with an iterative context enrichment mechanism f or
solution quality improvement. Section 4 details the
experimental validation protocol and results. Fina lly,
Section 5 discusses the contributions relative to ex-
isting approaches and identifies future research direc-
2.1 B-Rep Model
The BRep model describes the mathematically exact
geometry of a component through non-volumetric e l-
ements that com pose its surface. These elements c on-
sist of faces, edges, and vertices arranged in an adja-
cency graph. A face corresponds to a surface patch, an
edge to an intersection curve segment between at least
two surfaces, and a vertex to an intersection point be-
tween two distinct curves (Mor tenson, 1997).
2.2 Large Language Models
A Large Language Model (LLM) is an artificial in-
telligence system based on a transformer architecture,
trained on massive volumes of textual data (ranging
from hundreds of billions to several trillion tokens)
for self-supervised learn ing purposes. The se models
are cap able of Natural Language Processing (NLP)
and can perform various complex linguistic and cog -
nitive tasks suc h as translation, reasoning, program-
ming, and pr oblem-solving, either in few-shot mode
(with few examples) or zero-sh ot mode (without ex-
amples). Their lea rning capacity e merges from at-
tention mechanisms allowing them to capture long-
term dep e ndencies in textual seq uences and acquire
sophisticated contextual representatio ns of language
(Naveed et al., 2024).
Regarding coding tasks, (Liang et al., 2024) re-
veal that LLMs demonstrate their greatest efficiency
when tasks are structured with clear context, for ex-
ample targeted mo difications of existing code, data
visualization tasks, o r documented API implementa-
tion. Efficiency is maximized when source code is
available as context, objectives are well- defined, and
the user possesses sufficient technical expertise to for-
mulate precise queries.
2.3 LLMs for B-Rep Geometry
In the field of automatic BRep geometry generation,
scientific literatu re works can be classified in to two
categories: a) those that directly produce BRep g e-
ometry; b) tho se that produce an intermediate artifact
that drives geometry creation.
B-Rep Geometry Generation. This approach is
chosen, fo r example, by ( Xu et al., 2024) (Zhang
et al., 2023) (Zhang et al., 2024). The algorithm gen-
erates a graph representing BRep topology and ge-
ometry. These approac hes use neural networks, but
not directly LLMs. A preliminary learning phase is
necessary, involving datasets of several hundred or
thousand examples. Then validation tests are per-
formed on data not included in the initial dataset.
These works face issues of precision , explainability,
and lack of formal guarantees on the production of
topologically valid CAD models (risks of generat-
ing non-manifold geometries, or surfaces with self-
Indirect Generation. (Wu et al. , 202 3) introduce
CAD-MLLM, a system using multimodal LLMs
(text, image) to gen erate CAD models from various
inputs (text, ima ges, point clouds). In this case, ge-
ometry is not directly generated by the LLM: the out-
put is a geometry description in the form of a ”com-
mand sequence,” which drives geometry construction
(a method th a t falls within the framework of Para-
metric Macro Approaches introduced by (Mun et al.,
2003)). Each sequence element is identified by a
mnemonic associated with a token in the fine-tuning
phase of the chosen LLM. According to the authors,
CAD-MLLM presents the following limitations: the
description in the form of basic op eration sequences
uses an ad hoc model composed of a small number of
operations in linear form. It is work centere d on exact
geometry reconstruction, but not generation from re-
quirements. (Yuan et al., 2024) Zhang et al. propose a
very similar approach and report the same limitations.
2.4 Open Issues
We identify three significant barriers in the presented
• all works rely on a learning phase based on a large
dataset, which is a costly operation,
• produced geometries are limited to simple cases,
• it is not p ossible to guarantee the topological va-
lidity of generated shapes.
Finally, we note that in these works, geometry is never
related to the notions of function or requirement so
important in MBSE. In the remainder of this paper,
we propose a method to address the preceding barri-