in the vehicle environment are not yet available.
Arrhythmias can be detected using wearables such as
chest straps whereas sensors not worn by the driver
but integrated into the vehicle are sensitive to noise
and interference. To enable the detection of sudden
illnesses in vehicles, more vital parameters need to be
examined, and multiple measurement systems need to
be integrated to provide sufficient and reliable data.
The results indicate that there is a need for further
research and development of unobtrusive
measurement methods to detect driver states.
This work was funded by grants from the strategic
vehicle research and innovation (FFI) program at
Sweden’s Innovation Agency (VINNOVA), grant
number 2020-05157 and the Swedish Road
Administration (Skyltfonden), grant number
TRV2023/28021. The authors would like to
acknowledge the work by bachelor students Julia
Björkman, Zakaria Hersi, Abdinaser Muse, Krister
Mattsson, Anton Widengård, David Ruin, Emmy
Alvius, Lukas Pettersson, Lukas Wallén, Molly
Lundqvist, Joel Andersson, Petter Enlund, Ebba
Fredlund, Emma Hedberg, Love Stoopendahl, and
Stina Ström who performed the small-scale studies.
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DEMS 2025 - Special Session on Design and Evaluation of Monitoring Systems