On the Importance of Visualisation in a Data Driven Society
Daniel Archambault
Newcastle University, U.K.
Machine learning and data science are receiving significant attention and rightly so. The results that can be
produced by distilling large amounts data are amazing. Yet, what society expects is human oversight at an
appropriate level and trust of system results. Oversight and trust are not for machines; oversight and trust are
for humans. Effective solutions thus require careful human-machine collaboration and in turn careful visuali-
sation design. This paper motivates why visualisation design forms a necessary part of a data driven society.
It provides motivation for carefully designed visualisations that must take into account human perceptual fac-
tors, target audience, and the automated processes applied to the information before visualisation. It provides
practical examples where all three must be carefully thought about in order to deliver effective data science.
Data science and artificial intelligence have made re-
markable strides over the past decade with results
far exceeding what we would have expected. These
methods process large amounts of data to achieve
these results. In a modern day, data-driven society,
the data, results of the models, and insights into how
the models work need to be made accessible to di-
verse user communities so that they can be informed
and make data-driven decisions.
Data science is often defined as extracting knowl-
edge and insights from data. Machine learning and
data science methods are essential to solve this prob-
lem. Without them, it would not be possible to pro-
cess data at scale. However, the human side of the
data science equation is often forgotten.
Insight is not for computers;
Insight is for humans.
Machine learning and data science methods are
the engine whereas visualisation is an equally impor-
tant windscreen of a data driven society. Yes, it is true
that we would not get anywhere without scalable data
processing methods and models, but the final step of
human consumption is often not emphasised enough.
Governments and societies see the value of (and
fear) the capabilities of artificial intelligence. They
seek oversight of the models and processes to con-
struct these models and apply them to the large data
sets. Again, this is a human-centred problem aligned
with visualisation and not one aligned with machines.
Oversight of models and AI is not for computers;
Oversight of models and AI is for humans.
As these concepts require the human, methods to
expose the models and data from the machine are
a requisite part of the solution. Thus, visualisation
is critical for effective artificial intelligence, machine
learning, and data science. Visualisation is necessary
for insight into data (and therefore an essential part of
data science) and is required for oversight of models
and AI. In this paper, we explore this question from a
variety of perspectives and my personal experience.
Is it the case that a table of statistics is sufficient
for this problem? Perhaps the simplest form of vi-
sualisation is the best? The importance of visual-
isations complementing calculations has been made
clear many decades ago in statistics (Anscombe,
A computer should make both
calculations and
graphs. Both sorts of output should be studied; each
will contribute to understanding.
More recent work further illustrates this point.
The Datasaurus Dozen (Matejka and Fitzmaurice,
Archambault, D.
On the Importance of Visualisation in a Data Driven Society.
DOI: 10.5220/0013445500003912
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2025) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-728-3; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2017) shows that many very different plots can be
generated for the same set of statistics. Many dif-
ferent patterns even a dinosaur could be present
in your data for the same statistics. A similar idea
can be seen in the area of graph drawing (Chen et al.,
2021; Chen et al., 2018) making graph drawings es-
sential and complimentary to graph mining and graph
statistics. Although statistics are important, they need
to be complemented by effective and relevant visuali-
sations for insight.
Also, more studies should be run on the percep-
tual effectiveness of visualisations. The visual chan-
nel used can influence the amount of order seen in the
data (Chung et al., 2016). Small multiple representa-
tions of dynamic graphs are often faster, with equiv-
alent accuracy, for dynamic graph visualisations (Ar-
chambault et al., 2011). The benefits of keeping a sta-
ble drawing, also known as preservation of the men-
tal map, is surprisingly very difficult to quantify (Ar-
chambault and Purchase, 2016), but there is evidence
that it helps identify specific nodes and specific paths
through a graph in a visually scalable way (Archam-
bault and Purchase, 2013).
Thus, complimentary and relevant visualisations
are needed with the proper encoding.
Another possibility is that any visualisation can be
applied independently from the data processing algo-
rithm. Unfortunately, this is not the case either as the
data processing influences how the visualisations are
perceived. Therefore, the automatic processing must
be selected with the visualisation tasks in mind. Ether
the viewer will need to know the limitations of the
automatic processing algorithm or the processing al-
gorithm needs to be selected so the chances of misin-
terpretation is minimised.
Graph sampling methods take a large graph and
generate a representative sample for visualisation or
other processing purposes. If the end goal is visu-
alisation, it is important to understand that the sam-
pling method chosen influences how the sample is
perceived. For example, relative degree is important
for perceiving nodes as high degree in a sample (Wu
et al., 2017). In terms of edge bundling, often edges
are bundled together based on similar edge properties
but this can create the appearance of false connections
and patters in the data where there are none (Lhuillier
et al., 2017). If the idea is to group edges together
with similar origins and destinations together then
this visualisation is suitable. However, if underly-
ing paths and topology is required for understanding,
edge bundling techniques that group edges with un-
derlying paths (Wallinger et al., 2022; Wallinger et al.,
2023) would be more suitable which can be com-
puted while simultaneously drawing the graph (Ar-
chambault et al., 2024).
In summary, the data processing algorithm also
can influence the visualisation. This should be se-
lected with the task and user background in mind so
that the chances of a misleading visualisation are min-
Visualisation was embedded into the UK response
to COVID-19 through RAMPVis (Chen et al., 2022;
Dykes et al., 2022): a volunteer project to support vi-
sualisation of pandemic modelling for a variety of au-
diences. The pandemic response was a concrete ex-
ample of what data scientists do. Data science meth-
ods, models, and visualisation were visible on a daily
basis in media across the world. During this time, new
strategies for developing visualisations were created
for a wide range of audiences.
In our case, we were tasked on visualisation of
simulations of policies on contact tracing data. In the
early stages of the pandemic, there was no time for
careful selection of problems or design of bespoke so-
lutions. Also, the communities that we were working
with did not know that visualisation was a field and
how it could help. Fortunately, we did have some
experience with visualising contact tracing that we
could draw upon (Baumgartl et al., 2021), but not for
the specific problem of simulating policies on contact
tracing simulation and understanding how these mod-
els performed. In our initial sessions, existing visual-
isation tools were applied out of the box (Simonetto
et al., 2020; Arleo et al., 2022) to the simulations and
presented to pandemic modelling teams to discover
what was necessary (Sondag et al., 2022). These ses-
sions provided buy in for visualisations as initial re-
sults could be seen and errors in the simulations could
be discovered. For example, visualisations produced
from MulitDynNoS (Arleo et al., 2022) were able to
illustrate that too many random cases (imported from
outside) were set in the simulator when travel was al-
ready restricted. As the situation evolved, more be-
VISIGRAPP 2025 - 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
spoke tools could be developed using standard visu-
alisation methodologies. This resulted in a final visu-
alisation (Sondag et al., 2022) that could be used to
make sense of simulated contact tracing policies.
In a second project, we were tasked with the idea
of communicating pandemic modelling ideas to chil-
dren through interactive visualisations (Mcneill et al.,
2023). Working with Technocamps, we developed
an interactive visualisation method to help children
explore disease modelling concepts to gain a better
understanding what data scientists would do during a
pandemic. The visualisation was used by 100 young
people every month at its height, providing a real
data science problem that was relevant to their expe-
In summary, both insight and oversight are not for
computers; they are for humans. A way to achieve
communication of data a models inside a computer
to humans is through visualisation. Thus, visuali-
sation forms an equally important part of data sci-
ence and AI. This has been known for a long time
in statistics, but sometimes requires repeating. These
visualisations cannot be applied blindly without con-
sidering the underlying algorithms used to process
the data as it influences how the visualisation is per-
ceived. A case study on how this work was applied
during the COVID-19 response was discussed along
with human-centred development strategies and con-
siderations for communicating data science concepts
to diverse audiences.
For the purpose of open access, the authors have ap-
plied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) li-
cence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version
arising from this submission.
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VISIGRAPP 2025 - 20th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications