Digital Twins: Models Everywhere
Keynote by Professor Øystein Haugen
Østfold University College, Halden, Norway
Digital twins are catching on. People of different
trades talk about models and appreciate that models
can serve to improve our relationships with an
increasingly complex reality. This is very promising,
but as modelers we should make sure that we know
properly what a model is, and why we want the
models that we make or use.
Modeling is not new. Models have helped to
understand the actual world for a long time. In the
early days of computing, models were created and
realized in programs to simulate situations of the real
world. This was used to plan track layout of railroad
stations and strategies for vaccinating the population
for tuberculosis. The pioneers did not talk about
digital twins at that time, but they could have if they
had had our vocabulary.
While the pioneers had to wait a long time
between their digital results and the changes of the
represented reality, the time gap has decreased
drastically and now the feedback from the digital
twins may affect the represented reality in
milliseconds. But this is not new, either. We have
created real-time systems for many years, where the
digital components have been programmed to
represent and control some piece of reality in the right
So, what’s new with digital twins?
Technically, there is not much new technology
with digital twins, but it may still have a great impact.
Here are some aspects that make digital twins useful
and promising:
1. People of different competences find digital
twins fruitful as “living” representations of
complex systems that may serve as their
common base for understanding.
2. Modern systems often involve sensors and
actuators that are directly connected to the
actual systems, such as smart homes or
advanced production. This makes digital
validation necessary for the safety of using
the actual system.
3. Physical systems are not like computer
programs. They are affected by physical
wear and tear, and digital twins can serve as
their cleaner counterparts which are still
accurately updated by data from the actual
4. Modern systems are more dynamic than
before and therefore it becomes important to
have digital representations that behave in
ways corresponding to the dynamic world,
and that can be visualized in many different
ways depending on the purpose.
5. Modern systems should work 24/7. They
must evolve without having to stop and
reboot. They must handle the data in real
time. They cannot wait until later to do the
analysis because the data keeps coming.
We need concepts and notation for describing
digital twins and their evolution.
Digital twins seem to come in three categories
depending on their rough purpose:
1. Digital twins for monitoring. The digital
twin visualizes the actual twin and prepares
human decisions. The presentation may
include historical data.
2. Digital twins for simulation.The digital twin
executes with current data to project
behaviors of the future. This gives an even
better background for human decisions as
they can see what-if scenarios, but the model
must be more advanced.
3. Digital twins for control.The digital twin is
used to control the actual twin. This is
automation. There is no human in the loop
and the digital twin must be even more
accurate and reliable.
Digital twins may evolve from monitoring
through simulation to control as the trust in the digital
representation increases and the purposes are well
Digital twins are models for the future.
Haugen, Ø.
Digital Twins: Models Everywhere.
DOI: 10.5220/0013454700003896
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD 2025), page 5
ISBN: 978-989-758-729-0; ISSN: 2184-4348
Copyright © 2025 by Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)