COMPUTING FOR GREEN MACHINING - Recent Results and Research Perspectives
Paul Xirouchakis, Oliver Avram
We present our vision of research for the development of green machine tools focused on information technology issues. We present first what are the characteristics of a green machine tool, its life cycle aspects and the related environmental considerations. We proceed afterwards with needed research in the area of modeling, optimization and associated planning, controlling and scheduling software tools at the process, process planning, machine tool life cycle, factory and manufacturing network level. Finally we present some of our recent advances related to energy consumption modeling in milling.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Xirouchakis P. and Avram O. (2010). COMPUTING FOR GREEN MACHINING - Recent Results and Research Perspectives . In Proceedings of the Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT - Volume 1: ICGREEN, (INNOV 2010) ISBN 978-989-8425-15-7, pages 25-31. DOI: 10.5220/0002960600250031
in Bibtex Style
author={Paul Xirouchakis and Oliver Avram},
title={COMPUTING FOR GREEN MACHINING - Recent Results and Research Perspectives},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT - Volume 1: ICGREEN, (INNOV 2010)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT - Volume 1: ICGREEN, (INNOV 2010)
TI - COMPUTING FOR GREEN MACHINING - Recent Results and Research Perspectives
SN - 978-989-8425-15-7
AU - Xirouchakis P.
AU - Avram O.
PY - 2010
SP - 25
EP - 31
DO - 10.5220/0002960600250031