PROBLEM AND ALGORITHM FINE-TUNING - A Case of Study using Bridge Club and Simulated Annealing
Nelson Rangel-Valdez, Jose Torres-Jimenez, Josue Bracho-Rios, Pedro Quiz-Ramos
Sometimes, it is difficult to cope with a good set of values for the parameters of an algorithm that solves an specific optimization problem. This work presents a methodology for fine-tuning the parameters of a Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm solving the Bridge Club (BC) problem. The methodology uses Covering Arrays as a tool that evaluates a set of values for the parameters of the SA so that it achieves its best performance when solving BC. The results in the experiments performed show that, using this methodology, the SA reached the optimal solution of the BC problem with a relatively small number of evaluations, in comparison with other strategies that solves BC.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Rangel-Valdez N., Torres-Jimenez J., Bracho-Rios J. and Quiz-Ramos P. (2009). PROBLEM AND ALGORITHM FINE-TUNING - A Case of Study using Bridge Club and Simulated Annealing . In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence - Volume 1: ICEC, (IJCCI 2009) ISBN 978-989-674-014-6, pages 302-305. DOI: 10.5220/0002321303020305
in Bibtex Style
author={Nelson Rangel-Valdez and Jose Torres-Jimenez and Josue Bracho-Rios and Pedro Quiz-Ramos},
title={PROBLEM AND ALGORITHM FINE-TUNING - A Case of Study using Bridge Club and Simulated Annealing},
booktitle={Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence - Volume 1: ICEC, (IJCCI 2009)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence - Volume 1: ICEC, (IJCCI 2009)
TI - PROBLEM AND ALGORITHM FINE-TUNING - A Case of Study using Bridge Club and Simulated Annealing
SN - 978-989-674-014-6
AU - Rangel-Valdez N.
AU - Torres-Jimenez J.
AU - Bracho-Rios J.
AU - Quiz-Ramos P.
PY - 2009
SP - 302
EP - 305
DO - 10.5220/0002321303020305