Feasibility of Driver Monitoring for Sudden Cardiac Illness Detection
Anna Sjörs Dahlman
1,2 a
, Stefan Candefjord
1 b
, Xuezhi Zeng
1 c
Bengt Arne Sjöqvist
1 d
Kaj Lindecrantz
1,3 e
Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden
VTI - Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, Linköping, Sweden
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems, Stockholm, Sweden
Keywords: Driver Monitoring, Health Monitoring, AI-Driven Decision Support, Traffic Safety, Driver Support System.
Abstract: A relatively large proportion of fatalities on our roads are due to sudden illness in drivers, with the majority
of these cases attributed to cardiovascular disease. Being able to detect and manage these sudden events could
save many lives. This paper consolidates results from a literature review and three small-scale studies that
investigated and developed the possibilities of detecting sudden driver illness by measuring physiological
signals from cardiac activity with unobtrusive sensors including single-lead Electrocardiogram (ECG),
consumer-grade pulse sensors, and research grade radar technology. In general, the experiments have shown
that there is potential for the evaluated technologies to help detect and quantify cardiac illness events, but
significant development is needed to implement the technologies in real-world driving. It is challenging to
succeed in detecting driver states with high accuracy based on measurements of cardiac activity alone due to
both individual variations in heart activity patterns and an environment that complicates measurements, and
additional data from other sensors is probably needed. Physiological monitoring of drivers is challenging due
to vehicle vibrations, the driver's movements and thick clothing. There is a need for further research and
development of unobtrusive measurement technologies to detect driver states.
A non-negligible number of deaths that occur during
driving are caused by sudden illness of the driver
(Halinen & Jaussi, 1994; Sjögren et al., 1996; Tervo
et al., 2013). Therefore, striving towards the vision of
zero traffic fatalities, the health of the driver and any
sudden loss of ability to control the vehicle is an
important factor to address. In most cases, the
underlaying cause is related to cardiovascular disease
(CVD), but other sudden pathologies such as syncope
and diabetic reactions may also be of importance.
Investigations of real crash data have shown that
medical conditions are a contributing factor in crash
causation. In-depth at-scene investigation of 298 road
crashes in the Adelaide metropolitan area in which at
least one person was transported to hospital or fatally
injured as a result of injuries sustained in the crash
showed that a medical condition was the main causal
factor in 13% of the crashes investigated (Lindsay &
Baldock, 2008). Close to a third of these were
cardiac-related (Lindsay & Baldock, 2008).
Moreover, studies have reported that medical
conditions can be the direct cause for between 1.5 and
24.7% of all road fatalities (Halinen & Jaussi, 1994;
Sjögren et al., 1996; Tervo et al., 2013). Some of
these deaths are due to the disease itself and in other
cases the medical condition causes a crash where the
crash impact is the cause of death. Tervo et al. (2008)
reported that in fatal crashes caused by medical
conditions, 43% of the deaths were caused by the
crash impact and 57% were caused by the disease. An
in-depth study of road fatalities in older drivers in
Sweden showed that 29% of all road fatalities in
drivers 50 years or older were attributable to acute
disease and in 9% of acute disease-triggered crashes,
Dahlman, A. S., Candefjord, S., Zeng, X., Sjöqvist, B. A. and Lindecrantz, K.
Feasibility of Driver Monitoring for Sudden Cardiac Illness Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0013400400003911
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2025) - Volume 1, pages 1117-1126
ISBN: 978-989-758-731-3; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
another road user was injured (Skyving et al., 2023).
Almost all disease related deaths (97.5%) in this study
were caused by a cardiovascular event. In most
studies, cardiovascular related conditions are the
dominating medical conditions related to road
fatalities (Halinen & Jaussi, 1994; Lindsay &
Baldock, 2008; Tervo et al., 2008). Other medical
conditions include aortic rupture, cerebral circulatory
conditions and epilepsy. Studies have shown that less
than half of the drivers can stop the car on their own
in this situation (Büttner et al., 1999; Tervo et al.,
By continuously measuring the driver's vital signs
while driving, it would be possible to take necessary
safety measures in case a sudden deterioration is
detected. Survival from a cardiovascular event is in
some cases possible with fast, appropriate medical
care. Being able to monitor the onset of sudden
cardiovascular disease (CVD) in drivers could thus
save lives by providing valuable information about
the condition of the driver to first responders, helping
them to prioritize and allocate resources. Driver
assistance systems or automatic stop manoeuvres
triggered by detection of driver incapacitation could
also limit the effects of a disease episode by
preventing collisions with other road users. Various
types of driver monitoring systems already exist in
new vehicles, and organizations like the European
New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP)
emphasize that the next generation of driver
monitoring systems should be able to detect and
manage sudden sickness in drivers (Fredriksson et al.,
2021). However, only a limited number of studies
have examined the detection of critical medical
conditions in vehicles to date.
Clinically, cardiovascular conditions such as
myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest are detected
by 12-lead Electrocardiogram (ECG) (Lee & Kim,
2023). From a twelve-lead ECG, where the electrodes
are placed at standardized positions, very
comprehensive diagnoses of cardiac infarction as
well as diagnoses of other cardiopathies can be
deduced. The morphology of the ECG is then an
important feature of the signal. Ischemia is typically
most clearly reflected in changes in ST-segment and
the T-wave. Depending on the localization of the
infarction in the cardiac muscle, the signs are more or
less visible in different leads, thus the need for several
leads for a good detection of local
ischemia/infarction. Cardiac arrythmias are seen as
irregular R-R-intervals and/or as lost synchronization
between P-wave and R-wave, and they are important
clues to cardiac problems. Arrythmia detection
depends less on many leads but put other restrictions
on the ECG. Assuming an absence of cardiac
arrythmia, heart rate (HR), sometimes referred to as
pulse rate or just pulse, can be derived easily from a
good quality single ECG signal from an arbitrary
lead, but there are also several other ways of
recording HR and short term, beat-to-beat variations
in HR, often referred to as Heart Rate Variability
(HRV). As HR and HRV are influenced by a
multitude of factors they alone are poor indicators of
cardiac distress, but they can provide complementary
information to other signs.
Measuring 12-lead ECG is not feasible in vehicles
during everyday driving. Driver monitoring is
therefore dependent on measurements of vital signs
using technology that does not disturb or affect the
driver, for example via electrodes in the steering
wheel, sensors in the seatbelt or driver seat, or
elsewhere in the vehicle (Arakawa, 2021). There are
different types of sensors that are suitable for use in
vehicles, it can be via electrodes that measure single
lead ECG or HR (pulse) when in contact with the
skin, via light (photoplethysmography), via radar
sensors, cameras, or other technologies. Another
challenge is to be able to handle shorter interruptions
in the measurements and disturbances such as noise
or artifacts due to non-optimal measurement
conditions that may occur during driving.
The aim of this paper is to explore the possibility
of detecting signs of sudden cardiovascular disease in
drivers by measuring HR or ECG via sensors in the
vehicle. This paper consolidates results from a
literature review and three small-scale exploratory
studies performed at the Department of Electrical
Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology to
provide a comprehensive view of the feasibility of in-
vehicle cardiovascular event detection. The work
focused on various aspects of cardiovascular disease
(CVD) detection technologies, including how to
1) measure HR and/or ECG unobtrusively in vehicles
2) handle noise and disturbances in physiological
measurements taken in vehicle environments and
3) detect specific CVDs in single-lead ECG
measurements. The rationale being that HR
measurements were regarded as more likely to be
implemented for continuous monitoring in vehicles.
However, one-lead ECG, for instance via steering
wheel electrodes, might be possible to implement for
assessment of suspected CVD when an abnormal HR
has been detected. Results from these studies
combined with the review of what has already been
done and is currently being done in the field forms the
basis for a general assessment of feasibility and
direction for further research and development.
DEMS 2025 - Special Session on Design and Evaluation of Monitoring Systems
2.1 In-Vehicle HR Measurement Using
Commercial Wearables
This study tackled the problem of measuring vital
data reliably in vehicles (Andersson et al., 2024).
Vital data was collected in a vehicle during driving
using different types of measuring equipment
including ECG with gel electrodes (which was used
as the gold standard), ECG via chest strap, and HR
measurement with photoplethysmography (PPG).
The sensitivity to noise and disturbances was
compared between different technologies. The
measurements taken in the car were carried out under
different conditions; stationary, driving on asphalt,
and driving on gravel roads. On the gravel road,
measurements were carried out driving through
bumps and during hard braking. Reference
measurements were carried out in stationary vehicles
with and without the engine running.
The measurements were carried out with
commercially available equipment; a Movesense
chest strap with electrodes and an Inertial
measurement unit (IMU) integrated in the strap
(Movesense Oy, Vantaa, Finland), a wrist-worn Polar
Vantage M (Polar Electro Oy, Kempere, Finland),
which measures HR using PPG, and a Vitaport II
single-lead ECG which measures a lead-II ECG using
gel electrodes placed on the chest (Temec
Technologies, Heerlen, Netherlands).
The signals were visually inspected to identify
when noise, artifacts and other disturbances occurred.
Signal processing was then performed to reduce noise
and extract relevant information from the signals.
Basic filtering was done using bandpass, notch and
Savitzky-Golay filters. This was tested on signals
from all sensors to investigate how well different
types of noise can be handled. The Pan-Tompkins
algorithm was applied to calculate HR by detecting
the peaks of the QRS complex in ECG signals (Pan &
Tompkins, 1985). The method uses bandpass filtering
and derivation, followed by squaring and integrating
the signal.
Baseline drift and noise from the car's vibrations
were evident in the signals. Baseline drift was
reduced by signal processing with bandpass filters
with successful noise reduction in all cases. High
frequency noise and vibrations could be reduced by
Savitzky-Golay filtering with a reduced amplitude in
the signals after filtering. The R-peaks of the ECG
were easy to identify in the filtered signals, showing
that the noise is not problematic to reduce, and that
pulse identification can be easily done. Motion
artifacts were also present in all measurements. They
were difficult to filter out and problematic because
they can distort the signals and make it difficult to
correctly identify the HR and arrhythmias.
The chest strap and wrist worn PPG sensor gave
the same average HR but there were differences in
individual HR values. The wrist worn PPG sensor
showed greater variability and was consistently
deficient in measuring the HR correctly in shorter
time intervals. Thus, wrist worn PPG is less reliable
for detection of short-term abnormal HR.
2.2 Unobtrusive HR Measurement
Using Radar Technology
The aim was to investigate the potential for detecting
signs of sudden illness in the form of arrhythmia
using radar technology by measuring HR (Björkman
et al., 2022). This included determining the
appropriate position of the radar, developing the
signal processing for both high and low HRs to be
detected, and investigating whether it was possible to
measure HR when the subject was wearing a jacket
and performed movements that mimic driving.
The radar sensor was the AWR1642BOOST
manufactured by Texas Instruments. The
AWR1642BOOST is a Frequency Modulated
Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar that operates at 77
GHz and supports a bandwidth of 4 GHz. Three
different radar sensor positions were examined: in
front of the chest, next to the left side of the chest and
behind the left side of the back (Figure 1). For each
position, measurements were performed at normal
HR and at high HR (> 100 beats per minute) created
by physical exertion. Measurements with normal HR
and high HR were conducted under stationary and
moving conditions (steering wheel movements). In
addition, two different jackets were used, a thinner
and a thicker jacket.
To study how accurately the radar could detect the
heart rhythm, a lead-II ECG measured with gel
electrodes on the chest was used as a reference
(PLUX Biosignals, Lisbon, Portugal). Signal
processing was then used to extract information about
the HR from the radar signal.
HR detection had the highest accuracy when the
radar sensor was placed behind the left side of the
back. In a car, this corresponds to the radar being
implemented in the driver’s backrest. Regular HR in
the range of 55-140BPM could be detected with an
overall accuracy of 91% when the radar was placed
behind the back and the subjects sat still without a
Feasibility of Driver Monitoring for Sudden Cardiac Illness Detection
Figure 1: Experimental setup with the radar sensor placed
behind the participant.
The result also showed that it is possible to use the
FMCW radar to measure the HR even though the
subject is wearing a jacket. However, the results
indicate that different materials can affect the
accuracy. The results from measurements with
steering wheel movements showed that the radar
follows the HR from the ECG poorly when automatic
filtering is used. With manual filtering it was possible
to achieve a higher accuracy of 82%.
2.3 CVD Detection Based on
Single-Lead ECG
The study by Widengård et al. (2024) focused on
developing algorithms to detect CVD using databases
of physiological data (ECG) with signals from patients
affected by cardiovascular disease. With recent
advances in machine learning, many studies have
shown that computerized algorithms can perform
ECG-based detection of CVD with high accuracy
(Ansari et al., 2023; Feng et al., 2019; Gibson et al.,
2022; Kora, 2017; Liu et al., 2018; Martin et al., 2021).
In this study, existing algorithms were further
developed to work with single-lead ECG, which is
more realistic to implement in vehicles.
The ECG data used in this work were taken from
the database "Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
(PTB) Diagnostic ECG Database", abbreviated PTB
(Bousseljot et al., 1995), as well as "PTB-XL, a large
publicly available electrocardiography dataset",
abbreviated PTB-XL (Wagner et al., 2020) both via
PhysioNet (Goldberger et al., 2000). These open
datasets contain ECG data from healthy subjects as
well as subjects with various cardiovascular diseases.
The recordings were divided into training, validation
and test data. To avoid data leakage, the division was
made so data from the same patient did not end up in
both training and test data.
Two different types of deep learning models were
tested: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Several versions
of the algorithms were developed with the starting
point in the structure described in the report by Liu et
al. (2018). To validate the algorithms, four different
measures were used; accuracy, sensitivity,
specificity, and F1 measures. In addition, the
generalizability of the best performing algorithm was
evaluated by training it on the PTB-XL dataset and
then evaluating with test data from another dataset,
the PTB dataset.
CNN Version 2 showed the best results of the
algorithms developed (Table 1). The algorithm also
had good performance when trained with one dataset
and evaluating with another. This suggests that the
algorithm is robust against different types of datasets,
and not overfitted or subject to data leakage.
The results for CNN version 2 are relatively
similar to the results of previous studies that used
neural networks for heart attack detection (Feng et al.,
2019; Gibson et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2018). All
algorithms were tested with single-lead data from
ECG lead I, but the algorithms were also tested with
data from ECG lead II, with no significant difference
in performance. The position of the myocardial
infarction determines the propagation of the changes
in the ECG signal, which allows localization of the
myocardial infarction (Morris & Brady, 2002). This
also means that some heart attacks do not cause
changes in all ECG leads. By only using one lead
there is a risk of missing out on information that
would have been visible in another lead.
Driver monitoring systems for the detection of driver
Table 1: Results from the algorithm evaluation.
CNN Version 1 (training and evaluation using PTB)
CNN Version 2 (training and evaluation using PTB-XL)
CNN Version 2 (training using PTB-XL, evaluation using PTB)
DEMS 2025 - Special Session on Design and Evaluation of Monitoring Systems
incapacitation require the ability to unobtrusively
monitor the driver's condition. Systems for the
detection of sudden cardiovascular disease in drivers
are based on monitoring vital signs linked to the
activity of the heart, mainly ECG and pulse. Driver
health monitoring systems are thus dependent on the
ability to measure these vital parameters reliably in
vehicles. Any available technique will be a
compromise of many aspects such as usability,
sensitivity, specificity, latency of detection, etc.
Being able to detect a specific condition at a specific
time is one of the biggest challenges with driver
monitoring in general. From the vehicle
manufacturers' perspective, it is not always the
detection of a specific condition that is the most
important, but the ability to handle an incapacitated
driver, regardless of the cause. New vehicles are
already equipped with many sensors, such as
cameras, radar for passenger detection, etc. It can
therefore be a challenge to bring in additional sensors,
but also an opportunity to use sensors that already
The results from the small-scale studies show that
there is potential for continuous monitoring of driver
vital signs for CVD detection in the future, but
substantial further development of in-vehicle HR and
ECG monitoring technologies is needed. Andersson
et al. (2024) showed that commercially available
wearable sensors can be used to monitor mean HR in
real-world driving. However, wrist worn PPG was not
able to detect sudden changes in HR and may thus be
less suitable for arrhythmia detection. Furthermore, in
all measurement technologies, noise and disturbances
that do not occur periodically and that arise from
sudden events were difficult to handle. Björkman et
al. (2022) showed that it is possible to measure HR in
a wide frequency range with radar technology in a
laboratory setting, which suggests that there is good
potential to detect arrhythmia. However, there are still
several challenges with signal processing before radar
can be implemented in a vehicle. Among other things,
it is necessary to develop the method further so that it
becomes more robust and can measure continuously.
Widengård et al. (2024) showed that if a single-lead
ECG of good signal quality is available, it is possible
to detect CVD (myocardial infarction) with high
accuracy in ECG data from lead I with a machine
learning algorithm. Furthermore, a CNN was
considered the most appropriate machine learning
algorithm for this purpose.
In a controlled environment and without
restrictions on how to apply sensors, there are
excellent methods for rapid detection of
cardiovascular disease states. ECG recordings offer
the possibility to detect CVD based on the
morphology of the signal, whereas HR sensors limit
the possibilities for CVD detection to detection of
abnormalities in the heart rhythm. Recent studies
show that it is possible to detect myocardial infarction
with single-lead ECG (Gibson et al., 2022; Hannun et
al., 2019). Abnormalities in various vital parameters
are common hours before a heart attack and clear
deteriorations can be found before cardiac arrest
(Andersen et al., 2016; Churpek et al., 2012; Kang et
al., 2016; Oh et al., 2016). With access to HR only or
lower quality data, there are still opportunities to
detect cardiovascular problems, but likely with lower
sensitivity and specificity. Additional difficulties in
the vehicular environment are the fact that in real-
world driving, the measurement must be carried out
in an unobtrusive manner. The collected signals are
often plagued with various types of disturbance and
noise that make further analysis very difficult. For
example, motion artifacts are of great importance for
the quality of the signals (Kawasaki & Kajiwara,
2023) and the traffic environment can influence
signal quality (Leicht et al., 2022). Wearable sensors
often provide more robust measurements of HR than
remote sensing in a vehicle environment (Arakawa,
2021; Leicht et al., 2022), although with the
disadvantage that it requires the driver to put on the
Leonhardt et al. (2018) published an extensive
review of different methods for unobtrusive vital sign
monitoring in an automotive environment. The most
explored monitoring technologies were ECG
(conductive, capacitive or hybrid),
ballistocardiography, optical methods (PPG, PPG
imaging, far infrared imaging, other camera-based
methods), magnetic induction, and radar-based
methods. Some of the techniques have been more
extensively studied than others and the review
provides a thorough comparison between methods. A
general conclusion was that all methods were fragile
and sensitive to disturbances. Relatively few of the
methods have been tested in environments close to
realistic conditions. Most early tests were in
laboratory settings and without the influence from
Previous studies have shown that it is possible to
detect HR with remote sensing, including radar
technology (Qiao et al., 2022; Schires et al., 2018;
Tang et al., 2017). However, few studies have used
radar technology to investigate the possibility of
detecting CVD. Radar-based systems can be used to
detect both breathing rate and HR, but they tend to be
very sensitive to both body and vehicle motion. Tang
et al. (2017) proposed a method using two radar
Feasibility of Driver Monitoring for Sudden Cardiac Illness Detection
sensors, one in front of the person and one at the back.
Utilizing the fact that movements of the entire body
tend to give an out-of-phase signal whereas
movements of heart and lung give an in-phase signal.
In a review article by Arakawa (2021), different
approaches to measuring drivers' HR were analyzed.
A steering wheel sensor with electrode measurement
and steering wheel sensor with LED sensor managed
to measure HR accurately when both hands were on
the wheel. Steering wheel electrodes have the
potential to be used for single-lead ECG measurement
but with the disadvantage that the hands must always
be kept on the steering wheel. Another method was a
car seat with a 24 GHz doppler sensor and
accelerometer. This car seat was able to measure HR
accurately within 5-10 beats per minute depending on
the type of driving. Arakawa (2021) found that
wearables such as rings and watches could measure
HR with good reliability with the disadvantage that
the driver have to wear them. Finally, it was reported
that several studies used video cameras to measure
HR by measuring color changes in people's faces.
However, this method has not been tested in vehicles.
Arakawa (2021) also states that pulse measurements
alone today are not enough to assess the driver's state
of health.
Ultimately, the goal of the sensors is to provide
signals that can be processed into information
pertinent to the detection of driver health status.
Signal processing including preprocessing,
parametrization/information enhancement, and
finally information extraction/disease detection is
key. Preprocessing is primarily necessary to increase
the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Low SNR is clearly
one key obstacle in all the reviewed methods. Few of
the sensors described in the literature have been tested
in a car during driving; and those that have been
subjected to realistic conditions have demonstrated
unsatisfactory performance. Parametrisation is based
on the notion that some specific aspect or aspects of a
signal carries relevant information. For instance, HR,
HRV or ECG morphology as potential indicators of
cardiac problems. The intended parametrization may
put requirements and limitations on the
preprocessing. If the sought parameter is HR only a
narrow band filtering may be a good component in
the preprocessing, but such filtering may extinguish
all possibilities to capture ECG morphology.
Maximizing the SNR in the sense signal power
divided with noise power is counterproductive as the
maximum power of the signal does not necessarily
coincide with power of the morphology alterations.
All good signal processing is therefore based on a
clear idea of the information bearing part of the signal
and knowledge of the interfering signal components.
A powerful method to reduce noise from the
signal is adaptive filtering which is based on the idea
of placing a second transducer, a reference
transducer, in close proximity to the original, signal
transducer (Eilebrecht et al., 2012). The purpose of
the reference sensor is to get a signal that mainly
registers noise, and no signal. Ideally, the difference
between the signals from the two sensors would give
a clean signal. In reality, an appropriate filter will be
inserted after the reference transducer; whose task is
to adjust the amplitude and phase of the reference
signal to mimic the noise from the signal transducer.
The filter is adaptively adjusted to changes in
transmission characteristics during recording
(Widrow et al., 1975).
Sensor fusion is a potential method that can be
applied to deal with poor signal quality. Future
research may benefit from including several vital
parameters to obtain a more complete understanding
of the physiological processes. Combining more vital
parameters can create a stronger basis for identifying
CVD. For instance, if abnormal vital signs are
detected the driver could be asked to put both hands
on the steering wheel to enable a single-lead ECG
measurement for more detailed health assessment.
Another possibility is to connect mobile devices to
the vehicle, in this way measurements from smart
watches or other wearables can be used in the
assessment. The focus of this report is on
cardiovascular events, but it is worth noting that both
epileptic seizures and strokes can affect HR and HRV
(Chen et al., 2014; Nei, 2009; van Elmpt et al., 2006;
Zangróniz et al., 2017; Zijlmans et al., 2002). This
opens for the possibility that also some cases of
severe cerebral attacks could be detected via heart
The way forward is therefore to use physiological
signals that contain as much information as possible
and that can realistically be acquired routinely during
driving. The diagnostic qualities of any single one of
these signals will likely be too low, and in periods the
signal-to-noise will be very poor. However,
combining several signals from different sources may
compensate for the shortcomings of individual
technologies. Suggested next steps are to test and
evaluate sensor tools allowing detection of
morphological changes in single lead ECG, HR
recording, analysis of HRV, and recording of
respiration rate. In parallel, the types of interference
that affect the different sensors should be studied to
look for means of acquiring a good reference signal,
allowing adaptive noise cancelling. When the sensor
DEMS 2025 - Special Session on Design and Evaluation of Monitoring Systems
data acquisition is optimized for each individual
sensor, sensor fusion algorithms can be developed
that extract the physiologically relevant parameters.
Lastly, the decision system that can provide the final
decision whether the driver is in full health or actions
are required needs to be developed.
A major challenge for the development and
evaluation of sensors and algorithms is that sudden
illness events while driving are rare and they cannot
be manipulated experimentally for validation of the
systems as is done, for example, when testing fatigue
warning systems. Early development must rely on
data measured under other conditions or simulated
data. An important limitation is that the studies by
Andersson et al. (2024) and Björkman et al. (2022)
use only measurements from healthy individuals,
which limits the possibility to generalize to real
disease situations. Future studies should include data
from people diagnosed with arrhythmia to assess
whether these conditions can be detected in the
signals. Another challenge is to minimize the number
of false positives as well as false negatives. Vehicle
support systems such as automatic stop maneuvers or
automatic alarms should not be activated unless it is
a real emergency. This underscores the need to
carefully consider the pros and cons of different
detection methods to ensure proper interpretation and
management of CVD events.
The traffic safety and societal benefit of being
able to detect sudden CVD onset in drivers is mainly
linked to two scenarios. The first is to integrate driver
monitoring with support systems into the vehicle so
that the vehicle can take control and perform a safe
stop. This would reduce the risk of collisions with
other road users and the risk of single-vehicle
accidents. The second aspect is about being able to
inform emergency responders about the driver’s
condition to allocate appropriate resources to the
scene. A recent project called TEAPaN (Traffic Event
Assessment, Prioritizing and Notification) explored
how such traffic incident information could be used
for prioritization of emergency resources
(Söderholm, 2023). The project designed and
explored an IT-infrastructure and incident alert
handling solution directly interfacing with
prehospital care resources. Detecting a medical
condition before the driver is completely
incapacitated can provide the opportunity to handle
the medical emergency at an early stage. Early
detection would also increase the possibility of
survival if the right care can be given more quickly.
Both actions, stopping the vehicle and calling for
emergency care, can have far-reaching consequences.
It is not possible to achieve 100% sensitivity and
100% specificity for this type of detection. False
CVD detection can potentially lead to the vehicle
making unnecessary and dangerous maneuvers
and/or sending false alarms to dispatch centers. False
alarms are costly and can mean that resources that
could have saved lives elsewhere are blocked.
In the study by Widengård et al. (2024), the
recordings in the PTB and PTB-XL databases were
often taken several days after the onset of CVD,
which is important to take into account when
analyzing and drawing conclusions about the
performance of the algorithm. Moreover, the datasets
were recorded in a clinical environment, i.e. not in
vehicle environment which is the intended
environment for the practical implementation of the
algorithm. For further development of a machine
learning algorithm with the aim of detecting acute
CVD, a large amount of new data is required.
Optimally, this data would contain real-time infarcts
and be collected in a vehicle environment where
characteristic noise and motion artifacts occur.
However, such data collection is very difficult to
Privacy and regulatory issues are other
important areas to consider when handling health
data. Health monitoring would involve the storage of
sensitive personal data. Therefore, all data will
probably need to be processed locally in the vehicle
to reduce the risk of exposing (sensitive) personal
data. The ability to turn off or deny monitoring can
also be a solution to privacy issues. Diagnostic tools
are regarded as medical devices and the regulations
surrounding medical devices are extensive. If a
detection system in a vehicle makes a medical
decision, the device needs to be tested and approved
as a medical device. Whether a detection system that
warns of abnormal vital parameters in a driver is a
medical device has not been investigated here.
The results showed that there are significant
challenges in building a functional system to detect
sudden cardiovascular disease in drivers, and
substantial development work remains. Provided
there is a high-quality ECG signal, the prospects for
detecting heart attacks are promising, and a high-
quality pulse signal enables the detection of
arrhythmias in drivers. Further development work is
required to ensure sufficiently high sensitivity and
specificity in real cases of illness. However, the
biggest obstacle is that reliable unobtrusive
technologies for measuring ECG morphology and HR
Feasibility of Driver Monitoring for Sudden Cardiac Illness Detection
in the vehicle environment are not yet available.
Arrhythmias can be detected using wearables such as
chest straps whereas sensors not worn by the driver
but integrated into the vehicle are sensitive to noise
and interference. To enable the detection of sudden
illnesses in vehicles, more vital parameters need to be
examined, and multiple measurement systems need to
be integrated to provide sufficient and reliable data.
The results indicate that there is a need for further
research and development of unobtrusive
measurement methods to detect driver states.
This work was funded by grants from the strategic
vehicle research and innovation (FFI) program at
Sweden’s Innovation Agency (VINNOVA), grant
number 2020-05157 and the Swedish Road
Administration (Skyltfonden), grant number
TRV2023/28021. The authors would like to
acknowledge the work by bachelor students Julia
Björkman, Zakaria Hersi, Abdinaser Muse, Krister
Mattsson, Anton Widengård, David Ruin, Emmy
Alvius, Lukas Pettersson, Lukas Wallén, Molly
Lundqvist, Joel Andersson, Petter Enlund, Ebba
Fredlund, Emma Hedberg, Love Stoopendahl, and
Stina Ström who performed the small-scale studies.
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DEMS 2025 - Special Session on Design and Evaluation of Monitoring Systems