Anna M. Gil-Lafuente, Luciano Barcellos Paula



According to numerous scientific studies one of the most important points in the area of sustainability in business is related to dialogue with stakeholders. Based on the Theory of Stakeholder try to analyze corporate sustainability and the process of elaboration a business report prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the guide G3 - Global Reporting Initiative. With the completion of an empirical study seeks to understand the expectations of stakeholders regarding the implementation of the contents of the sustainability report. To achieve the proposed aim we use “The Expertons Method” algorithm that allows the aggregation of opinions of various experts on the subject and represents an important extension of fuzzy subsets for aggregation processes. At the end of our study, we present the results of using this algorithm, the contributions and future research.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Gil-Lafuente A. and Barcellos Paula L. (2010). THE EXPERTONS METHOD APPLIED IN THE DIALOGUE WITH STAKEHOLDERS . In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU, ISBN 978-989-674-023-8, pages 402-406. DOI: 10.5220/0002777104020406

in Bibtex Style

author={Anna M. Gil-Lafuente and Luciano Barcellos Paula},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU,},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 1: CSEDU,
SN - 978-989-674-023-8
AU - Gil-Lafuente A.
AU - Barcellos Paula L.
PY - 2010
SP - 402
EP - 406
DO - 10.5220/0002777104020406