Cooperative Control Of A Robot Swarm With Network Communication Delay
Yechiel Crispin
A new method for the cooperative control of a system of multiple mobile robots with time delay in the network communication is presented. The network of mobile robots is modeled as a swarm of particles performing a directed random walk where the motion of the swarm is controlled by a central unit such as a robot leader. The collective motion of the robots is modeled by a system of stochastic delay-difference equations where the best solution found by the swarm is used as the network cooperative control signal. The method is applied to the solution of two problems. In the first problem, a group of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) searches for the maximum depth in a two-dimensional domain. In the second problem, the group of AUVs searches for the minimum temperature in a three-dimensional domain. It is found that the search proceeds along Levy flights followed by sticking short random walks in the vicinity of the extremum points and that the cooperative control method is robust to time delays in network communication.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Crispin Y. (2005). Cooperative Control Of A Robot Swarm With Network Communication Delay . In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multi-Agent Robotic Systems - Volume 1: MARS, (ICINCO 2005) ISBN 972-8865-34-1, pages 3-14. DOI: 10.5220/0001193400030014
in Bibtex Style
author={Yechiel Crispin},
title={Cooperative Control Of A Robot Swarm With Network Communication Delay},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multi-Agent Robotic Systems - Volume 1: MARS, (ICINCO 2005)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multi-Agent Robotic Systems - Volume 1: MARS, (ICINCO 2005)
TI - Cooperative Control Of A Robot Swarm With Network Communication Delay
SN - 972-8865-34-1
AU - Crispin Y.
PY - 2005
SP - 3
EP - 14
DO - 10.5220/0001193400030014