Beyond Safety: Towards Non-Stigmatizing Mobile Emergency
Watches that Empower Older Adults
Marcia Nißen
1,2,3 a
and Simon Prinz
Chair of Digital Health Interventions, School of Medicine, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Institute of Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Centre for Digital Health Interventions, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Patronus (RR Technologies GmbH), Berlin, Germany
Keywords: Mobile Emergency Watches, Digital Older Adult Care, Stigmatization, Personalization.
Abstract: The ageing population presents significant challenges for healthcare systems, creating a need for innovative
digital health technologies (DHTs) to enhance autonomy, safety, and care outcomes for older adults. Mobile
emergency watches offer a modern, non-stigmatizing alternative to traditional emergency buttons, combining
mobility and functionality. This paper explores their potential to bring relief to older adults as well as over-
loaded healthcare systems by appealing to a broader audience and enabling more independent lifestyles than
traditional emergency devices and addresses three core challenges: (1) balancing simplicity and reliability
with advanced functionalities; (2) achieving equitable, personalised designs that balance non-stigmatizing
aesthetics and functionality; and (3) navigating fragmented and evolving regulatory frameworks for DHTs.
These challenges are analysed through the lens of a single case study, based on an expert interview and pub-
licly available information on a mobile emergency watch startup. The paper discusses pathways to overcome
these barriers, bridging gaps between innovation, user needs, and regulatory requirements.
By 2050, nearly 1 in 4 people in Europe will be over
the age of 65 (Eurostats, 2020). Germany, which is
considered one of the five “super-aged” societies in
the world, where nearly one-third of the total popula-
tion will be over the age of 65 by 2050 (AARP,
2024a), is facing a crisis in older adult care, with de-
mand far surpassing current capacity (Haß et al.,
2024). The number of people in need of long-term
care as defined by the Long-Term Care Insurance Act
(§14 SGB XI, 2024), is expected to rise by 38% and
total approximately 6.7 million people by 2050 (Fed-
eral Statistical Office, 2023).
These changing demographics create opportuni-
ties for digital health (and care) technologies (DHTs)
that aim at improving health and care outcomes and
enhance older adults’ independence, autonomy, ac-
tivity, and safety (Chung, Brakey, Reeder, Myers, &
Demiris, 2023).
DHTs for older adults encompass a broad spec-
trum of technologies. Examples include assistive ro-
bots, AI voice assistants, smart scales, smart textiles,
and other sensors that are used for various purposes
such as health monitoring, fall detection, cognitive
games, or promoting healthy lifestyle behaviours
(Chen, Ding, & Wang, 2023). Some devices further
promise to enable more effective communication
among patients, family members, caregivers and
healthcare providers by transmitting basic vital infor-
mation or providing features that lead to better coor-
dination of care and possibly improved health out-
comes (Chen et al., 2023).
One particular type of DHTs are personal emer-
gency response systems (PERS) which are also known
as personal alarms or medical alert systems. These can
be further differentiated into stationary or mobile sys-
tems, and into whether they are activated manually by
users in case of an emergency or whether they auto-
matically trigger alerts (Goyer, 2021)if sensing devices
passively detect an emergency such as a fall (Casabona
et al., 2023). PERS can further be programmed to ei-
ther call an emergency response service centre or a per-
sonal caretaker or relative (Op den Buijs et al., 2018).
Nißen, M. and Prinz, S.
Beyond Safety: Towards Non-Stigmatizing Mobile Emergency Watches that Empower Older Adults.
DOI: 10.5220/0013399800003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 2: HEALTHINF, pages 1092-1098
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Wearable emergency buttons connected to a
home station and worn as a pendant, wristband, at-
tached to a belt, or carried in a pocket have long been
the standard in older adult care. However, their sta-
tionary design is increasingly out of step with the
needs of an active, mobile, and independent ageing
population (Chen et al., 2023).
Accordingly, popular consumer smartwatches,
enhanced by custom apps and coupled with a 24/7
emergency response service subscription, are ex-
pected to be increasingly repurposed to serve as a
modern alternative to the traditional emergency but-
tons (Orlov, 2022). As “mobile emergency watches,”
these devices work wherever mobile network cover-
age or Wi-Fi is available and set up. Their inconspic-
uous and customary design could encourage earlier
and more consistent use, appealing to a broader de-
mographic and ultimately aiming to empower older
adults to maintain their active lifestyle, preserve their
autonomy and mobility, and delay care dependencies.
Despite their potential, mobile emergency watches
and similar digital health technologies face three core
challenges that must be addressed to unlock their full
potential in older adult care: (a) balancing simplicity
with advanced functionality, (b) achieving equitable,
non-stigmatizing, and personalised design, and (c) nav-
igating fragmented regulatory frameworks.
This paper explores these challenges through the
lens of a single case study based on an expert interview
and additional publicly available information on the
mobile emergency watch startup, discussing pathways
to overcome these barriers and bridge the gaps between
innovation, user needs, and regulatory requirements.
This position paper aimed to capture insights and vi-
sions of Simon Prinz (hereafter referred to as inter-
view partner SP) exploring the current state, chal-
lenges, and prospects of mobile emergency watches
and DHTs for older adults.
SP is Head of Operations and Customer Success
at Patronus, headquartered in Berlin, Germany. Patro-
nus develops, sells, and operates mobile emergency
watches which look like regular smartwatches as a
“less stigmatizing, mobile and modern version to the
traditional red emergency buttons […] primarily for
older adults(SP) by preserving their mobility, au-
tonomy, and independence, enabling them to navigate
life confidently and safely both within and beyond the
confines of their homes (Schimroszik & Müller,
2022). SP was selected as an interview partner due to
his expertise in both operational and customer success
areas, providing firsthand insights into user behav-
iour, market trends, and regulatory challenges.
Following informed consent, a semi-structured
expert interview was conducted via Zoom with SP,
lasting approximately 50 minutes. The interview
guide was structured along the following, overarching
themes (cf. Appendix): Implementation, Design Con-
siderations, Future Developments.
The automatically generated transcript of the in-
terview was checked for completeness and correct-
ness and pseudonymised by MN (18 DIN-A4 pages,
single-spaced, 11pt font size). The transcript was then
translated from German to English with DeepL and
ChatGPT 4.0 and again checked for correctness and
completeness by MN. A pragmatic thematic analysis
approach was applied, focusing on identifying key in-
sights relevant to the research scope rather than ad-
hering to a formalized qualitative methodology. MN
coded the translated interview thematically and dis-
tilled a first set of three main, central points. MN and
SP then discussed and refined these propositions, be-
fore MN drafted the first version of the manuscript
synthesizing and discussing the themes. To triangu-
late and further substantiate the interview data and the
extracted central points, MN further collected addi-
tional information and quotes from public sources
(e.g., newspaper articles, online customer reviews, le-
gal texts). Both authors reviewed and refined the final
version of the draft before submission.
Please note that SP participated in this interview
in his personal capacity. His statements do not neces-
sarily represent the official stance of Patronus but re-
flect his personal viewpoints and opinions.
3.1 “Don’t Move too far away from the
Actual Focus”: Balancing
Simplicity vs. Innovation
First, there is a delicate balance between providing
user-friendly core functionalities vs. integrating ad-
vanced features: DHTs in general and (emergency)
smartwatches in particular seem to have untapped po-
tential to evolve into multi-functional tools in older
adult care supporting social, but also cognitive and
physiological health. By integrating advanced, smart
features like health monitoring and fall recognition
(Bhattacharyya & Ghosal, 2023; Johnston, Worley,
Grimmer-Somers, Sutherland, & Amos, 2010; Ken-
nedy, 2023), cognitive stimulation training (Vinay et
al., 2024) personalised lifestyle interventions
Beyond Safety: Towards Non-Stigmatizing Mobile Emergency Watches that Empower Older Adults
(Kyytsönen, Vehko, Anttila, & Ikonen, 2023), or
GenAI-powered social interactions with voice assis-
tants (Büchi, 2024), these devices could transition
from reactive tools to proactive health companions
(Yin et al., 2024).
Yet, the growing demand for additional smart fea-
tures may introduce complexity that can overwhelm
users, reduce battery life, and compromise the reliabil-
ity of emergency functions. Eventually, striking the
balance between simplicity and innovation will be crit-
ical for adoption and usability. We’ve intentionally
kept the interface simple and robust by using a kiosk
mode. This means users can’t access standard apps,
which helps avoid confusion and ensures the crucial
emergency call features are always reliably and easily
available at the click of a button. Features that proved
too complex for older users or are not essential have
been removed to keep the device intuitive.” (SP).
For the current generation of (still) less tech-
savvy, not digital-native older adults, simplicity and
reliability are likely crucial (Chung et al., 2023): their
primary function as an emergency call tool must re-
main effective and intuitive first and foremost.
Second, older adults are a highly diverse group,
with variations in gender, care needs (in Germany as-
sessed in “care grades”), aesthetic preferences, and es-
pecially with regards to tech-savviness and (digital)
health literacy and in terms of their cognitive and phys-
ical capabilities: “[…] over 60% of our users are fe-
male. About 75% of our users have a care grade, with
care grade 2 being the most common. Around 20% are
at care grade 1, and another 20% are at care grade 3.
Very few are in care grades 4 or 5, as these users are
often in intensive care or assisted living facilities. […]
We’re also trying to reach people who aren’t in care
grades, like our parents, for instance, who might be in
their 60s or 70s and still active but want to feel safer
when, say, they go for a bike ride. (SP)
Therefore, one-size-fits-all approaches are unlikely
to meet diverse requirements, making personalization
a critical aspect of digital older adult tech. At the same
time, distinguishing genuine emergencies from false
alarms remains a major challenge, as accidental
presses, unintentional activations, or even the use of
emergency buttons for social interaction can lead to
system inefficiencies and unnecessary emergency re-
sponses. Indeed, in the case of Patronus as well as other
PERS providers (Casabona et al., 2023), many users
are quick to repurpose the watches for non-emergency
functions, such as chatting, indicating a demand for
broader use cases: About 20% of our users press the
emergency button at least once a month, but only 5-
10% of these are actual emergencies. The majority of
button presses are accidental or for testing the device.
[…] There are a lot of people who use the button, […]
on certain occasions like Christmas, because they
don’t have anyone else to call.” (SP)
Yet, false alarms may not only increase costs and
response times but could also lead to alarm fatigue, re-
ducing the likelihood of a rapid reaction by family
caretakers in real emergency situations (Casabona et
al., 2023).
According to SP, AI-based filtering mechanisms
and adaptive interface designs that minimize acci-
dental activations could become critical to ensuring
emergency watches remain reliable and effective:
For instance, AI could help filter emergency calls by
identifying those that are genuine emergencies versus
accidental presses. AI also has the potential for social
engagement. For example, it could act as a conversa-
tional partner for users who feel lonely or isolated.
On the analytical side, AI could process and evaluate
usage data to identify trends, optimize demand bal-
ancing, and improve overall service delivery. (SP)
3.2 “Don’t Dog Tag Us”: Towards
Non-Stigmatizing, Equitable Digital
Health Technology Designs for
Older Adults
Beyond trading off essential core and advanced fea-
tures, ensuring an equitable, non-stigmatizing, and
personalized design remains another pressing chal-
lenge for mobile emergency watches as they must
navigate competing demands: core functional re-
quirements, such as long battery life, robust mobile
network coverage, and GPS tracking (Yin et al.,
2024) vs. aesthetic and unobtrusive aesthetics. In-
deed, prior research found that frail older women
were more resistant to using PERS despite a per-
ceived risk of long lies (Porter & Ganong, 2002 as
cited in Nyman & Victor, 2014). Long lies are situa-
tions where a fallen individual remains on the ground
for extended periods, unable to summon help, leading
to complications like dehydration, hypothermia, or
rhabdomyolysis, and often resulting in long-term fear
of falling, reduced mobility, and diminished quality
of life (Kubitza, Schneider, & Reuschenbach, 2023).
Nyman and Victor (2014) concluded that low use
may be due to older people protecting their self-iden-
tity (Johnston, Grimmer-Somers, & Sutherland, 2010
as cited in Nyman & Victor, 2014), in that using a
personal call alarm may be perceived as a symbol of
frailty and dependency.
According to SP, for many of Patronuscustom-
ers, this is the primary feature why they opt for their
device: “It’s incredibly important. Many customers,
or their families, choose our product specifically to
Scale-IT-up 2025 - Workshop on Scaling Up Care for Older Adults
avoid the stigma of traditional emergency buttons.
We’ve heard stories of people who refused to wear
the red buttons because they felt it marked them as
frail or dependent. A more wearable and discreet de-
vice, like ours, helps users maintain a sense of nor-
malcy and dignity. For example, customers can wear
the watch while shopping without standing out as
someone who needs constant monitoring(SP)
Indeed, ageing is often, and in various ways, stig-
matized (Nilsson, Andersson, Magnusson, & Hanson,
2024) which makes older adults reject products that
visibly label them as in need of care (Orlov, 2022):
“My grandfather […] he never wanted one of these
things, the classic device, because he didn't see him-
self as someone who now walks around with his red
button like a recognizable dog tag, like someone who
might need help because apparently he cannot watch
out for himself anymore. [A colleague’s] mother […]
had a button like that back then, but never wanted to
use it because […] she just didn't want to walk around
like that. Then what had to happen happened: she fell
somewhere, not wearing the emergency button, and
was found in the bathroom three days later.” (SP)
Generally, there seem to be two pathways to re-
ducing the stigma associated with emergency de-
vices: While some companies have opted to develop
dedicated age-inclusive devices for older adults that,
for instance, resemble fashionable jewellery, hiding
their emergency function, Patronus opted for re-pur-
posing regular smartwatches into emergency mobile
watches by equipping them with self-developed apps
that allow direct phone connections to a caretaker of
the person’s choice and/or a professional 24/7 emer-
gency call centre (Cavalry Ventures, 2022).
Indeed, since 2021 the level of wearable users
among US older adults has risen from 17.5% (Chan-
drasekaran, Katthula, & Moustakas, 2021) to approx.
35% in 2024 (AARP, 2024b). Apparently, the intro-
duction of the Apple watch and the dissemination of
smartwatches in younger generations made the devel-
opment of cool PERS wearables possible in the first
place (Orlov, 2022).
Beyond age, equitable and inclusive design
choices will need to extend to consider other features,
and interfaces that cater to users' heterogeneous
needs, abilities, and backgrounds. For instance,
Figueroa, Luo, Aguilera, and Lyles (2021) stressed
the need for feminist intersectionality in DHT design
to tackle digital health’s gender equities, especially
for women with racial or ethnic minority back-
grounds; and Nißen, Sou, and Kowatsch (2024)
stressed the need for integrating female-specific data
into human-computer interaction research. While the
majority of Patronus’ users are women, which is also
in line with prior research (Casabona et al., 2023),
specific adaptations for gendered needs in emergen-
cies are currently limited with adjustments primarily
focusing on aesthetics, such as smaller and unbulky
watch sizes and feminine colours for the wristbands.
However, feminist intersectionality in digital health
extends beyond aesthetics. Research highlights how
gendered social roles and systemic inequalities shape
access to and engagement with digital health tools
(Figueroa et al., 2021). In the context of mobile emer-
gency watches, this could mean acknowledging that
women, particularly those from racial or ethnic mi-
nority backgrounds, are more likely to be informal
caregivers, bear higher caregiving burdens, and face
digital exclusion. Indeed, according to SP, there could
be significant potential to address social roles and
gender dynamics in caregiving contexts as well as
sex-specific health risks or conditions such as osteo-
porosis. Gender-sensitive design could enhance user
engagement and health outcomes: We’re aware of
these concepts but haven’t actively implemented them
yet. Our primary focus has been creating an alterna-
tive to the traditional emergency button that is less
stigmatizing and more appealing to older users. We
recognize there’s room for improvement, particularly
in considering gender-specific needs. For example,
women make up the majority of our users, and we’ve
taken small accommodating steps like offering addi-
tional wristband options and testing beige and gold
colour accents. But deeper considerationslike tai-
loring features to common health concerns among
older women—are areas where we could grow.” (SP)
3.3 Regulatory Frameworks Lag
Behind Innovation
Finally, beyond design considerations, regulatory
frameworks present significant constraints and op-
portunities: Germany is a leader in leveraging digital
technology to accommodate a healthier and more en-
gaged older population (AARP, 2024a). As part of a
broader effort to improve healthcare services to the
population, Germany introduced the Digital
Healthcare Act (German: Digitale-Versorgungs-Ge-
setz, DVG) in 2019. With the DVG, Germany was the
first country in the world to introduce “digital health
apps on prescription" (Gerke, Stern, & Minssen,
2020; Schmidt, Pawlitzki, Renard, Meuth, &
Masanneck, 2024; Stern et al., 2022), a concept, com-
monly referred to as DiGA (short for German: “Digi-
tale Gesundheitsanwendung”, English: “digital health
application”). By December 2024, there were 56 Di-
GAs listed, 36 of which were permanent and 20 of
Beyond Safety: Towards Non-Stigmatizing Mobile Emergency Watches that Empower Older Adults
which were pilot projects (Federal Institute for Drugs
and Medical Devices, 2024).
In 2021, as part of the Digital Health and Care
Modernization Act (German: Digitale-Versorgungs-
und-Pflege-Modernisierungs-Gesetz, DVPMG), Ger-
many broadened the concept to also encompass “dig-
ital (long-term) care applications” (German: “Digi-
tale Pflegeanwendung”) or short “DiPAs”. However,
as of autumn 2024, no DiPA has been listed in the
DiPA registry yet (Rybicki, 2024).
While the DVPMG was intended to establish a re-
imbursement pathway for digital tools in long-term
care, but in practice, its implementation has been
slow, leaving many innovative solutionssuch as
mobile emergency watcheswithout a clear regula-
tory framework for integration into the healthcare
system. Indeed, Patronus has not (yet) filed an appli-
cation for their mobile emergency watch to be listed
as a DiPA, as regulatory requirements are difficult to
fulfil and expensive (Hartung, 2024). However, per-
sonal emergency call devices are, generally speaking,
part of the German Care Aid Directory (German:
Pflegehilfsmittelverzeichnis), a list curated by the
Federal Institute of Drugs and Medical Devices and
reimbursed via people’s statutory long-term care in-
surance: Technically, our device falls under the care
aid directory, which outlines the devices eligible for
reimbursement by health insurance. However, the di-
rectory was created decades ago, probably back in
the 1950s or so, and only includes classic, stationary
[emergency] devices with old-school [stigmatizing]
wearables that do not function when you are a few
meters too far from their base stations. […] We’ve
been […] accepted as an equivalent, even though the
directory still specifies certain criteria, like having a
base station, which our device doesn’t need, […] it is
designed to be mobile. […] Our product essentially
fits the same purpose, but this isn’t universally recog-
nized. Some insurers won’t cover it, leaving users to
pay out of pocket.(SP)
Overall, the current regulatory landscape in Ger-
many, where mobile emergency watches exist in a
stopgap area, illustrates the need for modernization.
Closing this regulatory gap will be essential to sup-
port innovation in care technologies: “We hope to ei-
ther change the existing category criteria or create a
new category for mobile emergency devices in the
next year.” (SP)
Ageing does not mean giving up on modernityolder
adults want technology that is both functional and
fashionable, too (Orlov, 2022). At the same time,
tech-savviness and interest in digital health to main-
tain an active life are increasing in older adults
(AARP, 2024b).
This paper highlights the potential of mobile
emergency watches as a non-stigmatizing and more
broadly appealing alternative to classic emergency
buttons, designed to reach a wider range of users ear-
lier in life. By preserving older adults' self-identity,
freedom, and dignity, these devices are more likely to
be adopted and worn consistently, contributing to bet-
ter prevention of emergencies and delays in care de-
pendency, which, in turn, has the potential to reduce
the burden on the long-term care system.
To this end, three key challenges were critically
Balancing Simplicity with Advanced Function-
alities: Older adults prioritize reliability, yet
emerging features like fall detection, cognitive
training, or AI-powered assistants may enhance
long-term adoption and engagement. Ensuring
that devices remain intuitive, accessible, and low-
complexity while integrating meaningful smart
features will be crucial.
Addressing Aesthetic and Functional Design
Trade-Offs: Reducing stigma requires more than
cosmetic changes. Mobile emergency watches
should not only be discreet in appearance but also
integrate gender-sensitive and inclusive features
that reflect diverse user needs, caregiving roles,
and digital health disparities.
Navigating Outdated Regulatory Frameworks:
Mobile emergency watches remain in a regulatory
grey area, caught between DiPA inaction and out-
dated classifications in the German Care Aid Di-
rectory. Until regulatory pathways evolve to sup-
port modern, mobile emergency solutions, users
will face partial reimbursements or out-of-pocket
costs, limiting broader accessibility.
While the single-case approach provides valuable
insights, it limits the generalizability of findings.
Broader studies across diverse user populations,
PERS providers, and regulatory environments are
needed to validate these conclusions and refine strat-
egies for future development.
Nonetheless, the findings contribute to the grow-
ing discourse on how digital health technologies can
meet the evolving needs of ageing societies, empha-
sizing the importance of innovation that is equitable,
user-centred, and supported by clear regulatory
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Interview Guide
The interview will be conducted as a semi-structured Inter-
view. For this reason, the questions listed below are not con-
clusive, and further questions or more in-depth questions can
be asked.
I Implementation
What are/is the primary digital health technologies of-
fered by Patronus?
What is your main goal of offering your DHT (new reve-
nue streams, cost-efficiency, improving older adult care,
customer loyalty, …)?
How does your watch address and excel in meeting the
unique challenges of older adult care?
What role do emerging technologies (e.g., AI, IoT) play
for your device?
What challenges have you encountered in scaling your
How does your business ecosystem look like?
II Design Considerations
Have you implemented specific design considerations/con-
cepts in the development of your technology for older
adults (e.g., value-sensitive design, ethics by design, etc.)?
What steps does Patronus take to ensure equitable access
to care?
Have you observed any sex or gender-specific barriers to
accessing digital health solutions?
To what extent are your solutions personalized to account
for gender-related health needs?
Are there conditions or health issues among older women
that you feel are underserved by current digital health tech-
Do you generally see a market for sex- and gender-specific
digital older adult care technologies?
III Future Directions
How do you see the role of Patronus Health evolving in the
digital health space over the next 5-10 years, particularly
regarding gender-inclusive innovations?
What advice would you offer to researchers and practition-
ers aiming to design and implement inclusive digital health
Scale-IT-up 2025 - Workshop on Scaling Up Care for Older Adults