4.3 Interviews Analysis
The analysis of the interviews with five college
student snus users in Sweden revealed several core
themes related to their behaviors and perceptions
about snus. These themes highlight user’s needs that
must be addressed when designing ExSnus.
4.3.1 Social and Cultural Influence
Snus use is deeply ingrained in Swedish culture, often
introduced in social situations such as parties and
considered a normal behaviour. This social
acceptance creates a supportive environment to
continue its use, making it difficult to find social
support when trying to quit, which highlights the
importance of including social support on the
ExSnus: A Persuasive Mobile Health Application for Snus Cessation
Figure 1: Project steps followed in the application design based on the adapted SD process (Stickdorn et al., 2020).
4.3.2 Addiction and Use of Snus
Many users exhibit physical and psychological
dependency, using snus right after waking up and
managing stress or focusing on tasks. Addressing
these perceived functional benefits is essential to
encourage quitting.
4.3.3 Health Concerns and Motivations for
Although interviewees were somewhat aware that
snus could pose health risks, they lacked detailed
knowledge about its contents and specific dangers.
Health concerns, along with financial costs, were
strong motivators for quitting, highlighting the
importance of including health education and
monetary incentives as key features of ExSnus.
4.3.4 Cessation Support and Technology
The interviewees had varied opinions on how a
mobile application could help them quit, with some
suggesting features like managing triggers or sharing
progress with friends.
4.4 Persona
A persona was designed based on insights from the
literature study, SOTA and the interviews’ analysis,
presented in Figure 2 in our previously published
paper (Puyuelo-Citoler et al., 2024). This persona
represents a Swedish university student and serves as
a typical model for potential users of ExSnus. His
objectives, preferences, and challenges were
considered when designing the use cases that shape
the application’s features.
4.5 Use Cases and UML Case Diagram
The created use cases cover the encountered user’s
needs through ExSnus. Then, a UML use case
diagram was designed to represent the main
functionalities depicted in the use cases and the
interactions between the potential end-users and the
ExSnus system, as shown in Figure 2. The defined
uses cases are the following ones:
1. Create Profile: Enables users to create a
personalized profile by completing a
questionnaire to assess their addiction level
and setting a quit date and motivations (e.g.,
monetary savings). This tailored profile helps
the app provide customized support based on
user-specific needs and preferences.
2. Record Snus Use: Allows users to log each
instance of snus use, including their emotional
state and activity at the time, helping them
identify patterns and triggers.
3. Record Craving Overcame: Enables users to
log instances when they successfully resist a
craving, including details about their
emotions, activities, and the methods used to
overcome the craving. This supports habit
change toward healthier behaviors.
4. Visualize Dashboard: Provides a visual
summary of the user's quitting progress,
including data on snus usage, emotional
triggers, money saved, and health benefits
achieved, offering insights to guide and
motivate the user.
5. Visualize Timeline: Displays a timeline of the
quitting journey, showing snus usage,
cravings overcome, and milestones achieved.
It also highlights expected health
improvements and withdrawal symptoms
based on scientific data to educate and prepare
the user.
6. Engage with Social Features: Allows users to
share their quitting progress and achievements
on social media or within a community forum
within the app, fostering social support and
7. Chat with AI Counsellor: Provides instant
support through an AI-driven chat feature,
offering advice, motivational messages, and
DEMS 2025 - Special Session on Design and Evaluation of Monitoring Systems
answers on questions related to the quitting
8. Receive Notifications: Sends timely
notifications about milestones, progress
updates, social engagement, and reminders of
quit dates or financial goals, helping users stay
9. Profile Management: Allows users to manage
their profile settings, such as updating their
quit date, financial goals, motivational
messages, avatar, and notification preferences.
4.6 Application Design
After defining the functionalities of ExSnus through
the use cases presented in the previous sub-section,
they were translated into visual elements across
various screens. Initially, hand-drawn sketches
captured the essential features to ensure that all the
functionalities were included in the designed screens.
These sketches were then converted into a digital
wireframe, which connected all screens in low-level
detail, including buttons, main text, image
placements, and different screen statuses like error
messages. The wireframe shows the logic of how the
application’s screens are connected. During the
design of the wireframe, guidelines were employed to
correctly place navigation elements on the screens
(Lazard et al., 2021) and display specific elements
such as error messages (Santiago, 2020) so that the
user experience is enhanced. Screens for the timeline,
forum, and settings were inspired by existing designs
found online using the key search words Timeline
mobile app design, Forum mobile app design, and
App settings design.
After the wireframe was completed, a more
detailed design was created for the main screens,
incorporating visual elements such as calming colors,
readable fonts, and a clear visual hierarchy for text
and images, following healthcare applications’ design
principles (Mundia, 2023; Shapovalova, 2023;
Shokurova, 2020). Most visual elements, such as font
type and color, were chosen based on UI tips for
accessibility and aesthetic appeal (Heryanta, 2024;
Malik, 2023), ensuring that ExSnus provides a user-
friendly and engaging experience.
Due to content limitations, only a few examples
of the wireframe and final prototype are shown in
Figure 3 and Figure 4. However, the full set of
wireframes and prototypes can be accessed at
and Interactive Click Model
Figure 2: UML case diagram representing a summary of the use cases and the interaction with the system.
Figma Wireframe
Figma Interactive Click Model
ExSnus: A Persuasive Mobile Health Application for Snus Cessation
4.7 Usability Test Analysis
This sub-section presents an analysis of the usability
testing conducted to assess ExSnus’ functionality and
ease of use. The analysis is based on the feedback
collected from participants through the Think Aloud
process and interviews, as well as the results from the
SUS questionnaire. The insights gained from this
testing phase highlight both the strengths and areas
for improvement in the design of ExSnus.
4.7.1 Results from the Think Aloud Process
and the Usability Interview
Usability testing for ExSnus involved six university
students in Sweden, aged 23 to 28. Most participants
had prior experience using health applications and AI
chatbots, and some had previously tried to change
unhealthy habits, either independently or with
professional help. Key insights from the Think Aloud
process revealed that users appreciated the initial
questions about their addiction level when setting
their profile, because it made them feel the
application was personalized to their individual cases.
They also preferred multiple-choice questions rather
than having to type responses. Additionally, users
considered the dashboard the most useful screen, as it
allowed them to track their progress. On this screen,
the goal reminders were also welcomed, particularly
those related to monetary savings. Another notable
finding was the varied preferences regarding the
frequency and number of notifications to be received.
Figure 3: Wireframe showing the screens for recording snus usage and cravings overcome, as specified in the second and
third use cases.
DEMS 2025 - Special Session on Design and Evaluation of Monitoring Systems
Figure 4: Example of some main screens from the application final design. From left to right: Dashboard, Timeline, Forum,
and AI chatbot.
Figure 5: Usability Evaluation of ExSnus using the SUS.
4.7.2 Results from the SUS Questionnaire
The responses to the SUS questionnaire generally
indicate that the system has strong usability, as shown
in Figure 5. In the left plot, most SUS scores are
concentrated in the high 80s, suggesting that users
found the system very usable. The scores fall within
the Best Imaginable and Excellent categories on
the color-coded chart, indicating a positive user
interface experience. The steep curve around the 70-
80 score range reflects significantly better
performance than typical SUS assessments. Most
responses were positive, particularly regarding ease
of use and the need for minimal prior knowledge or
assistance. However, there was more variability in
responses to questions related to how frequently users
would use the system, how well functionalities are
integrated, and whether others would find the system
easy to use, pointing to potential areas for
ExSnus: A Persuasive Mobile Health Application for Snus Cessation
The design of ExSnus was guided by the application
of the PT principles to address key factors driving
snus use, including stress relief, cognitive biases, and
social normalization, identified from the user
interviews. Knowing that the nicotine content of snus
provides relaxation, focus and mood enhancement to
its users, ExSnus offers strategies to replace these
benefits and manage withdrawal symptoms.
During the research phase, one of the critical
factors discovered for the success of quitting snus was
social support, as users highlighted the lack of it when
attempting to quit. To address this, ExSnus enables
users to share achievements and progress within a
supportive community forum, fostering a sense of
belonging and leveraging social influence to motivate
them throughout their cessation journey. These are
features included in the PT framework.
Self-monitoring features are another key element
from the PT framework, allowing users to track their
snus consumption, cravings, and progress over time.
This aligns with CBT principles by enabling users to
identify triggers, monitor their behavior patterns, and
adopt effective strategies. Financial tracking of
savings further reinforces motivation.
Educational content plays an essential role in
addressing cognitive biases, such as the belief that
snus is less harmful than smoking. Scientifically
validated information on health risks and the benefit
of quitting is delivered through features like the AI
chatbot and the timeline. By increasing awareness
and correcting misconceptions, ExSnus helps users to
make informed decisions about their health.
Usability testing revealed that users appreciated
personalized features, such as tailored questions and
progress reminders, especially those related to
financial savings. The dashboard was well-received
for tracking progress, though mixed feedback on
notifications and timeline displays, suggesting areas
for improvement. Overall, the design of ExSnus
successfully addresses user needs, demonstrating the
potential of the adapted SD framework and the PT
framework in mHealth applications.
Beyond its focus on snus cessation, ExSnus'
functionalities, such as the AI chatbot and self-
monitoring features, can be adapted to support
individuals tackling other addictions, such as caffeine
dependence or excessive gaming among teenagers.
Furthermore, ExSnus could promote behavioral
change beyond its primary target group of students by
adapting the design to reach older generations.
In conclusion, ExSnus shows the potential of the
PT framework in mHealth applications to assist with
behaviour change. While its primary focus is on snus
cessation, its adaptable design offers opportunities to
address a wide range of addictive behaviours and
health challenges. By expanding its current
functionalities, its applicability to other addictions
could be explored. In this way, our research has the
potential to make a meaningful contribution to public
health and behavioural change on a larger scale.
Future research should prioritize evaluating ExSnus
through randomized controlled trials to measure its
effectiveness in reducing snus consumption and
explore its scalability.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my
supervisor, Eunji Lee, and my co-supervisor, Jungna
Lee, for their invaluable knowledge, time, and
guidance throughout this project. I also thank the
participants who participated in this project.
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