Sentiment-Aware Machine Translation for Indic Languages
Amulya Ratna Dash, Harpreet Singh Anand and Yashvardhan Sharma
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, India
{p20200105, f20212416, yash}
Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis, Machine Translation, Low Resource Languages, Large
Language Model.
Machine Translation (MT) is a critical application in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that
aims to translate text from one language to another language. Indic languages, characterized by their linguistic
diversity, often encapsulate emotional and sentimental expressions that are difficult to map accurately when
translated from English. In-order to bridge the gap in language barrier, text(reviews) in English should be
translated to multiple languages while preserving the sentiment. In this paper, we focus on the machine trans-
lation of English into three low resource Indic languages by employing sentiment-aware in-context learning
techniques with large language models. Our approach helps improve the average translation score by +4.74
absolute points.
The translation of emotions and sentiments into Indic
languages presents a significant challenge in the field
of Machine Translation (MT). Indian languages, char-
acterized by their rich cultural and linguistic diversity,
often encapsulate nuanced emotional expressions that
are difficult to convey accurately in translations. Tra-
ditional MT systems frequently overlook these sub-
tleties, leading to translations that may be technically
correct but lack the emotional resonance of the orig-
inal text. This inadequacy is particularly pronounced
in low-resource languages, where the scarcity of sen-
timent lexicons further complicates the task of senti-
ment analysis(Malinga et al., 2024).
Moreover, the effectiveness of MT systems is
heavily reliant on the availability of parallel corpora,
which are often limited for Indic languages (Lample
et al., 2018). As a result, the challenge of preserv-
ing sentiment during translation becomes even more
critical, as it directly impacts the quality and usability
of translated content in various applications, includ-
ing social media and educational contexts (Saadany
and Ora
san, 2021). Recent advancements in Neural
Machine Translation(NMT) have shown promise in
addressing these issues by incorporating sentiment-
aware mechanisms (Kumari et al., 2021; Si et al.,
2019). However, there remains a pressing need for
research focused specifically on Indic languages to
enhance the accuracy and emotional fidelity of trans-
lations, thereby ensuring that the sentiments embed-
ded in the source texts are preserved in the target lan-
In recent times, Large Language Models(LLM)
have shown impressive performance in various NLP
tasks like question answering, summarization, ma-
chine translation, etc. In this work, we propose a
novel approach to preserve the sentiment of original
source language text during the process of machine
translation. We use In-Context Learning(ICL) tech-
niques for sentiment-aware machine translation using
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 and 3 presents the background and review of
related works. The methodology is briefly described
in Section 4. Sections 5 and 6 detail the experiments,
results and analysis, followed by the conclusion and
future scope in Section 7.
In recent years, there has been a rise in the application
of sentiment analysis to gain a deeper understanding
of public opinion and sentiment towards various en-
tities, products and events. Although much of the re-
search in Sentiment Analysis has been focused mainly
on the English language, there has been a growing
interest in applying sentiment analysis techniques to
other languages(Mabokela et al., 2022).
Dash, A. R., Anand, H. S. and Sharma, Y.
Sentiment-Aware Machine Translation for Indic Languages.
DOI: 10.5220/0013404000003890
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025) - Volume 1, pages 948-953
ISBN: 978-989-758-737-5; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The wide diversity of languages and dialects spo-
ken across the country of India pose a key challenge in
sentiment analysis for Indian languages (Basile et al.,
2018). It has been shown that most of the research
in sentiment analysis in Indian languages has focused
on Hindi, followed by other languages such as Ben-
gali, Tamil, Malayalam, Urdu, and Kannada. This is
mostly due to the fact that there is still a lack of com-
prehensive datasets and resources for many of these
languages, which has hindered the development of ro-
bust sentiment analysis models (Patra et al., 2015).
Researchers are exploring various approaches to
sentiment analysis in Indian languages. For example,
utilizing supervised learning techniques, such as ma-
chine learning algorithms, to classify text into posi-
tive, negative, or neutral sentiment (Kulkarni et al.,
2021; Si et al., 2019) and leveraging lexical resources,
such as SentiWordNet, to determine the sentiment of
words and phrases (Rikters and K
ale, 2023; Shelke
et al., 2022). Additionally, there has been a growing
interest in the use of transformer-based models, such
as BERT and IndicBERT, which have shown promis-
ing results in capturing the semantic nuances and lin-
guistic patterns inherent in Indian languages (Kannan
et al., 2021; Kumar and Albuquerque, 2021).
The prevalence of code-mixing i.e. switching be-
tween multiple languages within a single text also
poses a challenge to the sentiment analysis for In-
dian languages. Several approaches have been ex-
plored to address this problem, such as developing
specialized datasets and models for code-mixed text
(Chakravarthi et al., 2022).
There have been significant advances in Neural
Machine Translation (NMT) models achieving state-
of-the-art performance (Luong et al., 2015). How-
ever, the translation of rare and unknown words still
remains an open-vocabulary problem. Researchers
have therefore explored the use of subword units to
enable open-vocabulary translations(Sennrich et al.,
2016). Most of the times, these rare words are impor-
tant in conveying and transferring the sentiment and
emotion of the original text to translated text. LLMs
are trained on huge amount of data, which enables
them to understand and generate these rare words in a
better manner compared to specialized NMT models.
Sentiment preservation has emerged as a promising
approach to improving accuracy of machine transla-
tion by incorporating emotional and attitudinal infor-
mation. In Sentiment Analysis, many researchers use
machine translation to analyze the sentiment of text
in non-English language. The goal is to preserve sen-
timent information during the translation process, as
sentiment can be crucial for understanding the mean-
ing and nuance of text (Saadany and Or
asan, 2020).
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems of-
ten encounter challenges in accurately preserving sen-
timent when translating sentiment-ambiguous words
due to their reliance on training data and contex-
tual cues. (Si et al., 2019) introduced a sentiment-
aware NMT framework to address this issue. By em-
ploying methods like sentiment labeling and valence-
sensitive embeddings, the system successfully gener-
ated translations that reflected user-defined sentiment
labels. Their results demonstrated superior perfor-
mance in terms of BLEU scores and sentiment preser-
vation compared to baseline models, especially for
ambiguous lexical items where multiple sentiment-
driven translations are possible.
Troiano et al., 2020 explored the challenges of
emotion preservation in neural machine translation
(NMT) through a back-translation setup. Their find-
ings revealed that emotion nuances are often diluted
or altered during translation. To mitigate this, they
introduced a re-ranking approach using an emotion
classifier, which improved the retention of affective
content. Additionally, the framework enabled emo-
tion style transfer, allowing translation outputs to re-
flect different emotional tones. Kumari et al., 2021
finetune a pre-trained NMT model to preserve sen-
timents using deep reinforcement learning and cur-
riculum learning based techniques and evaluate using
English-Hindi and French-English datasets.
Brazier and Rouas, 2024 proposed integrating
emotion information into Large Language Models
(LLMs) to improve translation quality. They fine-
tuned LLMs on an English-to-French translation task,
incorporating emotional dimensions such as arousal,
dominance, and valence into the input prompts. The
study demonstrated that including arousal informa-
tion led to significant improvements in translation
scores, showcasing how emotion-aware prompts can
enhance semantic fidelity and expressiveness in trans-
Our work explores performance of LLMs for ma-
chine translation of Indic languages along with sen-
timent preservation using in-context learning tech-
Sentiment-Aware Machine Translation for Indic Languages
4.1 Models
To investigate the sentiment-preserved translation ca-
pability of LLMs, we shortlisted LLaMA-3(Dubey
et al., 2024) and Gemma-2(Team et al., 2024) as the
preferred open-source LLM due to better multilin-
gual ability. NLLB(Costa-juss
a et al., 2022), a state-
of-the-art encoder-decoder neural machine translation
model provides translation capabilities for over 200
languages. We use pretrained LLaMA
, Gemma
and NLLB
model for experiments. The prompt that
yields a better response from both LLMs is shown in
Figure 1.
4.2 Languages and Evaluation Data
To evaluate our approach, we consider 3 languages:
Hindi, Odia, Punjabi. All three Indic languages be-
long to the Indo-Aryan branch of Indo-European lan-
guage family. Hindi is a low - medium resource lan-
guage, whereas Odia and Punjabi are very low re-
source languages. Hindi is spoken by more than 300
million speakers, and Odia/Punjabi is spoken by 50
million speakers in India.
To evaluate we use IndicSentiment(Doddapaneni
et al., 2023) dataset which contains reviews from var-
ious categories and sub-categories in 13 Indic lan-
guages. Each review is labeled with sentiment po-
larity (neutral, negative, and positive).
4.3 Metrics
We use Character n-gram F-score(ChrF) (Popovi
2015) and COMET-22 (Rei et al., 2022) scores as
evaluation metrics. ChrF is a F-score which balances
precision and recall. ChrF calculates character-level
overlap between the translation and reference texts.
COMET is a learned metric to evaluate translations
and is better aligned with human judgement. COMET
considers the context and semantics of the source and
translated text while predicting translation accuracy.
We consider three translation tasks: English Hindi,
English Odia and English Punjabi. The test
split (1000 records) of the IndicSentiment dataset is
used for evaluation.
Seven experiments were designed per language: 1
using NLLB model, 3 using LLaMA-3.1 8B model
and 3 using Gemma-2 2B model. In-Context Learn-
ing technique was explored in the LLaMA and
Gemma experiments to preserve sentiments during
translation tasks.
The evaluation scores for the three translation
tasks with respect to different approaches are avail-
able in Table 1 (NLLB), Table 2 (LLaMA) and Ta-
ble 3 (Gemma). Based on promising results from
the small 2B Gemma-2 model, we experimented with
the Gemma-2 9B model on English Hindi trans-
lation task. The comparative translation performance
for Gemma 2B and 9B are available in Table 4.
Table 1: Translation performance for NLLB-200 based ex-
Language Pair ChrF COMET
English - Hindi 51.04 73.34
English - Odia 49.84 80.15
English - Punjabi 56.09 81.52
The response from Gemma model for the baseline
experiment had additional information like ’Explana-
tions’, ’Important Notes’ and ’Consideration’ along
with the translated text. As part of post-processing,
an attempt was made to remove the additional infor-
mation before calculating the evaluation metrics. Im-
provement in scores for the post-processed response
was observed only for Odia translations as seen in Ta-
ble 3 where the raw score is in parentheses.
Our few-shot in-context learning approach yields
+ 4.74 Average COMET score compared to
vanilla prompting approach for LLaMA-3.
The COMET score for English Odia transla-
tion improved the maximum (+ 10.82).
Compared to state-of-the-art encoder-
decoder(NLLB-200), the COMET score for
English Hindi improved by + 1.91 using LLM
based approach.
The encoder-decoder NMT model performed bet-
ter for very low resource languages (Odia and
Punjabi). This may be due to extremely low rep-
resentation in LLaMA-3’s training data as com-
pared to English or Hindi.
Sample inference examples are shown in Figure 3
and 2.
EAA 2025 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents
Figure 1: Prompt template used for sentiment-aware machine translation.
Table 2: Translation performance of LLaMa 3.1 based experiments.
W/o Sentiment LLaMa 3.1 (0-Shot) LLaMa 3.1 (1-Shot)
Language Pair ChrF COMET ChrF COMET ChrF COMET
English - Hindi 48.27 74.73 46.36 74.37 47.86 75.25
English - Odia 23.90 48.15 13.21 57.66 23.18 58.97
English - Punjabi 36.69 71.77 38.10 74.09 39.18 74.64
Average 36.28 64.88 32.55 68.70 36.74 69.62
Table 3: Translation performance of Gemma 2 (2B) based experiments.
Baseline Sentiment Aware
Language Pair ChrF COMET ChrF COMET
English - Hindi 22.86 40.96 41.83 71.59
English - Odia (28.57) 31.28 (33.79) 37.53 36.61 40.76
English - Punjabi 1.55 26.62 1.23 31.65
Average 18.56 35.12 26.55 48
Table 4: Comparison of Gemma 2 and LLaMA 3.1 on sentiment-aware English Hindi translation.
Model ChrF COMET
Gemma 2 (2B) 41.83 71.59
Gemma 2 (9B) 51.77 78.07
LLaMa 3.1 (8B) 47.86 75.25
In the case of Punjabi, the performance of the
Gemma (2B) model exhibited notable shortcom-
ings. A significant issue was the inappropriate use
of scripts, where a substantial portion of transla-
tions was rendered in the Urdu script, rather than
the Gurmukhi script, which is predominantly used
in India. Similar observation was seen in the case
of Odia, as some of the generated response was in
Bengali script instead of Odia script. This devia-
tion from the expected script posed a major chal-
lenge in achieving linguistically appropriate trans-
lations as reflected in the evaluation scores.
Furthermore, Odia and Punjabi responses from
Gemma (2B)contained redundant and repetitive
tokens, resulting in translations that were spuri-
ous and lacked coherence. These anomalies were
particularly evident more in the baseline trans-
lations. However, it is worth noting that these
issues declined substantially in sentiment-aware
translations. Despite this, the overall translation
quality remained suboptimal, indicating room for
improvement in both linguistic adequacy, fluency
and contextual understanding for low resource In-
dic languages in LLMs.
In the case Hindi, Gemma (9B) performed better
than LLaMa (8B) and Gemma (2B) with differ-
ence of + 2.82 and + 6.48 in COMET scores re-
Sentiment-Aware Machine Translation for Indic Languages
Figure 2: Sample sentiment preserved translation of English Hindi.
Figure 3: Sample sentiment preserved translation of English Punjabi.
Every new release of large language models en-
hances and advances their multilingual capabilities.
In-context Learning via prompts and Adapter based
finetuning of LLMs have demonstrated exceptional
results in addressing various NLP challenges, includ-
ing information retrieval, sentiment analysis, and ma-
chine translation.
Our study concludes that using sentiment-aware
in-context learning techniques with large language
models helps to preserve the sentiment of original text
and improve the overall accuracy of translations. Our
approach can be generalized to other languages with
very minimal changes, without any need of training
or finetuning effort. In future, we would experiment
with multiple open-source large language models and
include additional languages. Also, we will finetune
a LLM to improve the translation ability and further
finetune the model to learn sentiment conditioning
while translating reviews.
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Sentiment-Aware Machine Translation for Indic Languages