Sousso Kelouwani, Patrice Boucher, Paul Cohen
Various situations of mobile platform navigation controls require a collaboration between a human agent and autonomous navigation modules. This work presents a new approach for collaborative control between such two agents, based upon a three-layer architecture. An arbitration scheme is proposed in the deliberative layer as well as a collaborative planning method for trajectory following based upon optimal control theory in the sequencer layer. The collaborative control signal in the execution layer is a weighted summation of each agent control signal. This collaborative architecture could be used for the shared control of vehicles such as motorized wheelchairs. Experimental results illustrate the efficiency of the proposed control architecture.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Kelouwani S., Boucher P. and Cohen P. (2010). ARCHITECTURE FOR HUMAN-ROBOT COLLABORATIVE NAVIGATION . In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics - Volume 1: HEALTHINF, (BIOSTEC 2010) ISBN 978-989-674-016-0, pages 316-323. DOI: 10.5220/0002745403160323
in Bibtex Style
author={Sousso Kelouwani and Patrice Boucher and Paul Cohen},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics - Volume 1: HEALTHINF, (BIOSTEC 2010)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Health Informatics - Volume 1: HEALTHINF, (BIOSTEC 2010)
SN - 978-989-674-016-0
AU - Kelouwani S.
AU - Boucher P.
AU - Cohen P.
PY - 2010
SP - 316
EP - 323
DO - 10.5220/0002745403160323