Ontology-Driven LLM Assistance for Task-Oriented Systems
Jean-Marie Gauthier, Eric Jenn and Ramon Conejo
IRT Saint Exup
ery, 3 Rue Tarfaya, 31400 Toulouse, France
Systems Engineering, Large Language Model, Agent, Systems Modelling, Modelling Assistant, Ontology.
This paper presents an LLM-based assistant integrated within an experimental modelling platform to sup-
port Systems Engineering tasks. Leveraging an ontology-driven approach, the assistant guides engineers
through Systems Engineering tasks using an iterative prompting technique that builds task-specific context
from prior steps. Our approach combines prompt engineering, few-shot learning, Chain of Thought reason-
ing, and Retrieval-Augmented Generation to generate accurate and relevant outputs without fine-tuning. A
dual-chatbot system aids in task completion. The evaluation of the assistant’s effectiveness in the development
of a robotic system demonstrates its potential to enhance Systems Engineering process efficiency and support
1.1 Context and Motivations
Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), as a
multidisciplinary approach, offers the promise to
structure engineering data with the support of mod-
elling. It aims at facilitating activities encompassing
system requirements, design, analysis, as well as ver-
ification and validation, during the conceptual design
phase throughout the subsequent development stages
and life cycle phases (INCOSE, 2007).
At the same time, one of the most notable ad-
vancements in the artificial intelligence domain is the
emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs). Pow-
ered by deep learning techniques, those models have
demonstrated exceptional capabilities in generating
human-like text, images from natural language input.
These models, exemplified by OpenAI’s Generative
Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) series (Brown et al.,
2020), have garnered widespread attention for their
ability to generate natural language text or images at
an unprecedented scale (Ramesh et al., 2021).
Despite the increasing adoption of MBSE ap-
proaches in the industry, its full deployment remains
limited due to various challenges, ranging from tech-
nological hurdles to organizational barriers (Chami
and Bruel, 2018). These challenges often stem from
the complexity of integrating MBSE into existing
workflows and the need for specialized knowledge
and training. To overcome these obstacles, one of the
main leads is the integration of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) into SE and MBSE processes (Chami et al.,
2022). The intersection of MBSE and AI presents an
opportunity to improve the way systems engineering
tasks such as requirements writing, models authoring,
refinement, and analysis are performed.
Specifically, the integration of Large Language
Models (LLMs) with Systems Engineering (SE) and
Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) offers
the potential to automate and enhance key SE and
MBSE tasks (Alarcia et al., 2024). A significant
number of applications of AI to MBSE use cases
have been identified in the literature (Schr
ader et al.,
2022), and within the Systems Engineering commu-
nities (SELive, 2023). Moreover, industrial compa-
nies have initiated exploration and experimentation to
understand the possibilities and constraints associated
with implementing AI, and especially GPT-like mod-
els, in the systems engineering domain. In particu-
lar, LLMs were tested as an assistant from require-
ments authoring (Andrew, 2023) (Tikayat Ray et al.,
2023) and more complex Requirements Engineering
tasks (Arora et al., 2024), to MBSE assistance, such
as SysML V2 model edition (Fabien, 2023) and Plan-
tUML model generation from prompts (C
amara et al.,
2023). These examples show that LLMs can stream-
line and enhance SE and MBSE processes by en-
abling automated generation and refinement of mod-
els from natural language inputs.
Gauthier, J.-M., Jenn, E. and Conejo, R.
Ontology-Driven LLM Assistance for Task-Oriented Systems Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0013441100003896
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD 2025), pages 383-394
ISBN: 978-989-758-729-0; ISSN: 2184-4348
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
However, while LLMs have the potential to reduce
manual effort and increase the accuracy of SE and
MBSE, practical challenges remain. Indeed, the need
for reliable traceability, precision, and consistency in
SE and MBSE tasks emphasizes the importance of
further research on how LLMs can effectively sup-
port these objectives without extensive fine-tuning. In
addition, managing large datasets, handling context
limits, and achieving seamless integration within SE-
specific processes, are challenges that need to be ad-
1.2 Research Questions and
To address the limits identified in the previous sec-
tion, we propose to answer to the following main re-
search questions. The first research question is to
identify contexts, system engineering phases, and ac-
tivities in which LLMs can be effectively applied, and
add value. Specifically, the study seeks to identify the
stages and contexts in which LLMs can be effectively
applied. It addresses questions regarding their ability
to enhance task completion, improve efficiency, re-
duce human error, and support the consistency and
completeness of SE data.
RQ1: Which Systems Engineering activities can ben-
efit the most from the integration of LLMs?
RQ2: What implementation strategies can be em-
ployed to effectively integrate LLMs into these SE
RQ3: What tangible benefits do LLMs offer for en-
hancing the identified Systems Engineering activi-
To address these questions, the paper introduces an
experimental platform designed to evaluate the inte-
gration of LLMs into SE tasks, particularly in the con-
text of requirements engineering. While the focus re-
mains on textual artifacts, such as needs and require-
ments, the study also explores the potential for scala-
bility and adaptability to other SE domains.
Our contribution presents results obtained in the
AIDEAS and EasyMOD projects carried out at IRT
Saint Exupery. AIDEAS aims to evaluate the bene-
fits of LLM-based conversational agents to realize se-
lected engineering tasks in the field of aerospace and
space systems including SE tasks, technological sur-
veys, etc. Besides providing technical solutions to im-
plement those agents using LLMs, a significant part
of the study focuses on understanding how tasks dis-
tribute between the human and nonhuman agents and
how this collaboration can be evaluated and, eventu-
ally, improved. The contributions of our study are as
1. Processes and Tasks Identification: We use
LLM to identify the relevant ISO15288 techni-
cal processes (iso, 2015) necessary to meet an en-
gineering objective expressed by a systems engi-
neer. The LLM further decomposes each process
into specific tasks, creating a task hierarchy. This
sets the foundation for thorough task completion
and traceability throughout the project.
2. Ontology-Driven Task Assistant: Using a Sys-
tems Engineering ontology, the LLM identi-
fies the required inputs—such as specific data,
stakeholder requirements, or prior analysis re-
sults—that are essential to initiate and perform
the task effectively. Additionally, the LLM de-
termines the outputs that each task should pro-
duce, such as technical specifications, refined re-
quirements, or system component definitions. By
defining tasks with these input and output expec-
tations, the ontology-driven approach enhances
the LLM’s ability to deliver precise, relevant guid-
ance and ensures that each task contributes sys-
tematically to the overall engineering objectives.
3. Completeness Checking and Task Validation:
We implemented a completeness checker to en-
sure each task meets SE criteria and is thoroughly
documented, leveraging LLM capabilities for fi-
nal validation.
4. Dual-Chatbot Assistance: Two assistant chat-
bots were developed. A guided questioning as-
sistant helps engineers refine requirements, clar-
ify specifications, and streamline data manage-
ment, while a task-specific assistant provides
open-ended support, expanding the LLM’s capac-
ity for structured and unstructured queries.
1.3 Paper Overview
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 provides background on Large Language
Models (LLMs), including their foundational princi-
ples and relevant advancements. Section 3 outlines
our methodology and presents the approach for im-
plementing the ontology-driven LLM solution. Sec-
tion 4 showcases insights from a robotic system case
study, and discusses the results. Section 5 reviews
related work on the integration of LLMs for Model-
Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). Finally, Section
6 concludes the paper and outlines future work.
MBSE-AI Integration 2025 - 2nd Workshop on Model-based System Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
In this section, we present the foundational knowl-
edge and context required to comprehend the follow-
ing content. First, foundations on LLMs are pre-
sented. Then, a focus is made on Augmented Lan-
guage Models (ALMs) that attempt to address the
limitations of LLMs.
2.1 Large Language Models
Large Language Models (LLMs) are a class of AI
models that predict the next character of a sequence,
or ”piece of word” based on the input text. They work
by leveraging advanced deep learning techniques,
specifically transformer architectures, to process and
generate human-like text. The following paragraphs
explain the main concepts related to LLMs.
2.1.1 Transformer Architecture
LLMs are based on the Transformer architecture,
which uses self-attention mechanisms and feed-
forward neural networks to process input efficiently
and capture long-range dependencies (Vaswani et al.,
2017). The self-attention mechanism allows the
model to weigh the importance of different parts of a
sequence, enabling a nuanced understanding of con-
text and relationships between tokens. Input text
is decomposed into smaller units called ”tokens”,
like words or sub-words, and represented as high-
dimensional vectors, allowing the model to predict the
next token in a sequence based on preceding context.
2.1.2 Pre-Training and Fine-Tuning
LLMs are pre-trained on vast text datasets, learning to
predict the next token in a sequence, which helps them
grasp syntax, semantics, and contextual relationships.
This large-scale training enables them to generate co-
herent, contextually relevant text. They can then be
fine-tuned on smaller, task-specific datasets to adapt
their capabilities for specialized applications.
2.1.3 Prompting, Zero-Shot, and Few-Shot
The effective use of LLMs is based on prompt engi-
neering, where the input prompts guide the model’s
text generation. Creating optimal prompts requires
an understanding of the model’s capabilities and lim-
itations, which is still a research problem in its own.
Researchers experiment with prompt length, formats,
and contextual cues to improve the quality and rel-
evance of the output. Well-engineered prompts are
particularly important in specialized fields, such as
Systems Engineering, where accurate and contextu-
ally appropriate responses are essential.
Prompting techniques are typically divided into
zero-shot and few-shot methods. In a zero-shot set-
ting (Kojima et al., 2022), the model generalizes to
unseen tasks without specific training examples, re-
lying solely on prior knowledge. In contrast, few-
shot learning (Brown et al., 2020) involves providing
a small number of task examples to help the model
adapt to and perform specific tasks more effectively.
2.2 Augmented Language Models
LLMs excel in capturing complex linguistic patterns,
understanding context, and generating human-like
text across various tasks. However, they face chal-
lenges, including the generation of non-factual yet
plausible responses (hallucinations) and the need for
large-scale storage to handle task-related knowledge
beyond their limited context. These issues stem from
the LLMs’ reliance on a single parametric model and
constrained context size, which impacts their accu-
racy and practical use.
To address these limitations, Augmented Lan-
guage Models (ALMs) have emerged. ALMs, as
defined by (Lecun et al., 2023), integrate reasoning
and external tools to enhance the model’s capabili-
ties. Reasoning strategies in ALMs decompose com-
plex tasks into manageable subtasks, often leveraging
step-by-step processes (Qiao et al., 2022). Techniques
like Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting have been
shown to significantly improve reasoning, especially
for multi-step tasks, by guiding the model through
a structured approach that enhances its performance
over traditional prompting methods (Wei et al., 2022).
2.3 Assessment Regarding Our
In this study, we leverage Large Language Models
(LLMs) in their base form, without fine-tuning, due
to the substantial computational resources and spe-
cialized Systems Engineering (SE) datasets required
for fine-tuning, which are not available. To overcome
this limitation, our approach integrates several tech-
niques to enhance the LLM’s ability to perform SE
tasks effectively:
Prompt Engineering and Few-Shot Setting: We
use prompt engineering to tailor the LLM’s be-
havior to Systems Engineering tasks, guiding it to
Ontology-Driven LLM Assistance for Task-Oriented Systems Engineering
generate SE-specific responses. Few-shot learn-
ing is employed to enhance the model’s general-
ization across various SE tasks by providing a few
examples, enabling the LLM to instantiate data
for new, unseen tasks efficiently.
Chain of Thought (CoT) Reasoning: We im-
prove the model’s performance by applying CoT
reasoning to break complex tasks down into
smaller steps.
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG): We
use RAG to enable the LLM to access external,
task-specific knowledge on demand. By combin-
ing generative capabilities with information re-
trieval, the RAG ensures more accurate, contex-
tually relevant outputs without the need for time-
consuming fine-tuning.
This paper presents an approach that leverages LLMs
to assist in Systems Engineering processes. Our ap-
proach combines LLMs with an SE ontology, generat-
ing task-specific guidance aligned with a user-defined
SE objectives. The LLM decomposes each SE pro-
cess into tasks, identifies required inputs and outputs,
sets completion criteria to ensure alignment with SE
standards, and provides guidance to achieve the tasks.
The SE assistant is integrated in a systems engi-
neering platform called EasyMOD. This platform en-
ables engineers to create system architectures, auto-
matically extract views for interactive review docu-
ment creation, and map system analysis results onto
system architectures. In this paper, we focus on the
assistant component of EasyMOD. An overview of
our systems engineering assistance approach is pre-
sented, particularly emphasizing the iterative prompt-
ing approach that builds the context for specific sys-
tems engineering tasks. By iterative prompting, we
mean a step-by-step approach where each task is
guided by context constructed from the outputs of
previous steps, ensuring continuity and informed pro-
3.1 Processes and Tasks Identification
The first step of our approach involves capturing the
systems engineering objective defined by the engineer
and proposing an appropriate process to achieve it.
Figure 1 outlines the workflow using ISO 15288 tech-
nical processes as a baseline. It begins with two types
of prompts: the context prompt (also known as sys-
tem prompt), which specifies the Systems Engineer-
ing role that the AI should assume while generating
responses. The constraints prompt (also known as
user prompt) provides specific instructions or queries
that the LLM must address within the context estab-
lished by the context prompt. It further captures the
engineer’s SE Objective, as the starting prompt, the
tasks to be performed by the LLM, and the expected
JSON format as answer.
Check and identify ISO15288 Technical Processes
Objective Assessment
& SoI Identification
ISO15288 Processes
Context Prompt
SE Role
Constraints Prompt
Tasks to Perform
Expected Answer
SE Objective
if SEObjective in SE Domain
and SoI found
Figure 1: Prompts for ISO 15288 processes identification.
Using these inputs, the assistant validates whether
the SE objective aligns with the Systems Engineering
domain and identifies the corresponding System of In-
terest (SoI). Upon successful assessment, the assistant
identifies and outputs the relevant ISO 15288 techni-
cal processes, which form the foundation for subse-
quent task decomposition and validation.
Then the Systems Engineering processes are bro-
ken down into tasks. The SE role, objective, and iden-
tified list of processes are used to establish the context
for the assistant. The user selects one of the processes
from this list, which, with the tasks to perform and the
expected answer format, guides the LLM to generate
a task breakdown.
3.2 Ontology-Driven Task Assistant
Central to our approach, an SE ontology called Sys-
tems Engineering Information Model (SEIM), which
the assistant uses to extract and define the essential
MBSE-AI Integration 2025 - 2nd Workshop on Model-based System Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
concepts for each Systems Engineering task. By in-
tegrating this ontology, the assistant has access to a
structured description of the relationships between the
key concepts in SE. An excerpt of this ontology is
shown in Figure 2. The concepts in this example in-
clude Needs, Stakeholder Requirements, Functions,
System Requirements, and Abstract Constituents, all
of which are linked with associations to establish
[0..*] traceToStakeholderRequirements
[1..*] traceToNeeds
[0..*] satisfyStakeholderRequirements
[0..1] isSatisfiedByFunction
[0..*] satisfySystemRequirements
[0..1] isSatisfiedByFunction
[0..*] derivedFromStakeholderRequirements
[0..*] derivedIntoSystemRequirements
[0..1] functionAllocationToConstituent
Figure 2: Ontology Excerpt as a Metamodel.
Additionally, certain concepts within the ontology
are supplemented with specific documentation tai-
lored for the LLM. For example, stakeholder require-
ments and system requirements are enriched with best
practices and standardized patterns to ensure the writ-
ing of high-quality requirements.
The Figure 3 illustrates how the ontology is used
by the assistant to identify the engineering items that
must be consumed and produced by each task, ensur-
ing alignment with the overall system objectives. The
context prompt includes details such as the SE Role,
SE Objective, a list of available processes and tasks,
and the user-selected task for focused assistance. The
constraints prompt includes the SEIM ontology, the
task the assistant shall follow, and the required LLM’s
output format. The assistant uses these inputs to iden-
tify the necessary SEIM Input/Output (I/O) concepts
related to the selected task.
For example, the task of translating stakeholder
needs into stakeholder requirements requires the in-
put concepts of Stakeholders and Needs and produces
Stakeholder Requirements as the output.
3.3 Task Completeness Checking
After tasks are defined, ensuring their completeness
and correctness is crucial. This is achieved by the
completeness checker, which evaluates whether all re-
quired task outputs have been produced based on pre-
defined criteria. The checker leverages LLMs to iden-
Identify Needed SEIM I/O Concepts
Identified SEIM
I/O Concepts
Constraints Prompt
Tasks to Perform
Expected Answer
User Selected Task
SEIM Ontology
Context Prompt
SE Role
SE Objective
List of Processes
& Selected Process
List of Tasks
Figure 3: Prompts for task’s I/O identification.
tify missing elements, and provide feedback for itera-
tive refinement of the SE task.
To extract the completeness criteria, we use a
chain of thought (COT). The first phase involves
defining the SE task’s completeness criteria. We pro-
pose to use the association links between the task’s
output concepts and its input concepts, as illustrated
in Figure 4. For instance, if the task aims at produc-
ing stakeholder requirements from needs, then a com-
pleteness criterion is to ensure that each need is traced
to stakeholder requirements. Once these traceability
links are established, the assistant is further tasked
with defining completeness criteria grounded in these
links, while also incorporating additional criteria re-
lated to the data generated by the task.
Identify Traceability Links & Completeness Criteria
Constraints Prompt
Tasks to Perform
Expected Answer
Context Prompt
SE Role
SE Objective
List of Processes
& Selected Process
List of Tasks &
Selected Task
Task's I/O
SEIM Concepts
Figure 4: Prompts and COT for completeness criteria iden-
Ontology-Driven LLM Assistance for Task-Oriented Systems Engineering
The second phase illustrated by Figure 5 involves
conducting a difference analysis between the succes-
sive versions of the data. This analysis serves to iden-
tify and categorize changes made during the task, in-
cluding elements that have been added, removed, or
updated. By systematically comparing the two ver-
sions, this process provides insights into the evolu-
tion of the task’s outputs, highlighting modifications
and enabling engineers to track progress, ensure con-
sistency, and address any unintended alterations.
Diff Analysis
Diff Analysis
Constraints Prompt
Tasks to Perform
Expected Answer
SE Data V(n-1)
SE Data V(n)
Context Prompt
SE Role
SE Objective
List of Processes
& Selected Process
List of Tasks &
Selected Task
Figure 5: Prompts for diff analysis.
Finally, the completeness criteria and the results
of the difference analysis are provided as inputs to the
assistant to conduct a task completeness assessment.
Figure 6 illustrates this process, highlighting the in-
tegration of completeness criteria, difference analysis
results, and the most recent completion assessment.
Leveraging these inputs, the assistant evaluates the
degree to which the task meets the predefined cri-
teria, adjusting the completion percentage as neces-
sary. Depending on the assessment, the completion
percentage is calculated, reflecting the current state
of the task’s outputs relative to the defined goals.
3.4 Dual-Chatbot Assistance
To further enhance user support, we propose a dual-
chatbot system, comprising a guided questioning as-
sistant and an open task-specific assistant. The guided
Question/Answer (Q/A) chatbot assists in task com-
pleteness by asking focused questions aimed at satis-
fying the predefined completeness criteria.
The Q/A chatbot, as illustrated in Figure 7, assists
systems engineers in completing specific tasks by ask-
ing context-aware, targeted questions. Its functional-
ity is driven by a detailed context prompt that aggre-
Task's Completeness Evaluation
New Task Completion
Constraints Prompt
Tasks to Perform
Expected Answer
SE Data V(n)
Diff Analysis
Context Prompt
SE Role
SE Objective
List of Processes
& Selected Process
List of Tasks &
Selected Task
SE Data V(n-1)
Assessment V(n-1)
Task's I/O
SEIM Concepts
Figure 6: Prompts for task’s completeness evaluation.
gates critical information, such as the assistant’s role,
the global engineer’s SE objective, and the hierarchi-
cal relationship between tasks and processes, ensur-
ing tailored guidance aligned with the engineer’s re-
sponsibilities. The prompt further integrates domain-
specific knowledge through SEIM ontology concepts,
references existing Systems Engineering data for con-
sistency, and outlines task completion criteria to en-
sure the chatbot’s questioning focuses on achieving
successful task outcomes.
In addition, the open-ended chatbot provides
broader support for addressing complex or unstruc-
tured tasks, offering flexibility and adaptability.
This section presents the experimental evaluation of
our approach. We detail the experimental platform
developed to test the proposed methodology, followed
by its application to a robotic system use case. We
also discuss the challenges and lessons learned during
the experiment, including insights on task complete-
ness, and consistency. Through these experiments, we
aim to assess the practical value of LLM integration
in real-world SE applications.
MBSE-AI Integration 2025 - 2nd Workshop on Model-based System Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
Ask 3 Questions to Complete the Task
Constraints Prompt
Tasks to Perform
Expected Answer
Context Prompt
SE Role
SE Objective
List of Processes
& Selected Process
List of Tasks
& Selected Task
Existing Input SE Data
Existing Output SE Data
Task Completion
Task's I/O
SEIM Concepts
Asked Questions
Figure 7: Prompts to ask a list of questions.
4.1 Experimental Platform
The main interface of the experimental platform is
shown in Figure 8. The interface is divided into sev-
eral key elements. On the top-left side of the screen,
is the Process Overview panel, which highlights the
current SE process and task being undertaken, such as
translating stakeholder requirements into system re-
quirements. Below this panel, the Ontology Manager
enables users to interact with predefined SE concepts,
ensuring alignment with the knowledge base.
The central section of the interface features an en-
gineering data table, which lists the required and pro-
duced SE data, such as traceability links to original
needs, and derived system requirements. Above the
table is the task completeness interface. This section
allows users to track progress and identify missing el-
To the right, the Dual-Chatbot System is displayed
in a panel. The guided questioning chatbot helps
users clarify inputs, outputs, and requirements for
task completion by asking focused questions, ensur-
ing traceability and alignment with task objectives.
For instance, it prompts the user to define system
functions necessary to satisfy derived requirements.
Additionally, the open-ended chatbot assistant offers
broader support for unstructured or complex tasks
by providing suggestions, explanations, or additional
context where needed.
4.2 Application on a Robotic Use Case
To validate our approach, we applied it to a robotic
system under development at IRT. The robot serves as
a demonstration platform integrating advanced tech-
nologies developed by the IRT and its partners. It is
designed to autonomously guide visitors within the
IRT premises while showcasing integrated technolog-
ical solutions. Its development emphasizes the reuse
of existing hardware and software components, with
minimal new development, prioritizing the integra-
tion of technologies to highlight their value.
The robot’s mission includes several key opera-
tional capacities:
Responding to verbal commands from visitors,
such as adjusting speed, stopping, or resuming
Dynamically adjusting its displacement speed to
match the visitor’s pace.
Monitoring the visitor’s proximity, requesting
them to return if they move too far, and notify-
ing the supervision operator and host if the visitor
remains out of range for an extended period.
Sending an automated email to the host upon
mission completion and returning to a designated
parking area.
We started the experiment with the following engi-
neering objective:
We are a team of engineers in charge of the
specification, the design and the implementa-
tion of a robot (named BIRD) which mission
is to welcome visitors and to bring them to
the right place. The robot will be deployed
in a research institute named IRT (Institut de
Recherche Technologique) at Toulouse in a
building named B612. The robot will serve
also to demonstrate our know-hows and will
embed technological bricks we are developing
at the IRT.
We present here the results obtained using the tool.
For interested readers, the complete set of data is pub-
licly available in our public repository
System Mission Identification: First, we identi-
fied several system’s missions listed on Table 1.
The missions SM-001, SM-002, and SM-003 are
relevant and well-formed, effectively capturing
the robot’s primary objective. However, SM-004,
which focuses on accessibility features, appears
more aligned with a specific system feature rather
r/Data LLM/src/branch/master/BIRD LLM.pdf
Ontology-Driven LLM Assistance for Task-Oriented Systems Engineering
Figure 8: Experimental platform main interface.
than a high-level mission. For the rest of the ex-
periment we focused on SM-001 only.
Stakeholder Identification: Starting from an ini-
tial set of 7 stakeholders provided by the systems
engineer, the tool allowed use to identify 11 ad-
ditional stakeholders. All stakeholders were rel-
evant. An excerpt of the resulting stakeholder is
shown on Table 2.
Needs Capture: Starting from an initial set of 31
needs provided by the systems engineer, the tool
allowed use to identify 43 additional needs, and
to link all them to the corresponding stakeholder.
The Q/A chatbot assisted us in capturing all stake-
holder needs by prompting questions about stake-
holders who had not yet expressed any needs. All
the obtained needs were relevant. An excerpt of
the resulting needs is shown on Table 3.
Needs Analysis: We used the open chatbot to an-
alyze the set of 74 identified needs, specifically
focusing on detecting conflicts. Our assistant suc-
cessfully identified 11 potential conflicts. A de-
tailed record of the needs analysis discussion is
provided in the complete data document.
Stakeholder Requirements Definition: The tool
assisted in drafting 39 stakeholder requirements,
ensuring complete traceability to the original
needs expressed by stakeholders. All require-
ments are measurable and include verification
and validation tasks within their documentation.
While significant progress has been made, this
task remains ongoing as further refinement and
validation are still needed. An excerpt of the
stakeholder requirements is presented in Table 4.
Task Completeness and Consistency Checks:
By leveraging, the ontology-driven and LLM-
assisted completeness checker, and the Q/A
chatbot, the tools assisted in ensuring that all
needs and requirements were logically consistent,
aligned with the system’s mission, and free from
hallucinations so far.
This experiment highlights the efficiency of our ap-
proach in supporting SE tasks, such as require-
ment elicitation, and traceability management. The
robot use case also underscores the scalability of our
methodology in handling diverse and interconnected
SE tasks while maintaining consistency across data
sets and ensuring system definition completeness.
4.3 Discussion
The experiments conducted focused primarily on tex-
tual artifacts—needs and requirements—where LLM
integration was shown to be highly effective. By iden-
tifying 18 stakeholders, extracting 74 needs, detect-
ing 11 conflicts, and drafting 29 stakeholder require-
ments, the tool demonstrated its capacity to enhance
task execution, efficiency, and completeness, address-
ing RQ1. Specifically, the Q/A chatbot’s guided ques-
tions ensured gaps were filled, while the ontology-
driven framework structured unstructured data into
a coherent and traceable form. This success builds
confidence for extending the tool to architecture-
related activities involving system models, reinforc-
ing the LLM’s potential to automate SE tasks and aug-
MBSE-AI Integration 2025 - 2nd Workshop on Model-based System Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Identified robot’s missions.
ID Name Description
SM-001 Visitor Guid-
To assist visitors by providing directions and escorting them to specific loca-
tions within the B612 building.
SM-002 Demonstration
of Technol-
To showcase the technological advancements and capabilities developed at
SM-003 Operational
To assist IRT staff and reception staff in their daily operations by performing
tasks such as message delivery and fetching items.
SM-004 Accessibility
To provide special accessibility features for visitors with disabilities.
Table 2: Extract of resulting stakeholders.
ID Name Documentation
STKH-001 Visitors Individuals visiting the IRT within the B612 building, interacting with the robot
for guidance to specific locations.
STKH-002 Supervisor Responsible for monitoring and controlling the operation of one or more
STKH-003 Maintenance
In charge of the system’s maintenance, particularly addressing potential break-
... ... ...
STKH-018 Cleaning
Responsible for maintaining cleanliness and order within the operational envi-
ronment of the robot, ensuring that the robot’s pathways are free of obstacles
and debris.
ment MBSE practices. However, the experiments did
not yet explore scenarios where engineering artifacts
from previous or similar systems exist. Addressing
RQ1 further, such reuse could optimize task comple-
tion by leveraging historical data for faster and more
accurate generation of requirements or models. Fu-
ture work will also focus on validating results through
comparison with human-generated benchmarks to as-
sess the tool’s accuracy and reliability.
The study highlights that even without fine-tuning,
Large Language Models (LLMs) can adequately per-
form many general Systems Engineering (SE) tasks,
providing an efficient and cost-effective solution.
This addresses RQ2, as it demonstrates how LLMs
can be practically implemented using prompt engi-
neering and ontology-driven frameworks to assist in
specific SE activities without the need for expensive
fine-tuning. Importantly, our approach remains highly
generic and adaptable to different SE processes, as
even the tasks themselves are dynamically generated
by the LLM. This flexibility answers part of RQ2, as
it highlights the tool’s process-agnostic nature. The
same framework can be seamlessly applied to stan-
dards like ISO 15288 or ARP4754A without requir-
ing infrastructure modifications. Such adaptability
ensures the tool’s broader applicability across diverse
SE contexts, which is a key advantage over traditional
SE tools.
However, the results also raise an important con-
sideration for RQ3: whether the performance im-
provement achieved through fine-tuning justifies the
additional investment in terms of data and computa-
tional resources. This remains an open avenue for fu-
ture work. In addition, a key concern tied to RQ3
is the quality of the outputs generated by LLMs.
While the assistant provided relevant and useful sup-
port during the experiments, rigorous verification pro-
tocols remain to be defined. For safety- or cost-
critical systems, where small errors in assumptions
or data can have severe consequences, a dedicated
validation framework is essential. Human-generated
benchmarks will also play a critical role in system-
atically evaluating and comparing the assistant’s out-
puts. Hence, as of now, LLMs should serve as a sup-
port tool rather than a replacement for human judg-
ment, particularly in high-stakes domains. This bal-
ance ensures the risk of undetected errors is mitigated
while still reaping the benefits of automation.
This study underscores that LLMs are particularly
suited to automating “tedious” SE tasks, which are
repetitive, time-consuming, and prone to human er-
ror—such as structuring data, ensuring traceability,
and detecting inconsistencies. By addressing these
tasks, the assistant allows systems engineers to fo-
cus on higher-value activities like strategic decision-
making and system innovation. This directly an-
Ontology-Driven LLM Assistance for Task-Oriented Systems Engineering
Table 3: Extract of resulting needs.
ID Name Need Text Stakeholders
NEED-001 Guidance to Meeting
As a Visitor, I need to be guided to the meeting
room / office in order to reach the meeting room
at the appropriate time.
NEED-002 Guidance to Rest
As a Visitor, I need to be guided to the nearest rest
room upon request.
... ... ... ...
NEED-073 Emergency Stop and
Manual Override
As Cleaning Staff, I need to have the ability to stop
the robot in case it obstructs the cleaning process
or in emergencies.
NEED-074 Network Connectiv-
As IT Support Team, I need the robot to have re-
liable network connectivity for remote monitoring
and updates.
Table 4: Extract of resulting stakeholder requirements.
ID Name Text Trace to
SR-001 Guidance to Meeting
Room Requirement
Upon request, the robot shall guide visitors to the
designated meeting room and ensure timely ar-
rival within 5 minutes.
SR-004 Guidance to Rest
Room Requirement
Upon request, the robot shall guide visitors to the
nearest rest room and ensure timely arrival within
3 minutes.
... ... ... ...
SR-027 Emergency Stop Ca-
pability Requirement
The robot shall allow the Supervisor to initiate
an emergency stop, halting all operations imme-
diately within 1 second of the command being is-
swers RQ3 by showcasing tangible benefits in effi-
ciency and task completion while maintaining align-
ment with SE standards and objectives.
Finally, the findings demonstrate the relevance of
LLMs for SE tasks, their practical implementation
in a process-agnostic platform, and their ability to
enhance task execution, consistency, and traceabil-
ity. However, challenges remain in ensuring valida-
tion protocols, including comparisons with human-
generated benchmarks, and exploring the reuse of ex-
isting SE data, which will be crucial for broader adop-
tion and future advancements.
The increasing complexity of cyber-physical sys-
tems necessitates model-based systems engineering
(MBSE), but its broader adaptation requires special-
ized training. User-centric systems engineering and
AI can make this process more accessible. The re-
search in (Bader et al., 2024) demonstrates that a GPT
model, trained on UML component diagrams, can ef-
fectively understand and generate complex UML rela-
tionships, though challenges like extensive XMI data
and context limitations remain.
The paper (Fuchs et al., 2024) explores how large
language models (LLMs) can automate model cre-
ation within a new declarative framework. Users can
interact with the system using natural language, repre-
senting a significant shift in model development. The
paper provides examples demonstrating how LLMs
can improve the speed and cost of tasks like object
creation, content review, and artifact generation by 10
to 15 times.
An intelligent workflow engine that integrates an
AI chatbot to enhance traditional workflow man-
agement systems in presented in (Reitenbach et al.,
2024). By using Natural Language Processing and
Large Language Models, the chatbot serves as a user-
friendly interface, simplifying workflow creation and
The study in (du Plooy and Oosthuizen, 2023)
explores how GPT-4 can enhance the development
of system dynamics simulations within systems en-
gineering. Findings reveal that while GPT-4 signifi-
cantly improves simulation construction, error reduc-
MBSE-AI Integration 2025 - 2nd Workshop on Model-based System Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
tion, and learning speed, it also struggles with iden-
tifying errors and generating high-quality expansion
ideas. Technical challenges include AI’s limited abil-
ity to handle specialized domains and the potential for
errors due to data quality.
In (Timperley et al., 2024), researchers evaluated
the use of TEXT-DAVINCI-003 LLM for generat-
ing spacecraft system architectures for Earth obser-
vation missions, achieving at least two-thirds trace-
ability of design elements back to requirements across
three cases. Consistent outputs suggested potential
for diverse missions, though function generation chal-
lenges emphasized the need for expert oversight to re-
fine outputs. Higher-token-count prompts improved
traceability and alignment but increased computa-
tional costs. Lower classifier confidence for modes in-
dicated textual variation impacts, while high precision
over recall reflected training data limitations. Manual
assessments validated architecture quality, with future
work aimed at automated evaluation and ontology re-
finements to better map LLM output to MBSE mod-
els. Data security concerns also suggested the benefit
of self-hosted, fine-tuned LLMs.
Existing research demonstrates the potential of
LLMs to assist in systems engineering by automat-
ing specific tasks, such as UML generation (Bader
et al., 2024), declarative model creation (Fuchs et al.,
2024), and intelligent workflow simplification (Reit-
enbach et al., 2024). However, these approaches of-
ten address isolated tasks without establishing a ro-
bust foundational context for the overall systems en-
gineering process.
Our work complements these efforts by focusing
on building a comprehensive and traceable context for
SE tasks through ontology-driven task guidance, it-
erative prompting, and completeness checking. This
foundational approach ensures the alignment of tasks
with SE frameworks like ISO 15288, enabling more
reliable outputs before diving into detailed atomic
tasks. By integrating traceability and error-recovery
mechanisms, our methodology provides the struc-
tured groundwork necessary to support and enhance
future detailed SE workflows, bridging the gap be-
tween high-level guidance and fine-grained task ex-
This paper presents an ontology-driven, LLM-based
assistant integrated into the EasyMOD platform to
support task-oriented Systems Engineering (SE) pro-
cesses. By combining context-aware and iterative
prompting with ontology-based task structuring, the
assistant ensures alignment with SE objectives, con-
tinuity across tasks, and the consistent generation of
high-quality data. The experimental platform and
dual-chatbot system provide structured guidance and
open-ended support, enhancing task completeness,
efficiency, and user engagement.
The study demonstrates that LLMs are particu-
larly effective in automating tedious and repetitive
SE tasks, such as stakeholder identification, needs
capture, requirements definition, and conflict detec-
tion. The results, validated on a robotic system case
study, highlight notable benefits in improving task ef-
ficiency, ensuring traceability, and reducing human
error. Additionally, the tool proves capable of trans-
forming unstructured textual data into structured out-
puts aligned with a formal SE ontology. However,
challenges remain, particularly in handling safety-
and cost-critical systems where rigorous verification
protocols are required. Furthermore, the current ap-
proach has yet to explore scenarios where pre-existing
engineering artifacts from similar systems can be
reused to accelerate task execution.
From a methodological perspective, the proposed
solution is highly generic and adaptable, capable of
dynamically generating tasks without relying on pre-
defined workflows. This flexibility enables the tool
to seamlessly integrate with various SE standards, en-
hancing its applicability across different industrial do-
mains. Nonetheless, the dependency on predefined
ontologies and the absence of user feedback mecha-
nisms for iterative refinement are improvement areas.
Future work will broaden the scope of SE tasks
addressed by the assistant, extending beyond require-
ments elicitation and quality assessment to include ar-
chitecture definition, model-based engineering, and
other SE lifecycle phases. This expansion will as-
sess the assistant’s applicability across diverse work-
flows and improve its utility for complex, intercon-
nected tasks. To support this, we plan to inte-
grate graph-based Retrieval-Augmented Generation
(RAG) to enhance task-specific knowledge retrieval
and strengthen interactions with external tools and
EasyMOD modules, such as model editing and review
Future validation efforts will focus on develop-
ing human-generated benchmarks to rigorously eval-
uate the assistant’s performance across larger, more
diverse case studies. This will include analyses of
task completeness, consistency, and alignment with
SE objectives. Additionally, human-machine interac-
tion studies and ergonomic evaluations will assess the
tool’s practical benefits and refine its capabilities. By
addressing these areas, future work aims to solidify
Ontology-Driven LLM Assistance for Task-Oriented Systems Engineering
the assistant’s role as a robust support system for Sys-
tems Engineering practitioners.
The authors thanks the Fondation de Recherche pour
l’Aeronautique et l’Espace (FRAE) for contributing
to the funding of the work presented in this paper. We
are also grateful, to Airbus Commercial Aircraft, Air-
bus Defense and Space, and the French ANR for con-
tributing to the funding of the EasyMOD project.
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