Formal verification of documentation by means of self-organizing map

Algirdas Laukaitis, Olegas Vasilecas



By using background knowledge of the general and specific domains and by processing new natural language corpus experts are able to produce a conceptual model for some specific domain. In this paper we present a model that tries to capture some aspects of this conceptual modeling process. This model is functionally organized into two information processing streams: one reflects the process of formal concept lattice generation from domain conceptual model, and the another one reflects the process of formal concept lattice generation from the domain documentation. It is expected that similarity between those concept lattices reflects similarity between documentation and conceptual model.In addition to this process of documentation formal verification the set of natural language processing artifacts are created. Those artifacts then can be used for the development of information systems natural language interfaces. To demonstrate it, an experiment for the concepts identification form natural language queries is provided at the end of this paper. keywords Information systems engineering, formal concept analysis, IS documents self-organization, natural language processing.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Laukaitis A. and Vasilecas O. (2009). Formal verification of documentation by means of self-organizing map . In - ENASE, ISBN , pages 0-0

in Bibtex Style

author={Algirdas Laukaitis and Olegas Vasilecas},
title={Formal verification of documentation by means of self-organizing map},
booktitle={ - ENASE,},

in EndNote Style

TI - Formal verification of documentation by means of self-organizing map
SN -
AU - Laukaitis A.
AU - Vasilecas O.
PY - 2009
SP - 0
EP - 0
DO -