HR intranets in France: A Longitudinal Study

Veronique Guilloux, Michel Kalika, Florence Laval



The article presents some interesting results of an exploratory and longitudinal study (1998-2004) based on a sample of French firms. The context of the Introduction of intranets, the development stages, performance and intranets contents are presented. Three approaches exist: corporate intranet, specialised intranet and HR intranet. They can be linked to different stages of development more or less sophisticated: communication, functional support, knowledge management. The HR Function will be a winner if it integrates the intranet in its management process and if the actors are aware of the strikes and if they behave as real change agents.


  1. Laval F., Guilloux V., Kalika M. (2005), L'intranet RH : de l'E-RH au Knowledge Management in Michel Kalika, Véronique Guilloux, Florence Laval, et Mohammed Matmati, ERH réalités manageriales, ed Vuibert.
  2. Guilloux V., Laval F., Kalika M. (2005) Les intranets RH : de l'introduction des TIC aux nouvelles formes d'organisation in Michel Kalika, Véronique Guilloux, Florence Laval, et Mohammed Matmati, E-RH réalités manageriales, ed Vuibert.
  3. Laval F., Guilloux V., Kalika M. (2002), Les intranets RH: pratiques des entreprises et problématiques, dans M. Kalika , E-GRH: Révolution ou évolution?, Editions Liaisons.
  4. Kalika M., Laval F. (2003), E-management et ressources humaines, Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines, Economica.

Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Guilloux V., Kalika M. and Laval F. (2007). HR intranets in France: A Longitudinal Study . In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems - Volume 1: HRIS, (ICEIS 2007) ISBN 978-989-8111-02-9, pages 99-108. DOI: 10.5220/0002436300990108

in Bibtex Style

author={Veronique Guilloux and Michel Kalika and Florence Laval},
title={HR intranets in France: A Longitudinal Study},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems - Volume 1: HRIS, (ICEIS 2007)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Human Resource Information Systems - Volume 1: HRIS, (ICEIS 2007)
TI - HR intranets in France: A Longitudinal Study
SN - 978-989-8111-02-9
AU - Guilloux V.
AU - Kalika M.
AU - Laval F.
PY - 2007
SP - 99
EP - 108
DO - 10.5220/0002436300990108