A Novel Approach to Quantifying the Influence of Software Process on Project Performance

Jia-kuan Ma, Xiao-fan Tong, Ya-sha Wang, Gang Li



Determining the appropriate process to be used is a key ingredient of project management. To this end, understanding the influence of activities on the project performance can facilitate the project management. However, quantifying such a relationship via traditional Multiple Linear Regression method tends to be challenging, for the amount of independent variables (activities in software process) is usually larger than the size of dataset. Aiming at such a problem, in this paper we propose a novel approach. By combing the Dantzig selector and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression method, our approach can derive the regression model in such challenging situations, which further set the theoretical stage for studying the quantitive influences of software process on project performance.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Ma J., Tong X., Wang Y. and Li G. (2011). A Novel Approach to Quantifying the Influence of Software Process on Project Performance . In Proceeding of the 1st International Workshop on Evidential Assessment of Software Technologies - Volume 1: EAST, (ENASE 2011) ISBN 978-989-8425-58-4, pages 44-50

in Bibtex Style

author={Jia-kuan Ma and Xiao-fan Tong and Ya-sha Wang and Gang Li},
title={A Novel Approach to Quantifying the Influence of Software Process on Project Performance},
booktitle={Proceeding of the 1st International Workshop on Evidential Assessment of Software Technologies - Volume 1: EAST, (ENASE 2011)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceeding of the 1st International Workshop on Evidential Assessment of Software Technologies - Volume 1: EAST, (ENASE 2011)
TI - A Novel Approach to Quantifying the Influence of Software Process on Project Performance
SN - 978-989-8425-58-4
AU - Ma J.
AU - Tong X.
AU - Wang Y.
AU - Li G.
PY - 2011
SP - 44
EP - 50
DO -