THE DARMSTADT CHALLENGE - The Turing Test Revisited
J. C. Augusto, M. Bohlen, D. Cook, F. Flentge, G. Marreiros, Carlos Ramos, Weijun Qin, Yue Suo
Significant work has been done in the areas of Pervcomp/Ubicomp/Smart Environments with advances on making proactive systems, but those advances have not made these type of systems accurately proactive. On the other hand a great deal is needed to make systems more sensible/sensitive and trustable (both in terms of reliability and privacy). We put forward the thesis that a more integral and social-aware sort of intelligence is needed to effectively interact, decide and act on behalf of people’s interest and that a way to test how effective systems are achieving these desirable behaviour is needed as a consequence. We support our thesis by providing examples on how to measure effectiveness in variety of different environments.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Augusto J., Bohlen M., Cook D., Flentge F., Marreiros G., Ramos C., Qin W. and Suo Y. (2009). THE DARMSTADT CHALLENGE - The Turing Test Revisited . In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART, ISBN 978-989-8111-66-1, pages 291-296. DOI: 10.5220/0001665002910296
in Bibtex Style
author={J. C. Augusto and M. Bohlen and D. Cook and F. Flentge and G. Marreiros and Carlos Ramos and Weijun Qin and Yue Suo},
title={THE DARMSTADT CHALLENGE - The Turing Test Revisited
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART,
TI - THE DARMSTADT CHALLENGE - The Turing Test Revisited
SN - 978-989-8111-66-1
AU - Augusto J.
AU - Bohlen M.
AU - Cook D.
AU - Flentge F.
AU - Marreiros G.
AU - Ramos C.
AU - Qin W.
AU - Suo Y.
PY - 2009
SP - 291
EP - 296
DO - 10.5220/0001665002910296